I Hate Jill Zarin Jill Zarin and her Blog Jill Zarin on HGTV’s My Favorite Place

I Hate Jill Zarin  The Blog Comments

I got the best gift today, an email from a reader, Sue from New York, she was kind enough to send me this brilliant post!  As most of you know on Friday  Bravo posted the viewer comments in response to Jill Zarin’s BravoTV.com blog, then they deleted them all and replaced them with the three or four of the most positive ones that they could find…BUT, Sue from New York was able to copy and paste them before Bravo had a chance to delete them….   There were dozens!!!

These are unedited (by me anyway) and are not all my friends and relatives LOL  These are viewers just like we are who feel the same way as we do, as millions of others do…

Enjoy the comments:

ugh. you’re gross.

Submitted by jonny.x on July 1, 2011.


you’re gross.


Submitted by NYC Professor on July 1, 2011.

OH REALLY MRS BULLY??? Jill you are a shrew and a sham. If attention is not on you, you cry and say you are being bullyed yet you mean tweet your co workers every chance you get. You were fine SEason 1 then you thought you were the star of the show and started bullying everyone. I’m hoping Bravo gets some sense and kicks you and LUMann off the show, boring!!!!! Kelly is demented and that’s the kind of pathetic person you enjoy! You are a mean girl, Jill Zarin and you will never change, how pathetic is that!

Submitted by Meliss AA on July 1, 2011.

You and LuAnn are mean you think you come off as assertive and confident when you both actually come off as mean and snobby..Just my observation.

I would NEVER follow, talk

Submitted by shellyincincy on July 1, 2011.

I would NEVER follow, talk to, invite to my house, be hosted by or communicate with someone who threatened another castmate. We need to leave the drama on the show and support each other to the outside world.

This was YOUR quote Jill. Didn’t you put the poll about whether Ramona is a hypocrite on your site? Such support!

Submitted by visitor1023 on July 1, 2011.

Jill you are looking like a phony. You always say your side of the story making yourself look like a victim. You’re smart so you know how to use words to your advantage. However you are not a true friend. I’m tired of your lies.

Submitted by LFTxDal on July 1, 2011.

You and the other 2 losers need to get a HOBBY!!!!!!!!!!! Team Blonde!!!!!!!

Submitted by Inigo on July 1, 2011.

My goodness, where is Susan Saunders when you need her?!?

Submitted by Anatole’s Girl on July 1, 2011.

There is something very tragic about your take on adult things. If I close my eyes I’d swear you were a middle school girl. I teach math to that age group and I know.

Submitted by CalleyCreed on July 1, 2011.

Reality STAR? Says whom and is that really an accomplishment your proud of?

Submitted by TOTALLY AMUSED on July 1, 2011.

WOW, really? You have said a lot of negative about your castmates and screenshots have been taken before you had a chance to delete them. In the words of Bethany… GET A HOBBY!! Oh wait.. you have one.. you buy twitter followers. I used to be one of your biggest fans in season 1 and 2, but now? WHO ARE YOU?

Submitted by NYC EXEC on July 1, 2011.

You’ve made a career out of whining. How lucky are you that Bravo was seeking delusional, spoiled mean girls to fill their RHONY slots.

Submitted by decodiva on July 1, 2011.

Oh come on- your act is getting old. You are the bully and it is getting a bit pathetic. If your life is so wonderful why are you so threatened by absolutely everyone. You are the worst kind of bully- one who is very hard to defend against because you have a very short memory and love to be the victim. Please Jill-
grow up!

Submitted by Ebrowder on July 1, 2011.

BULLYING is being used in the WRONG CONTEXT. Please learn what it is before you accuse others of it.

Interesting thing though: for YEARS…people have suspected that you or people who pay put comments on your castmates blogs/twitters/facebooks..FUNNY..you are NOW accusing others of that. I see through the charade and I am not the only one.

Submitted by Ricksgrl on July 1, 2011.

Your housewives career began deterioration after you stopped being friends with real people like Bethanny, sorry but it’s true and you know it. for your own sake leave the show.

Submitted by sowatcher on July 1, 2011.

You are such a bully on facebook and twitter and Simon never has been. He may answer your outrageous claims or your bullying, but he has never bullied you. He only tried to help Kelly. You can’t turn this around, Jill. You have ruined the show last season and this one. So sad.

Submitted by Seattle Girl on July 1, 2011.

This is addressed to all the ladies…..I love how you blast Alex for the sin of “social climbing”. Excuse me, but isn’t that what ALL of you have been doing? Everyone of you run from event to event to BE SEEN, PHOTOGRAPHED and to BE WRITTEN UP. Have you forgotten where you came from…who you started life as….especially you countess. Just because you attend “events and have money, doesn’t make you important…or classy.

I have more respect for the school teacher who spends her days trying to get through to street smart kids and then goes home to take care of her family. This is the person with “CLASS”…real class, not the kind you throw at us every week on TV. I actually feel kind of sorry for you all, you expend so much energy trying to prove how special you are.

Submitted by cthousewife on July 1, 2011.

You could not have titled your blog better. That is exactly how I feel about this entire season, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I truly feel that everyone has crossed the line and it just isn’t fun to watch anymore. Your argument with Ramotional in Morocco felt as if you both were auditioning for a soap opera. Kelly spent this season trying to change her image, until her lunch with Alex. We once again saw the Scary Island Kelly. Luann is above everyone, so she thinks. It pains me to watch Cindy with her children. Alex and Simon are only looking for more screen time. Sonja is just plain kooky. Again, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Submitted by santa monica mom on July 1, 2011.

Jill…you do NOT do anything that the other housewives have done or do now. Each housewife has said or done something mean and hurtful to another or by way of the confessional camera interview (knowing it will be viewed). More importantly, it’s cowardly but easy for people/viewers that are haters to post hurtful and mean things, when they hide behind a post on a blog. I think you have been doing a great job trying to improve. It’s a humbling experience. When my daughter was in a nationally well known dance company, her co director complained that she stayed away from the group of girls. When asked why, my daughter told her she couldn’t stand listening to how these girls gossiped and made fun of all other dancers…in same co or other dance co. Now in college…and a sorority, it’s the same thing. When she overheard their mean gossip at a meeting, she interrupted asking the haters if they ever talked to the subject of their hate…no. Intolerance and hate is not what we want to teach our children.

Submitted by Awesometowatchd… on July 1, 2011.

It seems like people such as yourselves like to go on reality shows to create a persona. That you have but unfortunately, I don’t believe it’s the one you intended. You started as comforting den mother and have turned into backbiting, drama stirring, cliquey and pathetic. To watch you lacerate Bethenny was all it took to see your true character but now you are just pouring gasoline on the fire with your antics.

Submitted by Catherine65 on July 1, 2011.

As you say all the time just cause you say it doesn’t make it true. YOu continue to act like you are a victim. You and only you have caused your problems. You lie you stir up trouble and then get offended when called out on it. Leave Ramona, SImon and Alex alone.

Submitted by cutie pie on July 1, 2011.

You are a World Class Liar.

Submitted by Catherina on July 1, 2011.

Jill you should be nicer and maybe those around you wouldn’t have negative things to say about you.ou have to take some accountability in these damaged relationships your acquire each season. (Bethanny,Ramona, Alex, and now Simon)

Submitted by Bella0115 on July 1, 2011.

Jill – you are AWFUL!! It amazes me how you feel you can call other people out when you have about 10 faces! You are crazy! When you were in Morocco and you stated under your breath and I paraphrase “my circle knows about Mario cheating on Ramona” – that is when I started to see your true colors…You are the most wicked, evil, disgusting, dirty human being on TV. I would love for Bravo to fire you, but I know they won’t because your antics make people crazy. My god – there’s a major website – I HATE JILL ZARIN – all for you (your welcome lynnnchicago 🙂 ) Love that website, hate you Jill Zarin – you witch! Hmmm…did I just bully the meanest one of all? YAY Blondes :))!

Submitted by Viewer autumn on July 1, 2011.

Jill you are fabulous! Thank you for showing us glimpses of your life. Forget the haters!

Submitted by Palic on July 1, 2011.

Do you realize the damage you, Kelly, & LuAnn do for real people out there that are TRUELY being bullied? You make bulling into a frivolous catty fad and it detracts from as SERIOUS issue that has cost people their lives. The three of you are mean to others and expect no one to stand up for themselves. GROW UP!
Message for BRAVO:

Submitted by StarStruckJillZarin on July 1, 2011.

Stop Stalking celebrities Jill it’s annoying.
Jill what about the message you had on face book and deleted when Cindy said if she wanted something published she would do it her self? You know what I’m talking about, you said Cindy’s friend Carol wanted it posted and Cindy sent it you. Then a viewer asked Cindy why she would do that, then C said if she wanted something posted she would do it her self. Then you took the post down because you got busted in a BOLD FACE LIE>! You are forgetting, Simon defended you, YOU MORON. When the that person said “why would you be nice to Jill, you forget that Simon stood up to that person and said “why wouldn’t I not be, the past is the past” Also, Simon asked the person who took over Kelly’s old twitter name to please not do it” While you morons say all Simon do is tweet all day, On Kelly’s new account, she has 2000 more tweets than Simon does. That don’t count all her crazy tweets from her new account. Old tweets don’t carry over. She opened up a new account. He tried to tell her not to, then look what happened someone took her old name. I know how to look up all old tweets. I am making a twitter account with all your deleted tweets. You make us sick, we wish you just go away. It’s a shame i hate to admit that I likes you season one. every season you get worse and worse. Simon asked you nicely to meet with im, you even said “how do I say no to this” You’re a liar.

Submitted by Riley’s Mom on July 1, 2011.

Why does everyone feel the need to be connected to these tweeters and Facebook “friends”??? Turn it/them off. Indifference is the best form of revenge. They’ll move on.

Submitted by jennifersays on July 1, 2011.

Jill, I have really tried to like you, and underneath it all think you can be a really nice, smart woman. but be real…..SImon is a creep and really strange…no doubt about….but you need to read what YOU post about others as well!

Submitted by Cyndie From VA on July 1, 2011.

Jill, your true colors have come out and they are not pretty!
YOU are a bully, and you are hiding behind the anti-bulling label.

Get over your self. You and Luann need to get some serious eye opening opinions about your selves since you only see yourselves as untoughable.

Thank GOD Bethany has moved on and is doing so well without you!

Submitted by Greg Roberts on July 1, 2011.

B-O-R-I-N-G… you must be desperate to focus on Simon cyber bullying you. You have been spending 2 much time with Kelly. People living in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. We know that you have sent negative tweets about the other Housewives. You know how to dish it, but you can’t take it. This show is over and hope that Bravo fires all the housewives, because it is dull. You have attacked Simon and Alex’s kids, but can’t say the same for Alex. Has Alex ever attacked Bobby? No. Has she ever attacked Ally? No. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are on a reality show; not curing Cancer. Get over yourself already.

Submitted by CaptainMurphy on July 1, 2011.

“Countless Lucifer” LMAO!

Submitted by I’ll Show your … on July 1, 2011.

Jill what about the message you had on face book and deleted when Cindy said if she wanted something published she would do it her self? You know what I’m talking about, you said Cindy’s friend Carol wanted it posted and Cindy sent it you. Then a viewer asked Cindy why she would do that, then C said if she wanted something posted she would do it her self. Then you took the post down because you got busted in a BOLD FACE LIE>! You are forgetting, Simon defended you, YOU MORON. When the that person said “why would you be nice to Jill, you forget that Simon stood up to that person and said “why wouldn’t I not be, the past is the past” Also, Simon asked the person who took over Kelly’s old twitter name to please not do it” While you morons say all Simon do is tweet all day, On Kelly’s new account, she has 2000 more tweets than Simon does. That don’t count all her crazy tweets from her new account. Old tweets don’t carry over. She opened up a new account. He tried to tell her not to, then look what happened someone took her old name. I know how to look up all old tweets. I am making a twitter account with all your deleted tweets. You make us sick, we wish you just go away. It’s a shame i hate to admit that I likes you season one. every season you get worse and worse. Simon asked you nicely to meet with im, you even said “how do I say no to this” You’re a liar.

Submitted by BG-in-NJ on July 1, 2011.


I love the way you dealt with Ramona. Take a cue from Ramona’s standard line of, “I’m sorry you feel that way”, and move on.

I also love the way you shut down Simon and his nonsense.
Your friend Luann was correct when she stated the “relevance” of the Silex drama mongering.

I am glad you chose to take no part in it. It’s really sad to think Simon has sunk so low as to make his place as a hate-tweeter (since he apparently doesn’t have any other place to be).

Submitted by st augustine viewer on July 1, 2011.

My sister is going through problems with her in-laws and she wanted to confront one of them. I told her that she was beginning to act like Jill Zarin and she IMMEDIATELY changed her tack. You are no role model.

You and your cohorts need to get hobbies other than talking about Silex and Ramona.

Submitted by ecovano on July 1, 2011.

Jill, you are great and don’t listen to all the nonsense! You are they type of person that is generously there for her friends. The fact is that Simon is bullying you and anyone that doesn’t recognize it, is a bystander. And come on, those that accuse you of speaking badly about others… that is the make up of Ramona and Alex!

Submitted by Truth needs to … on July 1, 2011.

Jill what about the message you had on face book and deleted when Cindy said if she wanted something published she would do it her self? You know what I’m talking about, you said Cindy’s friend Carol wanted it posted and Cindy sent it you. Then a viewer asked Cindy why she would do that, then C said if she wanted something posted she would do it her self. Then you took the post down because you got busted in a BOLD FACE LIE>! You are forgetting, Simon defended you, YOU MORON. When the that person said “why would you be nice to Jill, you forget that Simon stood up to that person and said “why wouldn’t I not be, the past is the past” Also, Simon asked the person who took over Kelly’s old twitter name to please not do it” While you morons say all Simon do is tweet all day, On Kelly’s new account, she has 2000 more tweets than Simon does. That don’t count all her crazy tweets from her new account. Old tweets don’t carry over. She opened up a new account. He tried to tell her not to, then look what happened someone took her old name. I know how to look up all old tweets. I am making a twitter account with all your deleted tweets. You make us sick, we wish you just go away. It’s a shame i hate to admit that I likes you season one. every season you get worse and worse. Simon asked you nicely to meet with im, you even said “how do I say no to this” You’re a liar.

Submitted by katecj on July 1, 2011.

WOW – I am so tired of hearing grown women talk about bullying and using the word incorrectly to benefit them. How are you bullied when you can strike back with your own venom? You threw yourself into this, that is not bullying. I think you are smart enough to know that reality fame has positive and negative feedback so put on your big girl panties (I’ll advertise Sqweez here) and deal with it! Those who are bullied are not asking for it. They don’t put themselves out there to be bullied.
Please, I beg of all of you (Kelly, you especially), stop making light of a serious topic. Anyone who has truly been bullied can tell you what you have experienced is not bullying. Hurtful, yes, but face it, you signed up for that.
Finally, advice from Kelly? Really? I know you are smarter than that!

Submitted by Kim Hinnkle on July 1, 2011.

Victim act at it again. This seems to be your core personalitly along with JEALOUS and big mouth gossip!!!

Submitted by Lara Saikali on July 1, 2011.


Your Fabulous! dont let that stupid idiot weirdo social climber cyber bully you, and for those of you that think Jill is Pure Evil?!?!? you clearly need to look that up in the dictionary before using it, Saddam Hussein was Evil not Jill Zarin!shes anything but that! get it together haters! anyway I know we all get put on the spot and make decisions that we dont think about! what Simon did was weird and when he said to you watch out that was an indicator he was doing something wrong and was mad because he got caught! and you know what you people get so mad when she tweets honest truthful facts about the rest of the cast mates, Have you people seen what the other cast mates say about EACH OTHER! Jills not the only one that does that! THEY ALL DO AND NEWS FLASH! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS A REALITY STAR THEY ALL CALL THEMSELVES THAT! You know what im glad Kelly and LuAnn wer being the voice of reasons with you because that was a little weird Simon would try to have a lunch date with Jill ALONE! honestly Bobby wouldn’t approve! Keep your head up girl! your real,funny, and I would like to buy your skweez line! is it gonna be available at Macys? lol love ya! muah muah muah!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox :]

Submitted by MRM1978 on July 1, 2011.

You’re so negative, I can barely stand to watch you or read these blogs anymore. Simon came to ask you to sit down and hash things out, and you were fine with it until Kelly chimed in saying it was “weird”. Please be your own person. I’ve followed Simon from the beginning on Twitter and while he’s retweeted some things that OTHER people has said sometimes, he has never “mean tweeted” you. How old are you? If you don’t like it, don’t follow him on Twitter. Or better yet, DELETE your Twitter! If all of this stuff is impacting your life negatively, you know how to change it.

You went from one of my favorites to my absolute least favorite. I wish you’d just move on. As I said in my first line, you’re just so negative.

Submitted by Mary87 on July 1, 2011.

I think the craziness of Kelly has spread to you and LuAnn!! You three are NUTS and DELUSIONAL!!!!!

YOU ARE NOT A “STAR” OF ANYTHING!!!!!! Never mind a reality Star! HA HA HA

In your dreams!! I think this show has gone in your head!! You really believe all the crap that Kelly and LuAnn tell you.

Submitted by SUNI3 on July 1, 2011.

Jill, I completely agree with you. If Simon was being real he wouldn’t have waited for the camera to be running to talk to you. The show is “Real Housewives”, not “Simon’s World.” There is no excuse for Simon’s behavior. I’m also shocked at some of the vile remarks made here to and about you. Just wondering if these same people would say that to your face? Maybe some of them do when using their “real” names. Everyone needs to grow up.

Submitted by Grow UP JILL ! on July 1, 2011.

Jill what about the message you had on face book and deleted when Cindy said if she wanted something published she would do it her self? You know what I’m talking about, you said Cindy’s friend Carol wanted it posted and Cindy sent it you. Then a viewer asked Cindy why she would do that, then C said if she wanted something posted she would do it her self. Then you took the post down because you got busted in a BOLD FACE LIE>! You are forgetting, Simon defended you, YOU MORON. When the that person said “why would you be nice to Jill, you forget that Simon stood up to that person and said “why wouldn’t I not be, the past is the past” Also, Simon asked the person who took over Kelly’s old twitter name to please not do it” While you morons say all Simon do is tweet all day, On Kelly’s new account, she has 2000 more tweets than Simon does. That don’t count all her crazy tweets from her new account. Old tweets don’t carry over. She opened up a new account. He tried to tell her not to, then look what happened someone took her old name. I know how to look up all old tweets. I am making a twitter account with all your deleted tweets. You make us sick, we wish you just go away. It’s a shame i hate to admit that I likes you season one. every season you get worse and worse. Simon asked you nicely to meet with im, you even said “how do I say no to this” You’re a liar.

Submitted by jelliebean on July 1, 2011.

Wow some of the comments here prove Jill is absolutely right. The level of hate is frightening. It’s kinda sad that people are so invested in a reality TV show.

Submitted by Atena on July 1, 2011.

Someone said Bethenny kep you in check and that’s probably why you were likalble when you were friends. Nutkelly and Lulucas enable your delusions; why not, the more the merrier.

Submitted by snjhousewife on July 1, 2011.

Jill are you serious?? Do you not look at your own tweets and comments? You are a cyber bully more then anyone else on the show!! I love how you play innocent when you put polls out there like you did the other day then conveniently deleted. Lets be honest, you were not cyber bullied by Simon…I read that other blog and all housewives are called out on it, and Simon was met at a book signing and was fairly neutral. Simon standing up when Kelly changed her tweeter handle, was helpful…but now all of a sudden that was cyber bullying too?? You really need a dose of reality Jill. People who are nasty, mean, and talk about others the way you do have no business telling anyone else that they are cyber bullies…when you are the ultimate housewife cyber bully!

Submitted by benz girl on July 1, 2011.

I love Lynn in Chicago. She is very accurate in her depiction of you and the Countless Lucifer.

Submitted by RHONM on July 1, 2011.

Can you just be nice? Ever?

Submitted by Viewer12345 on July 1, 2011.

Crybaby . . . Victim . . . Bully . . . Meanest of Mean Girls . . . Unchanged . . . Rude . . . Narcicist. . . Fake . . . Liar . . . Toxic . . .

Submitted by DebiMac on July 1, 2011.

What a cry baby you are… You and your rude side kicks are the real bully’s here. Shame on you!!!!! You can’t compete with Bethany! I bet her success really sticks in your craw! And the best part you are naval lint to her. I love it!

Submitted by Kim Hinnkle on July 1, 2011.

Really Jill?? Get over yourself!!! Trust me you are not important to any one but your family!! O…so jealous!!!

Submitted by VirginiaJoy on July 1, 2011.

This whole “thing” is very sad and childish. Please stop playing the sympathy card as if that will gain you support and restore your image. It’s all so pathetic and disturbing. Any explanation that you give is not plausible. No matter how manytimes you use the word “cyber bullying”. Grow up and act like an adult!!!

Submitted by Maggie5 on July 1, 2011.

You diminish the pain of people who are ACTUALLY BEING BULLIED when you throw around a term like “cyber bullying” about someone with whom you have a disagreement. It’s entirely different than being bullied.

If you have a problem with people being honest with you (to the point that you take a page out of Kelly’s book and call it bullying), then I suggest you get off reality television and stop engaging with the public.

Submitted by BBAnnei on July 1, 2011.

Ever heard of resigned effective immediately which is the nice way that companies rid themselves of employees while they pay them handsomely to not say bad things about the company. Oh wait, I guess you would have to have had a real job to understand this…

Submitted by Viv on July 1, 2011.

Simlex will only destroy themselves. No one else. How disappointing.

In the beginning of the show, they seemed more cool & collected.

What happened ??

Submitted by Mveeluz on July 1, 2011.

Jill, you should have not really tried to be Friends with Alex and Simon outside of the show. I really get why LuAnn is ‘dismissive’ with Alex and just cordial around them during filming. A lot of viewers think she is ‘pretentious’ but I see that she really is merely being social and classy. If that was me, I would just completely not include them in any of my social gatherings.
Everybody sees through the smoke screen of them social climbing and promoting moeymaking income simply becoz the couple really were nobodys before RHONY.
Why keep socializing with trash like that? You surround yourself with ‘good’ intent people. Good luck. Enough of trying so hard to explain yourself/action and commenting about ‘them’–it just gets twisted and used against you by haters to make you look bad. Viewers that are in your level sees the real picture anyways. If you STOP making comments about them, then they don’t count, right?

Submitted by 4JUDE on July 1, 2011.


Submitted by Nancy H on July 1, 2011.

I think it is so funny that all normal people see you for what you are-a bully!!!!! You are a joke and with friends like you who needs enemies. Grow up and take that nut job Kelly with you.

Submitted by mjude on July 1, 2011.

you are so hateful & viewers can see it. very sad.

Submitted by Mary from NJ on July 1, 2011.

I thought you really would have learned a lesson dear. You are making the same exact mistake again.

Submitted by Anne W. on July 1, 2011.

You have gone over the edge with this. If someone is trying to explain their behaviour why shut them down? Your supposedly a grown woman, to say that you can’t have a meeting with a man is ludicrous. This drama is getting very stale.

Submitted by JoanD on July 1, 2011.

This show has gone to your head. Season 1; I actually liked you. Now, I can barely watch you; and NO this is not a threat and NO I’m not bullying you. Can you please stop being such a DRAMA queen! You are too old to require so much attention. You can dish it out but you can’t be on the receiving end; otherwise you feel threaten and victimized; it’s exhausting!

Submitted by jml on July 1, 2011.

You are a nutbag lying hypocrite. Go away. Save yourself please. How you could ever have the nerve to criticize anyone given the Amazon debacle you created. Embarrassing!!!

Submitted by Margie Caballero on July 1, 2011.

Jill, whether it’s on the internet or on a talk show – talking negatively about someone is inappropriate. It shows no class and it shows how immature one can be. Oh and btw, I am talking about you! Remember your “Ramona tirade” on Andy WWHL recently? You had snide comment and snide comment that night about her. Grow up, Jill. If you stop the bashing and hate talk, then others sure are to follow your example. You are giving others so much material with your behavior and words on and of the show.

Submitted by Gd on July 1, 2011.


I support your blog. LuAnn and Kelly have your best interests.

Don’t listen to all the negative blogs that probably were written by Alex and Ramona under fake names.

Submitted by trixielandis on July 1, 2011.

Are you blackmailing Andy? Is that why Ramona & Alex are made to look bad by you? The only cyber bullying was done by you-you get people kicked off facebook for disagreeing with you, you delete all your nasty tweets about cast members, you are the bully Jill. You a spiteful person. Team blonde all the way!

Submitted by Eclectic viewer on July 1, 2011.

The title of your blog says it all, “Enough is Enough”!!!

Since you provided no support to show Simon’s meanness, I looked for them myself. Can’t find them. Found yours however. No wonder Alex doesn’t trust you. No wonder Betheny cut you out of her life.

Hope you find some true happiness and fulfillment so you don’t have to keep putting people down.

Submitted by mindella on July 1, 2011.

You truly are an awful human being!! YOU are the one being the bully!! STFU!!!

Submitted by KatBud on July 1, 2011.

Jill, You were right. I would NEVER have lunch with myu friends husband. NEVER without her.

Submitted by Over to OC on July 1, 2011.

Will someone please remind Jill about the fake Amazon accounts she set up to bully reviewers of her book?? I mean does she think she’s untouchable.

I know the reunion has already aired and I’m sure Jill will leave unscathed but if I had just one wish is that there was a ‘call Jill out on her Bull’ segment of the reunion.

Submitted by Kimberley on July 1, 2011.

Mrs Zarin,
It’s quite a shame that you let others speak for you. The countess always defends you to the point of creating the worst possible drama. You, LuAnn & Kelly gang up on the other housewives and you then cry “BULLY”. It seems that your high school mean streak hasn’t left you at all this season, it’s only gotten worse. Shame, I used to be such a fan of yours. Now, I realize that each of us has problems, I just choose to solve those problems like an adult. I talk with the person I have a problem with. I don’t ask ALL my friends to solve my problems for me. Look at your situation with Bethany. Had you not caused that yourself, things would have been different. You stated, “I’m done!” If my friend said that to me, I would take that and know that she meant it. I thought you were such a mean person for crying fowl when Bethany tried to “make-up” with you and you slammed that door in her face.

I sincerely hope things can change on this show for the better, it’s getting very upsetting to constantly watch BRAVO TV’s “BULLIES” (Jill, Kelly & LuAnn) constantly go after Alex, Simon and anyone you deem to be beneath you.


Submitted by A SOLDIERS MOM on July 1, 2011.

Jill, your ugly and mean and I wish you’d just go away!

Submitted by Snerk on July 1, 2011.

Jeez, again you have no self awareness. You, Kelly & Lulu have been bullying all season.

Submitted by frankswif3y on July 1, 2011.

ScotinTexas-I completely agree. Have you seen her twitter timeline lately? All she does is talk about her castmates and retweet negative things people say. She’s awful. Bravo needs to get rid of the brunettes. #teamblondes

Submitted by justafan on July 1, 2011.

Jill, Just keep doing what you are doing. Simon is a nut, maybe jealous? Who knows…all I know is that you are great, no need to explain your actions. Simon needs to expalin his. Just what does he do anyway??? Just asking…

Submitted by dkerntx1 on July 1, 2011.


Sometimes I think you are just pure evil! Why would you even listen to Crazy Kelly? Simon was not aggressive in approaching you for a meeting. If you are the strong, confidant woman you say you are, and I know your husband is confident, why would you try and pull the “1950’s, I can’t meet you, I am married” line. Cmon, Jill we know you have more balls than that. You are ridiculous and you try to stir up crap and you really do feed on other peoples misery. Keep your big nose out of Sonja’s financial business. Your intention was not to help her but to find out more dirt so you can tell everyone!
Your actions alone make me want to mean tweet about you!

Get a life of your own! I hope your whole Skweez biz fails miserably because that is what you deserve!

Submitted by Inigo on July 1, 2011.

You are a reality “STAR”??? You need to get over yourself.

Submitted by kellybelly on July 1, 2011.

You are great Jill!

Submitted by MYDAUGHTERMADEM… on July 1, 2011.

OMG. SHUT UP!!!! Your five towns voice is enough to give someone hives. You’re a spoiled ridiculous person. You’re in way over your head in this city with people who actually have brains. I really can’t say anything constructive or useful because you’re such a vile idiot. FYI, it’s BRAVO, not BWAVO. Maybe you should work on that a little bit.

Submitted by neverhaveposted on July 1, 2011.


Please seek help or don’t bother to venture out of your protected Bawbee circle.

You are a menace to productive and sincere society.


Submitted by ViewerEKS on July 1, 2011.

“We need to leave the drama on the show and support each other to the outside world. ”

Is this what you are thinking when you tweet negative things about the other castmates. Grow up! You really are a despicable person.

Submitted by MrsLappe on July 1, 2011.

Oh, Jill, for crying out loud. You are the biggest cry-baby, attention-seeking, drama queen there is.

Submitted by BarbTX on July 1, 2011.

You should learn to think for yourself. You were fine meeting with Simon until Kelly told you what you should do and like a little lamb, you followed orders. Then Amazon Queen LuAnn has to jump in and give her 2 cents. Are you that stupid that you don’t see what LuAnn is doing? Have you not noticed how she jumps between you and anyone you are having issues with? She is a major bully and yet you call Simon a bully when your best friend is the worst!

Submitted by Not a fan on July 1, 2011.

You are the most obnoxious Housewife — blond or brunette!! You seem to know everything about everything. You are trying to bee cool — just as you were when you and Bethenny were friends — and it just does not work for you. Stop crying wolf about people being mean to you. No one could be as mean to you as you are to them! Thug!

Submitted by frankswif3y on July 1, 2011.

Sorry Jill but your use of the word cyberbullying is insulting. Have you seen the tweets you have out there? The polls on your facebook page about Ramona? You are the only one who’s been spewing hate on twitter. Stop trying to fool the viewers with your victim act. Please!

Submitted by ScotInTexas on July 1, 2011.

You really need to stop making drama out of nothing. Simon has not been bullying or bad mouthing you on Twitter. You on the other hand will have a dig at him, Alex and Ramona every chance you get. Grow up, live in reality and then maybe you can have proper, real friendships with adults instead of those nasty small minded friends Countess De Lusional and LaLaLand Kelly.

Submitted by Mary87 on July 1, 2011.

Your are getting a nutty as Kelly! Grow Up!!!

What’s so wrong about a friend’s husband wanting to clear the air and ask you for lunch?

___________________________________________________end of comments

So why did Bravo delete all of these and replace them with some that were quite positive to Jill, as positive as they can be considering it’s tough to find anything nice to say about Zarin?  Did Jill threaten to call her attorney on Bravo…again?  I could see Andy Cohen’s phone blowing up with text messages and voice mail’s from Jill Zarin when all those comments above sat on Bravo’s web site.   Jill certainly runs the show over there.  Did some poor assistant over at Bravo lose their job for posting these comments?  Grow a pair Bravo and post a representative list of comments that reflect what the people are really saying!

This is the very reason I started this blog!  The frustration of taking the time to search out Bravo’s web site, choosing the show and finding the Housewives blogs, signing in, reading what the housewife had to say and taking the time to write a comment of my thoughts on the show about what the housewife had to say only to get a message saying my comment is being moderated.  Ok, I get they have to ensure there is no vulgarity or vile nasty disgusting comments but it seemed no matter what I said, positive or negative, it wasn’t being posted by Bravo’s people.  How frustrating!  It was frustrating enough for me to take up Terry Aley on his offer to guest blog and the rest is history.

Over the months I’ve written to Andy Cohen who claims he has nothing to do with the web site and doesn’t control the comments.  I’ve written to Bravo’s media / guest relations person, no response.  I’ve asked Simon if the comments that do not get posted are at least sent to the Housewife so that she can see ALL of the comments, not just the ones that Bravo posts, the answer was NO.  I suppose I was hoping that although Bravo refused to post them, at least the Housewife in question had an opportunity to read them.  Nope!

Comment Editing by Bravo!  Where Jill Zarin runs the network!


Jill Zarin appeared on HGTV last night, a show called My Favorite Place.  This is perfect for the selfish Jill Zarin, she shows people how fabulous her apartment is and what an amazing life she lives.  <gag me!>

Airing it for the first time during a holiday weekend basically gives off the impression that HGTV doesn’t care if you watch it or not.   Here is Quincy’s recap on the show:

My Favorite Place by Quincy IL

Jill Zarin was “pretty in pink” (which is a bold choice for a redhead) when she opened the door holding Ginger, her dog for the cameras of HGTV at her UES Apartment in Manhattan.  There was a photo of Jill and Bobby when they described the 2,000 sq. ft.  Mahattan condo that they share with Jill’s daughter Allison.
Jill described her living room and showed her L shaped couch that allows the whole family to lie down while watching a TV that rises from a custom cabinet. The camera watched Ginger dragging her stuff animal down the hallway.

Jill shows her carpet with circles and then shares that there is only a little bit of silk in the carpet from a store called Star because Ginger “wee wees” on the carpets and silk is damaged by “wee wee.” She reminds us that she loves the shiny glass like pop coffee tables that she picked out. She wanted pop because it is funny and cute. (She must have changed her mind about the pop tables because she did not like them when she first had them and shows us the renovation and she did not like them when Bethenny came for “Liberace Versace.”)

Jill has a special wall design which is 7 layers of paint with a fish scale appearance which she says is “long-lasting and durable.” (My dad was a builder.  How will you change that paint when you remodel?  Sand it off? Change the drywall? Use plaster and fill in the pattern? By the way, this is the same wall that they were painting in the show recently and it looked flat so someone found a way to get rid of the fish scales.)

Jill was worried about the lack of space so she used every tiny nook and cranny in the apartment.   She has a second seating area that is to the side and uses a rug to define the space. She sits and says that this is where we sit to talk.  Then Jill points to the other room and says the rugs separate the “congluis room.” (I swear she said “congluis,” but I don’t know what she is talking about. I goggled and looked in the dictionary.  It must be a special decorating term only known in NYC.)

We then go the famous round glass table in the dining room with the same chandelier that we saw years ago. (Bethenny thought Brad and Jill were lunatic for arguing where Jill should sit to be  at the head of a round table.) Sam and Sara are working on computers on top of the table.  (They were almost Stepford in their performance. They were looking at the computer afraid that they might miss a comment or tweet.) They do not stop working as Jill explains the cabinet over the radiator that also has a section for wine bottles.  (Don’t you have to have to monitor the temperature of good wines? I would think being in a cabinet with a radiator might be a problem.) On the other side of the cabinet is a small door for a tiny bit of storage.

The kitchen is the heart of Jill’s home and she recommends color over white. She carried her Tiffany blue into the kitchen and put up a bird painting and some collector plates on the walls.  Her doors had glass and she put wall paper on the top doors and kept the bottom doors a darker blue.

Jill’s favorite room is her bedroom and it has a spectacular view of the city.  It is her sanctuary.  Jill kept her ex- dining room Holly Hunter chandelier and put it in her bedroom. She uses Zarin fabrics for drapes and bedding (not her personal like of bedding from Bed Bath and Beyond) and dresses them with cords to make them look more custom.

On her side table is a bowl of roses and a photo of “the queen of the house” kissing ginger. Jill lies on the bed and thanks us for coming to her favorite place.

(Jill used “I” when describing the entire house which looks just like the house that Brad redecorated in Season Two of “The Real Housewives of New York City.” I was shocked that she never mentioned Brad once.  It was as if she had decorated the apartment.  That is not what we saw on “The Real Housewives of New York City.” We saw Brad surprising her left and right and we saw her complaining about everything and questioning his choices in the kitchen.  I don’t know what is up here.  Did she forget that she put this on TV?  I am very confused about Jill’s taking credit for this interior design and decorating. Either she lied to us in Season Two or she lied to us on this HGTV show. It’s another Jill Zarin incongruity.

I still can’t figure out what she meant by “congulis” and that bothers me.  Is it possible she meant “congruous?”  Either her accent is thick or she did not know the correct word to use.)

Thanks Quincy, there is a web site showing that this apartment was put on the market for sale in 2009 shortly after the redecorating (By Brad Boles) was featured on the show.  Jill says, in the article, that she realizes the market is bad but her fame is at an all time high and it’s a great time to sell for big bucks!  haha


Obviously it didn’t sell as Jill continues to live there, unless she sold it and made an arrangement to live there during filming…kidding!  Great Job Quincy!  Thanks for the recap!

A lot of peple around the internet are talking about the blog and Bullying and Jill, Kelly and Lulu,  They’re discussing Twitter and Facebook due to the recent scenes on RHONY, here’s what some are saying:



http://entertainment.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979540859  by Malene Soegaard  I admit I am new to Malene’s writing but she is clearly intelligent and so observant.  She’s been very supportive of us here at IHJZ but she’s objective too.  I’m a new fan.




This last link even includes a lot of Jill’s tweets proving that if anyone is a cyber-bully, it is Jill Zarin, not Simon VanKempen!  The brunettes call Simon a bully but can’t provide proof, yet so many have provided proof of Jill’s bullying!

Jill keeps saying how inappropriate it is for Simon to approach Jill saying that Bobby Zarin would never do that, yet last season Bobby did approach Alex and tried to interfere with the issues between Jill and Alex.  Alex told Bobby that it wasn’t appropriate for them to discuss it and she would take it up with Jill.  In this case, Simon felt he had issues with Jill and wanted to talk to her directly, what is so wrong with that?  Simon was going to hit her?  The whole thing was light and they were laughing and joking as they made a lunch date.

From Twitter:

Jillzarin said:   Make sure you visit @ZarinFabrics when you are in NYC. Here is all the information on @CityMaps tinyurl.com/42uhu4q

Jill’s right, What a great idea, I did it and you can do it too….Visit Zarin Fabrics if you’re ever in NYC!

Until Next Time…

About LynnNChicago

Reality TV Blogger
This entry was posted in Alex McCord, Andy Cohen, Bethenny Frankel, Cindy Barshop, I Hate Jill Zarin, Jill Zarin, Kelly Bensimon, Ramona Singer, Real Housewives, Real Housewives of New York, Sonja Morgan and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

651 Responses to I Hate Jill Zarin Jill Zarin and her Blog Jill Zarin on HGTV’s My Favorite Place

  1. Cheri says:

    I’m on a roll. Good morning everyone.

  2. quincyil says:

    I looked at the cyberbullying report above. It says this site is targeted against one person and has no other purpose. That is untrue.

    • They have another report posted about JZ being bullied that I believe is not consistent with the truth: http://cyberbullyingreport.com/bully/jill-zarins-address-posted-online-by-hate-mail-advocate-194.aspx

      I don’t want to give free advertising for something like this but it seems that this site could be used for good and maybe they just don’t realize their research was not complete?

      • Clearly Jill did not read Rule #6 when she submitted her name as a ‘victim.’


        5. Are you the subject of the report? If not your role in the dispute process is over. Please do not email us with personal stories regarding the subject(s) of the report(s) (ex: I have known subject X for y amount of years and he/she is not and has never been a cyberbully). We do not know them and cannot pass judgment on people we don’t know. If you are the subject of the report then proceed to step 6.

        6. Ask yourself are you or have you ever been a cyberbully? If your answer is yes then you must resolve your differences with your victim. If your answer is no then write a new Cyberbullying Report about the person cybebullying you on Cyberbullying Report to stop letting them get away with it by letting your voice be heard.

        • Funny that you mentioned them, I have tweeted them three times to ask them to document Jill Zarin’s behavior.

          *Creating malicious polls on FB,
          *Threatening release private communitcation that she thinks would be harmful to the reputation of others.
          *Soliciting others to make a video that attempted to disparage a cast mate and tweeting the link to it
          *Her own “mean tweets” and RT in show of support of other people’s “mean tweets”.
          *Inferring someone is an addict
          *Accusing someone of physically assaulting without providing proof.
          *Calling cast mates names such as ‘fucking bitch’ and ‘Ra-meana’
          *Elitist remarks and behavior e.g. ‘trying to associate with people above her

          I have not heard a reply. I wonder if they are like the other “anti-bullying” twitter account that was nothing more than a front to accuse mainly Simon of ‘bullying’ Jill (not to mention us) but never actually dealt with the real issue. It was all about Jill.

          • Who are you people to cyber bully me after I suffered through a tv show that would make Al Bundy cry just to help raise awareness for a issue capable of plaguing us all at a moments notice. Who are you to tell me that my research is flawed when I have documented over 70 celebrity involved cyberbullying incidents in my free time as philanthropist.

            A philanthropist who learned first hand what it is like to be cyberbullied for patriotically went on TV in an effort documented by CNN designed to help these United States expose those who have no right to be here. Who are you to criticize someone who selflessly creates a system where you can list the names, pictures, and addresses of ILLEGAL ALIENS on Google Maps to help everyone keep the government honest about those they fail protect us from before utilizing the same technology to empower victims of digital harassment to fight back.

            Who are you to tell someone who provides services at no cost to you knowing full well
            that doing so may result in dangerous criminals wanting me dead. I’ve been cyberbullied enough trying to help you people, so if you have a problem with that go to hell.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      Tunnel vision can be dangerous and intelligent people always judge for themselves.

  3. Jezzibel says:


  4. AZ Girl says:

    Some of my favorites from above:

    “Your five towns voice is enough to give someone hives.”

    “Are you blackmailing Andy? Is that why Ramona & Alex are made to look bad by you? The only cyber bullying was done by you-you get people kicked off facebook for disagreeing with you, you delete all your nasty tweets about cast members, you are the bully Jill.”

    What happened on Friday at the Bravo site is ridiculous. It really makes Bravo look like a joke. It is almost like Bravo has the same mentality as Jill thinking that their viewers are stupid. That is not cool.

    • mugzy says:

      I know about blackmailing Andy, but I told you guys awhile back tat a friend of a goood frien of mine, who used to work inone of the Bravo Dept. in NY, said that YES, Andy is basically contractually held to do what ever Jill Zarin, and Kelly for that matter tell him to d wen it comes to them. Don’t know the specifics, but that is one of the reasons we all never got to see the lost footage/cutting room floor scenes from Scary Island episodes. “L”, (changing friends name to protect him for now;since he is starting a new job in NY) anyway, “L” caims this is also the reason Luann started to cling so tight to Jil and Kelly, so that she would be “protected” by Bravo and Andy!!!!!

      • mugzy says:

        Sorry, I usally post under the name “Sue”, but I am using my nephews laptop!

      • Need a Hobby says:

        So Jill & KooKoo rule Bravo? Oh rly? Ah, so Jill really does want to look like a lying evil scheming bitch and Kelly as a crazy creepy loon. What does Bravo do when it doesn’t want them to look so wonderful?

        Sorry, that story doesn’t make any kind of sense from any perspective.

  5. Mookies1mom says:

    What really bothered me about Kelly’s involvement with Alex and Simon was that she is the one that had to go to court for assaulting her boyfriend. Simon was not threatening to Jill at all until the rest of the brunettes decided that he was. Maybe at this point in filming they (the brunettes) got tired of the whole “Ramona is an alcoholic” thing and to switch to something new to try and stay relevant.

    • jeepers1941 says:

      I would call it, “grasping at straws” or “toss something and see if it sticks” just so they keep the mean shit going, if you get my drift……….. 🙂

  6. vilzvet says:

    I caught Jill on that decorating show, she was first. You’re right, she never named Brad at all as her decorator. Took all the credit and of course threw in Zarin Fabrics’ name whenever she could and had the stupid ugly dog featured as much as possible. How gross was that to admit on camera that the dog pisses constantly on the rug; I would have thrown it out already. Her apartment does nothing for me, compare to Ramona’s gorgeous and spacious place. Galley kitchens are the worst, too. It reminds me of my very first house rental where we barely fit in there to cook. Much ado about nothing, Jill, I bet you really miss your Hamptons place! And how nice we have all the Bravo deleted and censored comments saved here forever.

    • cali says:

      Yes, Bravo sets a bad example deleting messages containing the slightest criticism. Why do they have a blog then?
      You are right about the dog peing always on the carpet, which takes me back to last season, when the dog sh*t on this L-shaped couch she still has, including the carpet, and hallway. I remember a guy stepping into the dog shit, and Jill had the nerve to something that gagged me literally, and totally grossed me out:
      She took the shoe from the man with the dogshit, went to her kitchen, and washed the dogshit off into the kitchensink!!!

      • dsc60 says:

        i don’t even read the brunettes blogs. it’s too frustrating to want to say something, address something there, and not be able to do it. i’m soooo glad we have all the comments here captured before they were deleted. i wish we had kuku’s and lulu’s too. but at least we have the queen of mean’s. that makes me very happy.

        • Kelley says:

          Me too! I never post on Bravo’s blogs but that day I wrote to both Cindy and Kelly, they made me so mad. I’ve given up on Jill…not that those two would listen either but I was fired up and wrote to both of them. I am curious to see if either of my posts were there that morning.

  7. Mookies1mom says:

    “It targets an individual saying that it hates them while only writing articles against her.” From the Cyber Bulling Report. Well, if Jill actually did something out of the kindness in her heart, um wit never mind, I forgot that she doesn’t seem to have a heart just a list.

    • fatally flawed says:

      “UPDATE: After watching the show for the first time in my life I threw together a little clip collection below. Personally I think its just a bunch of fake manufactured drama because without stuff like this it would be just a bunch of ordinary boring people rearranging their furniture and going out to eat.”

      • BessiB says:

        How do you take seriously a ‘cyberbullying’ site that advertises ‘sexy Russian women’ on their page? What a Joke.

        I was going to say Lynn should join and complain about being cyber-bullied by the cyberbully site that is making false statements about her blog, but. waste of energy.

  8. Mookies1mom says:

    Plus, it’s not like we talk about anything other than Jill. Really? (Bashes head on desk.)

  9. boston02127 says:

    Great blog guys, thanks.

    Q—Where there really 2 people working on computers at Jill’s house?

    • I'm in Florida says:

      Yep–laptops on the dining room table. They were afraid to look away from their screens.

      • Mookies1mom says:

        Guess she makes the others stay in the basement. That’s why those two didn’t look away from their computers. She probably told them if they did she would make Bawby put them in the basement too!

        • Kansas Girl says:

          Did she show the spare bedroom? The one with no window? Maybe the rest are in there.

    • LynnNChicago says:

      The two on computers were probably deleting all those nasty comments…allegedly

      • Mookies1mom says:

        Because Jill never deletes anything. So, maybe that way she can say honestly “I” never delete anything but leaves out the part about her assistants doing the deleting. 😉

        • vilzvet says:

          She said they were working “on her lines”! Yeah right!

          • dsc60 says:

            lolol… when i first read this i thought she meant lines – like those out of a movie! i was going to say “I knew IT!!!!!” then it clicked… she means her oh-so-very-unsuccessful business ventures.

      • wareislarine says:

        I’m truly glad I ran across this page, I thought it was weird that all the bravo blogs were so great and praised all the housewives, and you never see and negative comments. Simon was right Jill wants everyone to follow her lead, like Vicky/Tamara. These are grown women bullying each other and forming clicks. How childish can you be.

    • Debbie says:

      2 Real People Working!! Jill said they were working real hard in what she call’s “Jills World”

  10. boston02127 says:

    I don’t find anything pretty about Jill’s apartment. It’s too much. Just like her…. overdone and obnoxious.

    • Mookies1mom says:

      I was surprised that the place is 2,000 sq. feet. It looks so much smaller! I never did like the way it was decorated either.

      • Error404 says:

        2,000 sounds like an average 3 bedroom house to me. Maybe it’s like 1,900 or 1,800 and she’s rounding up. NYC kitchens are always small, but there is also a lot of wasted space in apts, like that long long entry hall that counts as sf but is basically useless.

    • ITA. Didn’t watch but, of course have seen it on RH. I am a less-is-more kind of girl and I really don’t like having stuff just to have stuff. Too much going on makes me anxious and at home I just want to be calm.

      • Mookies1mom says:

        It a visual overload that would trigger a migraine for me.

        • Mookiesmom – I am cracking up thinking if we were ever going to be tortured our captors would just need to lock us in her apt. Between your migraine and my anxiety attack we’d confess to anything!

          • Mookies1mom says:

            Pretty quickly too because I have panic attacks also! Listen up everyone! Don’t tell midwesthousewife and me anything you don’t want to hear repeated! Because if they put us in JIll’s apartment we will sell you all out! :O

            • Rhetorica says:

              I’ll save you! Shhhhh, Beeathe, stop turning red, go out & re-enter, Santa!!!

            • boston02127 says:

              Mooies1mom & midwesthousewife —– I get panic attacks too! There awful. I carry a paper bag in my car.

              • Boston – Used to get them quite often but I think – for me – a lot of time in therapy, yoga, and learning relaxation/meditation techniques helped lessen the frequency. Still have them once in a while. But I will keep your suggestion in mind and, if I ever am trapped in JZ’s home, I will put a paper bag over my head!

                It also helps me to be able to joke about it!

  11. Kansas Girl says:

    Good blog today, Lynn. Well, they’re always good, today included. LOL! That picture of you in front of Zarin Fabrics always cracks me up. If we each sent our picture to Mickey, I wonder if she could photoshop us in. Or make a group picture. I think that would be funny.

    Quincy, as I read your review, you’d describe a scene and it would make me ask myself a (sarcastic) question. And then you’d say exactly what I had just thought. Loved the review and your comments were right on, at least to me!

    Thanks guys! You rock!

  12. sony4ou says:

    Thanks for the great blog today..really enjoy this site. I have yet to be blocked by Jill and I cannot figure out why not. She was demanding an apology from me for one of my tweets.
    I was traveling on Thursday night and could not watch, but I do not need to after reading everything. Everyone have a great 4th of July weekend!!!

    • dsc60 says:

      i suggest you skip this week. it’s beyond frustrating. you want to reach into the television to strangle each one of the brunettes throughout the hour. i’ll never watch this episode again.

  13. Dee says:

    So glad someone captured the blog comments too. I posted them yesterday on the other blog, but didn’t get all of them! This makes me INSANELY happy!!! =)

    • Rhetorica says:

      Hi Dee, I saw those; thanks so much for doing that!

      • vilzvet says:

        What I loved about those comments is that I bet MOST of them are from peeps who are not here! Just a whole bunch of other viewers who were expressing their feelings about Jill. I’m glad that Dee was able to save the comments pages from LuAnn and Kelly too, as I recall.

        • Once in a while I try to leave positive comments for the HWs I like, but I gave up on negative ones a long time ago. Even my positive ones rarely go through. Life’s too short to keep checking back, so mainly I don’t bother even trying.

          • klmh says:

            That’s whats surprising to me. If people have tried to leave something negative but it never got posted, they probably stopped. But all of these negative posts from her blog! I can’t even imagine what the percentage of negatives to positives there are for these women.

            • BessiB says:

              I agree with vilzet that those posts were not from anyone who posts here since we already know that it will not it is a waste of time. So there are SO many more people out there that are just not buying what Jill is selling. And though this site generally reflect comments from people of a like mind about her behavior, I really believe that WE are the norm of all viewers

        • dsc60 says:

          are luann’s and kelly’s posted anywhere? i’m so sick of reading all the sappy comments that are usually posted at Bravo’s site. i just scan quickly through them usually to see if i can catch any truthful ones. there’s usually only one or two and even they aren’t that bad. geez, is it really pitiful that i derive pleasure from reading horrible comments about the even more horrible trio? (about cindy too but not as much.)

  14. BaaBee Loves Kitties says:

    It’s so hard to believe those comments ever made it to begin with.
    It’s starting to be a waste of time to think that JZ is ever going to change & actually mean it when & if she does.
    Happy day before 4th of July~
    My next door neighbor puts on a show as good or better than some commercial fireworks people every year that’s lasts about an hour. We are just outside city limits so they are no laws against fireworks. 😛
    The show is beyond beautiful & right over our house.

  15. Rhetorica says:

    I remember that episode with Brad. A magazine or tv show sent someone to shoot/film her house. Jill was asked if Brad should be in camera with her and she just dismissed him. I thought that was so mean! Course that was when I had just began watching the show and didn’t know her well.

    • Debbie says:

      I remember one segment was for the BBC.

      • Rhetorica says:

        Yeah. The interviewer asked if she felt guilty spending so much money while others were struggling during the recession. (paraphrasing) I think she brought up the trust fund – kidding – that came later.

        • Nancy says:

          Hi Rhetorica,
          I remember that too. How nasty to not include Brad.
          Then Shrill asks the host if they had a PP? (private plane)
          They all looked at each other and I can only imagine what was going through
          their minds. Wouldn’t it be awful to live Jill’s life? Yuck!
          Hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend. 🙂

          How are you doing without pain pills? I replied to your post the other day about this.
          Not sure you received it. I’ve been thinking of you. Chronic pain can get anyone down.

          • Rhetorica says:

            Hey Nancy! I replied to you. Seems we keep missing each other. Pain’s not bad. But the head clicking is. I think it’s all out of my system in 36 hours. So only a couple of days & I’ll be good. Hope you have a good 4th. Are you working?

            • Nancy says:

              What is head clicking? Never heard of that. If you still have pain tell someone because there are a lot of other ways to deal with pain. (I wish someone told me that after my many knee surgery’s. Maybe I wouldn’t have become addicted to them?)

              I’m on call for trauma only. Hopefully people will celebrate safely. Usually we get people in for blowing their fingers off while playing with fire crackers. Being a cellist I hate doing those cases as they hit home.

              Hope you are having fun.

  16. Mookies1mom says:

    I could do this alllll day but I have to go cook a bunch of stuff for a party that Mookie’s dad and I are going to. Catch up with you all later! Oh, before I forget, please talk about something other than Jill. Oh, we already do that? Nevermind. (Hangs head in shame.)

  17. VAgirl says:

    My daughter and I were watching the HGTV segment with Jill and when Jill said how unusual it was that she saved her chandelier and put it in her bedroom, my daughter said, “yeah, right”. We’ve both seen a few designers put chandeliers in people’s bedrooms on HGTV, the Devine Design lady does it all the time. So unique, Jill.

    • Debbie says:

      Some on HGTV put their chandeliers in their closets, which are more calming and larger than JIllz bedroom. mookie1mom and midwesthouswife would be safer and less susceptible to torture in those closets than her entire condo.

  18. VAgirl says:

    My two daughters and I are off to the HomeGoods store, one of my favorite places. I’ll keep my eye out for some of those cute collector plate that Jill has on her kitchen wall – NOT!

  19. Stop Stalking Celebs. says:

    Yay, my comment got posted. I knew I had to be sure to sign in there. Sucks I have a blackberry and have to share the IP, they claim comments from same IP won’t be posted, but damn, finally, it got POSTED! So are they saying its not there now?

  20. KerryHollingswo says:

    I liked Jill in season 1 but then she started saying really mean things about her friends. I could name a million but, the last thing that bothered me was when she had to let the world know Brad’s place was a B&B! Really? Jill only did that to make him look bad. It made Jill look shallow. Which she has showed plenty of times. The only reason Jill did’nt want to meet w/ Simon is he would have called her BS! The only thing jill has gotten out of this mess(bullygate) is more people liking Simon and seeing her for who she is. Same as the Bethanny fued!

  21. floridagirl88 says:

    Another way to look at Simon’s “Watch out,” comment was to remind Jill that this scene was being recorded. Not a threat, but a reminder that viewers would be watching her (and maybe she ought to cool it). Jill chose to make it into something negative. Just like Simon helped Kelly last year fix her Twitter account and she thanks him by claiming he bullied her. We were all laughing at Kelly’s ineptness with Twitter last year, then Simon jumped in and helped her look less like an idiot. He took a lot of heat from his fans for doing that.

    One of my favorites of the deleted Bravo comments included this: “..You are too old to require so much attention…”

  22. Diana says:

    NOW I know why my posts rarely get put on after I comment. Sadly I thought we could freely comment about their blogs. I guess censorship is alive and well on Bravo. I feel if Andy wants the entire country to be open minded then his shows should be open minded as well. Why censor comments to a blog the shows “Reality Stars” post when they don’t want real comments?
    I love that your website here was exposed by Bobby so I could find it. Go Team BLONDES!!

  23. FLG says:

    Good Morning All! The rains here seem to have ended and we have a sunny day today. I hope to spend some quality time with hubs and Mr. Tigre today. Mr. Tigre sometimes likes to go swimming with us. We’ll see if he’s in a swimming mood. He’s the only cat I know who likes water. It’s been interesting to see all of the comments on the Bravo blogs, before the Grand Wizard said the magic words and poof! They thought they were gone. Like all slight of hand tricks, they never really disappear. 8)

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      WOW FLG – we must have taken the same trip to OZ! lol

      • FLG says:

        It was so nice being greeted by Dorothy and having that personal tour, don’t you think?

        • Nancy says:

          Somewhere over the rainbow way up high…
          That was our opening number in the show. 🙂

    • Kansas Girl says:

      Ed is a little concerned for Mr. Tigre and suggests water wings. Of course this from a cat who lays down sideways to drink and struggles to drape his head over the bowl.

      • FLG says:

        Mr. Tiger knows how to swim to the steps and exit the pool when he’s done with his wonderful water adventure! He’s afraid that water wings might be mistaken for Countess No Talent High Horse’s bracelets, or heaven forbid, two of Lynn Curtin’s cuff bracelets. He’s very concerned with appearances…..

        • FLG says:

          Mr. Tigre, I am typing on a new laptop, and I haven’t completely gotten the hang of the new keyboard.

          • Nancy says:

            You must read the book, “Norton goes to Paris”. Please look it up on Amazon.
            It’s a true story and a must read for anyone attached to thieir cat.
            George and I even named one of our cats after the “real” Norton.

            • FLG says:

              I will do that! Back in my sailing days, I had a dog who went on all of my sailing adventures with me. I always had to rent a car when reaching my destination to make sure that she was in the countries legally. She had to have all of her papers in order and be examined by a local vet upon our arrival. I always wished that the State Department would just issue her her own passport.

              • Nancy says:

                My family has a villa in Anguilla (British West Indies) We take our dog Emily (Pug) when we visit. Prior to leaving the States we had to drive to Sacramento to see the USDA
                to get approval so Emily could enter the Island. It was gross. I was waiting for them to put a big stamp on Emily’s rear end like they do at the super market where they sell meat! Once we landed in Anguilla the Vet had to be dragged from his bed to meet us at the airport to examine our “papers”. All of this for a 12 lb little dog. All in all we had a great time so it was worth it. 🙂

            • FLG says:

              Mr. Tigre looks a lot like Maru, the kitty on YouTube. He’s getting a lot older now, but he refuses my offers of a liquid face lift. He wants to grow old gracefully and naturally… 8)

              • FLG says:

                He seems to think the white hairs that are sprouting on his ears and face make him look more distinguished.

              • Kansas Girl says:

                Ed is a “black and white” — like the 1950s police cars. He considers himself speedy and dangerous. He’s 20 lbs and about 2 years old, so there is a lot of speeding around here.

            • FLG says:

              Norton goes to Paris certainly gets much better reviews than Secrets of a Jewish Mother. Man, that has to sting. I wonder when Ginger will be coming out with a book? What will it be titled? Ginger: Why I quit eating lamb chops? Ginger: Carpet Wars? Ginger: Twitter Tips?

              • FLG says:

                Ginger: Coping with a Bossy, Irritating, Talent-less, Controlling, Hag pet human.

                • Nancy says:

                  Ginger SOS.

                  Your back sounds terrible. Isn’t there anything that can be done for it?
                  I wish you lived out here as I would send you to this Spine Doctor I worked
                  with. His name is Dr Kenneth Light from San Francisco. (I’m sure you can look him up) He mainly does
                  “Re do’s” I hate to hear that people have chronic pain because I have been living with it for many years as well. It can mess with your head.
                  I still can’t believe your cat swims. I can’t get Emily in the bathtub.

                  • FLG says:

                    Thank you for your concern. I have had the good fortune to see leading, research neurosurgeons and they all agree that what can be done has been done. I’ve managed to find many ways of adjusting the way I do common place things so I can lead as “normal” a life as my limitations allow. I have tried a lot of alternative therapies as well and continue to investigate those I think will be helpful. I have used a TENS unit for a long time. I still use it when I have to. I find it is most helpful when having muscle spasm problems. Chronic Pain does “mess” with your head, but I think I’ve managed to become as well adjusted to dealing with it as I can. I am happy with treatment I am receiving right now. Humor is my favorite therapy. 8)

                    • Nancy says:

                      Have you read about the pain pacemaker? My doc wanted me to have it inserted.
                      It has helped a lot of RSD patients. I already have a cardiac pacemaker so my heart surgeon wouldn’t ok it. My hands burn so much at times that I have to literally put them in the freezer. This all started when I got carpel tunnel syndrome (from playing the cello) and had a surgery to correct it. The surgery is what gave me the RSD. Blah blah blah…I think you understand. Humor does help I agree. I just wished I had never had the surgery because I can no longer play Classical Symphonies. 😦

                    • FLG says:

                      Nancy, the TENS unit is basically a “pain pacemaker” like you describe, mine is external rather than having an implanted one. I’ve known people with the implanted ones,too. Mine has electrodes, but they aren’t implanted, which is good for me as I can adjust their position for maximum relief. The wires a bit of a pain to route through clothing and they do tend to get caught on things, but I have a lot of adjustments I can make to fine tune it. I find it more useful at night as the wiring isn’t as much of a problem.

        • Kansas Girl says:


    • klmh says:

      FLG, is your cat part Scottish Fold, like Maru? That’s what I wanted to get after my persian passed away, but my husband wanted to adopt from the SPCA. S.F have such wonderful personalities. I remember reading about an actor that took his wherever he went, in the car, on trips, and the cat just loved being with him. Cool story.

      • Nancy says:

        How funny. I just told FLG about that cat. His name was Norton and he was a Scottish
        Fold. Please read the book.
        Did you get another cat? Our Norton passed away a few years ago. I think about him a lot. They just don’t live long enough.

        • klmh says:

          So they are short lived? They are just the cutest. We now have a stray that my sister saved, but was terribly allergic to, and another heinz 57, both in the house. We also have a garage cat that I love, but she is too territorial and doesn’t do well with other cats. She loves the garage. I also have a barn cat that is now the backyard cat. He must be 16 or 17, a stray that has been with us for over 10 years.
          The ferals come next, with 14 of them, including 5 kittens. We have successfully trapped 4 of them and had them fixed, so we have 9 more to go. 7 of those are 11 weeks or younger and I’ve been feeding them for several weeks so we can get them fixed in a few more months. Lots of cats, too many, but we are a soft touch, Im sure like you and your husband. My great pyr is great with them all, but won’t allow fighting of any kind and breaks it up by running thru the cats.

          • Nancy says:

            So happy to chat with you. I love all animals
            and would have many if I lived on a farm.
            We have 2 feral cats that were born in a barn
            but we weren’t told that. It has taken me many
            years to get their trust. They will come up to me
            if I’m sitting but I can’t approach them…yet 🙂
            I love them none the less. They are my babies and will have a nice life.
            I have a service dog that is 17 yrs now. Needless to say we are
            very close but I know her days are numbered. She has gone all over
            the world with us so we have lovely memories. I feel sorry for
            people that don’t have animals in their lives. When we first started
            this relationship with Jill Zarin I thought I was going to like her because of Ginger.
            Sadly to say I feel badly for Ginger. I do not think that dog is taken care of properly
            and that makes me rather mad.

      • FLG says:

        Mr Tigre isn’t a Scottish Fold, but his coloring is like Maru’s. He was a rescue Kitty so he’s not trusting of people other than Hubs and I. We don’t know his exact age because of that, but he is now about 18 years old. Mr. Tigre looks very good for his age. He still can jump and run and play. He can’t jump as high as he used to, but we make sure he can get to his favorite places in the house. He likes heights, but he’s not allowed on the kitchen counters. I like the counters sanitary and I don’t think it’s safe for him to be at stove top level. I broke him of that when I first met him. Other than that, he has the run of the entire house. If he is breathing, he is shedding. He loves to be brushed and his fur is extremely thick for a short haired cat. I usually brush him about an an hour/day, in shifts. He blisses out while being brushed. It’s quite cute the expressions his face makes. He likes his teeth brushed at least twice a day. He taught me that trick. He’s always been a very healthy cat. He doesn’t eat human food and we don’t eat his cat chow. For years he’s been known as the Alleged Cat as the most visitors have seen of him is a streak of color heading for his favorite safe spot the minute the door opens upon their arrival. He and hubs were already together when I met hubs. Hubs and I have been together for about seventeen years now. I have a trip that takes me away from home for about 4-5 days/month and he let’s me know he missed me while I was gone. When hubs gets home from work, you’d think he’d been gone for a year. I’ve always wondered if he has any Siamese in him as he has a large range of vocalizations. He manages to convey what he wants or what he is concerned about. He tends to worry quite a bit. It’s part of his personality. He does not like his kibble bowl to get below a certain level. He will start “talking” and lead us to the bowl and “say” hey guys, it’s getting a little low here (it’s nowhere near empty). Fill it up. Now! Once it’s filled to the level he likes, he’s off to do kitty things. He likes being outside around the pool which is caged. We have a lot of wildlife that come through the yard. He chases lizards that manage to get into the pool area. There is one lizard that we have sort of adopted. Mr. Lance. Mr. Tiger knows that Mr. Lance is off limits and he does not have a hunting permit for Mr. Lance. There are a pair of Tortoises that come through the yard quite often. They seem to perplex Mr. Tigre. The larger tortoise likes to come close to the screen and they peer at one another sometimes for 4-5 minutes. Mr. Tiger never hisses or growls at the tortoise, he’s just very curious about him. Mr. Tigre loves to watch the birds that come through. We have two bird feeders to provide Mr. Tiger with the “Bird Channel”.

  24. WindyCityWondering says:

    Love that someone goofed big time at the poster switch on Bravo’s sterile blogs! A big thank you for pulling back the curtain and letting the munchkins see behind the wizard’s curtain and hope whomever was responsible gets a way better job because of it.

  25. pidge says:

    I left a positive comment on Ramona’s blog, but it still hasn’t been posted. So how did Jill’s comments get posted? Maybe the minions at Bravo finally received the “post-worthy” comments from Jill’s helpers (working the holiday weekend?)

  26. Lynn!! Great minds think alike!! I did an open letter to Jill Zarin… I just read her blog in the middle of the night and had to respond to it.. Had no clue the comments where deleted!!! Thanks to the person who grabbed all the comments!! SHMOOCHES!!

    P.S. I am not as nice as you are when it comes to Jill 😉


    • Cusi77 says:

      Thank you ImaJustSaying! Spot on! IMO Simon had the right to clarify with JZ about his involvement with a “hate blog” since Bawbie confronted him ON camera… Like Bethenny did talk to Jilzilla ON camera when she did not have her notes and did not want cameras around… with this crazy kind of serpent you need cameras or she will distort anything and everything! You are very intelligent and funny!

      • Awe thank you Cusi!! You make a great point that Simon did have a right to confront Jill on camera as Bawbie did to Simon! Good point! Jill thinks she runs the show and I am feeling maybe she does? Andy Cohen needs to grow a pair.. 😉

        I feel like I could of written a book in response to her latest blog on her site. Jill is the worst kind of person. She thinks she is crafty but she is too transparent in her devious plans to elevate herself at the expense to others. She still hasn’t learned that the viewers are smarter then her. Nope.. her aura of a steamy pile of poo is visible to the normal people. 😉

  27. Trudie says:

    I read an interesting comment on another blog (can’t remember which one) = if Simon really had mean tweeted Jill, she would have preserved all the tweets for posterity. Look how long she kept Bethenny’s voice mail message and played it for anyone who would listen.

    • I remember discussion here of the one tweet she mentioned on the show. She had tweeted something nice to Alex like “thanks for helping, it was fun today” and everyone started asking if Alex and Jill had made up. Simon responded with something cryptic like “don’t believe everything you read” or something like that. It wasn’t mean – but it did blow her little charade. Most of his tweets to her get posted in the comments on this site – so I challenge her minions to find something mean. He doesn’t mean tweet. He tries to win “haters” over by responding to them and making a connection – and he answers a lot of questions.
      Like Alex said – Jill is so thin skinned she looks for the worst in everything he writes. Oh well – at this point no one seems to be buying what she’s selling.

  28. Shelley_MUA says:

    Hello Lynn,
    so glad you were able to post those comments from Bravo.I actually read them on their site and when I checked back later all the HW’s comments had decreased in numbers. I am so curious about this reunion show. I understand it has been taped already, I would love if Andy would man up and ask some tough questions backed up with video footage of Jill and Luann. But my biggest dream would be if Andy didn’t host the reunion show and had another celebrity who watched the episodes ask the real questions we all want answered.I know that will never happen.

  29. Lovinthisblog says:

    Looks like Jill has someone to do her dirty work while she is away in the Hamptons…unless it’s Jill herself; @AveryNYC

  30. Stella says:

    I would LOVE for WSL to be a new housewife. If Jill stayed on the show anyway then everyone would know she was lying about the stalking (we here know that) or she would be forced to leave the show to carry on the lie of being afraid and not wanting to be involved with WSL in any way. I believe we could call that a check-mate. What other move could she make if Bravo invited WSL to their “party”?

    • I am still shocked by the allegations Jill put into writing. She should probably get a lawyer on retainer at this point – – – She gets so angry she strikes out at her castmates without thinking IMO – and probably has no idea what she’s done yet.

      Okay – fun story that WSL’s husband posted in August (while she was in the hospital – and he was reading the board comments to her). Apparently Bobby personally hung her curtains, and may have hit on her at the time. :):):)

      Wall St Man says:
      August 14, 2010 at 1:06 pm
      Thank you. Weeks ago WSL called B Zarrin at the store. She asked for him by name & said to mention to B Z that the last time they were together it was in her bedroom. He hoped on the phone & WSL was glad iLL didn’t pick up & show claws. B Z was reminded he personally hung curtains 20+ years ago. WSL did business w/B Z’s dad Harry & actually went to Queens for dinner at their 2br apartment to meet Mrs. Z ; both were like Bobby very humble & nice. Zarrin actually did 3 apartments for WSL as she LOVES a bargain & didn’t mind schlepping. WSL was happy BZ remembered her. They discussed when Harry died & how Bobby’s wealth didn’t come from material but that Harry bought the entire block the now store (then a dirty cement floor ware house. Bobby said it was fun being Mr ill Z & people stopped them where ever they went even in Europe ! WSL said ill’s daughter was nice. Some where along the line he hawked iLL’s book ! He told WSL he rents in SH & almost bought another place but changed his mind. B Z told WSL to come down & meet ill. (No thanks) BZ is probably 73. His dad died at 93. So he had a long life of abuse ahead of him. Oh thank goodness BZ seemed to forget but he definitely hit on her & that’s why he personally hung the curtains.
      Last about the same time on a Sunday Z Fabric which is next to the Bowery the store had homeless people, drunks & thugs hanging in front of the store. I guess iLl gets off her broom & shoos them away during the week

      • California35 says:

        Thanks !!!

      • @tweatcyn says:

        Thank you Housewifeaddict. that was the missing piece of the puzzle! I am so appreciative that you posted that about WSL and BZ. I could not for the life of me figure out why JZ kept crying that a housewife interfered with her marriage. What a stretch that is. As usual, she exaggerates benign and coincidental facts into some evil conspiracy against her. Wah wah wah. Would you like some cheese with that whine Jill?

    • California35 says:

      I would love that too….what if she was meant to be on this season as a wife, and was the wife that got between she and Bobby… Or what if she will be on this season as a guest at Silex’s party.

  31. kotagirl29 says:

    I still think it is hysterical that all Shill and Bawbee managed to do was draw MORE attention to this blog. Her head has to be ready to (if it hasn’t already) explode. She has to be driving her assistants, Bawbee, and everyone around her insane at this point. I also think that Andy has had enough of her. He mentions how his phone rings off the hook with ho-wives calling and texting and the other night he made sure to mention that Shill wanted Bawbee in a hot husband poll. I think (maybe I’m giving him too much credit), but I think this is his way of getting back at her for being such a bitchy pain in the ass. He keeps outing her bad behavior and it just makes even more people dislike her.

    • I know – when no one reacted to the “hate blog” she moved on to “mean tweets” and then “having my stalker in their home.” Only there is no evidence of any of that – even the blog with “I Hate Jill Zarin” is usually just called a fan blog.

      I think Jill has really started to believe her castmates are doing all sorts of things behind her back to “get her”. The funny thing is – she’s the only one who does that.

      What are Simon and Alex really guilty of – having one of the most respected and influential women in NY to their home for an afternoon party?

      Seriously Jill – should they be sitting in their apartment having their dog clean their nose?

      • Adgirl says:

        I know! I enjoy snarking on Jill’s wild accusations. However, it’s not funny or harmless when she tries to injure people’s ability to earn money.

        Sometimes I think we are witnessing Jill having a breakdown. She has serious emotional problems.

        • Nancy says:

          I have been saying that for a while now.
          Maybe Shrill and KooKoo can share a room at Bellevue.
          Of course Shrill will ask for a 50% reduction.

        • BlueSky_Forever says:

          Jill sure does look different from season 1 doesn’t she? The show has been hard on her. Jill just cannot take it that most of the viewers find her behavior & personality to be disgusting. Judging from the number of negative to positive comments above…80 % hate her & barely 20 % find her admirable. With those odds…why subject yourself to being on RHONY? Thank you Lynn for your great blog giving us a place to vent! BTW the podcast with Carly was terrific.

  32. kbinldo says:

    Hey Lynn, I hope when you stopped by Zarin Fabrics that you also took in the Lower East Side Tenement Museum. I love that place!

    • Adgirl says:

      OMG my hubs and I went there! Loved it. We also went to another preserved 1800’s house something like Middle Class Home. I forgot what it is called or what the owner did for a living, maybe they sold fabric? Everything from the original family is still in the house.
      Anyway it was a lot of fun. My friend volunteers at a museum in Port Townsend, WA that has a similar preserved home with all of the plates, furniture and clothing. Very interesting.

      • Kansas Girl says:

        Oooo, I love that stuff! Making notes I have to see these when I finally go to NYC. (Thanks!)

        • BlueSky_Forever says:

          When you go to NYC there is something you must do. Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. If you go around dinner time, you can eat at a restaurant in Brooklyn (after getting off the bridge, go left…great pizza place or if you go right there are restaurants on the other side of a small park). When you walk back across the bridge enjoy the glittering Manhattan skyline!

          • Kansas Girl says:

            Thanks! I’m hoping that soon NYC will roll around as the site of our big conference. Would give me the chance to spend several days there and have time to explore. If I work it right, the trip might be paid by work. 😀

  33. Amber...Real Wife says:

    How perverse was Kelly’s comment about Simon being a “pageant dad” and “Alex his 6yr old daughter”? She, the crazy clockwork orange, manly, beef curtain exposing, mean tweeting bitch who was in a actual May-December romance herself? Worse yet, she married a man who was old enough to be her father…that’s CREEPY! AND to add insult to injury her “pageant dad” dumped her oily ass when she turned 10 for newer talent! Her ex didn’t follow the “cheaper to keep her” route, instead choosing the better “pay her or slay her”! Kelly needs to take her meds, stop using her newly found knowledge from “Psychology for Dummies” and keep running in traffic with her paste jewels tucked to the left! LOL

    • Nancy says:

      Hey you stole my line 🙂

    • Pghemtchick says:

      Finally! I tried commenting on her Bravo blog about this and tweeted her. Of course the Bravo comment didn’t post & I’m sure the tweet was lost in her jellybean filled noggin. She just became the next bravoleberty to insult a group. Guess the racial & sexual stuff was done, so she had to insinuate that pageant dad’s are child molesters. There is nothing wrong or weird about a man being involved in their childs life. Maybe she has daddy issues? I pray Giles never takes an interest in her girls if they model cause he might want them sexually then ( in her head). She is vile. I really wish someone would really take off the kid gloves and let her have a dose of reality.

      I tried to post to Jill’s bravo blog also. She is a horrible step-mother. She cried foul over Ramona and her step-daughter, yet everytime she makes a false bullying claim she undermines The Birthmark Project. Congrats, Jill. IMO that’s worse than Ramona saying she was going to out do the sweet 16. I hope at least Ramonas was taken out of context. Sorry for errors in the rant just so tired of those two running their mouths without thinking. Maybe Jill thinks it’s “cute” her stepdaughter was bullied. (cute like KKB & arthritis)

  34. AZ Girl says:

    Who is this AveryNYC on twitter? She was harassing Simon last week and now she tweeting all this BS about WSL being a stalker. What is Jill paying this person to spread all these lies? I am so glad I am not on twitter. She is really a nut job that does need a hobby.

    • I think AveryNYC is one of Jill’s summer interns. This time last year, there were a bunch of new Twitter accounts and they were pro-Jill. They spent most of their time on Twitter harrassing Lynn, Simon and Alex. By the fall, those accounts stopped tweeting and some of them closed their Twitter accounts. Jill probably hired some new summer interns. AveryNYC will probably be gone in September.

  35. aquamarinecandy-o83 says:

    I chuckle everytime Lynn posts the photo of her in front of Zarin Fabrics… lol

    • She’s just trying to make it easier for Jill’s assistants to gather evidence of stalking LOL.

      Warning anyone who is reading the blog. DO NOT – WARNING DO NOT – visit Zarin Fabrics when you are in NY and spend your money. They will keep the receipts and accuse you of stalking. Yup – that’s the truth and I’m sticking to my story.

  36. Adgirl says:

    I had to laugh at “Sam and Sara” at their laptops on HGTV. I think they are in constant communication with their team of cyber erasers in India. Sam is in charge of the twitter and facebook teams and Sara oversees blogs and newsletters.

    Or they used to. They have probably been fired for asking for minimum wage and potty breaks.

    I’d give anything to sit next to them at a bar and chat them up while they slamdown SGMs. LOL.

  37. Sammysmom says:

    I’m testing my iPhone ability. I hate jz

  38. Duchess of Dryer Lint says:

    where are the archived blogs from may 8 of last year until may 20 of last year? I was trying to follow through on what Quincy asked, and refresh my memory of some stuff that went down (a little time on my hands while hubs takes a nap) and they are not there! HELP!

  39. ChiTownRocks says:

    Loved the Countess Lucifer line. LOLOL The anti-bullying site really needs to get all of their ducks in a row and do proper investigating, before posting on their site.

    • Adgirl says:

      I bet they just “report” what the complainer says. If Lynn was inclined she could rebutt it, but I don’t think she cares a bit about Jill’s bullysh1t.

  40. lillybee says:

    This is something that I have noticed this season. Lulu and Sonja no longer appear to be close. In fact,even when they are at the same event or party, they haven’t said a word to each other. I wonder if it is because Sonja and Ramona have reconnected their friendship from the days when they were single and working together.

    • My guess is LuLu tried to get Sonja to go along with the “plan” and Sonja decided to stay neutral – but lost respect for LuLu. For whatever reason though, only Kelly and Cindy attack Sonja – Jill and LuLu leave her alone.

    • Adgirl says:

      I think Jill, Louie and KooKoo decided last summer before filming that Sonja is “out”. Sonja’s lack of cash, DUI, support of Bethenny last season and refusal to take a side (meaning their side) made her useless to Team Doo-Doo.
      Besides, Sonja has light colored hair. And she’s funny. Why would she want to be with the turdy girls?

      • Carly Hall says:

        I have a theory about this. I think they have to deal with Sonja very carefully because she is the one really “in the know.” I bet Sonja could open up her mouth and tell us all exactly how much money Luann doesn’t have and just how few places she’s actually been. By the same token, I bet she could also explain just how Jill doesn’t really get the good table anywhere. i don’t think she’s out, I think they just tread carefully.

        • Nancy says:

          I totally agree.

        • Indy501 says:

          Even a divorced Morgan is higher up the food chain than a married delesseps. I’m sure that Sonja has maintained her relationships with “society” because she is so real and charming. LuAnn can only dream about eating their crumbs and Jill isn’t even allowed down that alley.

          • Cheri says:

            I think lumann lost whatever standing she had in that NYC society with her divorce and she is very bitter and angry about it and us taking it out on Alec (and simon) as people are seeing her as a decent person and on Ramona because she still has her place. I seriously doubt she would even try anything like Rhys with sonja. It happens alot when people get divorced, the friends ( and in this case NYC society) drop one member of the couple and face it she us a nobody both with and without the count. It’s eating her up inside trust me

            • BambiBaby22 says:

              That…..AND the rumors of her grabbing men’s crotches…..that is very “un” society like.

            • BessiB says:

              I don’t think Luanne ever had any ‘real’ standing, and that is what Alex is saying in her blog.

        • California35 says:

          Didn’t she say Ramona was on top of the “pecking order”? She knows who is who 🙂

  41. JillhAter says:

    I have met and dealt with Jill Zarin. She is a piece of Junk. The worst kind of person you could ever have come in to your life

  42. Rhetorica says:

    Hubs has late lunch/early dinner ready. He’s really getting into this; chargers, cloth napkins. They’re so cute at this age. Hopefully catch some of you later.

  43. California35 says:

    Very good blogs yesterda and today – Thanks Lynn and Quincy !!! Also all those who are helping you out 🙂 for all the great material 🙂

  44. JillhAter says:

    Who tries to return used undergarments? Jill Zarin.

    just one little itty bitty thing. But imagine how many times she tried to return them???
    and brought her mother and father,sister on separate occasions trying to bully a store. I was with her each time and had to walk away.

    I will tell more. Just really too angry and don’t want to remember that whole time w/her.

    • Carly Hall says:


      Go on….. 🙂

    • Adgirl says:

      That is just nasty. ICK!

    • Cheri says:

      Are you friends with her? Ok spill the beams on her, is she really like this in real life or just a damn good actress. My money is on this is what she really is like. Do you know Lumann too and the crazy one?

    • Indy501 says:

      You’re da best! In “general” terms what was your relationship to her? You arent’ B are you?

      • JillhAter says:

        I am not friends with her nor was I ever. Proud to say.
        … I no longer work in the industry. but I did tell her what she did was disgusting (spill water on counter…) the last time I saw that thing JZ.

        • Indy501 says:

          Retail Survivor? I was in fine jewelry retail for over 20years. From the front lines to buyer and upper management. Really met crazy. One women threatened to throw her daughter down an escalator if we didn’t take back an item she had been going from store to store with trying to return. Ooh, hope I don’t give ‘ill any ideas.

  45. Michelef. says:

    Did anyone get a chance to capture the comments on Bravo for Luann and Kelly? They were also very good.

  46. Adgirl says:

    I don’t know why, but I am in the mood to make up new phrases.

    Team Brunette = Team Doo-Doo

    LuAnn, Jill, Kelly, Cindy = Turdy Girls

    Jill is being bullied = Bullysh1t.

    Jill’s mean girl activities = Jillsh1t.

  47. kotagirl29 says:

    Countless Lucifer made it onto the “What were they thinking” line-up. . .
    Here is the comment on her new look and the link if you want to look at the rest of the schlubs on the list.
    LuAnn de Lesseps, Reality
    “Real Housewives of New York City” star — and former brunette — Countess LuAnn de Lesseps debuted her new music video, “Chic C’est La Vie,” and her new honey-colored hair weave at Bar Basque on Wednesday evening. Chic? I don’t think so.
    I just LOVE any slam on LuMann.

    • sony4ou says:

      Thanks for the laugh and the link!! 🙂

    • FLG says:

      I guess we can nickname this season as The Horrid Hairdo Season. Jillzy’s pony tail and Countess No Talent High Horse’s bad weave. Thank goodness they didn’t do them at the same time. Do they both want to be Madonna?

  48. kotagirl29 says:

    oooh Kookoo made the list too.
    Kelly Bensimon, Fashion Faux Pas
    LuAnn’s “Real Housewives” co-star, Kelly Bensimon, delivered her own fashion faux pas this week by attending the premiere of Cirque du Soleil’s “Zarkana” in a chintzy-looking shirt, even-cheaper-looking skirt, and flip-flops.

    • Carly Hall says:

      I think Lu is drop-dead gorgeous, but she has made a mistake here. She looks awful. And she looks WAY to “Joan Crawford old” in that Gadh-awful video. Everything was too harsh, especially when compared to her first video with the extensions where she looked amazing.

      • FLG says:

        Carly, did you ever catch any of her episodes of The Countess Report on Plum TV? Horrid, simply horrid. That is actually bordering on a compliment. She should have insisted on a deal where she owned them so she could make them go away.

      • BlueSky_Forever says:

        That video…ewww double puke! Still can’t watch the entire thing, but saw enough of it on Anderson Cooper’s show…he did a super slam dunk on LuMann!

        • Nancy says:

          Anderson Cooper is my hero. He’s also very “hot” as my niece would say.

          • Debbie says:

            Happy 4th of July, to all of you. A little OT…
            Hubs and I were watching morning shows today.During coverage of Prince Alpert’s wedding in Monaco they show a Baroness.
            Hubs says to me “What? No Countess? Wonder where she is?”
            He’s silent, continues watching, then says,
            “Oh! She must be dressing for appearance at the reception. She’s been invited to sing.”
            Maybe you had to be here, but it was funny coming from someone who “doesn’t watch HW’s.”

        • Dogfeathers says:

          My favorite part of this is “If you talk about class and you are not referring to a room where children learn then you have none.” Go AC! Luann is constantly “Countessing” herself all over the place, telling anyone who will listen how classy and fabulous she is. And she just got owned by Anderson Cooper. Who is a VANDERBELT. A Vanderbelt who doesn’t need to tell everyone how rich, fabulous and classy he is.

  49. California35 says:

    JillhAter, when you are ready to tell us more….we’ll be here 🙂

  50. smompy says:

    I’d like to thank Sue from New York and Lynn from Chicago (and Alabama?) for saving and posting thesee comments. You made my day! I love knowing what the majority of people ACTUALLY feel about JZ and her BS, but I’m also kinda fascinated by the folks who leave the pro-Jill comments. Of course one must assume that a good number of Jill’s online supporters are in fact Jill’s employees in disguise, but there are a certain number of people who still defend the woman constantly, interestingly enough. I’m guessing that some of these people just want to go against the tide because they’re just contrarians or they like to provoke. A few are probably too new to the Real Housewives franchise to see JZ for who she really is. Some are probably just hoping to feel close to a “celebrity” (any celebrity) and figure Jill’s an easy mark. Since she’s so widely disliked,she’s bound to be grateful to anyone who’ll still kiss her allegedly-size-zero ass, and therefore she’s more likely to throw her supporters some crumbs than a really popular TV person would. But it’s the others I find most fascinating…the people who actually watch the show and see Jill in action, yet still genuinely admire her. I don’t want to assume that all these people are simply idiots (although, clearly most of them aren’t exactly brain scientists or rockey surgeons) and so I struggle to figure out what they see in Jill that’s makes them adore her. I mean, they’re not like many fans of LuAnn’s, who actually do realize how rotten she is but like that about her because they find her bitchiness entertaining. I’m talking about the ones who know Jill and still approve all her actions. I’ve heard that serial killers in prison get lots of love letters and marriage proposals, so maybe Jill’s diehard fans are like that? Maybe they’re in serious denial even though they witness every nasty thing she does? It’d be interesting to talk to these people in person, and in a non-confrontational way, about why they feel so supportibe towards Jill. ‘Cause iin thee sorts of online forums, they”re awfully vague. They say things like “Stay positive Jill” or “Don’t let the haters get to you,” but they never seem to be able to explain what it is they like about her exactly. I cannot fathom how anyone in their right mind, who’s not on shrooms or something, could watch Jill in action and conclude that she is “nice” or “a sweet person” or a “positive role model.” I wish I could get inside their heads and come closer to understanding what would motivate such people to blindly defend Jill. But I suppose that’ll always remain a mystery to me.

    And what with all the new attention JZ has inadvertently brought to Lynn’s blog, I’m also seeing a lot of folks commenting about us on various other sites. A lot of them are funny, but there was one commenter (I think it as on the last link Lynn posted above) who pretty much sums up what I’ve seen most often. This commenter (as is the case with many others) announce that he or she has visited the IHJZ blog once or twice and summarily condemn it for being obsessively hateful and negative or whatever, but then, almost invariably, in the very next breath, that same person writes a virtual manifesto describing their absolute hatred of Jill Zarin. It’s like, “Those IHJZ people need to get a hobby, they are obsessed and I feel sorry for amyone that pathetic…oh and BTW I LOATHE THAT NASTY BITCH JILL ZARIN AND HOPE SHE DIES.” LOL I’ve seen this happen over and over and over again across the net. As Bart Simpson would say, the ironing is delicious.
    As usual, please excuse my many typos and whatnot. I’m back to viewing this site through a tiny, cutoff screen at the moment, and I literally can’t see most of what I’ve typed.

    • Nancy says:

      Scott Peterson has many followers. So does Charlie Manson.
      Need I say more?

    • Adgirl says:

      Smompy, I just came in from doing yardwork. Every hour I give myself a break (because I’m a nice boss of me) and visit here. You’re on fire. I’ve never paid attention to what people write in their followups when they slam this site. So funny. I think the authentic Jill supporters probably didn’t Bethenny, Alex or Simon in the first place so they naturally drifted to Jillsh1t’s team.

    • JillhAter says:

      ^^Well said.

      I had to watch that thing Jill Zarin berate,bully and humiliate poor young sales kids.
      Trying to return used underwear she threatened that she would make sure they’d never get a job (retail-lol) in NYC again.

      I watched them show her NY State law that it is forbidden to accept once purchased underwear.
      I had to watch her ‘spill’ a water bottle on a counter that drenched a young sales kid…..Provoking a college kid.

      • vilzvet says:

        Holy smokes, and I believe every word you wrote. It reeks of Jill.

        • Nancy says:

          Who acts like that? I just don’t get it.

          • BessiB says:

            Not many, but there are some that do act like that.

            One time in Hermes a woman ripped the sales girl a new one because the gift box was bigger than the candle. She went on, and on,and on. She kept insisting that the girl give her a gift box for a candle fit in, and the girl kept trying to tell the bitch that this was the box Hermes provided for the candle, and the girl stuffed tissue paper at the top and the bottom of the candle so that it stayed stationary. Then the bitch screamed,(this was years ago, and I remember it to this day), “I can NOT present a gift this way! I will look like a farmer!”

    • Christine says:

      Smompy, While I understand your frustration over people who actually consider anything but the mess that she is, I have had some very great advice from someone whose opinion I value over all others. My husband was a homicide detective for many years. I once asked him how the suspects could do the horrible things they did. His response to me was “If you can actually make sense of what they do, begin to worry about your own sanity.”

  51. JillhAter says:

    The closest thing on the show her ‘thieving’ ways was when it was leaked she was blacklisted from Saks for returning over 150K of clothes within a few months.

    She would call sales girls at various clothing stores letting them know she was coming w/a shopper (a fake friend to use- so she have a head start on her game-big discount for bringing in sales. )
    Then she’d make the friend think she saved them a lot of money at Saks and she would also make them take her to lunch or dinner as a thank you for helping buy clothes.
    I bet she is collecting info on the housewives and other reality stars she’s met to write a tell-all.

    • lillybee says:

      Ramona called her on the Sack’s return a few seasons ago, if I remember correctly.

  52. skogsstig says:

    http://twitter.com/#!/averynyc is not too smart. She has “outed” Wall Street Lady in her squawk-tweets. Lovely Avery claims “New York City i-banker! HBS Grad!” – clearly far below the place of power and influence in business and NYC of WSL. Methinks she’s cooking her own goose….

    • Carly Hall says:

      I find it upsetting that someone I follow seems to be following every one of these new Zarin-imposter asshats that appears on twitter. I need a “who-to-follow” course.

    • She is a total idiot! That case was not black and white and many times corporations settle not because of guilt but to make the headache go away. The employee that accused WSL was also accused of stealing sensitive company info and had an elicit affair with a high ranking employee. It was messy and I’m sure the board members wanted it to go away. averynyc is walking a very fine line and she has attacked Simon viciously. She and other sick Jill fans have said vile things like Simon “looks like a pedophile” and other nasty hateful things. WHO are the REAL bullies? I think we all know! WSL and Simon should see about going after her for harassment and stalking. What a dumb bitch!

      • Kansas Girl says:

        Very concerning. What is wrong with people like this!

        • Jill and her minions are playing with fire if WSL is who averynyc says she is. WSL is a very powerful player in NYC. Her bussiness has taken some hits over the last few years but they have a strong legal team. You don’t f*ck with this kind of power unless you want to get dirty. Jill is a minnow compared to WSL. I’m not implying that WSL would play dirty but, when Jill and her sycophant fans start hurling accusations like stalking, threats and harassment around., they better have proof to go along with those words. They are playing with fire and I hope they get burnt to high hell. WSL has enough money, power and legal eagles on her side to bury Jill!

          • IMO what they are doing is diverting attention from the fact that there is absolutely no evidence that WSL stalked Jill.

          • I think when you look at the Bernie Madoffs of WS.or someone like Bradley Ruderman, the hits WSL may have taken are relatively minor. Her integrity is above reproach. .
            I’m sure this is the one instance where BZ told Jill to let it go because anything that Jill Zarin tries to do will be the equivalent of bringing a knife to a gun fight. I am sure this is just another glaring example of the wa JZ likes to exaggerate and lie, “came between me and my husband” = “Bobby doesn’t have enough money or clout to make it go away”.

      • Is this the lawsuit?

    • AZ Girl says:

      I don’t know if AveryNYC has a job lined up or is working full time at this moment. But what I do know is her employers see this crap that she is putting out there and she is done. Harassing on Twitter is not something is positive with existing or future employment. Employers do look at Twitter and Facebook.

      • Carly Hall says:

        This is what I know for sure. You are NOT rich until someone has sued you. LOL.

        I used to do my morning show and then my co-host and I would ride along with a marshal to have some lunch. I wasn’t so famous that I need protection, he was just a friend.

        Often, we would have to stop buy and serve papers to the town’s wealthiest man (restaurant owner). Usually, these were frivolous lawsuits. The marshal would always tell us that when you are rich, there is always someone waiting to sue you.

        • Adgirl says:

          “More money, more problems. ”

          The sage, Bethenny Frankel.

        • I just got back too and WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!
          Quincy, I honestly don’t think anyone meant to threaten you or hurt you. We love the dedication you have to this blog and Lynn. Your blogs are so insightful and wonderful to read. I know you have had a stressful time because of the disaster that hit your town and also the loss of your beloved horse. Please take no offense. I honestly don’t think anyone meant to purposely offend you.

          I hope no one thinks I outed WSL. Someone on twitter did. I just responded that IF WSL was this person, Jill and her fans are stupid to mess with them. I honestly don’t think WSL would necessarily sue but she is a powerful person.
          Someone mentioned up-thread that Sonja is the only true housewife that has been and has connections with the upper echelons of NY society. I believe this is why Jill doesn’t stir crap up with her. However, Ramona and Sonja have similar if not the same circle of friends. WSL probably has a very powerful circle off friend as well. She would not have to sue Jill to have her power felt. Much sought after invites to parties and functions amount of could dry up. Business connections could be strained or severed. NO amount of Bobbys’ money or connections could get them back.
          If you recall in the first couple of seasons of RHONY, Jill bragged about the parties she gets invited to especially in the Hamptons during the 4th. This year she is at her rented home sharing it with Kelly and her assistants. Makes me wonder if some of those invites haven’t already been cut off.
          I haven’t a clue why Jill is stirring the pot the way she is. She probably thought she could continue her plan to destroy Alex and Simon while garnering sympathy for herself. Lynns’ blog today shows that viewers aren’t buying her victim roll.
          I believe Jill is smart enough to walk the fine line of the law. Notice she never mentions Lynn or WSL by name. She doesn’t mention this blogs’ name. She refers to it as “The Hate” blog. One only has to google “hate” and Jill Zarin and you know what blog she is referring to. That protects “her” from being sued but stirs up her fans and minions to do the dirty work for her. They trash the blog and Lynn, they threaten and spew vile and false information, All the while, Jill keeps her hands clean,.
          Jill does personally attack Simon, Alex, and Ramona. They are probably under contracts so they can’t sue. Look at the accusation she made about Mario. She can’t sue him but he can’t sue her. But, damage is done to Mario and Ramona. Just like damage being done to Alex and Simon over cyber bullying. Jill doesn’t have to supply proof, she can just say it. But, Jill just cause you say it doesn’t make it so! I also believe Jill thinks Alex and Simon are weak. They aren’t as rich so they don’t have as much power as she does.

          What I don’t understand is where does Jill think she’s going with this? This is not the way to gain fans or fame. She is risking whatever small place she had in NY society. She has developed the reputation of being difficult. We don’t see designers rushing to dress her. She is not getting product endorsements and the book and products she has tried to hawk are or have failed miserably.
          I don’t understand why Bravo allows Jill so much power or why it’s affiliates have given her spots on their shows? Bobby must have some strong connections and plenty of money to make this happen. I wonder when Jill will burn her bridges there?
          I think it was very stupid for Jill and Bobby to bring this blog to more viewers attention. Now they have a place to go and find out the real truth about Jill. I’m sure she hoped her fans would ridicule and troll us. I’m sure she wants to harass and vilify Lynn. But, Lynn and Quincy can and do rise above it.
          That doesn’t mean it’s not stressful or tiresome . Thank you again Lynn and Quincy for all you do. We appreciate your efforts and we are protective of you. It angers us when people attack you. We are human and we hate injustice. We can’t allow Jill or her minions divide and conquer us. We are better and stronger than that. This blog is like a second home to some of us. We laugh and cry here. We vent and jock here. We support each other through difficulty and comfort each other in times of sorrow. We cheer for successes no matter how big or small they maybe.
          I personally don’t know Jill or do I ever care to. I wouldn’t give her the time of day in most cases. But Jill tries to destroy people in the most vile and hurtful ways. She uses cancer, bullying, stalking, intimidation, lies and rumors to hurt REAL people. That’s what brought me to this blog. That’s what helped me find some of the most wonderful and truly caring people out there. It is what has helped me get through some of the most darkest times of my life. I may hate Jill Zarin for what she is and does. But because of Jill Zarin I found you guys. Please Quincy, I hope your not gone long. I care for you and everyone else here.
          You guys are one of my lights and I value you so much. I you guys helped me laugh again when all I wanted to do was cry. I guess that’s all I can say for now. XOXOXO

        • I just got back too and WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!
          Quincy, I honestly don’t think anyone meant to threaten you or hurt you. We love the dedication you have to this blog and Lynn. Your blogs are so insightful and wonderful to read. I know you have had a stressful time because of the disaster that hit your town and also the loss of your beloved horse. Please take no offense. I honestly don’t think anyone meant to purposely offend you.

          I hope no one thinks I outed WSL. Someone on twitter did. I just responded that IF WSL was this person, Jill and her fans are stupid to mess with them. I honestly don’t think WSL would necessarily sue but she is a powerful person.
          Someone mentioned up-thread that Sonja is the only true housewife that has been and has connections with the upper echelons of NY society. I believe this is why Jill doesn’t stir crap up with her. However, Ramona and Sonja have similar if not the same circle of friends. WSL probably has a very powerful circle off friend as well. She would not have to sue Jill to have her power felt. Much sought after invites to parties and functions amount of could dry up. Business connections could be strained or severed. NO amount of Bobbys’ money or connections could get them back.
          If you recall in the first couple of seasons of RHONY, Jill bragged about the parties she gets invited to especially in the Hamptons during the 4th. This year she is at her rented home sharing it with Kelly and her assistants. Makes me wonder if some of those invites haven’t already been cut off.
          I haven’t a clue why Jill is stirring the pot the way she is. She probably thought she could continue her plan to destroy Alex and Simon while garnering sympathy for herself. Lynns’ blog today shows that viewers aren’t buying her victim roll.
          I believe Jill is smart enough to walk the fine line of the law. Notice she never mentions Lynn or WSL by name. She doesn’t mention this blogs’ name. She refers to it as “The Hate” blog. One only has to google “hate” and Jill Zarin and you know what blog she is referring to. That protects “her” from being sued but stirs up her fans and minions to do the dirty work for her. They trash the blog and Lynn, they threaten and spew vile and false information, All the while, Jill keeps her hands clean,.
          Jill does personally attack Simon, Alex, and Ramona. They are probably under contracts so they can’t sue. Look at the accusation she made about Mario. She can’t sue him but he can’t sue her. But, damage is done to Mario and Ramona. Just like damage being done to Alex and Simon over cyber bullying. Jill doesn’t have to supply proof, she can just say it. But, Jill just cause you say it doesn’t make it so! I also believe Jill thinks Alex and Simon are weak. They aren’t as rich so they don’t have as much power as she does.

          What I don’t understand is where does Jill think she’s going with this? This is not the way to gain fans or fame. She is risking whatever small place she had in NY society. She has developed the reputation of being difficult. We don’t see designers rushing to dress her. She is not getting product endorsements and the book and products she has tried to hawk are or have failed miserably.
          I don’t understand why Bravo allows Jill so much power or why it’s affiliates have given her spots on their shows? Bobby must have some strong connections and plenty of money to make this happen. I wonder when Jill will burn her bridges there?
          I think it was very stupid for Jill and Bobby to bring this blog to more viewers attention. Now they have a place to go and find out the real truth about Jill. I’m sure she hoped her fans would ridicule and troll us. I’m sure she wants to harass and vilify Lynn. But, Lynn and Quincy can and do rise above it.
          That doesn’t mean it’s not stressful or tiresome . Thank you again Lynn and Quincy for all you do. We appreciate your efforts and we are protective of you. It angers us when people attack you. We are human and we hate injustice. We can’t allow Jill or her minions divide and conquer us. We are better and stronger than that. This blog is like a second home to some of us. We laugh and cry here. We vent and jock here. We support each other through difficulty and comfort each other in times of sorrow. We cheer for successes no matter how big or small they maybe.
          I personally don’t know Jill or do I ever care to. I wouldn’t give her the time of day in most cases. But Jill tries to destroy people in the most vile and hurtful ways. She uses cancer, bullying, stalking, intimidation, lies and rumors to hurt REAL people. That’s what brought me to this blog. That’s what helped me find some of the most wonderful and truly caring people out there. It is what has helped me get through some of the most darkest times of my life. I may hate Jill Zarin for what she is and does. But because of Jill Zarin I found you guys. Please Quincy, I hope your not gone long. I care for you and everyone else here.
          You guys are one of my lights and I value you so much. I you guys helped me laugh again when all I wanted to do was cry. I guess that’s all I can say for now. XOXOXO

          • BlueSky_Forever says:

            Shadowsnomore you said what we all feel with such eloquence that I have tears in my eyes. For the many that read your posts & know your story, I want to hug you. Thank you Lynn & Q for creating this wonderful place in the stratosphere. Come back when you are ready Q. Until then please know Q that you are one of the few people that I know who have opened up to a foreign religion, given all that they can in the face of intolerance and still can say I’d do it all again for love.

  53. Error404 says:

    Here’s wishing everyone a happy Holliday with no fire works! Never ending house guests have invited friends over to mine for BBQ. Like I said, there will be no fire works! Or so I keep telling myself. Deep breaths error, deep breaths. ohm mm mm

  54. Just caught up reading the spot on blog by Lynn and Quincy and all the great comments. Having trouble with my air conditioner and because of the holiday, no repairman until Wednesday:( I may have to take the family to a hotel tonight and stay for a few days so if you don’t hear from me …I will be back. I will just get as many of my thoughts in while I can today!

    • AZ Girl says:

      Bummer..mine went out last years and it was 115 outside. Slept at the office.

    • Kansas Girl says:

      Here is when I wish I lived in a big suburban house with lots of space. So I could say c’mon over. Sorry! Know anyone who can do repairs? Maybe go get a couple window units as temporary coolers?

      • Thought about buying a few window units but it would cost the same as staying at a hotel where I wouldn’t have to clean and could enjoy the pool! The air conditioner unit is still under warranty so I’m covered there as far as expense is concerned. I guess I could look at it as a forced vacation!

  55. Dalonna1 says:

    I wondered what happened to the comments I posted to Kelly, Jill, and Luanne. Seriously, she threatens to sue bravo? What a whackjob.

  56. Adgirl says:

    @ JillhAter
    I really appreciate hearing about this. I recall last year there was a lot of blog talk about her returning apparrel that had been worn. (How weird for someone who use to sell apparrel! Did she resell returned used items?)
    Jillsh1t’s treatment of the poor sales associate is the actual reason I dislike JZ. The threat of ruining the gal’s ability to pay her bills. That is just so downright nasty, vile and awful.

    Jillsh1t issues Fatwahs on anyone who displeases her and then she follows through! HORRIBLE.

    I have the feeling she burns down her own employees. Especially if she thinks they “know” too much.

    • JillhAter says:

      Yes,very used. I know for a fact. Underwear-

      But because they didn’t accept (illegal) to return her money she went in 3 different times w/ a family member to cause a scene.
      ” I will make sure nobody ever comes to this store again,You don’t know who I am.” “You will be sorry, I know everyone in the fashion business. My father is a lawyer and so is my sister.” “”My purse costs more than you will ever make in your life”
      The first time she was insane for 2 days they didn’t accept her return.

      Then she went back for ‘attacks’ w/family members! Her old father…
      That book they wrote,LMAO_ How to raise a bottomfeeder should of been the title.

      • This is cracking me up. She must buy some expensive underwear! It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George tries to return the book he took into the bathroom.

      • Adgirl says:

        Scorched Earth all the way. We should deploy her to Libya.
        I feel that Jill emotionally “needs” this show in order to stay alive. When it ends adn the spotlight goes away she will have a breakdown.

        I don’t know how long you have been reading this site, but my theory is Jillsh1t is literally addicted to fame & control. Her need to annilate people is pathalogical. She searches for new victims to satisfy a need. She has to have an enemy at all times. She has to be in the press or make twitter announcements hourly. It’s very odd.

        I can’t decide if Bobby is nice or if he is just as bad, but slicker behind the scenes.

      • BlueSky_Forever says:

        lol maybe if she had written a truthful, realistic book oops but Jill never wrote “the moldy book” her sister Lisa wrote it. Even if Jill does pen a tell all about reality stars, it will backfire. Her intentions are not good – they are evil and so she gets knocked down every time. Karma baby!

        • vilzvet says:

          I love that Jill is most definitely reading this! Now we know how you operate, Jill! Returning underwear, really?? Making threats? I thought you didn’t do such things. Great stuff here as always.

          • BlueSky_Forever says:

            Most “stars” donate their used clothes to charity. Not Jill…she sells her used shoes (ewww!) and clothes on ebay! Why? Jill is so wealthy…why would she try to make $ off of her used crap? Boggles the mind.

            • Nancy says:

              Maybe that’s why she is so rich?
              I’l stay poor thank-you very much.
              I like it down here.

          • FLG says:

            I wonder what the return policy will be on her girdles????

            • floridagirl88 says:

              She will probably cite the same law for why her girdles and such can’t be returned. I mean used underwear?!?! Oh wait, I remember something. Now people don’t go getting mad with me, but do you remember back in the 90’s when Hillary Clinton donated her used underwear to charity and people were in an uproar? The thing is, donating underwear to charity, if new and not worn, is helpful to the recipient, but USED underwear? Ugh.

          • If I had a dollar for every time Jill Zarin threatened to cost someone their job, I would never need to work again . (Technically, I don’t need to work as I am a SAHM and DH supports us, but you get the point ;))

      • klmh says:

        Yes, thanks so much for sharing. I am now feeling quite disgusted with her. ugh.

      • I believe every word you said. I wish I would have work there, I would have shut her down and shut her up by telling her that in Japan they sell that thing in vending machines, so maybe she could try ebay.

        Didn’t she try to return a stained dress she borrowed for Ally back to Saks- and they finally told her to kick rocks? Jill tried to say it was stained when they got it, even though she was photographed wearing it.

  57. Adgirl says:

    I wish someone would start a site called “The Real Jill Zarin” separate from this blog. There should be one place that housed all of the screenshots and other off camera Bullysh1t. A place that can’t be called a hate blog. The information could be submitted for posting, but no comment section.

    If I knew how to do it I would!!

    • BlueSky_Forever says:

      It’s a good idea Adgirl but perhaps what happens here on Lynn’s blog is close enough. Jill can’t get away with anything because every time she tries, we all call her out on her dirty deeds. Gawd imagine working for Jill – must be pure hell.

      • BessiB says:

        It would be nice to have sections here for easy reference though, such as page with all the mean tweets collected by everyone. And then another page for Mean Facebook posts.

    • It would be a full time job.

  58. NYCer says:

    just reading through some of the comments above… I CAN’T BELIEVE BOBBY IS 73!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jill married a man almost 30 years older than her?

  59. Indy501 says:

    Since I’m relatively new here I don’t know if any of you have ever visited David Patrick Columbia’s “New York Social Diary”. I used to ready it daily before I went back to work full time.
    It’s interesting to search the wives and see how far back they are posted on his site. His site is the definitive one for all social action in NYC. His historical information is vast and really paints a picture of society. IMO Sonja is the only one that has an impressive past in what is considered relevant society in NY.

    • Carly Hall says:

      My point exactly. These other housewives know that her roots run deep. And isn’t it refreshing to know that she is also the most kind? Now that’s class.

  60. Question?

    If Bobby talked to WSL on the phone in August and asked her if she’d like to meet Jill – then why isn’t Jill screaming at him???

    Is this all about Bobby making a pass at WSL 20 years ago?

  61. Reality TV Morons says:

    We are working on getting a petition to send to Bravo about the way they filter comments on the Housewives blogs. The bottom line is this. It is the FANS who are responsible for a shows success or failure. None of these women would be anything if it weren’t for the fans watching these shows. Therefore, the fans should have the right to comment under the housewives blog however they see fit – good, bad or indifferent. Should some restrictions such as foul language, threats, etc. be put in place? Absolutely! Other than that, the fans deserve to have their opinions heard. If they want to filter comments so that only major ass kissing happens, great, they can filter comments on their own websites. Shame on Bravo for not allowing their fans say how they REALLY feel! If these housewives can’t take the REALITY that people don’t like them then they shouldn’t be on a reality show! Period. End of Story. Do they honestly think they are fooling anyone by allowing only positive comments? Once petition is ready, we will let you all know. You can also find us on Facebook.

    • Adgirl says:

      While we’re at it we should ask them why WWHL is such utter dreck and controlled by JZ.

      • BlueSky_Forever says:

        I cannot stomach watching WWHL any more. We should all boycott it – except for Q or Lynn who will watch & then blog about it for us. Andy Cohen is an utter twit.

        • Mary says:

          Boycott is the answer.
          I’m also going to suggest we boycott the Jill girdles and tell all our friends and relatives. I plan on talking to the department store general manager about the poor quality of these garments.
          Jill is about money. Let’s hurt her where it hurts–financially!

          • Kansas Girl says:

            Well, I wasn’t going to buy one anyway. But if you’re wanting to give back in the way Jill does, I suggest you carefully consider what you say and then go for it. Jill is a master of inferences. Say something like this: “Mr/Ms Manager, I understand you’re considering carrying this product. I’m certainly no expert on girdles, but I do know what styles I like and wear. I know a little about this brand. (from tv, but you don’t say that) I wouldn’t want to say they’re poorly made, but I know you don’t want to carry shoddy material in your store. This brand was designed by someone who gained fame on one of those reality shows, and you know how those shows are. Of course it’s your decision whether to carry this brand, but I know what I’d do.” You get the drift. No lies, but inferences, omissions and lots of hedging.

    • sue says:

      I think thats a great idea, and maybe you could add something about why the viewers were/are basically still demanding to see lost footage/cutting room floor scenes from scary island….I know it seems like an odd request, but I am the spokesperson on behalf of 12 women who are still asking to see it, or why we cant when we got to see all the other HW’s shows, ie.the dinner party from hell….Other then that, count us in when you start the petition and Good Luck to you!

      • Felicity says:

        I would love to see the lost footage from Scary Island myself, but really, the viewers are in no position to demand anything from Bravo – we are at the mercy of what they choose to allow us to see and post. I think KKK having a complete nervous “breakthrough” on TV is a lot more personal than watching psycho Alison Dubois reveal her true nasty nature. I don’t think if would be fair for them to show us that footage – even though I really think KKK is a vile bitch and a psycho lunatic!

  62. I still can’t figure out why Jill and her minions want to paint WSL as a stalker with no evidence. It makes no sense – unless – Jill is truly delusional.

    How is a fan watching old shows, and recognizing a building a few blocks away, then going for a walk to see if she can find said building – a stalker?

    Jill’s assistants – please if you are reading this – tell Bobby the truth – and have him get Jill some help. This has gone way too far. He knows who WSL is – and he is intelligent enough to understand that this is just Jill’s paranoia spinning out of control. She’s on her own crazy island. Bobby – be her Sonja and calm her down – pleeeze.

    • Adgirl says:

      This is why I don;t know if Bobby is a nice person or not. He is really the one who lets her go nuclear on everyone.
      1. Maybe Bobby is whipped. He wrings his hands in silent shame. (My dad was like that.)
      2. Maybe Bobby loves that his wife is vivacious, socially ambitious and gets them invited places. Naturally people are jealous of her!
      3. Maybe Bobby is an asshole too.

      I personally believe Bobby’s own mother and Jillsh1t have very similar M.O.s and personalities. It’s just a guess.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        IMO – Bawby saw RHNY as a way to get Jill out of his business and a vanity project to fill her time with. It took over her life and we have never seen her listen to any of his sage advice (like with Bethenny). And he feels comfortable enough to address RH castmembers when his wife goes wacky (talking to Alex last year and Simon this year) in hopes they will do whatever it takes to shut her up! Jill has tried to get this blog shut down or have the name changed – the more she tried and failed the more heat she put on Bawby. He is looking for peace and quiet and she is looking for fame and adoration – sadly we don’t see either happening!

    • lillybee says:

      It is simple, WSL went to a party at Silex’s. Jill would love to attend events with WSL and is jealous.
      WSL is way higher than Jill in the NY social scene.

    • misosweets says:

      The woman on Twitter who is accusing “WSL” of having a past history of ‘stalking’ cites a lawsuit from a few years ago where an employee accused “WSL” of unfair termination and subsequent harassment. Problem is, the employee in question had previously documented work performance problems and was pregnant by a fellow employee with whom she would allegedly disappear during the workday without notice. Despite this, the story goes that “WSL” went to the employee’s apartment following a conflict that resulted in the employee’s resignation. There was no stalking involved – in fact, it appears “WSL” may have gone there with good intentions to resolve a difficult situation and make peace.There was no evidence presented that indicated “WSL” went there uninvited! And it should also be noted that the employee was later sued for stealing proprietary information. This is all online.

      But again, Jill is so desperate to control her public image that she doesn’t care about facts that are on record. She cannot escape her own narcissistic delusion and will probably never see reality, no matter how many websites, blogs, etc. call her out.

      • coco says:

        I think the lawsuit stuck….firing and stalking a pregnant woman

        • I haven’t seen anything to say the pregnant woman’s lawsuit was successful; not to mention that ‘stalking’ is criminal and I haven’t seen anything that suggests criminal charges were filed, it was just an accusation in the mists of an allegedly wrongful termination law suit.

      • OneMoreInBoston says:

        p.s. The preggers employee admitted under oath that she had stolen millions of dollars of propietary data from WSL’s company to open her own company.

        Morgan Stanley prosecuted two of their employees for this type of theft and and they both got 20 years.

        WSL didn’t prosecute.

    • Here in So Cal,they not only sell maps to the stars homes, they have bus tours that go by them. Is everyone who buys a ticket a stalker? Jill Zarin has told people to visit Zarin Fabrics in NYC for all their fabric needs. Jill said when Bobby’s mother died, fans sent cards to the store. Are these people also stalkers?

  63. Cusi77 says:

    Good Afternoon Everyone! Thank you Lynn and Quincy!

    Quincy= You crack me up, Girl! Great comments on your Blog!

    I miss HGTV last night! What a Gem! Ms.Liar- Contradiction of the Universe (to quote Kiki)

    This Month Birthday Girls (I hope some boys around, will come forward) List:
    Mamecastle: 7/7
    Vicky 7/8
    Neroes and Sam 7/10
    VaGirl 7/15

    Who else? We are organizing a big party: VaGirl will sing, Nancy will play the Cello, Ramona and Bethenny are sending the BUZZ and Sonja “appetizers”!

    • Carly Hall says:

      Someone PLEASE define “stalking” for these idiots.

    • See – now I read this as Simon trying to help Jill. Lynn has made it clear that she was willing to meet with Jill during this time frame – it was all in the open letter posted on this blog.

      We’ve got to remember that at this time (December) no one had any idea if Jill had tried to change or not after the backlash from last season.

      I think it’s great that Lynn was willing to listen and back off a little – if Jill had really changed. Now it’s painfully clear Jill was just playing with Simon and Alex – – – and she hasn’t changed a bit.

    • Need a Hobby says:

      As Bethenny observed so insightfully, “It’s never about what it’s about.”

      IMO Absurd has her own history and reasons for what she’s doing now. I remember her jumping on her old Zen friend’s campaign bus last year. The two of them all self-righteous and holier than thou, with real professional ethical standards dammit! True, there was a slight hiccup in the mutual self-congratulatory relationship when it was learned that A’s colleague happened to be not just a fraud & poser but a convicted felon to boot. But those two shared a similar “concern” about certain unprofessional hobby bloggers taking away hits from their sites.

      And now she’s posting others’ personal emails on her site? Now tell us again, Absurd, who is it that has gone too far?

      Qunicy/Lynn: feel free to delete this if you feel best.

  64. misosweets says:

    It’s astonishing to me that Jill (via Bobby) knowingly brought this blog onto the show. How many people have Googled “Jill Zarin hate blog” now? Is Jill really that moronic to advertise a site where all of her shady history is covered extensively?

    The majority of RHONYC viewers probably don’t even know about her Amazongate scandal, her mean tweets, her lies, her attempts to ruin people, her behind-the-scenes meddling in Bethenny’s public appearances…the list goes on. But Jill directed her husband to talk about this site on camera in a misguided attempt to make Simon look bad. Did she honestly think it would hurt Simon and/or Alex? Like how? They didn’t do anything except attend a fan event. It’s all on record. Simon has never “mean tweeted”, and this is all easily proven. Jill is such an imbecile.

    But I suppose she knows there are a good number of Bravo viewers who won’t care enough to verify or disprove her lies. So if she cries on camera enough and throws out enough “bullying” accusations, she knows there are idiots out there who will buy it. Hence her fan base.

    • VAgirl says:

      So sad there are such gullible people in the world who will believe anything someone says publicly without asking questions or for proof. Just very sad to me.

    • Yup – she’s spreading a lot of lies.

      But the bright side is she’s made Alex and Simon very very relevant again for next year 🙂 🙂

      And to make room for Kat and WSL we’ll have to say good bye to Cindy, LuLu, and Kelly.

      Thank you Jill!

  65. JillhAter says:

    amazongate. I must research! 😀

      • JillhAter says:

        That is so her.
        Funny she went with antisemetic… she has a big problem with other cultures.
        I am surprised her mother and father didn’t help out with some reviews. They are her supporting cast.

        • vilzvet says:

          Oh her family had a hand in submitted GREAT reviews for Zarin Fabrics! It was a hoot and a half. They posed as complete strangers and new customers. Ally sent in one, and I believe Jill’s uncle or in-law. Must be seen to be believed.

        • Happymouth says:

          Interesting that you talk about her mother and father and ” reviews” . Several days ago we all had a giggle at all the positive reviews Jill’s family members have posted on the Zarin Fabric websites.

    • BlueSky_Forever says:

      google “susan saunders” that’s the nom de plume that Jill used to post negative reviews on Silex’s book and positive reviews for her book.

      check out one of the comments posted to the above article…
      “It should also be noted that this Susan Saunders profile was created in 1991, when the first added a gift for Bobby Zarin on the account. So..unless this was created by Zarin’s psychic who knew that she’d be writing a book 9 years later, it has Zarin’s DNA written all over it.
      Zarin erased the 15 5 star reviews she wrote on her book after she was caught. She also changed her birthday on Facebook the day this broke, forgetting that a memo goes out to all added as “friends” saying “Jill Zarin changed her birthdate.” She has since removed her birthday, not wanting it linked to the birthday shown on her Amazon account, however…it’s on Wikipedia so masking it on Facebook did little good. “

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        Just adding a neat little bow to the Susan Saunders saga – after JZ was questioned numerous times if she did this her reply was “everyone does it” (writes reviews of their own work). So much for owning her own behavior!

        • LynnNChicago says:

          Some people may do it but they don’t also attack another reviewer and post negative comments and ratings on other people’s books. Jill is vile

  66. Carly Hall says:

    Jill’s sister said that they got “tons” of antisemitic threats, but Amazon was really good about taking them down. If that’s true, it’s awful.

    • There are horrible people out there 😦

    • lillybee says:

      I was reading the responses on Amazon in real time. There were no anti-semitic threats that I saw.

    • Adgirl says:

      Lisa has lost credibilty too. It could have been that after Susan Saunders called the reviewer “antisemitic” Jewish people complained to Amazon about “Susan” (“how dare you..”.

      That has happened here. There are many posters here who are Jewish and are furious about Jill’s example (Bad for the Jews).

      • JillhAter says:

        Lawyers lie a lot. Lisa is pro!

      • Debbie says:

        You couldn’t be more right. her book, Secrets of a Jewish Mother and her behavior are both a disgrace. The first, a “shanda” a shame, an embarrassment to Jewish Mothers everywhere. I’ve said that here before. I am qualified to say this as I have a Jewish Mother, I am a Jewish mother and my daughter is a Jewish mother. The second, her behavior, is an embarrassment to women (and men) everywhere.

        • Adgirl says:

          She is a shame to everyone with morals and empathy on the planet. Shalom. (My dad was Jewish, my mother an athiest.)

        • TLM says:

          I believe the correct spelling is “shondah,” LOL.

          How come we can never agree on spelling in the Jewish community? Chanukah, Hannukah, Hanukkah… 🙂

        • happygal says:

          I second that feeling- i have said on another day- she is an embarrassment to Jewish mothers, family and all- She actually is an embarrassment to all from Long Island, New yorkers and women in general.

    • VAgirl says:

      The article said Slade was in Vegas but not at the party. Gretchen must have made “Tubba Wubba” stay in his room. Now, see we don’t just talk about Jill here. He He

      • TLM says:

        Slade was probably busy unpacking handbags and steaming out her clothes for that evening…but he’s NOT HER MANAGER and he REALLY works with Fortune 500 companies. LOL.

        I just want someone to tell me how one goes from being a real estate title guy to being a branding consultant for Fortune 500 companies overnight. Anyone??

  67. Has anyone seen this video on Bravo –

    Jill has no sense of rhythm. I noticed it in the video, but watch her bop along to the music. It’s so funny. And watch her face!

  68. Adgirl says:

    Is AveryNYC the same person who claims she graduated Harvard Business School? Don’t they include a law segment in their MBA courses?

    I’m sure any employer woud love to have her! Woo Hoo!

    • Happymouth says:

      I think so………..she is also tweeting with this person:Frostedyummies……….and if you follow their twitter line they are posting great things to Jill and horrid things to Lynn, Quincy. There is another person 24b42 ? she just tweeted Jill and Jill tweeted her back. These people are harrasing people on twitter and adoring Jill.

    • happygal says:

      I went to see what this AveryNYC was tweetig and OMG- i was shocked at the viciousness she was doing… she was retweeting the most vile things and responding back to people who were ” making sense” about the garbage Jill had done with really mean and cruel behavior. I work in employment and as an employer…. i would totally not hire or work with any candidate that had such things on their blogs or tweets-

  69. Ezra says:

    AW i actually wrote on jills bravo blog and they erased mine too! Jill is dillusional ! seriously what happened to freedom of speech if she cant take the heat then she should leave the show.

    Thank you for making this blog i’ve been watching Rhwony since the beginning and ive never liked Jill she is a wannabe celeb and a social climber, her jealousy is childish and she is a terrible friend.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      Glad you found a place to vent – nice post!

    • misosweets says:

      I have never liked Jill either. Since day one I thought she was an idiot. Everyone seems to focus on Season 3 because of Jill trying to destroy Bethenny. But Jill was never very like-able as far as I’m concerned. The only reason she was ever popular was because of her show interaction with Bethenny. Bethenny made her look good by giving her humorous scenes and lighthearted needling that served to make Jill’s narcissism seem “cute”. The ONLY reason Jill ever had people on her side was Bethenny’s comedic intervention.

      In previous seasons, Jill threw a fit and made a scene when Ramona got a front row seat at a fashion show and she did not. She walked out of the show like a childish brat, insulting the designer and everyone involved. It was absolutely disgusting. She was ALWAYS terrible and always tried to hurt people behind the scenes – ie. calling Cindy Adams and planting stories about Simon and Alex, etc. She tried to manipulate a simple fun tennis match in her favor by soliciting a pro…just f-ing obnoxious. She’s a celebrity stalker and name dropper, and always was.

      And remember Jill’s mom? Oh my God, you can totally see why Jill is the way she is. That mother is AWFUL. She scowled constantly and treated people horribly on camera (ie. the strapless black dress fitting in season one) – it even seemed to embarrass Jill! Seriously, when did Gloria ever do anything like-able other than counsel Bethenny in the Hamptons? I actually thought her counseling and offer to “adopt” Bethenny was patronizing. She is a ridiculous yenta who just spews out cliche advice. They are both a nightmare.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        Sitting right beside you – I have never liked Jill Zarin, ever! If you ever met someone like her you would see another one of “those women” a mile away. lol

  70. OneMoreInBoston says:




  71. Kukulet says:

    misosweets says:
    The woman on Twitter who is accusing “WSL” of having a past history of ‘stalking’ cites a lawsuit from a few years ago where an employee accused “WSL” of unfair termination and subsequent harassment. Problem is, the employee in question had previously documented work performance problems and was pregnant by a fellow employee with whom she would allegedly disappear during the workday without notice. Despite this, the story goes that “WSL” went to the employee’s apartment following a conflict that resulted in the employee’s resignation. There was no stalking involved – in fact, it appears “WSL” may have gone there with good intentions to resolve a difficult situation and make peace.There was no evidence presented that indicated “WSL” went there uninvited! And it should also be noted that the employee was later sued for stealing proprietary information. This is all online.
    But again, Jill is so desperate to control her public image that she doesn’t care about facts that are on record. She cannot escape her own narcissistic delusion and will probably never see reality, no matter how many websites, blogs, etc. call her out.

    OneMoreInBoston says:
    p.s. The preggers employee admitted under oath that she had stolen millions of dollars of propietary data from WSL’s company to open her own company.
    Morgan Stanley prosecuted two of their employees for this type of theft and and they both got 20 years.
    WSL didn’t prosecute.

    See. this is what bothered me about Jill’s “private” newsletter. She specifically said that WSL was “accused” of “stalking” a former employee…but, of course, she didn’t tell the whole story. She flings these things around without regard. She did it to Simon’s boss intentionally, with the intent that Simon would lose his job, and it worked. She’s a dangerously stupid loose cannon. Hopefully, one day it will come back to bite her on the ass.

    HEY, LYNN! I sent you a new graphic for your header – http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4708/jillzarinblig2.jpg – along with the text from Jill’s private newsletter, and never got a reply? Did it not go through?

    • OneMoreInBoston says:

      Meanwhile…the stalking charge was because WSL brought over groceries and cat food to the preggers employee’s apt. in the middle of a snowstorm not knowing the employee had just sent in her written resignation.

      Then WSL found out in the discovery phase of the unlawful firing (because the preggers employee took her to court) that the employee has stolen her entire client list in order to set up her own company.

      But that company never amounted to anything leaving the former employee with lots of time on her hands…
      just saying 😉

      • shadowsmom says:

        Have you seen the NY Post version ? This may have been where JZ got her idea to use the stalker story. Doesn’t she have “friends” at the Post?

        This certainly gets curiouser and curiouser and doesn’t seem to bode well for anyone. I asked hubbie who is in the Hedgefund world and he finds this entire thing bizarre to say the least. So many questions all around and so much speculation. There is something that leaves me very uncomfortable about this whole thing — when TV and real life start intertwining. I keep coming back to the same question and can’t help but wonder why would someone of any stature involve themselves in something like this?

        • Kansas Girl says:

          Yes, I’m concerned too. By continuing to discuss our fellow board member and giving links to people discussing the person, we are guilty of outing one of our own. I think we all value the anonymity here. The Internet can be a dangerous thing, with an eternal memory. This is beginning to make me uncomfortable. I believe it began innocently — a new board member posting insights, but perhaps not understanding the power of the Internet and the dangers of revealing ones identity. I feel it has gone too far and beyond just not discussing the person, I’m not sure what we can do. (And heck, I loved hearing from the person and miss the posts. 😦 )

          • shadowsmom says:

            I agree but if one wants to be anonymous then they shouldn’t post a guest blog or post pictures of themselves not to mention give clues as to their identity. I have lurked here since the beginning and remember the game of clues WSL gave for posters to guess who she was and remember the photos she posted of herself and her husband. That is not what you do if you want to remain anomymous.

            I hope it all works out for everyone in the end.

    • California35 says:

      It’s like I saw on tv or movie, can’t remember, someone was acused of raping an under age girl. Supposedly it was even in his record. He kept saying that he didn’t, or that it wasn’t what people thought. He wasn’t allowed to say much because he would get asked other questions. Long story short, after he went through so much someone defending him bringing facts. That he slept with his under age girl friend when HE himself was under age, her father accused him of rape and it want cleared up. He dated that girl for a ling time after and even got married. They were still happilly married. Yet, when he was being accused it was in front of people who knew nothing aout this, so they believed it. Same thing here, Jill says anything she wants about others. She hopes no one will wonder if is true or not. We all know how she is and what she does, but there are many people outhere that only know what she says. Too bad.

  72. mariareads says:

    WOW. Looks to me, from what I am reading here, that Jill has taken on the wrong person (people). She cannot win whatever battle she is fighting. I think this is insanity. What person does this? And why? If you can’t take the criticisms for showing your true self on a reality show, then QUIT! This woman is delusional if she believes that true NY society will have anything to do with her. She is going to implode, if she hasn’t already done so.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      IMO, Jill is delusional and the more she tells herself “her version of a story” the more happy she becomes and the more she thinks it is the real truth! Unfortunately, Jill doesn’t realize that she has established a pattern of behavior that will eventually be used against her when one of those “bullies” gets fed up with her lies.

  73. AZ Girl says:

    24rb42 on Twitter just in a few hours went from tweeting about baseball and only baseball to praising Jill and hate stuff about Lynn. How does that happen? Student needing summer job and money? Man I would love to have someone get on craigslist and find JIll’s advertisement.

    • Carly Hall says:

      Lisa also mentioned that she gives bloggers stuff. So strange.

    • OneMoreInBoston says:

      This tweet was pretty funny:

      “Are you a DR???? I have taken myself of the drugs 25 times over 11 years. IT DOES NOT WORK. Don’t Blog if not expert!”

      my, my…dem drugs can make you do sum crazee stuff- like befriending JZ on twitter

    • Happymouth says:

      It is bizare…………….and interesting that Jill is tweeting with poeple that are saying hateful things about Lynn and Quincey. Coincedence ?????????

      • quincyil says:

        LOL, I am not looking, but I had nothing to do with any of this. I guess I am collateral damage. Thank you, Jill Zarin. Well, I did point out the inconsistency between her HGTV show and the Second Season Brad and Bethenny scenes. I guess in Jill’ s world that means I should be lined up and shot.


      • mariareads says:

        Nope. This is a war now. And it’s also publicity for the fame whore. There are many different categories in the DSM-IV but I’m telling you that her behavior fits one of those categories to a T. There is no treatment for it other than therapy. No meds will alter the behavior. She and her entire family mistake themselves to be very important people. The entire family has some wacky syndrome.

        If she were my family member I would fight to keep her off of a show that would expose her for what she is. I would be trying to protect her. But these people see nothing wrong with her behavior & that is a problem for me. Tells me that it runs in that family. Thank God every day that you are not a part of that tribe!

  74. kitty says:

    Maybe I’m imagining things, does anyone else remember this? A while ago Jill was on an antibullying campaign. She was asking her twitter followers to report any bullies to her. And, together they would find out their place of business and report them to their employer as a cyber-bully. How dare she suggest putting someone’s job in jeopardy just because they ‘mean-tweeted’. Also, this would be considered real-life stalking. Much worse than a few mean tweets.

    • Happymouth says:

      I do remember that Jill was the ” cyberbully police” and she did want to contact their employeers. It seems to me that the people that she is exchanging tweets with are “cyberbullying ” Lynn and Quincy. What a strange turn of events.

      • quincyil says:

        I doubt she know them or can control them. She is just looking at her tweet line and taking things that compliment her. I don’t blame Jill Zarin for any of that. I actually listened to her radio show and watched her in the tv show and thought she was sincerly bothered by Simon and cyber bullies. I really don’t think she would do that to me on purpose.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      Jill’s solution to bullying is exactly the same as what should be done to annoying castmates (fellow employees)! Because someone else is doing the bullying via tweets/blogs, etc on her behalf, she doesn’t believe she has to take responsibility for their actions or ask them to stop what is clearly wrong! So much for owning her behavior…

  75. klmh says:

    I have been spotty here for a bit. Could someone direct me to JZ accusations about WSL and is she suing her or something? Thanks

    • jeepers1941 says:

      I have been wondering the same thing about WSL. I have read a few postings here lately that said Lynn and WSL apparently had a falling out so to speak and was also wondering about that too. Does anyone know about this, outside of Lynn, which I can understand her not talking about it?

      • klmh says:

        I was involved with this blog when WSL came. I know pics were taken, but they were of the wrong place. She is a good soul and was one that was very reserved in her criticism of anyone of these ladies. I know there are lots of folks that are jealous of her and Lynn’s blog, and Im sorry this is happening to them, but I know of nothing new about the situation. I do not twitter though. Maybe that’s where all this is coming from?

      • OneMoreInBoston says:

        I don’t think there has been any sort of a falling out…I think WSL’s true identity was found out as she was outed on another blog by someone she thought was a friend.

        She wisely stopped posting since snarking on some HW might not be seen in such a positive light by her clients.

        • klmh says:

          Thanks OMIB. Good to see you here again. That happened so long ago, I wonder why she is making such a big stink about it now? I guess she thinks its relevant to the storyline now…

          • OneMoreInBoston says:

            Hi klmh!

            I think that we are seeing everything about 6 months later than when it all happened.

            Remember RHONY was delayed for a season. So it looks like it was ages ago- and I can barely remember all the details but because it was just aired over the last two weeks- now everything is coming out.

            Jill DID refer to WSL -without naming her- in her private newsletter. Ever since then twitter and other blogs have been exploding because this is all *new* to them.

            Twitter is getting very very dark- they’re even snarking on WSL’s husband.

            • BlueSky_Forever says:

              Twitter can be a dark hole of iniquity when twitter wars start. Best to block the offal & ignore. Twitter is also a great place to find out what’s going on. During the raid on Bin Laden there was a Pakistani guy tweeting about loud bombs, noises etc. – he was in the same town & it was fascinating to read his tweets.

      • Jill made some accusations in her secret blog/newsletter this week. I think Lynn blogged about it yesterday or the day before.

        I don’t think Lynn and WSL have had a falling out – – –

        • klmh says:

          No, I knew they wouldn’t have a falling out because they know what friends are, but I couldn’t understand why everyone here was so upset. Guess it was the twitter stuff.
          I am so glad I don’t tweet!
          Thanks for your response.

          • Speaking only for myself, I’m still scratching my head about Jill calling WSL a stalker – – – but why am I surprised. She’s never let the truth stop her before!

        • LynnNChicago says:

          I can assure you there was no falling out. I adore WSL, always have and always will. We are in touch constantly.

          • jeepers1941 says:

            Thank you for setting the record straight with regards to you and WSL. I wish I could remember where I read the comment at. When I do, I will let you know.
            I always liked to read postings from WSL, sorry she feels she can’t post here.

  76. Amy Matheson says:

    OMG – just looked at Jill’s adoring tweeters who are talking big time smack about Lynn, Q, Lady Brooks, Simon, Alex, Ramona, Sonja et al. I won’t give them more exposure by linking to their twitters, but some are mentioned upthread.

    Jill, if you are really concerned about stalkers (and that is assuming these adoring nutjobs aren’t on your payroll doing your bidding) you should worry about people like those fan freaks who tweet constantly and repetitively about how much they adore and constantly ask how Ally and Bobby are. They are the ones who are most likely to obsess over you and stalk you and wanting to “wear you like last year’s Versace.”


    • Happymouth says:

      It is awful what they are saying about Lynn, etc…………..hummmmmmmmmmm, someone might want to grab some screen shots ? Might be considered harassment, bullying?

      • quincyil says:

        It’s really impossible to prove. The laws are primarily to protect kids. It’s the Wild West.

        As long as I know I was not invovled and you all know me, what ever they say is “water off a duck’s back.”

        • Happymouth says:

          Great attitude Quincy !!!!!!!!!……….I know you were not involved, it just bothers me that poeple are doing this.

          • quincyil says:

            The truth is I only care what the people here think. I listen to you and care about your opinions. I am not reading blogs, comments other than this site, Jill’s twitter or any of their twitters. I don’t have time for that and there is no benefit.

            I was upset when it first started, but I am over it now.

            I actually thought I could reason with them, but I thought about it and decided I could not. I thought I could find a way to fix this and I can not. I think it’s a mob mentallity. People do things in a feeding frenzy that they would never do in a millions years alone.

            Jill precipated this, but I don’t think she can control any of this. She might be happy that it is happening, but I never felt happy to see her troubles. I wanted her to have a good life.


            Q…going down with Operation Titanic. gosh the water is icy cold.

            • Amber...Real Wife says:

              As they say…. “And the band played on…”. We know you’re a real mensch. LOL

            • Happymouth says:

              Excellent post Quincy, food for thought and words of wisdom.

            • Rhetorica says:

              Q, I wouldn’t take any of this lightly. I think it’s a bit frightening. Mob mentality & groupthink can be harmful. I don’t think anyone should engage in a debate with these people. Sorry it I’m rambling, I just want everyone to be safe.

            • FLG says:

              Empress, you can only do what you can do. You saw the iceberg and sounded the alarm. That isn’t Pollyanna-ish. That is humane. When you encounter a drowning person, you try to pluck them from the water before lecturing them about not taking swimming lessons. If they refuse to board the life boat then they have taken fate into their own hands. You cannot control the action of others, only the way you react to it.

        • klmh says:

          Im not sure what’s going on, but Q you know, because you have nothing to do with something doesn’t make you exempt from prosecution Your husband is a Dr.
          Whatever this mess is, Im sure is will blow over. Jill is trying to scare people, as many of the housewives have done with threats. (Sorry if there are too many commas, but that’s just the way I write and think. :))

          • OneMoreInBoston says:

            I don’t understand.

            What does Q’s husband have to do with these tweets?

            • klmh says:

              Nothing! All I was saying is that you don’t have to have a reason to sue anyone. My electricity went off for an hour and I just got back.

              • Need a Hobby says:

                You used the word “prosecution,” a word used in regard to criminal charges and proceedings. DA’s prosecute cases.

                Civil litigation–being sued—is another matter altogether.

                You get the diffference between the two and then see what you said?

                • klmh says:

                  I am not an attorney, but when I looked the word up, these are its uses:
                  to institute legal proceedings against (a person).
                  to seek to enforce or obtain by legal process.
                  to conduct criminal proceedings in court against.
                  A seems to pertain to this situation to me.

                  But my statement had nothing to do with a lawsuit against anyone here, other than to say that there are no reasons for some lawsuits. You can be sued for anything at anytime for any reason. That was what I saying… you don’t have to be guilty or innocent or even directly involved, just in a line of fire.

          • quincyil says:

            I just wrote to Lynn and I quit. That post was totally outrageous. I did nothing wrong and to bring my husband into to and say they could prosecute me was the end.

            I worked so hard for all of you. I stayed up late to write the blogs when I had to go to work at 4 AM.

            KMLH, you have been so mean to me and I was always kind to you …..Always.

            Goodbye, I will never return.


          • LynnNChicago says:

            Are you Crazy? Prosecution from WHAT??? Quincy is not in any danger of anything! Neither am I or anyone else associated with this blog, that is absolutely insane!!!

            • Kansas Girl says:

              I think I see what KLMH meant. As the comments have unfolded today, the whole mess has taken on a sense of urgency and danger. It could seem like you and Quincy, as the “face” of the blog, could be accused of something. I think this is a false perception due to all the comments, and I think KLMH is just worried about you guys. I think she brought in Q’s husband, just to say that Q has standing in her community that could be harmed if the blog’s authors were brought into a suit. I think it’s a mis-understanding and I hope no one quits. We all need each other. Jill’s nonsense should not tear us apart.

              • Waslurking says:


              • BlueSky_Forever says:

                Q we love you. The way I read it was that crazy people could try to do something to hurt you, as for example when someone bumps my car in traffic, then claims that it was all my fault & now their neck is hurting & it spirals out of control from there & then they sue me for damages…that’s what I meant when I said “so true” to klmh. Wicked people take advantage of good, honest hard working people. May I say it has happened to me…so please understand. Now I read your reaction and feel that in a moment of exhaustion you have had enough…and I understand that too. What happens on these blogs & on twitter can be so nasty. Let me say that after you have given it some thought I hope you do come back. Your insight is the best Q. Take care, lots of hugs from those of us on the blog that truly love you for you and all that you do!!!
                Blue Sky

            • Freedom of speech rocks!

              Besides – anyone with half a brain can see that your blog is no different than any of the other ones out there – well except the title and the great snark – 🙂 🙂 🙂

              My guess is that the folks you’ve had to ban over the last year for being mean to other posters are causing more than half of this twitter fuss. And the other half is caused by JZ’s interns.

              • twoile says:

                @HWA, ITA + a bit of anxiety as a result being felt by some members here = the reaction seen upstream. “THEY” only win if “we” let “THEM”! “THEY” are inconsequential ultimately, WE are NOT = non issue ! IGNORE the idgets! PEACE, (((((((L,Q,&A)))))))the best of the best.:)

          • Christine says:

            Totally not cool, klmh. Who, in God’s name brings up someone’s spouse is such terms? That sounds as threatening as Jill. To hurt Qunicy – unconscionable.

          • Sam says:

            KLMH, I think you’re referring to a post that said tweeters were attacking WSL’s husband, not Q’s. And as for lawsuits, yes, anyone can sue, but it costs a lot of money, plus you have to find an attorney willing to take the case (and a judge who won’t throw it out), and it can turn into a public relations nightmare for the person suing.

  77. Amber...Real Wife says:

    Sorry to be tardy for the party… oh oh oh ooh ooh ooh… but can someone get me to the clip of the show by the fruit of Gloria and Sauls pork loins? I tried to log on but it only had old shows. Has it been deleted… the one where she was ripping my cheesesteak hero RamonaPinotSinger? Can you guys tell i’m hungry? LOL Just came in from grocery shopping and thankfully RealHusband is cooking dinner. Fried Chicken, Sausage Rice and Red Beans. I don’t even care that it doesn’t match, as long as he’s cooking. I’ll make a salad for the chicken and wait for the Joisey wreck.

    Calling all experts… where is the clip of JillKillerKawaski and AccompLisaWexler?

    • Amy Matheson says:

      No Jersey tonight, sister.

      • Amber...Real Wife says:

        What?! I’m clutching the pearls and looking for alternate programming. LOL I guess it’ll be Bridezilla for me.

        • Amy Matheson says:

          LOL. Breathe. There’s also Drop Dead Diva and a Law and Order marathon. Or you can grab a lemonade and your hubby and sit on your porch and enjoy your drama free REAL real life – a world without Zarin. See heaven exists. 🙂

          • lillybee says:

            For those of you who like cooking shows, there is the Food Network’s Chef show.
            One of the women is a Patti Sanger look alike and just as vile,

            • Amy Matheson says:

              Patti Patti…. I never knew there were so many idiotic names for p3nis and v@gina until she came along. Seriously – “juicy goosy”? hahaha – how old is she?

          • Kansas Girl says:

            Idea for a new Bravo show: World Without Zarin.

  78. HD says:

    Hey everyone! Happy 4th of July weekend. I read through the comments. Too much going on in “real life” for me and I like drama but this is over the top!

    • quincyil says:

      Yes. so I am going to iron my son’s and husband’s shirts. I do my son’t laundry when he comes home and he gives me a huge hug when he leaves for pay. Gosh, I love that hug.


  79. Michigan Susan says:

    I wonder what Jill would do if we stopped everything..no blog, no comments, no twitter, etc? There would be NO MENTION of Jill Zarin anywhere. No questions to WWHL, no comments on her Bravo blog. Or if we ONLY talked about the other housewives and not a word about Jill? Would she lose her mind?

    • Yes I think she would.

    • Amy Matheson says:

      This is what Bethenny does. And I am certain it does drive her mad. Go Bethenny!

      • jc says:

        I agree. My suggestion this morning was to simply not talk about her. Last year it was clear from episode 1 who Jill was and what she was trying to do to destroy Bethenny. Bethenny never talks about Jill and breezes past the subject when asked. She is harsher on the other hw and simply moves on from Jill. She knows Jill well and knows her not engaging drives Jill mad. We should do the same.

  80. Carly Hall says:

    Well, the chickens have come home to roost and I’m back on call. Must say, you guys have been a blast. I hope I get to come back and hang out. Off to work….

  81. Let me sum this up for those that are wondering what’s going on.

    Alex and Simon invited someone to their home for a party. Jill doesn’t like that person, and now she’s mad. She wasn’t at the party – wasn’t invited to the party – and it had nothing to do with her.

    The end.

    • Michigan Susan says:

      It’s terrible that Jill goes on the attack and tries to ruin other people and for what gain? She really must be quite a miserable person all the way through. It’s sad. Pathetic and truly sad.

  82. Nancy says:

    Celebrity Rehab is on at 6pm. I think this season
    is going to be “good”. I love addicts. Hands down the
    funniest people on earth. (Clean ones I mean) 🙂

  83. jeepers1941 says:

    I would venture to say there are a whole lot of attorneys looking into this matter for both BRAVO and casts members. We all know jz has and is guilty of bullying some castmates, both on and off the show. She also used her BRAVO blog site as well as her facebook and tweeter accounts. I think that is one of the reasons she made the TH statement about, “we all talk behind someones back” at one time or another. But there is a fine line between “digs’ and “bullying”.
    All of these things are jz way of life, has been for years and she can’t stop doing it. So one needs to either ignore her or get in the mud with her. If she is doing something illegal, press charges against her. Pure and simple, BRAVO and the cast members have both allow this to happen if all
    have signed a contract with this stipulation stated they can not file a law suit against another castmate for these activities. A contract stating this, they just have to put up with it and leave the show when their contract expires.

    • Nancy says:

      Bravo sure has a lot of law suits to deal with this season.
      I say “Off with all of their heads”. Try something new.
      I’m getting tired of all the Housewives. I’d love BH if
      Taylor” wasn’t on it. She’s another Jill in my eyes.

      • Dee says:

        Amen! Cant stand Taylor!! Think this season she will be more obnoxious! (if that is even possible)

      • jeepers1941 says:


        • Nancy says:

          How is your weekend so far?

          • jeepers1941 says:

            So sorry, just now finishing the readings of comments made.
            As for my weekend, it is always the same, a lot of pain, rather they be on a holiday or not. But life goes on. Thank you for asking tho, hope the 4th is good for you and your’s.

    • OneMoreInBoston says:

      How do you press charges against tweets from an anonymous source?

      Jill’s hands are clean, because she’s paying people to post some disgusting and damaging tweets, who in turn anonymous.

      I totally agree with this statement though: So one needs to either ignore her or get in the mud with her.

      never a truer statement about JZ has been made.

      • jeepers1941 says:

        I”m not so sure jz hands are all that clean, but what she says in her talking heads can be and should be enough. She has a right to her opinions just as we do here. But when she starts to accuse someone of something, she better have her ducks in a row. As far as anonymous sourses, in cyberspace, there is no such thing, there is always a trail of crumbs to follow as to who they are.

    • OneMoreInBoston says:

      OH SHIT!

      Look above^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

      quincyil says:
      July 3, 2011 at 8:16 pm

      I just wrote to Lynn and I quit. That post was totally outrageous. I did nothing wrong and to bring my husband into to and say they could prosecute me was the end.

      I worked so hard for all of you. I stayed up late to write the blogs when I had to go to work at 4 AM.

      KMLH, you have been so mean to me and I was always kind to you …..Always.

      Goodbye, I will never return.


      • klmh says:

        What? I have been mean to you? Wow, I’m sorry you feel that way Q. I thought I complemented you often because you are one person I can relate here too. I did recommend not trying to talk sense into Jill, but Im sorry you felt that way.
        What I meant by my statement about lawsuits is because my husband is a physician as well and you know as well as I that we can be sued at any time for any reason. I thought you remembered my husband was one too. I have no idea what was going on other than what I read about a possible lawsuit someone mentioned up thread. Thanks for putting the blame on me when I pointed out the obvious in a lawsuit situation.
        Goodbye Q.

  84. coco says:

    Did Quincy just quit?…..again

  85. AZ Girl says:

    Everyone needs to “hang tough” Jill and her troops are vicious and unfortunately innocent bystanders are getting hit (WSL, Lynn, and Q). It is going to settled down. Hell if we are all lucky Bobby will have sex with Jill and we can all relax. Happy 4th of July!

  86. VAgirl says:

    Quincy. If you are reading this, I am so sorry it has gotten to the point that you feel you can no longer go on and will not return to this blog. I consider you a friend and it makes me very very sad that there are such mean and spiteful people in this world. I am truly truly heartbroken and may consider joining you. I hope you will reconsider because there are may people here who love you. Susan

  87. AZ Girl says:

    Q; You need to take some time off from the blog. I completely understand. Come back when you are ready. Love always. AZ GIrl

  88. boston02127 says:

    Hi guys, Not sure what’s going on here tonight. Hope everyone is okay thou. Just wondering why NJ is behind an eppy tonight?? No new show tonight? Does anyone know? Thank you.

  89. OneMoreInBoston says:

    this is getting out of control.

    Divide and conquer. Isn’t that a wartime strategy?

    Some posters aren’t on twitter. I’m not but enough tweets have been sent to me today that I’ll make sure never to go on.

    It is turning my stomach to see what they are tweeting about Lynn- threatening to call DSS to take her children away, what they are saying about WSL and her husband who were *NEVER* charges for any type of stalking incident, and what they are tweeting about Quincy.

    Vile, horrible- just mean things. I don’t blame Quincy. It’s unnecessary nonsense-life is too short to be attacked by random strangers for no reason other than you have a wildly popular blog or are partcipating in it.

    Evidently Jill and her crew are in full on attack mode. Rather than attacking each other- time to hunker down in our little blog bunker.

    We all come here for different reasons, we all get something different from coming here. This is a place of good and caring people.

    Don’t let Jill corrupt that.

    • LynnNChicago says:

      Q is ok, she was upset about that one post to her but she’ll be fine…she just needs some time away. I am perfectly fine with quitting for tonight too!

      • VAgirl says:

        I so glad she’s OK. If you both wanted to take a break I wouldn’t blame you a bit. You have both been honest and above board and freely devoted your time and effort for this board and this is the thanks you get. Have a great 4th tomorrow!

      • OneMoreInBoston says:

        not our fearless leader too!
        we really will be motherless babes

        • LynnNChicago says:

          haha OMIB, I’m not going anywhere, I just think staying away from Twitter and those other idiotic blogs is a great idea. Look, I am just a blogger living in Chicago, why would anyone want to write about me? Honestly anyone who does clearly ran out of material. Writing about a TV show is one thing but writing about a person who writes about a TV show is a bit insane, no?

          • OneMoreInBoston says:

            No one can understand the power of the “hobby” blogger.

            An enigma wrapped in a conundrum.

      • Kansas Girl says:

        Good, and thanks VERY much for letting us know. I’ve felt today that it might be time to step away too for a while. I’m getting just really sick of hearing about Jill.

    • We all need to acquire a thicker skin to deal with the likes of anonymous people on twitter. If it truly bothers some, don’t read the empty threats twitter provides minute by minute.

      We also have to remember that Jill Zarin created this ruse to garner sympathy and get HER minions to do her dirty work. The same thing she is accusing Simon of doing to her. If we fall victim to their powerless rants, then Jill will be victorious and I personally wont let that happen.

      Because one makes a claim or a threat, it does not avail that anonymous person to have the ability to carry out such threat. Believe you me, Jill Zarin has the assets at her disposal to strike if she has due cause, but even her hands are tied. People need to take a breath and realize, Jill is making this crazy with HER hateful and mean words/tweets. Dont fall prey into her wringing hands. Just throw a bucket of water onto the witch and lets watch her melt..

  90. VAgirl says:

    OK, guys and gals. Maybe we should all take a deep breath and relax for a few. I for one am not going to be looking at other blogs, tweets, facebook pages or anything have to do with Jill Zarin. I am not going to engage anyone outside of this blog about anything concerning Jill Zarin’s or her “fan’s” accusations, threats, lies, etc. Quincy is right – it has become a mob mentality out there and you cannot reason with a mob. I say let’s take a page from Jill Zarin and do a total block of all things negative. Let’s keep things light, stick together and everything will turn out fine. Simon and Alex signed off and I say let’s do the same for a few days, other than talking amongst ourselves here.. What say you all?

    • OneMoreInBoston says:

      I’m in.

      • VAgirl says:

        Thanks OMIB. You and I have not always agreed in the past, but I’m glad you’re here! Strength in numbers. ❤

        • Yup – I’m in.

          • Nancy says:

            Me too. Lets talk about our animals
            for a few days. 🙂

            • Waslurking says:

              critter talk is always good.
              I have 3 cats that were rescues at different times so they don’t like each
              other and are jealous of my attention. Lots of hissing and growling at times
              but really I think it is for show…..little shits! LoL
              All three are different breeds(?)…one is gray with white tips, one solid black, and my
              little calico that is mommy’s girl. She will have nothing to do with any other human
              but is a cuddle bunny when it’s just us.
              Also have a very large Pit-bull (also a rescue) who thinks he’s a cat cause he was raised around them…. he just doesn’t think it’s fair they can fit on my lap and he can’t.
              He’s a love….. sweetest disposition in the world.

              I’m sure this will get lost in the many posts tonight but I needed to kind of change the
              subject myself in my own way here.

              • Pghemtchick says:

                I have a bunny. He’s a three year old lionhead named Jelly (bean being optional). I had a 5 year old lil girl same breed named Peanut(butter). Sadly, I had to have her put down in December. She had a 1.5lb inoperable tumor in her chest displacing her trachea. The vet said even if she was a large dog the outcome would have been the same. It was one of the hardest things ever. Jelly is coping well. I rescued both, but Jelly was only 2 weeks when he hopped into my life. He’s spunky and licks a lot! Lol. While my Peanut wouldn’t touch an orange carrot (shed only eat yellow organic), he’s a carrotoholic. He is only caged when not home and nights. Unlike a certain nose licking dog, he does not mess on my carpet. He’s trained to go in his cage then come out. Rabbits are loving and so much more intelligent than given credit for.

                • Nancy says:

                  sorry to hear about your sweet bunny. I have always wanted to have a rabbit.
                  Do they get along with cats?

              • Nancy says:

                OMG you house seems like a riot! We have 2 little Siamese cats (blue point, seal point)
                and a 17 yr old Pug. But…the pug thinks she is a cat so the 3 of them are a pack.
                It’s very sweet to watch because our Pug is almost completely blind so our feral cats had adopted her. I would love to rescue a Pit-bull. Do you watch Pit Boss?
                Thank-you for your post. That was a great way to wake up. Keep your babies safe tonight with all the fireworks.

    • Kansas Girl says:

      I say “cheesecake”. That’s a happy thought. Discuss!

      • VAgirl says:

        Mmmmmmm. Do you like plain cheesecake or some type of fruit on top? I thought of Bethenny when I went to Skinnydip Yogurt last week and they had Red Velvet Cupcake. I got some and it was delish.

        • MAMAZ says:

          I agree.
          We can’t change how JZ and her minions behave. But we can change how we react to them.
          I don’t twitter or facebook anyway. This sort of craziness is part of the reason why. I won’t read anything negetive about Lynn, Q or WSL. Even trying to defend them just feeds the fire.
          But please know that I fully support all three of you.
          jz has as usual taken something simple and turned it into an enormous casino. For one reason only – attention. If my children or dogs misbehave for attention I refuse to interact until the behavior is under control. I’m going to do the same with jz. I will continue to watch NY, for now, and will take note of all the advertiser. I am then going to write to each one expressing my displeasure with the franchise, the values it displays and anyone who chooses to advertise during the show. I will be writing to NBC, Shed Media and Bravo as well.
          The only voice I have, outside of here, is my wallet. I won’t spend my money to encourage slander and libel anymore. Enough is enough.

          • Cheri says:

            I agree I will no longer buy from any advertiser of this network or show.

          • floridagirl88 says:

            My thoughts exactly. Let’s all watch the show this Thursday, note each and every sponsor then share the contact information. I will follow through with a written and email letter letting them know how I feel about JZ and her bullying campaign. I will also let them know that I am sharing my information about their products and sponsorship. Some people may think it’s not enough, but it matters to me.

            Q, if you need to step back for a moment to clear your head, please do, but I look forward to your posts so come back and join us when you are ready. JZ comes from a place of NO and hasn’t Bethenny taught us how that is toxic? Toxic seems to be all that JZ knows. She hasn’t changed, she has only gotten meaner and more vicious. It’s a reality show and without sponsors it is a “used to be” a reality show.

        • Adgirl says:

          We love animals here! Thanks for sharing your family with us.

      • wvurn says:

        Isn’t cheesecake FLG’s speciality?

    • Waslurking says:

      great idea

  91. jeepers1941 says:

    OMG Q,
    I hope I didn’t say anything to cause you to feel you need to quit Lynn’s blog. I love your postings and I know you work hard to keep us abreast of all that is going on. Please don’t leave us. Again I do hope I am not the cause for this decision………… 😦 ❤

  92. boston02127 says:

    Well….no new eppy tonight, thx Lynn. Guess I’ll go read & catch up. I’ll see everyone here tomorrow and I do mean EVERYONE. Don’ t make me climb thur my screen and pull a Southie casino!

    Good night to all & ♥ & ☮

  93. klmh says:

    Q, I don’t know if you will read this or not. I posted a note to you above. I honestly didn’t know what was going on, as I mentioned up thread. I haven’t been able to be around and was upset that there was trouble here for you, Lynn and WSL. None of you deserve it and a mention was made about a lawsuit. You said you did nothing to cause you to be involved, which I agree with, but you know as well as I a suit has nothing to do with guilt or involvement. (Both of our husbands are Dr.s) Im so sorry you took what I said as a statement to you or your writing. You have been so fair, and I have mentioned this so many times to you on different blogs. Your blogs and posts have been insightful and balanced.
    Do what you think is best, and I am really confused about your statement that I have been so mean to you, but I have always appreciated your talent. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
    I was unable to respond because our electricity went out and I just got back a few minutes ago to read your post slamming me. Good job.

    • MAMAZ says:

      Quincy has been through a lot today. She is very upset. She misunderstood your post. It would help her see you didn’t mean it as an attack if you didn’t say things like “your post slamming me. Good job.”

      • klmh says:

        When my electricity came back, the first thing I saw was Q.s note to me about how mean I had been to her. You are a better person than me if you can accept this criticism when thru out the year, you thought you had developed a respectful and thoughtful relationship with someone, and then found out it was not the case. I reacted because I thought we had a mutual respect for each other and found that this was not the case. You are right, but sometimes we do and say things that we need to get off of our chest, and I allowed my disappointment to show.

    • quincyil says:

      It’s ok. I don’t want you to feel badly. You have held me to a standard that was higher than anyone else. One day I was a member of the board and without knowing what was happening, I became the face, but this is and always has been Lynn’s blog. I always gave her that respect.

      You are right about the possibilty of a suit as anyone can sue anyone in this country. Kansas confirmed that also.

      I have only tried to help Lynn provide a home for people on the Internet to discuss.

      . I have discussed this with my husband and my son and it’s time for me to leave. One less target for them to shoot at. It was not kmlh as much the barrage from the other bloggers and twitter people. I could have ignored it, but I failed just like Jill Zarin fails to ignore this blog.

      The attacks by the other bloggers and twitter people are not Jill Zarin’s fault either. I’m sure she would not want people to attack others on her behalf.

      I will thank you for helping me understand my real position here and say goodbye on a postive note to kmlh and all of you. Thank you Lynn for letting me write. I loved it so much. I’m glad I won’t have to watch Platinum Hit any more.



      • lillybee says:

        Q, thank you for all the work you have done on this blog. I love your writing. I am so sorry that you are getting so much crap from others out there on the internets. I will miss you and I hope that you come back soon.

      • VAgirl says:

        Go in peace and know that I’ll be thinking of you often, Q.

      • Take all the time you need Q – but KNOW THIS – I will miss you! Big hugs.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        Sounds like you have made a decision to leave the blog – you will be missed! In my heart I know you are a good person and that twitter was not a good thing for you to explore. Be happy, be safe and know that you touched many people here with your unique way of expression. Peace and love.

      • Nancy says:

        You can’t leave me to play at FLG’s
        wedding alone? I need you!

      • happygal says:

        Respectful of why you are going… will truly miss your writing, whether it was a recap or comment. You are a class act and sorry you have received such vile tweets from others NOT on this blog.

      • California35 says:

        Q — 😦 😦

        I’m sorry – I will miss you – and I wished you didn’t go…. At the same time, I understand that if u need a break.

        Take care and enjoy your time away – but hurry back 🙂

      • klmh says:

        I will miss your dry sense of humor. Please take the time to re-read my post tomorrow to get a perhaps, better sense of where I was coming with the lawsuit, physician, comment. With the huge malpractice insurance doctors pay as well as our ridiculous litigious society in the U.S., its a given that few physicians will escape being sued. One of our friends (Ped) went into the ER and saved a child’s life, but was brought into the lawsuit because the ER physician made a snap decision that turned out to be the wrong one. He was involved with it for 7 years before they through it out, but it took a toll on his health and emotional state. You just never know if and or when in that profession.
        Please too, read the next sentence. This will blow over and we can’t let JZ win. You write too well and can look at both sides, which is a gift, imo. God bless, and come back soon.

      • Mookies1mom says:

        Q, I hope you take a much needed break and get some R & R. I will miss you but you have to take care of yourself. (((((((((((Hugs)))))))))) Please come back to us when you are ready! You contribute so much here that you cannot not be replaced!

      • Lots of love to you and thank you for everything – blogs, sanity, animal stories, cultural education, on and on.

      • ramonacoaster says:

        Q, You’ll be very missed. Considering what’s happening in your area you should take some time off and regroup.

    • Rhetorica says:

      Q, when I posted above that this was getting frightening, I meant things were snowballing out of our control. I didn’t mean anything else & I don’t think anyone else meant harm either. I think we’re all on edge. Get some rest & let us hear from you. ((( )))

      • Nancy says:

        Quincy has had a very hard time lately with the storms, her sick horse,
        Etc. I think this blog and all it’s headaches was too much for her at this time.
        I pray she comes back. She was my classical music “buddy.” I will miss her.

        How are you doing? Having a fun weekend so far?

        • Cusi77 says:


          My humble opinion: Take a break, sweetie. Enjoy yourself. Don’t watch Platinum “thing”.

          If you feel like coming back, we will be waiting for you with open arms! You have made a great job here… and this is not just Blogging but you have always the ability to find the good on everyone, you inspire us to be better human beings! This place is better with you in it! Your hard work is always appreciated. You are the balance!

          Hopping to see you back, I send you my love and admiration for everything you have done, For the long days of work you invested in here, for the short nights of resting. Nothing goes in adverted to my eyes!

          I ‘ll Always admire you! You are a com passive and loving person. You have an special place into my heart.


          • Amber...Real Wife says:

            Beautifully said Cusi.

            Q… take a break, breathe and return when ready. We enjoy your blogs and you do the heavy lifting for all of us, so you could use a vacation. I’ll allow you 3 days before organizing and sending a search party out to Illinois. We’ll be looking for the beauty in the red dress who loves horses, houseswives and Sci-fi. Come back quick.


            • vilzvet says:

              This is the pits. I feel like JZ is crowing somewhere. She also must have leaked a stupid story to the NY Daily News today about how Mario got a free loaner sports car for the weekend to get back at Ramona for saying that Lamborghini Jill had on one episode was only a rental. I kept looking on twitter and could not find these nasty tweets, were they removed? In any case, I hope to see you again soon, Quincy, and will miss your writings. And Lynn, keep up the great work, the blogs have been excellent as always.

  94. Amy Matheson says:

    I hate Jill Zarin.

    Love you guys,

  95. TLM says:

    What’s the deal? It’s 10:30 and there’s no new NJ Housewives? I thought the new episode was on tonight at 10 and they’re playing last week’s show?

  96. cabbie413 says:

    uhh am i the only one totally lost today? ..guess i’ll go eat icecream

  97. AZ Girl says:

    Let us all take the night off. Regroup. Twitter is just a nightmare and those of us on it need to get off. Jill is using it as a target. Simon sees this and has gotten off. Spend tomorrow with your families and celebrate July 4th and RELAX it will work itself out.

  98. mary says:

    Let’s party!

    • Mary says:

      Hmmm…I thought I was the only Mary here, guess not.
      I hope you take a short break and come back soon Quincy. I will absolutely miss your recaps and funny tweets.

  99. codystl says:

    I hope Q just takes a short break from the craziness and comes back. I sincerely appreciated that when things are getting crazy on the board, Q always brought everyone back to their senses and a voice of reason.

  100. Sorry Lynn, I screwed up somehow and my last post showed up twice and in the wrong spot. I don’t know if you could delete them. I’m reposting because I have a lot to say and I wanted all of you to know how I feel about you. Sorry it’s so long.

    I just got back too and WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!
    Quincy, I honestly don’t think anyone meant to threaten you or hurt you. We love the dedication you have to this blog and Lynn. Your blogs are so insightful and wonderful to read. I know you have had a stressful time because of the disaster that hit your town and also the loss of your beloved horse. Please take no offense. I honestly don’t think anyone meant to purposely offend you.

    I hope no one thinks I outed WSL. Someone on twitter did. I just responded that IF WSL was this person, Jill and her fans are stupid to mess with them. I honestly don’t think WSL would necessarily sue but she is a powerful person.
    Someone mentioned up-thread that Sonja is the only true housewife that has been and has connections with the upper echelons of NY society. I believe this is why Jill doesn’t stir crap up with her. However, Ramona and Sonja have similar if not the same circle of friends. WSL probably has a very powerful circle off friend as well. She would not have to sue Jill to have her power felt. Much sought after invites to parties and functions amount of could dry up. Business connections could be strained or severed. NO amount of Bobbys’ money or connections could get them back.
    If you recall in the first couple of seasons of RHONY, Jill bragged about the parties she gets invited to especially in the Hamptons during the 4th. This year she is at her rented home sharing it with Kelly and her assistants. Makes me wonder if some of those invites haven’t already been cut off.
    I haven’t a clue why Jill is stirring the pot the way she is. She probably thought she could continue her plan to destroy Alex and Simon while garnering sympathy for herself. Lynns’ blog today shows that viewers aren’t buying her victim roll.
    I believe Jill is smart enough to walk the fine line of the law. Notice she never mentions Lynn or WSL by name. She doesn’t mention this blogs’ name. She refers to it as “The Hate” blog. One only has to google “hate” and Jill Zarin and you know what blog she is referring to. That protects “her” from being sued but stirs up her fans and minions to do the dirty work for her. They trash the blog and Lynn, they threaten and spew vile and false information, All the while, Jill keeps her hands clean,.
    Jill does personally attack Simon, Alex, and Ramona. They are probably under contracts so they can’t sue. Look at the accusation she made about Mario. She can’t sue him but he can’t sue her. But, damage is done to Mario and Ramona. Just like damage being done to Alex and Simon over cyber bullying. Jill doesn’t have to supply proof, she can just say it. But, Jill just cause you say it doesn’t make it so! I also believe Jill thinks Alex and Simon are weak. They aren’t as rich so they don’t have as much power as she does.

    What I don’t understand is where does Jill think she’s going with this? This is not the way to gain fans or fame. She is risking whatever small place she had in NY society. She has developed the reputation of being difficult. We don’t see designers rushing to dress her. She is not getting product endorsements and the book and products she has tried to hawk are or have failed miserably.
    I don’t understand why Bravo allows Jill so much power or why it’s affiliates have given her spots on their shows? Bobby must have some strong connections and plenty of money to make this happen. I wonder when Jill will burn her bridges there?
    I think it was very stupid for Jill and Bobby to bring this blog to more viewers attention. Now they have a place to go and find out the real truth about Jill. I’m sure she hoped her fans would ridicule and troll us. I’m sure she wants to harass and vilify Lynn. But, Lynn and Quincy can and do rise above it.
    That doesn’t mean it’s not stressful or tiresome . Thank you again Lynn and Quincy for all you do. We appreciate your efforts and we are protective of you. It angers us when people attack you. We are human and we hate injustice. We can’t allow Jill or her minions divide and conquer us. We are better and stronger than that. This blog is like a second home to some of us. We laugh and cry here. We vent and jock here. We support each other through difficulty and comfort each other in times of sorrow. We cheer for successes no matter how big or small they maybe.
    I personally don’t know Jill or do I ever care to. I wouldn’t give her the time of day in most cases. But Jill tries to destroy people in the most vile and hurtful ways. She uses cancer, bullying, stalking, intimidation, lies and rumors to hurt REAL people. That’s what brought me to this blog. That’s what helped me find some of the most wonderful and truly caring people out there. It is what has helped me get through some of the most darkest times of my life. I may hate Jill Zarin for what she is and does. But because of Jill Zarin I found you guys. Please Quincy, I hope your not gone long. I care for you and everyone else here.
    You guys are one of my lights and I value you so much. I you guys helped me laugh again when all I wanted to do was cry. I guess that’s all I can say for now. XOXOXO

    • Adgirl says:

      @Shadows that was very nice. I wish I could speak as well as you just did. We all enjoy our time here. It is a respite from “real life“ concerns and I enjoy the break . What I don’t like is the attacking of our board members by proxy or by professionals that are under the wing of a well paid cast member.
      Have the Kardashians attacked blogs? How about Angelina Jolie? It’s so very strange and hyper-personal that one individual has a pathological need to control her public story line. A silly, insecure, dumpy woman in Manhattan who volunteered to have her life examined is trying to control the internet!

      I don’t know what was said on twitter about Lynn or Q but it sounds like it was abusive. Obviously I want it to stop. It never should have happened. I’ve been here since the beginning and I can tell the Pope himself this is not a hate blog.

      Hopefully everything will either settle down or be taken to a larger platform so the world who cares about such things, will have a grasp of the all “facts”.

      I have been ready to ignore RH, except it helps me interact with everyone on this board. Maybe we can all find a new topic to discuss so we can stay together and punish the one person who craves attention and domination at ALL costs.

      I truly enjoy everyones’ commentary here.

      Don’t lose hope!

    • California35 says:

      That was nice.
      Quincy and Lynn we appreciate you and this blog. Posters are great also, there is a lot of love here – let’s not let those things (and Jill) get to us.

  101. JaniceP says:

    Bethenny just tweeted me. I commented yesterday (on IHJZ) about standing on my back porch watching a deer eating mulberries and tonight she replied. She told me she saw two deer get hit today and they didn’t die. I told her I was glad she was okay and some other stuff. I like the fact she reads IHJZ comments!!!!!! Have to run out, be right back.

    • Adgirl says:

      How exciting that B tweeted you. Very sad about the deer. That upsets me too.

      • vilzvet says:

        She must be out in Montauk, which she prefers to the Hamptons. I saw her tweet about how she surprised some fans with a bottle of the new Sangria.

  102. bree436 says:

    Jill may be getting what she wanted, it sounds like we are all turning on each other and this among other blogs may soon be a thing of the past. I no longer go to the Bravo site any more because they are so one sided, they only allow comments to state what they want you to think.

    This is the first time I have ever posted on this or any blog. I don’t even go to the Bravo site any more, but I do come here and check every day to see if something new has been posted.

    I love reading Lynn & Q’s post the people who submit to this blog have led me to other blogs I enjoy Lady Brook, TV 101 among many others.

    Pleas lets keep this what Lynn started it for, a place where we can all be heard and treated with respect

    • lillybee says:

      Well said and welcome.

    • Adgirl says:

      Bree, keep coming back and join the discussion. We love to gab about nearly anything here (except politics, that makes people mad).

      • bree436 says:

        Thanks for the welcome. And I will remember no politics; I wouldn’t want to see what really mad looks like ;-D

        • Nancy says:

          You sure don’t. My head was on the chopping block a while back and it wasn’t pretty.

    • Mookies1mom says:


    • floridagirl88 says:

      I go to the Bravo blogs ONLY to read Alex’s because she writes so well and gives a clear eyed observation of the show. I don’t usually bother with the others. Out of curiosity this past week, I looked at the other HW blogs and was astounded to see all those negative comments. When I went back less than an hour later, poof, they were gone. If it weren’t for the IHJZ blog, I would have believed I was the only one who finds this show out of control.

  103. sony4ou says:

    I went away for a fireworks show and came back to this…this is exactly what they want us to do..not be united. Jill attacked me personally on twitter and I came here and everyone supported me, that is what we are here for. I sincerely appreciated it and it made me feel much better!!
    Quincy – take the time you need, I love your writings and appreciate all the effort you and Lynn have put into this blog.
    You have my support and most everyone else’s here..you are tough…hurry back!!

  104. NYCer says:

    I found this blog the day Jill Zarin congratulated Bethenny via Twitter on the birth of her SON!! That, along with all the other “mean girl” things she had done early last season, got me so worked up I just randomly typed I Hate Jill Zarin in google and found Lynn’s blog.
    I keep coming back because (1) I love Lynn’s writing (2) the comments are lively and (3) I am free to disagree (which I often do) and don’t get attacked when I expressed a contrary opinion (eg, can’t stand Simon, Tamra didn’t bother me- sorry!) I also appreciate the amount of times Quincy has caught me up when I’ve missed something and posted a question. I don’t think I’ve ever had a question go unanswered! That’s a great record for a blog.
    So I appreciate Lynn and Q, and feel bad that they are taking Twitter or other abuse from Jill and her “team.” But typical to JZ and her bullying ways, she’s doing this to pick on someone she thinks she can win against, by midrepresenting what this blog is and mislabeling the women associated with it. I hope it works about as well as her “don’t film with Bethenny” strategy.
    Where was Lisa Wexler when New York Magazine printed a “Reasons Why Jill Zarin Is a Despicable Person” list in every single recap of last season? Why didn’t JZ’s team start a Twitter campaign hating on the editor-in-chief? What about the dozens of other blogs and recaps that are still detailing her evil ways? Are they (we) all cyber bullies or are we holding a mirror up to the ugliest part of JZ? I know I’m not alone in saying that it would be hard to forget what JZ and Susan Saunders have done no matter how many people she has trying to help her “flip the script.” IHJZ!!!

  105. lisa H says:

    You are awesome!! I was wondering where my comment went but I see it now.

  106. Pghemtchick says:

    While I haven’t been here long, you all have been so welcoming. I was a product of BZ talking about this on the show. I love the fact there is a group of intellectual people out there that can openly discuss topics without drama. Well, creating drama I should say 🙂 The time I’ve spent here so far has been great. You all are a big extended cyber-family. There is respect and a certain degree of loyalty which I love. I said I wasn’t going to read the trolls feeds on twitter, but I’m a firm believer of know thy enemy. I grew up in the Episcopal church as a child. We had a Sunday school teacher who would smack her Bible off the table when we didn’t know the answer. She’d then lecture us that Atheist knew The Bible inside and out. How could they not? In order to know what you don’t stand for you need to know the views of others. I digressed a bit, but that always stuck with me. Lynn, Q, WSL, and the rest who have been victimized by the twitter personal attacks, I give you all so many props. There were so many lines crossed and you didn’t sign up for that. I think you provide a great outlet for so many of us. I’m sad that I didn’t find this blog sooner. I hope that you don’t let the trolls ruin what you’ve dedicated so much time and passion to. I think someone above said it best when they said time to come together and get in our bunker. I maybe newer, but I’ll gladly join you in the bunker. ❤ happy 4th everyone! Happy belated Canada day to those up north.

    • Nancy says:

      Thank-you. That was really nice. I love this blog as well.
      Lynn and Quincy are selfless. I think a lot of us feel that Jill
      is pathetic. I wouldn’t want her life for anything.
      Thanks for the Canada Day wishes as I am Canadian.
      Happy 4th of July to you.
      You are right to promote us all banding together.

    • lillybee says:

      Thank you, I also have been here since the worldpress days and loved everyday here.

  107. California35 says:

    Quincy and Lynn we appreciate you and this blog. Posters are great also, there is a lot of love here – let’s not let those things (and Jill) get to us.

    Someone suggested talking about something else… I went to see transformers today. The movie was shot or supposed to be in Chicago. Lynn I though of you even while watching the movie 🙂 (I didn’t know what was going on here yet) beautiful city!

    So neither NJHW or Rrop Dead Diva were on tonight, but True Blood was. I thought that was interesting, I would have thought True Blood would was more important. I must say though, I like not having NJ.

    I love having tomorrow off! Yay!!!

    Today is my dog’s B-Day and she has no idea 😛 (duh).

    • Nancy says:

      Happy Birthday.
      We can talk about George Clooney being single again. 🙂

      I am glad you have tomorrow off.

      • California35 says:

        Imstarted getting a bit tense tours the end of the day (as I often do on Sunday nights), then realized I have one more day 🙂

        George Clooney single is a good topic 🙂

        • FLG says:

          Is it possible to be sorry he’s single and happy he’s single at the same time? Is that an enigma wrapped in a conundrum? 8)

          • Kansas Girl says:

            Wouldn’t he be decorative in the living room? I think he’s impossible to pin down in a relationship, so my hope is just to have him to look at. And apparently he’s quite the jokester, so perhaps he could also entertain. A useful sort of guy. Whadda ya think?

    • lillybee says:

      That is because doggies only care about what is important.

      • California35 says:

        True 🙂 she cares that mama is with her, and that she goes out for walks and gets food and water :-). I take her out for two long walks on the weekends and I have had a long weekend. Her birthday being right before the holiday is very convenient since I get to spend even more time with her this way 🙂

  108. 3bagsfull says:

    Thanks so much for including me in your amazing blog! Keep up the crusade!!!

  109. Nancy says:

    Good night everyone,
    Sweet dreams. 🙂

  110. jeepers1941 says:

    Hey there, is anyone still hanging around?

    • Nancy says:

      I’m still up but not for long.
      I’m having a hard time getting my
      little blue point cat in. I think she is hot
      and doesn’t want to come inside because of the heat.
      Smart cat.

  111. mariareads says:

    OK, let’s all take a deep breath. This kind of upset on a blog just thrills those who would like to see it gone. Let’s pull together here and carry on. Quincy, I would hope that you come back. i don’t go on twitter. It’s a place where anonymous people can behave like pigs, especially in cases like this. Jill will not win this unless we all allow her to. She doesn’t scare me. I can say what I like as long as it’s my opinion of what is portrayed by her on RHNY & the things she says on blogs.
    No law against it. If she doesn’t want the criticism she can get off the TV and go back to being Mrs. Zarin of no account-not that she really counts now. This blog is about ALL the RH shows and some others. It goes on and we shall make it go on. Today is a new day. Let’s all enjoy the 4th and be ready to greet each other in the morning.

  112. *sigh* All I did was go to a bbq, attend fireworks display in an unincorporated town, wait until the drunk drivers were off the road, and come home to this : (

    I am going to curl up with my cats and cry myself to sleep. (of course after hubs and cats are in bed, there is very little room for me but I will try)

  113. lillybee says:

    So not looking forward to tomorrow, my poor greyhound has a noise phobia, she will be very needy during fireworks time. I am thinking of slipping her a bendry in some food tomorrow so she may be a bit calmer.

    • One of my cats gets hysterical on July 4th due to the noise but he is also clingy. So I have made up a bed in the basement which is fairly sound proof. The only way he’ll stay down there (and thus relax) is if I sleep down there too. I LOVE being so needed (even if the cat would never admit he needs me!).

      • Kansas Girl says:

        LOL at loving being needed. Don’t we all!

        You know, I was watching Ed last night. He’s a little nuts at times, so I’d suspect he’d be afraid of the fireworks. There were parties a block away on all sides. For over an hour there was the dull thud of rockets being launched and then the pop explosion. He didn’t seem to care at all. I’ve suspected he might be a little deaf, and that might be a saving grace at this time of year.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        My youngest husky goes to her kennel when the fireworks start and then watches me like a hawk! Her sister could care less – go figure.

  114. Jamie Lannister says:

    Q I totally understand, but I will miss you and your blogs.

    There is a reason I change my name on this and other sites. I have had Jill’s attack team come after me as well, and it’s not fun.

    That said, not mentioning Jill anymore? Will be a victory for her.

    That? I refuse to do. This despicable woman must be called on her vileness.

    About Amazon?

    JILL made the “antisemitic” charges there, and was vicious and vile. Just go back to the top review of her book there, and note how many posts by Susan Sauders were “edited” or “deleted” after she was found to be Jill. She was horrible, threatening, downright insane. Amazon had to take down MANY fake reviews (positive) of her book as well. They also removed her (and minions) hateful reviews of Bethenny and Silex’s books, once the Amazon posters and reviewers proved that they were relations or business associates of Jill’s. It was INSANE.

    So via con dios Q. Come hang out under a new name as a poster when you feel like it. Just don’t use Q or a real email address.

    I am so sick of Jill’s tactics, and thank you Lynn for refusing to cave into her relentless attacks.

  115. lillybee says:

    Q do not let Jill or her minions get you. We all love you and appreciate what work you have done of this blog. We will definitely miss you if you decide not to post.

  116. As it is the 4th of July, I think it is ironic that all this s*** has hit the fan. And since NONE of us know ANYONE who would exagerate a situation (do we?) I will take on the honors (and fail miserably but you’ll get the point):

    There once was a land where ideas were controlled and individuals banished for seemingly innocent ideas that did not fall in line with the controlling powers. Brave young men and women from all walks of life travelled out of their comfort zone in search of a place where they would find safety and freedom to express their thoughts, beliefs, and values. They hoped and dreamed of a better future. In their travels they discovered such a place and found other people searching for the same home. They came together in support and kindness. Sometimes its was rough going since perspectives were varied and at times misunderstood. Disagreements needed to be sorted through and occassionally concluded with the “agree to disagree” handshake. After all, at the core of these settlers was the same desire: a place to freely be themselves and have independent ideas that were valued. When the queen realized that freedom of expression was not working in her favor, she could not ignore the peasants getting out of hand and decided to raise the punishment (by increasing the tax on tea. The Boston (and IL) contingency can probably fill you in on this bit if you fell asleep during this chapter but a lot has been printed about it too). Thus, the push for independence began and is celebrated on the 4th of July.

    The moral of this story: Buckle up kids. If you are interested in the Story of US and Independence and evolvement of freedom of expression without fear, it sure is a bumpy ride and interesting reading!

    I hope you all understand (I am not a history major – just one of the peasants) and sorry for the typos. : )

  117. A says:

    I’ve only recently started visiting this site and, I have to say, I’m disturbed by how people here are being harassed by “Gingerettes”, or whatever it is the more rabid Jill Zarin fans call themselves. I mean, this is a blog started by someone who has nothing personally to do with any reality television star. Furthermore, from what I can tell, the people who come here on a regular basis are not affiliated with any celebrities either.

    Yes, those who contribute to the site have really strong opinions (myself included), but I hardly see how this translates into cyber-bullying or abuse nor do I understand how anybody’s opinion here should result in harassment. It just seems that most of us want people – celebrities included – to be held accountable for actions or behavior that we deem inappropriate or harmful. However, it’s not like we’re wishing death on anybody – we’re just a collection of people who come together to discuss certain television shows. Big deal.

    Having said that, I just want to say that, aside from the obvious “trolls” looking to create drama, the people who participate on this blog are insightful, opinionated, passionate, hilarious, and really interesting. I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and I absolutely love the blog posts. I’m sorry that it’s gotten to a point where people feel the need to leave or stop contributing, but, for what it’s worth, I’ve seen nothing here that I would equate with bullying or “hate”. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being miffed at a public figure who willingly puts his/herself out there to be judged. And nobody here should be made to feel as though they’re wrong for simply expressing an opinion 🙂

  118. quincyil says:

    I made a terrible mistake yesterday. I have no excuse for it and take responsibility.

    I told a friend what happened and she told me that I was only thinking of myself when I quit. She said that I hurt others especially Lynn. I reflected on her comment and I realized that I did hurt Lynn and others. I was only thinking of my own position and my own feelings.

    I publicaly apologize to Lynn and all of you. You would think that at 58, I would have figured all of this out, but apparently I make mistakes. I can’t go back in time, but I will tell you that I am sorry for being selfish. Apparently, I have an Achilles’ heel just like Jill Zarin.


    • boston02127 says:

      Good morning Quincy. We all have our ups and downs, we wouldn’t be normal if we didn’t. I’m glad you’re here, I enjoy your blogs and your opinions. Today is a new day.
      Luv, Shanna

    • Amy Matheson says:

      Hey Q. xoxo

    • VAgirl says:

      Good morning Q. It’s all good.

    • BaaBee Loves Kitties says:

      Good morning Q~I am not sure what happened but I am happy you are not giving these people who thrive on hurting anyone that tries to tell the truth about people who are being not only mean to others but downright dangerous.
      Sometimes you need to take a little time for happy things for yourself & family.
      It’s very hard for me to constantly read all the horrendous & hurtful things JZ does to anyone in her way.
      Happy 4th Of July & stay safe.
      Peace Love & Hugs To All~

    • ramonacoaster says:

      Dont worry about it. It is healthy to be a little selfish. Someone once told me the oxygen mask rule – when an airplane cabin loses air pressure you should put an oxygen mask on you first and then your child’s because a parent without oxygen is likely to pass out before getting the child’s mask in place. Sorry to sound like a Buddhist but “to help others, you must help yourself first. If you try to help others initially, you will both remain unconscious and will not be able to guide them to the path. Sometimes what appears to the unskilled eye as a selfish gesture is really the most selfless gesture there is.
      It takes great courage to help yourself before helping another. It goes against the nature of self.”

    • vilzvet says:

      As long as you’re back, all is fine in IHLZ Land!

    • Kansas Girl says:

      Glad to see you back, Q. I’m back too, after a good night’s sleep. I think it’s healthy to step back now and then, to get perspective, so a little “vacation” from the board for a night or days (or weeks? Naw, not that long.) is a good thing.

      I’m chuckling that you say you don’t have everything figured out. I’m also 58. I have concluded that what I have learned from life is that I DON’T have much of anything figured out. The wisdom of age I hope I have (not sure about that either) is when to keep my mouth shut. LOL!

    • Oh Q – You just let the pressure get to you a little – you’re human.

    • Suzieq says:

      I feel really bad for the way klmh was treated.

      I enjoy reading your comments and about your family and have always thought that u were someone who is really intelligent. every time I post I always think I’m going to sound like a total moron in comparison to your really smart sounding comments!! Lol

      Rule to self: never post about legal issues because I’m not a lawyer and may mix up legal terms!

    • AZ Girl says:

      Welcome back Q. Happy 4th of July everyone!

    • jeepers1941 says:

      It has been a pleasure to read the recaps and the comments, always be true to yourself, as I must now do.

      To everyone here on this site, be safe and remember to take care of yourselves in a healthy way, no matter what is thrown at you, you will survive!

      Last but not least, thank you Lynn Hudson for being a voice of reason for all of us. I will always HATE JILL ZARIN!!……….Jeepers1941

    • neroes says:

      Hi Q. We all need to blow off a little steam sometimes. It’s what humans do. Who better to do it with than your blog family. So glad you’re back. Nancy (the other one)

    • I'm in Florida says:

      Q-so glad you’re back. The voice of compassion and reason in this sea of insanity. I enjoy your blogs and your comments the most on here. I am heading for DC again–will go eat at my favorite place and hope to see Cat–and beg her to take on NYC. This is a differenent email from work…but hopefully you know who I am. Glad you are back!! I was heartbroken at all the bs that went on yesterday!

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      You are well loved here but none of us want you to be hurt! When you need to step back, relax and regroup you better do so! Please stay off twitter or real hate blogs – they are not logical, respectful, informative or fun places! Have a Happy Fourth – do one thing nice for your country and do one thing silly just for yourself!

    • FLG says:

      Empress Quincy,
      We all have bad days, that is what brings many of us here. I know when I am having a bad day, that after reading so many funny posts, my day will be better. You are allowed to have yours. I enjoy your recaps, posts and insights. At one of my lowest points, a very wise friend reminded me that “this too shall pass”. She was right. Happy 4th of July. Bless you and yours. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiHrSsJm82U&feature=player_detailpage

    • Amber...Real Wife says:

      Oh Captain, my Captain,
      I’m glad you’re still alive
      We wondered how we could go on,
      Without you here to drive

      While Lynn is gone you steer
      The car, train, ship and plane
      So much to do, to watch, to write
      A lesser person would go insane

      You’re back, wife, mom, horse loving microbiologist
      Who is kind, patient and helps all of those in need
      You are a class act who upon reincarnation
      Will return as a noble steed

      So Quincy, Oh Captain my Captain
      I know you’ve been going through some sh*t
      But you can’t avoid it, BRAVO wins
      You have to blog Platinum Hit!

      Love ya Q


    • Cusi77 says:

      Q_ You are not selfish, Dear, not at all! You are one of the most generous persons I know! Thank you for coming back! Yay! Love. xoxox

    • lillybee says:

      I am glad you are back.

    • Q you are a good person and you and Lynn do so much for the blog. I think its perfectly understandable to sometimes get fed up or feel burnt out. No matter what you choose to do, you will always have my respect and admiration.

    • twoile says:

      Hip! Hip! Q…..we r all human =mistakes….self forgiveness is equally/or more important than “other” etc. Take Care Jeanne @HWA, ITA + a bit of anxiety as a result being felt by some members here = the reaction seen upstream. “THEY” only win if “we” let “THEM”! “THEY” are inconsequential ultimately, WE are NOT = non issue ! IGNORE the idgets! PEACE, (((((((L,Q,&A)))))))the best of the best.:)

  119. Dee says:

    Good Morning!! Lets slap on our happy faces and have a shining glorious day!! Take that Jill Zarin! 😉

  120. Dee says:

    A story that Luann did an interview about her extreme pleasure in Bethennys exit from the show. The comments are brutal towards Luann! I love it. Any chance we can change the name of this blog to I Hate Jill Zarin, Countless Luman and Kelly Neverbeensomeone? Huh Can we, can we?? 🙂

    • What’s with her calling Alex a weirdo. Is she in second grade?

      And what the heck does this mean
      “”I’m not the messenger,” she says of her clubby follow-up to “Money Can’t Buy You Class.” “I’m just saying that I’m living my dream come true and I’m having fun. And, you know, I inspire women of all ages. ”

      No LuAnn – I don’t know why you think you inspire woman or all ages. Urgh.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        She so wanted to use ho bag but Kelly beat her too it! So classy is the former countess.

  121. FlowerPower says:

    Missed the fireworks on the board yesterday. Glad to see things are better this morning! Thank you Lynn and Q for all the hard work you put into this blog. So sorry that you and WSL are taking so many hits. It’s obvious who the real haters and bullies are!

    Happy 4th, everyone!

  122. OneMoreInBoston says:

    Hi all!
    happy 4th of July!

    Just want to give a thank you and a shout out to Lynn and Quincy for all of their tireless work to make this a safe and positive place to come.

    You are appreciated, and you are loved.

  123. OneMoreInBoston says:

    Reeling ‘Housewife’
    Reality star faces loss of $6M home

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/reeling_housewife_3KZvS092mOxETXZFlhiznM#ixzz1R8pdo0C1

    Forget catty co-stars — this “Real Housewife of New York City” says she’s getting screwed by her wealthy ex-husband.

    Sonja Morgan — the saucy blond socialite who spices up the Bravo network’s Big Apple franchise — told The Post that her life has been “in limbo” because of her lingering, “bitter” Connecticut divorce case with her millionaire 80-year-old ex, John Adams Morgan, who she at least partly blames for her bankruptcy woes.

    “I’m sure the world thinks, ‘Sonja doesn’t have to worry, she’s got that husband there for her.’ But I’m on my own,” said Morgan, 47.
    OUCH: A divorce battle may cost ‘Real Housewife’ Sonja Morgan her

    Morgan reveals in court papers that Adams Morgan, a descendant of famed financier J.P. Morgan and former US President John Adams, is refusing to pay her a $3 million lump-sum divorce judgment along with $300,000 in back alimony.

    Morgan also claims in the papers — detailed here for the first time — that while her ex lives on his private, $19 million island off Stamford, Conn., he has effectively barred her from selling or even visiting luxurious properties she co-owns with him in Colorado and France.

    Morgan says the mess may force her to sell her $6 million Upper East Side town house.

    She was forced to seek Chapter 11 protection in New York federal bankruptcy court last fall.

    Adams Morgan’s lawyer, Norman Roberts, said his client is appealing the judgment because he believes the judge made him pay more than he agreed to in pre- and postnuptial agreements.

    • Amy Matheson says:

      I can understand hateful behavior between people who divorce (not that I respect it, but I understand it)— but when you have a child together, you should care enough about her to ensure her mother is safe and can take care of your daugher too.

      Sad. Hang in there, Sonja.

      • I’ve see a picture of their daughter, she is beautiful. I wonder what type of relationship he has with her, he is old enough to be her great grandfather. I also wonder if his adult children have a relationship with his youngest child.

    • vilzvet says:

      That stinks, she is going to have to sell the townhouse to pay that movie judgment? I also cannot believe the beauty of that CT island home. I don’t know how they get along for their young daughter’s sake. They did have homes all over the place and she should still have some rights to them. I believe Ivana Trump still has rights to Mar-A-Lago for one month out of the year.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      I am sure their daughter is well taken care of and that is the main thing Sonja is worrying about. Sadly, much of what she is currently fighting over concerns property. Money is being used as a weapon and the Morgans have it and whether or not Sonja believes that she has earned a portion of it apparently her ex doesn’t! Now is the time that Sonja has to drop the luxury tasting and get down to the hard work of rebuilding her life and insuring her financial independency. She will find happiness in the latter rather than the former.

  124. HW Addict says:

    For your viewing pleasure…a parody of Loumann’s video/song, hysterical!!!

    • MAMAZ says:

      That was great!

      • Cusi77 says:

        Haa! This is much better than the “Original”… at least the lyrics match the mouth movements! Hysterical! The original other is just horrendous! This is more fun to watch!

    • Amy Matheson says:

      This gentleman is attractive (no lie – look at the end.) Luann should be so lucky lol.

      I love Jill’s part “Luann, Luann, you’re the man – If you can’t do it no one can!”

      There is very little difference in musicality between Lulu’s video and this Wil person’s above – except for the funnier lyrics and the more attractive casting.

    • That was hilarious. It was the sort of campy song made to be parodies 🙂

    • FLG says:

      I’d love to see Anderson Cooper invite this group to appear on his show! HW Addict, that is gold you mined, finding that video. Merci, Dahhhling!

    • California35 says:

      LOL – they know the wives too well lol.

    • MichellefromNY says:

      OMG the guy playing kelly looks EXACTLY like her. SCARY!!! Kelly also looks like a man people!!!

  125. misosweets says:

    You know, I’m not a regular here, but I don’t get why anyone here would freak out about some stupid Twitter comments. It’s simple – the blog is getting attention because of the last couple of RHONYC episodes. A handful of people are throwing out some comments on Twitter. Who cares? This will last a couple of weeks at most. Anyone who is bothered by this should get a grip. Nothing has changed. Jill Zarin is making an ass of herself by exaggerating stories as usual. She continues to sabotage herself and I love watching it.

    All celebrities and pseudo-celebrities get mean comments on Twitter all the time. People from this blog may not be celebrities, but they are getting a taste of being in the public eye because of the recent episodes. Trust me, this is temporary and can only backfire on Jill (it already has!). Just like all of her other attempts to hurt people. She’s at a severe disadvantage because of her disconnect from reality.

    There are actually very few “rabid” Jill fans, and a good percentage of them are on the payroll. Just check out her U-Stream “parties”…it’s embarrassing. There are only like 70 people on!! And this probably includes people like me who don’t even like her but watch out of morbid curiosity to laugh at her extraordinary level of delusion. Jill is a joke. Period.

    • LOL good point. Besides – by September all Jill’s interns will be back in school.

      Sometimes we just get frustrated that the truth isn’t hitting the mainstream press 🙂

      • maryla says:

        I hope when the interns go back to school in August that they write a kind of “Devil Wears Prada” memoir of their summer working for Jill Zarin. I bet that those interns could tell a few tales! I’d probably buy that book for my end-of-summer Kindle beach reading.

    • Amy Matheson says:

      I am fairly new too, but I understand. There are different standards between what people who choose to put themselves in the spotlight have to be subject to and what regular citizens must.

      Privacy is something the self-proclaimed “celebrity” herself can either defend – by keeping private topic off-limits in interviews – or destroy, by making herself a role model for a lifestyle that, in truth, she does not follow.

      Q didn’t choose to behave like a hypocritical meglomaniac on national television for personal gain – she simply held up a mirror to it and Jill did not like the ugly and the crazy that was reflected back at her.

      • MAMAZ says:

        Amy – You are so articulate! I often feel the same way as you but can’t express myself nearly as well.

    • LynnNChicago says:

      Miso – thank you this is the honest truth! I guess I’m used to the stones thrown at me on Twitter because it’s been going on since the day I started the blog. I can easily ignore it. I guess others are more easily bothered by it but the truth is they’re just words on a computer screen.

      Welcome and I hope you join us more often!

  126. moneycanbuyyouass says:

    Wow! I left the blog yesterday when there was 184 comments. I read it up thread this a.m. to catch up – Oh my!
    Quincy – I have admired your commentary and guest blogging, enjoyed your insight and rationale. I have attributed it to your mid-western, no-nonsense ethics. Hang in there and de-stress, who would have ever thought that something based in “true life” could unfold into this type of drama? Yet they say true life is stranger than fiction.
    My analogy for Jill Zarin is that she is like a baseball pitcher. Her arm is weak and she keeps throwing lazy, slow pitches that we, the hitters keep belting over the center field fence. It’s time to yank her coach (Bravo). But coach is so enamored with what was once his star pitcher, he just keeps letting her throw the ball.
    Sooo, where do we go from here? I can’t live w/o the IHJZ Blog. The humor and camaraderie by and amongst the posters is priceless. And although I don’t always post often, I count you all as my friends, whether I agree with you or not. Sure, Lynn could change the name, but how would others find it? Perhaps it is time to use documented code names and we certainly have seen a great many clever ones used. I propose the following:
    Luann = Mothra (the necklace!)
    Jill = Godzilla (it speaks for itself!)
    Kelly = Ghidorah (the 3 headed monster due to her multiple personalities)
    Cindy = Rodan (Pteranodon – because she is flighty, and soon to be “who cares”)
    Ramona, Alex & Sonja can keep their names as the are non-threatening.
    There are plenty of other names from the Godzilla movie series than can be utilized as needed in the future. Can you tell I grew up watching these crazy movies on Saturday mornings?! I did have to utilize Wikipedia for helping me with all the names.
    A happy Fourth of July to all of you. May we all continue to have the right, as Americans, to express our opinion!

  127. BaaBee Loves Kitties says:


  128. BaaBee Loves Kitties says:

  129. AZ Girl says:

    I just finished reading Shadowsnomore post uptread and I think it is spot on. Jill does not have any leverage against WSL in social standing and Jill’s behavior has demoted her to the “B” list out in the Hamptons. The last few summers in the Hamptons she tweeted herself at daily events. Now there are pictures of her having dinner with Kelly and bombfires on the beach. Jill is an embarrassment. No one wants to be seen with her with the exception of Kelly. Even the Countess took off for Europe.

    • MAMAZ says:

      So much for her fabulous circle of friends.
      WSL is so far above her. The best thing she can do is ignore everything jz says about her. If questioned about the twitter comments and jz’s super secret blog she should answer,” Jill who?”

      • AZ Girl says:

        HA! Jill who….

      • sue says:

        I just wanted to leave a quick comment before leaving for the family cookout. Q, Lynn and to whoever else helps to keep this blog afloat, We here are not really sure what is going on, but please dont let any of those women (J,K and L) even bother you. They are the guilty ones and if it wasnt for them and Bravo letting them behave as they do, my girls and I would still be getting together every thurs. night, but we got soo fed up with those women never getting their due that we cant even watch anymore and you guys here give us some hope that maybe one day RHNY will go back to how it used to be the first seasons. With that being said, your blog also brings a lot of other dialog and discussion not to mention many of your kind and caring people who come here to vent or (as I have seen many times) lend comfort to others who may be having a rough time in their personal life!…Please guys, lets stick together so we can keep IHJZ going…..HAVE A GREAT 4th EVERYONE, FROM YOUR GIRLS HERE IN PA.!!!

  130. WindyCityWondering says:

    Since RHNY seems to be a guilty pleasure and some watch but don’t discuss. IMO many of those in society who have included Jill in the past are not so anxious to do so now. She has proclaimed that she talks behind people’ backs, willingly spreads vicious rumors (on tv no less) and believes it is fine to lie. Who wants someone like that at their parties? Sure invite the Zarins when it is Bobby Wallets they need – but to a social gathering? I think not!
    Now Jill has more time on her hands. Instead of spending it with her family, she is taken to full force cyberbullying! Like any bad storm approaching – we just need to batten down the hatches and take care of our Lynn Family.

  131. IceMeNot says:

    Longtime lurker. Wanted to respond about Q being “iced” by inadvertent comments. Q, my profession makes me see things threw a psychological frame. I kind of thought you’d get overwhelmed after that storm, too much stress, but when the going gets tough, the tough keep going. Then it catches up! You are simply a lightning rod for J.Z. who is always in a war with someone. Who said upstream that Bethanny wisely doesn’t comment on J.Z.? Are we wise to give her this much attention? We all thought we were entertaining ourselves with making fun of these characters on a t.v. show. So I hope you return soon when you feel like it. I will miss your commentary.
    Now, to lighten the mood…I have been wondering if anyone out there noticed something on the St. John photo shoot? I use an Ipad to watch the reruns, and noticed that not only did it appear that KKB had something in her bathing suit bottom appear and disappear, but that the Bravo editors featured this clip on the next show right at the beginning. I know people make fun of her dressing to the left, but I have been wondering if a hermaphrodite can give birth to children?
    Which leads me to my next interesting thought…the meaning of 1979. Many of us have wondered the significance of what happened to KKB in that year when she was about 11 yo. Could that have been when puberty struck and the little girl became conflicted over being also a boy? Just wondering because there is no question that something is up with that lunatic. I wondered whether she was mortified that the crew caught on film her reaction to pulling a power play on Alex? So that night she was driven crazy by her secret conflict? That may be why the women and crew have kept the secret, because maybe she not only was using drugs, or whatever, but also she told them “the truth”?
    Well, I hope someone else has noticed this besides me!
    Happy 4th of July, everybody! My flag is flying. I love this country! Even though I really cannot abide J.Z. and anyone who behaves like that. Thanks Lynn for this entertaining site! Just think: the reunion was taped so for each of the ladies, the show is actually done. And they will be free to say whatever they can outside their no comment contracts!

    • Cusi77 says:

      I’ve been contemplating the hermaphrodite possibility for about a year. I tried then to share in the board of the old first IHJZ and people reactions were that I was a troll since my name was different then and Lynn had around 27-28 followers, plus my English was atrocious! I am not a psychologist or physician… I was married to one and I saw the amount of hermaphrodites that exist for real and go in life mostly like women.

    • LynnNChicago says:

      Fascinating theory! Welcome to posting! Glad you’re here!

  132. Am watching a RHONY marathon today (as I’m preparing for fireworks tonight) and I caught something that slipped by me the first run of the episode. It was while the “girls” were in the Moroccan Souk and Jill is fingering a fabric and says, “It’s either wool or cashmere.” I thought we were supposed to believe that Jill is the Fabric Queen (and not just the Queen of Mean now that Leona is no longer with us. Hey. The parallels are eerily similar, aren’t they. Both married rich older guys and bullied their way into showing up at work claiming the business wouldn’t be just quite as fabulous without their particular perspective. But, I’ve moved off my point). Which is, we find out that Jill is no more of a fabric expert than any customer in her store. As a matter of fact, Bobby probably lost customers (and long before she started on the show) given her need to tell everyone what they like.

  133. Joshua says:

    This blog is disgusting. To spend so much time and energy hating someone you DO NOT know is just plain ridiculous. Get off the couch, put down the remote and go get a life. Ugh.

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