I Hate Jill Zarin GUEST BLOG Bethenny’s Getting Married July 2, 2010

I Hate Jill Zarin                   GUEST BLOG  Bethenny’s Getting Married   July 2, 2010

I will be writing a blog on this really great episode of Bethenny’s Getting Married (did I mention I hate the name of this show?)  I’m still working on it and will post it later today but in the meantime Carrie has written a great recap of the show and I wanted to share it with you all….Lynn

By Carrie:

Its 14 days until the wedding in this episode, and Bethenny has a liquor signing! Turns out, Bethenny’s liquor is in the top 15 sold! Congratulations on another achievement, Bethenny… and it’s not like you were planning on selling your Skinnygirl margarita 7 months pregnant, that’s just the way it worked out… it was comical! : )

I had to laugh when Bethenny was busting Max’s balls about not hitting on any women at the liquor signing… did you expect anything less, Max? Come on, she’s been trying to fix you up since you started working for her! So, run and get some tail, Max! Maybe she’ll let up a bit… sounded like a challenge to me, when B said, “He just can’t pick up women…” Lol.

We get to see Bethenny get ready for her Bridal Shower, Bethenny has problems though, because she can’t find a dress that fits, she ends up wearing a shimmery, short dress, to which she states, “If I were to have a tampon in, the string would be longer than this.” I died laughing! It also seems like B’s boobs are gaining weight, they weren’t fitting into any of her dresses! Poor girl!

The Bridal Shower was beautiful, I liked the colors… bright and cheerful. Alex McCord was there, yay! I am so glad that B and Alex have gotten closer. ALL of Bethenny’s friends were beautiful, and it looked like everyone had a wonderful, drama-free time! They danced, laughed, and I lost it when I saw Bethenny’s friend dancing with that balloon up her dress! How funny was that? The whole scene made me smile…

Next Bethenny tries on her wedding dress… and becomes worried that it may not fit… on top of that, she’s working on her book! No wonder she’s been so stressed out with all of this…

She goes to meet her wedding planner, and starts talking about a blogger that was writing really mean things about her, calling her an illegitimate child, and I could tell it really hurt her… seeing this scene and hearing her talk about that, makes me remember… she was dealing with the stress of Jill at this time as well, she was creating all kinds of drama for Bethenny… I’m glad that the wedding planner listened to her, and she had the table arrangements to worry about. Bethenny is a strong woman…

We see Bethenny have a hormonal breakdown with Jason… now I can’t speak for everyone, but when I was pregnant, hormones weren’t an excuse… it was a reality. Bethenny had so much on her plate at that time, strong person or not, everyone has their breaking point… and it seemed like Bethenny’s breaking point, was seeing Jason sitting on the couch, watching March Madness… I could understand where she was coming from, but I also could understand Jason’s point of view… Bethenny likes everything perfect, and HER way… she knows what she wants… so he’s confused, and she’s frustrated. She feels as if he’s MIA on the planning, and all the planning for his family is overwhelming, she’s not used to this.

Jason redeems himself with planning the marriage license trip! Even more so when her turned to Bethenny and said, “Let’s do St. Bart’s”. I could tell that made her happy… and when she had to stop and get a pretzel with mustard and a chicken gyro, it made me LOL… typical pregnancy cravings! Seeing them get their picture taken in front of the court house sign was so cute!

Ok, I just have to ask… did anyone catch that t-shirt Bethenny was wearing, it was black with a bride and groom, and it said, “Game Over.”- Hilarious! Also, the snippet of Jason asking Bethenny’s opinion on the shorts for the honeymoon… she says, “Are you Simon?” I just love her one-liners!

Watching the scene where Bethenny and Jason were talking to the Wedding Officiant made me tear up, Bethenny was so upset, I just wanted to hug her. Bethenny may not have had any of her own family at her wedding, but watching Jason’s parents with Bethenny, it is clear that they have accepted her into their family. Hopefully that will fill some of that void in Bethenny’s heart. I was so proud of Jason for knowing what to say to her to calm her down, “You are going to be the best mother ever.” And I’m sure that she is.

Her wedding planner came over with the new flower arrangements, but didn’t bring a piece of cake for Bethenny to approve of! Uh-oh, she was not happy! LOL You better have come through on your promise, she said she’d nail your balls, boy!

Bethenny’s surprise for Jason… buying a painting for him was SO touching, and I LOVED the painting, it was beautiful! I could understand why it would remind Jason of himself and Bethenny, since she was a former “run-away bride.” She got it, and planned to give it to him at the rehearsal luncheon. I couldn’t wait to see his reaction.

2 days before the wedding, she sees her psychiatrist, and Bethenny opens up about how her mother’s dating numerous men affected her, and not having any sense of stability when she was younger. Bethenny said they were either broke, or they were living with rich men, it was one extreme or the other. No wonder Bethenny has the drive she does… I think this is one of the core issues… and as she got older, I know she wanted to prove to herself and her mom that having a man doesn’t mean having security. She was also content with raising an adoptive child on her own. I commend her for thinking of going that route.

The Rehearsal Luncheon was real, down-to-earth, and family oriented, the way it should be… Bethenny’s assistant Julie gave a very sweet speech, she is genuinely happy for Jason and B.

Jason’s Dad thanked Bethenny for making his son so happy… it warmed my heart, and I know it touched Bethenny, because all she’s ever wanted is acceptance, and a family. Jason’s Mom also gives kisses to Bethenny and thanks her, they really are loving Bethenny, and it’s so sweet to watch!

Bethenny unveils the painting… and Jason is floored… he loved it!!!! The look on his face was priceless! I hope they end up hanging it in their living room, it’s an adorable painting, and their own story of why they like it and it’s perfect for them. They look so happy.

Jason and Bethenny thanked the Chef and staff that handled their luncheon that day, that showed me just how down to earth they are, and very contrary to what Kelly said on the Housewives about Bethenny, about how she was supposedly rude to hairstylists etc… now I don’t believe a word of it! They were nothing but gracious to the staff!

It ends with Bethenny and Jason saying goodbye. It’s bad luck to stay with each other the night before your wedding! I know it was tough though, it’s apparent they’re so happy together, and so comfortable… no wonder they don’t want to spend a night alone!

 I can’t wait until next week! We get to see Bethenny and Jason tie the knot! Whoo Hoo! I cannot believe Bethenny is going to pee in a bucket… I can’t wait to see that… LOL and Alex and Ramona will be there, yay! I’m so excited, Bethenny Getting Married? is one of my new favorite shows, next week is going to be amazing!

Have a great weekend, everyone, I hope you enjoyed my blog!

Added by Carrie:

Thank you, Lynn, for giving me this opportunity to be a guest blogger! I’m so thrilled! I just wanted to take a moment to say that Lynn has really helped me find my voice in my writing again… I lost it for a long time, and it meant so much to me that she supported me. Love you, Lynn! You are an amazing woman, I’m proud to call you my friend….
In closing, I hope everyone enjoys the blog! Last nights episode was hilarious… and I look forward to your comments!
Carrie           (There are a couple of links below to recent articles on Bethenny.)
27 Votes

About LynnNChicago

Reality TV Blogger
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247 Responses to I Hate Jill Zarin GUEST BLOG Bethenny’s Getting Married July 2, 2010

  1. LynnNChicago says:

    Thank you all for your patience. If the troll OtayPanky returns, her BOSS will be getting a phone call next.

    I just spoke with her on the phone and I think she understood that I’m not playing here! This 50+ year old “Professional” woman from New York thinks she’s slick with her multiple IP addresses, I wonder how her BOSS will feel when I call that number next!

    • JazzNightOut says:

      Bless you, Lynn!

    • katiecoo says:

      EEgads…what bee got all up in her weave? (love that expression that I stole from someone in here..lol).

    • Squirrels says:

      rot roh…. caught trolling at work?


      I meant… wooooooo hoooooo!

      I’m speculating. Allow me my fantasy here folks. lol.

    • quincyillinois says:

      I have a slight name change. I mowed my lawn and returned to the computer to see that wordpresss wanted me to reregister, but they didn’t like my old name and password. Rather than argue with the computer, I adjusted.

      • windycitywondering1 says:

        Wondering what was going on. Had to tweet my name, new password, reregister – is this because of the recent troll attack? I missed it and hope everyone (except the Troll) comes back – you are all so much fun and so insightful too!

    • WoooooooHooooooo! Way to go Lynn! 🙂

    • Holy Rolling Donut Holes—All I did was go to sleep for about 10 hours (exhausted womanhood–Loooooong week!) and WHAT did I miss? Never mind—-No, gimme the GAWSIP!

    • Are you serious? You’re STILL dealing with this? And I totally agree with you, if this continues, I would call her place of employment and talk to her boss… her behavior is just out of line and childish…
      It’s just a blog! Quit trying to bring in drama, Otay!

      • windycitywondering1 says:

        Gotta agree – Otay was warned many times and continued her behavior for whatever reason. If she is doing this at work then her Boss should know. She was warned!

    • twoile says:

      So glad I’ve missed all the “mess” but would sincerely appreciate being able 2 change the pw assigned…pls advise, thank you

    • cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

      When I first started reading this blog, maybe a month ago, I was just lurking and reading the blog and the great comments. And Otaypanky scared me. I was afraid to post anything because there seemed no rhyme or reason to what would set her off. Once she was banned, I felt comfortable to comment and feel like a part of this community. Yesterday, when I read her first apologetic post, I thought she meant it (I’m a dumbass, but I did). A few minutes later she was back to her usual self, and Lynn handled it really well and all was right with the world again. I missed this morning’s events, but again, it looks like you did a great job of handling it once more.

      Now here is the personal lesson I learned from Otay, when yesterday afternoon I was faced with a troll in my real life. DO NOT ENGAGE. And as I received ranting emails from my ex, who is usually a pretty sweet guy, I refused to engage. I apologized for my part in the misunderstanding and never answered another email. Since someone who knows you also knows how to hit below the belt, it wasn’t easy to ignore, but I kept thinking of what so many of you have said before: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS. And I didn’t! And I feel much better for it. (I especially enjoyed the emails that said “Did you read my last email???” – I knew that by not engaging I was frustrating the hell out of him.)

      Thanks, Lynn, for all you do to keep this a “safe” place for us!

      • LynnNChicago says:

        Thank you Cukoo and I never EVER want anyone to fear posting here. That is craziness! Its just a blog, everyone should be able to say what they want to say and give their opinions. (unless they like Jill Zarin) j/k Even Zarin lovers are welcome to debate and tell us why they like her. The problem is, when Zarin’s supporters come in, they always break the ONE rule, they go mental and start attacking everyone….sort of like Jill herself 🙂 LOL

        thanks Cukoo!

        • dancekrazy says:

          Hi, Lynn
          I am not afraid of posting anything on your website. It just aggravates me when someone like Billy Gray from “Guest of a Guest” either takes my words/sentences out of context or doubts my credentials.
          As far as last night’s episode of BGM?, I thought that the scene where Bethenny came to terms with the fact that she had no family coming to the wedding was so touching….as was Jason’s protective reaction.


      • Way to go cuckoo! My dad always said to ignore people like this because it will get to them more than anything and he was right!

        If someone flaky comes up and wants to start something, just walk away.

        Otay is really sick to have attacked Boston like she did. Boston is a fine young lady who is dealing with the illness of her mom and for Otay to do something like that to her was unconscionable.

        To me, it’s ok to come out fighting to defend yourself or someone else or just ignore it, but don’t ever let it bother you! These morons are nothing to you and their opinion means squat–only let the opinion of someone who you look up to and respect be your guide!


        Whenever you visit a website and see someone posting who seems to be rude and trying to call the shots, just contact the site’s owner. That is the boss of the site and only his/her opinion and rules matter. I had to do that with Lynn in regard to a poster too. Lynn was gracious and said we could post anything we wanted as long as we were respectful to other posters. I didn’t tell her who it was, but went ahead and posted what I wanted to post. 🙂

        We all have differences of opinion from time to time and get into squabbles occasionally, but we also know the difference between that and someone who’s attacking or being so obnoxious as to be considered harassing or trolling. 🙂

    • Need a Hobby says:

      Wow. Kadooze, Lynn!

      Oh to have been a metaphorical fly on the wall for that conversation. Hiding behind internet anonymity evidently didn’t work out so well for her.

      As Nene would say, “Bam!”

  2. kats2 says:

    Lynn – No way! You actually talked to her?
    Good Lord or as Dryer would say “Sweet Butter Beans”

    • LynnNChicago says:

      you bet I did! This is ridiculous! How we let this idiotic woman try to ruin our fun! There was a lot of stuttering and stammering out of her but I think I got my message across 🙂

      • kats2 says:

        Hope it works.

        Where did everyone go? Did she run people off the blog again?

      • rawhideaz says:

        You unce….tice….fee times a mady….

      • kats2 says:

        I missed it, was it just Boston that she attacked or was it random and everyone got it?

      • scorpiosue1102 says:

        You go Lynn! Ridiculous that a grown women is doing this and from WORK!

      • Well, I think that was great Lynn! Some person she is! Providing info all day and night against Jill and looking for accolades even, then attacking people just for fun. All the while cheating her boss out of a fair day’s wage. She’s lucky she still has her job! What a low life. She’s just as bad as Jill!

  3. cusi77 says:

    Incredible… Otay used to be so nice… she must be unbalnced!

  4. shamrockblonde says:

    mad cool detective skills there Lynn – good for you – hopefully she is gone –

    oh and rawhideaz – LMAO!!! – perfect!!!

  5. rawhideaz says:

    The most effective way to shut her up and keep her away from here is to expose her.

  6. shanty says:

    I swear, I miss all the good shit! You go Lynn! I’ve got to get my tired butt going earlier.

    I really enjoyed the show last night & your blog Carrie. I am loving B’s therapist and the fact that the visits are part of the show. His question to her about finding the reason behind her being so driven is the one that I think will break down all the walls and get her to the place she needs to be. On paper, she has it all, but letting go of that sort of past has to be a monumental hill to climb. Just like the fat person who loses weight yet still holds on to their “fat” insecurities.

    I love seeing all of the love on this show. Although we won’t see her love for Bryn on the show, we now know how deeply, madly, in love she is with that little girl. I can’t see her signing on for another season with so much of B & J’s life being centered around Bryn’s first year of life. I really hope B let’s go of some of that success drive and gives her time to her new family. From all indications, that is exactly what she is doing. Time and recognition is all she ever wanted from her parents and I can’t see her witholding that from Bryn.

    • Thank you, Shanty… I really was happy/suprised that Lynn posted my blog! I agree with you on B’s therapist, I love seeing her go in each week, and open up a little bit more… Bethenny has grown in SO many ways this past year, I really admire her for showing people that she’s trying to better herself, and by going to therapy, it can help her be a stronger person, and a better mom! Especially, like you said, if she breaks down those walls, she can be the person she wants to be…
      I’m glad you enjoyed my blog! ; )

  7. kats2 says:

    So I headed over the dark side TWOP just see the comments. Seems to be a balance good and bad. Some of the hits are the same as before Eating Disorders, Jaw comments, Marriage won’t last, etc. . . .Nothing creative or funny. Many were moved by the emotional scenes. All in all that place is a dive.

  8. shamrockblonde says:

    that wedding planner guy looks very familiar to me – some time ago there was a “reality” show on where there were guests staying in this huge mansion all supposedly vying for some grand prize. The twist was that only one guy in the house believed that to be true – all of the other houseguests and the crew were playing a part, convincing him that they were all in this together – they did all kinds of wierd things and then would film his reaction to them – the wedding planner looks very much like him – does anyone know his name?

    • katiecoo says:

      someone posted on his FB page about another wedding planning show he was featured on. So you’re right!

  9. viki55 says:

    was the show something like joe smow..something with joe

  10. shamrockblonde says:

    yes yes!!!! – that was it!!! – and the wedding planner’s name is Shawn Rabideau – so far nothing – he just looks like him to me……

    • katiecoo says:

      That’s him! Shawn Rabideau. 🙂 He replied to my Facebook comment last night…things like that totally make my day. Does that make me a fame whore? lol

    • viki55 says:

      What is so funny is my hubby will not watch housewives with me, he thinks it is all kinds of vile. As far as RHNJ, I can see what he is saying. But he watched that Joe show back in the day! And our son bought him the dvd of the season when it was over:)

  11. lillybee says:

    I want me a Jason. He seems to be a great guy.

    • katiecoo says:

      Me too! I got a psycho text yesterday from the last guy I date (ONE date mind you 2 months ago) then watched this show and thought “there ARE nice guys out there…there ARE!”. Jason is a hunka breath of fresh air.

  12. katiecoo says:

    Ok I got up this morning to see my (lesbian) friend post on her Facebook page “OMGosh, just watched Bethenny Getting Married and it’s making me want to get married!”.

    I replied “it’s making me want to go to her therapist!”. LOL

  13. katiecoo says:

    Reading blogs on Bravo this morning. Did you all know that Julie, Max and Shawn are all writing blogs? First I’ve seen it!

    • Bethenny certainly has surrounded herself with positive people–her best friend (from her teen years) who was her bridesmaid, her assistant Julie is a godsend to her, I believe, then Jason, his parents, Max, Shawn, the wedding planner (who has turned out to be a really nice guy, B’s therapist, Alex and Simon, Ramona & Mario, her and Jason’s friends…. 🙂 I’m jealous! LOL!

      Oh, last but not in the least: little Bryn and Cookie! (notice how Cookie listens to Jason? Adorable!)

      • I thought it was hilarious when Bethenny called Jason to talk to Cookie after Cookie attacked Shawn when he was leaving! LOL!

      • Squirrels says:

        BB&J…. sorry, no room for Cookie till she gets with the program. Old dog, new tricks? HELL YES.

        I hope B reads this comment to the Cookster.

  14. Bethenny’s show is just a happy place!

    • icantstandthetoxicity says:

      Bethenny’s show is refreshing, especially after watching this season of RHONY. As much as I love RHONY, I was tense and angry after watching every epidsode this season. I can just sit back and relax when I’m watching Bethenny’s show.

  15. kats2 says:

    I’m going ot do a spa thing this afternoon so in case I’m not back Happy 4th!
    I hope everyone has a safe and fabulous Independence Day!!!

  16. realoldhousewife says:

    I just love Bethenny’s new show. Perfect combination of humor and drama. And I think, Shawn, her wedding planner is a saint. Helping the bride pee in a wastebasket is above and beyond the call of duty-LOL Enjoy your holiday weekend, Lynn- and thanks for letting me stay on at the beach condo as the towel lady 😉

    • Squirrels says:

      Agreed real…. Shawn goes above and beyond on this one, lol. At one point I was thinking, he must be getting a fortune to put up with this micro managing BS. Then I thought, he’s in it for the additional 15 mins. (ty for whoever mentioned his last TV gig).

      Now, I’m seeing a man who figured out what his client needs vs. wants. She needs someone to feel this experience with her and by that I mean the tedious crap filled daily pressure of putting on a wedding in four weeks, seemingly all alone (self induced solitary, btw). Bethenny comes from a place of alone.

      B needed a support system, that is clear. Shawn not running for the door, his tackling the challenge (perhaps for the camera opportunities or not), holding strong and refusing to give up speaks to his personal stability.

      Some people, myself included love the challenge; love/hate the stress; love seeing it all come together, regardless of subject.

      I’m guessing he survives the ordeal … I mean wedding. I’m also guessing B will realize how lucky she was to find him.

      • Shawn has been great! I guess as an experienced wedding planner, he knows how stressful it is and how tense things can get. He’s probably been through the roller coaster quite a few times. The only thing when he and Bethenny were going over the table arrangements and she was telling him how she felt about things, I wanted to hear what he had to say, if anything! And at least give her a hug! Geez! What a missed opportunity! He’s a very good listener though! 🙂

    • Squirrels says:

      BTW… I’m praying that is a wastebasket and not a champagne bucket.

    • Squirrels says:

      Welcome ROHW….

      This is indeed an honor. I promise to be on my best… second best… juvenile hall behavior.

  17. vilzvet says:

    Way cool, the new US Weekly is giving FOUR stars to the wedding episode next week!

    • Squirrels says:

      how would they know?

      • vilzvet says:

        I would think they get an advance copy to make deadline. In any case, the best line is that “none involve Frankel’s Housewives nemesis (yes they said she’s now her nemesis) Jill Zarin, who’s MIA during the proceedings.”

  18. Olivia says:

    Seems as if Bethenny had a mother who was similar in behavior to Danielle. Sadly, Danielle’s kids may find themselves sitting on a couch someday relating their own poor parenting in much the same way as poor Bethenny.

  19. viki55 says:

    I forgot what the grocery store was like on a holiday weekend! Did I miss much?

    • lillybee says:

      Grocery stores are bad enough at the beginning of the month. Add a holiday weekend to the mix and the stores are mobbed.

      • viki55 says:

        It was busy, lots of kids running around. The corn on the cob sure looked good:) I swear the prices are getting crazy. What used to run about $100 (1-2 yrs ago) is now $150.

  20. housewifehater says:

    I had to register to post here. So I changed my name to go-along with changing my Twitter name.
    Was, “anutha hata”, changed to housewifehater, ’cause I LOVE to hate on the Housewives.
    (c’mon, that’s MOST of the viewers & Bravo knows it).
    I forgot what I was going to say since the bitch Otay caused trouble.
    If she bothers you again Lynn, maybe we can ALL call her boss?

    • viki55 says:

      Oh my, hahaha, I just got what your old name meant. Man I am getting slow in my old age!

      • housewifehater says:

        Thanks guys! OOOOh I have a pretty new avatar too!
        In case anyone is wondering about it. It is a handmade lamp. Sold through Anthropologie©
        The Obama girls have two like it in the WH from what I understand.
        They are produced by an art colony in Africa I think.
        The price in Anthropologie was in the thousands (crazY), so I’m collecting the materials & making my own.
        I think the crafters are called “magpie”-like the bird.

        • Squirrels says:

          too cool 4 school (posted in her most hip kid awesome… oh never mind I have no clue what kids think.)

    • Squirrels says:

      hey hata !!!

  21. windycitywondering1 says:

    Do you wonder if the housewives use the term friend when they really mean acquaintance?
    At the beginning of RHONY it seemed they were all acquaintances, saw each other at charity events, parties, etc. Then we saw Bethenny and Jill start what I consider a typical friendship – hanging out at home, talking about fears and dreams, etc….Jealousy destroyed that budding friendship. Then the SJVI trip, we say Ramona, Sonja, Alex and Bethenny really bond over a very traumatic situation. So when we see them together now, there is a level of friendship. Jill, Kelly and LuAnn seem to be acquaintances still – LuAnn is either out of the loop or pretending she doesn’t know whats what. And sooner than later Kelly is going to cross the line with Jill and that will be interesting because Kelly doesn’t operate on an adult or mature level.

    Hop to BGM? and those housewives she is bonding with will be showing up on this show – which is her life and on a very personal level. – Bethenny (and Jason) makes the choices on who she will let in their LIFE. I expected to see Alex and Simon, Ramona and Mario and Sonja occasionally, but Jill, Kelly and LuAnn never. I am wondering now if Bethenny would come back to RHONY even if it is only in scenes with Alex, Ramona and Sonja…..

  22. housewifehater says:

    NOw I remember!-THANK-YOU Lynn & Carrie!

    My Bravo is not working so Carrie, I felt like I watched the episode, (without pesky commercials). T-Y, T-Y T-Y!
    The only part I feel like I missed was the part about the painting.

  23. boston02127 says:

    Crawling in beaten and bruised………kidding 🙂
    Thx for the help this morning Lynn.

    • windycitywondering1 says:

      Glad you are alright – I missed it but would have defended you!

    • Boston, if it ever happens again, just ignore it. 🙂

      It was Otay and Lynn called her at her workplace and gave her the cease and desist order! LOL! Yeah, Lynn! 🙂

  24. Pulling out the first aid kit and a double fudge brownie for Boston! Welcome back!

  25. quincyillinois says:

    I can’t remember the circumstances of the Page Six article on Bethenny’s wedding. She said something about illegitimate baby? Was that one of the articles planted by Jill?

    • cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

      I don’t remember where I read it, but it wasn’t a legitimate article as I recall – just some assertions that Jason wasn’t the father because he was gay and stupid stuff like that.

  26. felony stupid says:

    Interesting excerpt from Danielle’s book. Remember how Caroline got all “you know what you did?” to D at last season’s reunion, but refused to explain? There were tons of rumors, most of them saying it had something to do with Lexi’s dad.

    Here’s D’s version of events:

    “Dina used to work at Nisha Nails — where I get my nails done — for seventeen years. The owner of Nisha Nails is Angela. Angela’s brother was Dina’s first husband. Angela came to me after the finale, before the reunion, and asked me if my ex-husband had to sign for my children to do the show. And I said, “Yes.” She said, “Well, how come my brother’s name got forged?” And I said, “I don’t konw anything about that. I only know my contract…

    She said, “Well do you have a phone number that I can call?” Hello. It’s called 411. But I’d known her seventeen years, and we have a real social history. So I gave her a phone number to call the production company. That’s what I did. So she could check into the fact that her brother’s name got forged. I had no idea that would warrant that kind of behavior towards me. He had to sign for his daughter to do the show. But he didn’t get asked. And he didn’t want her on the show. According to Angela.”

    This is from B-sides blog:

    • windycitywondering1 says:

      Are you reading Danielle’s book? Does she write in the annoying style she speaks in?? So verifying parental permission was the reason Caroline went gonzo??

      • felony stupid says:

        Oh no…wouldn’t bother with it! haha. Just caught this from B-side’s blog and thought it interesting to share. 🙂

    • lillybee says:

      That is what we all thought but I wonder if there is something more.

    • Thanks Felony Stupid for the info and link. I was still confused, so I took thelink and read that that quote was from the new book “The Real Housewives Get Personal,” so Danielle has officially gone on record.

      That is very interesting and I still wonder what the truth is. I’m certainly not taking Danielle’s word for anything until there’s definitive proof. But that is interesting to read.

      • vilzvet says:

        It does seem about right…there is no reason why that she could have not defended herself on that reunion. She just played dumb…

        I posted this on another board regarding Ashley’s incessant claims in her Bravo blogs that she must simply defend “her family”:
        “Hey Ashley, they’re NOT your aunts and the Manzos are NOT your cousins. You could actually marry Albie if you wanted! They are not your blood relations you banana. You are just a Manzo wanna-be.”

        • TLM says:

          I thought Ashley is Albie’s cousin?? Danielle’s family and Teresa’s family are the only ones unrelated to the Manzos. True, Chris may not be Ashley’s father, but that would be awfully creepy for her to date any of the Manzo boys. Not sure if Chris formally adopted Ashley or not.

          • windycitywondering1 says:

            Don’t know if Chris adopted her – she is supposed to be close with her father in Texas. Albie has the hots for her no doubt in my mind! Wonder what Caroline would say about that hook up!!

      • felony stupid says:

        Should have been more specific…not Danielle’s book. You’re right AFJFan, this quote is from book “The Real Housewives Get Personal” and has includes stories from several HWs. I think this may the book Alex and Simon are promoting. Thanks for the clarification!

        • Oh, you’re welcome. I was just confused because Danielle’s book has been out a while and was wondering why the info hadn’t been made know before. LOL! 😛

  27. TLM says:

    Everyone’s so positive with their reviews of the show that I feel like the odd one out. While overall the show was good, there were a few things that bothered me.

    First, I thought B lost her mind in wearing that shirt as a dress, and not even with leggings. I was shocked no one with her told her she needed to wear pants. It made me cringe to see her walking in that thing down the street, and “pregnant sequined prostitute” might have been funnier to me if it weren’t so true. What would have been wrong with adding the jeans or leggings?? The top was sequined, I didn’t seem to notice that anyone else at the lunch was so dressed up, and in any case, no one holds you to impossible standards of dress when you’re pregnant. The comment about the tampon string, while true, still grossed me out. There’s funny and then there’s just vulgar, and I felt Bethenny went too far with that. Yet she couldn’t believe Jason said “cleaning your cooch” in talking to her in Costco. “How can you say that in Costco?” she said. I didn’t know there were such high standards of discussion in Costco, and also, you just talked about tampon strings on national television! Huh??? Well, Bethenny did say Costco was her church, so maybe that’s why you can’t say “cooch” there.

    I don’t know why it took B so long to get the Isabella Oliver wrap dresses she later kept raving about. It seems that since she was one of the more famous pregnant women in the country, her assistant could have had 100 different dresses delivered in an hour for her to choose from. Robert Verdi, the stylist, is also a personal friend of hers and volunteers to help her with clothing all the time — why couldn’t he find her something? Don’t they still make Belly Basics, that set of 5 pieces of stretch jersey clothes for pregnant women that you can dress up or down? And how her friend could tell her that that dress that was ready to split open looked great on her? Was she still hung over from the bachelorette party?? The fabric was so tight against B’s leg that you could see the smooshed lining fabric and every wrinkle of it underneath.

    Of course, everything is a matter of personal taste, but I thought the table decor that Shawn R. presented Bethenny with was a disgrace. He wasn’t doing tables for a high school prom or a fundraiser dinner at a fire house, but rather a celebrity New York wedding at the Four Seasons…it seemed like someone needed to remind him of that. I couldn’t believe this guy did events for Barbara Walters. The flower-and-candle thing he did looked beyond amateur and cheap. Were those scattered flowers even real?? They looked like plastic. Thank God Bethenny demanded the silver cloths and they went with square containers of tightly-packed flowers. That was the upscale look he should have done in the first place.

    I tried to watch the show again on On Demand today to see if I was wrong, but my memory differs from Cherie’s on what B said a blogger was writing about her. I thought she said people were saying B is having an “illegitimate child” because she wasn’t married yet, not that B herself is an illegitimate child. Not a huge issue, but I just remembered it differently.

    I also didn’t remember her saying that her mother was dating many different men, just that sometimes there was a lot of money and other times not. I didn’t connect that with her mother seeing many different men, but that definitely sounds like a plausible explanation. I remember she said once that her mother was married “many, many times,” and I wonder when that happened, or if her mother is still with her stepfather. I was wondering why B lived at her friend Teri’s house for half of boarding school — was it a money issue, or something else? That’s a big expense and responsibility for a family to take on, housing another kid for a couple of years.

    Finally, for those who own Naturally Thin and The Skinnygirl Dish, as I do, is anyone else confused by the fact that in B’s first book (NT), she thanked her mother for telling her she “had a star over her head” and thanked John Parisella “for treating me as your own”? The book came out during the first year of the show, and the entire time we have seen B on RHONYC, she has said she was raised by animals, she had no parents, and then later that her mother is manipulative, hurtful and an alcoholic, she didn’t want them at her wedding, etc. etc. So why put that inscription in her book? This really puzzles me.

    I did cry when B was talking to the officiant. I have had my own family issues and actually give her credit for cutting off communication with them, but I know that still hurts, to feel like you have no family. That she still felt that way as she was about to get married and have a child is even sadder. Even though she said she was relieved after her father died and that she was able to close a door on her past, this scene showed that is easier said than done, and that those feelings are dredged up throughout your life, sometimes when you least expect it.

    • I think Bethenny mentioned that her mother dated a lot of different men, in an earlier episode. I’d have to watch again to be sure. Possibly was it during one of the sessions with her therapist?

      • quincyillinois says:

        I’ d love to see a photo of the young Bethenny’s mom. She must have been attractive to find all of those rich men.

    • windycitywondering1 says:

      Bethenny doesn’t thirst for celebrity status – she does what has to be done – book signings, promotial events for her products and book deadlines. To me she is amazing – some women go crazy planning their wedding, some go crazy when they are pregnant and some are so wrapped up in their careers that relationships take a backseat. She hardly has time to savor any of these life milestones. B is juggling all three and we get to watch!

  28. boston02127 says:

    I thought it was funny when Bethenny was getting reading and she kept looking in the little mirror on her jewerly box to see how she looked.

  29. boston02127 says:

    Pic’s from Ally’s tweets:

    • felony stupid says:

      Oh crap…does that mean the Zarin clan is in my neck of the woods? Or is there a Jurassic Park ride at Universal Orlando?

    • cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

      It’s good to remember that any two people can watch the same thing and have completely different takes on it. I don’t see Bethenny becoming Jill Zarin, or a fame-whore at all! She IS a control freak – it’s her nature. If she is testy with the wedding planner, at least she recognizes it and doesn’t pretend he is at fault. When she was yelling at Jason during the basketball game, it seemed to me a very familiar feeling, and I understood her point of view AND Jason’s.

      • viki55 says:

        The comments left are pretty good!

      • felony stupid says:

        Cuckoo – Me too!

        B is a control freak and a perfectionist. She also has a self-awareness that Jill does not possess.

        Jill would NEVER allow herself to be filmed yelling at Bobby in frustration, not because it doesn’t happen, but because tries to manipulate what we see. B has opened herself up and what you see is what you get. On the flipside, if Bobby ever opened a mouth like Jason, Jill would lose her mind, demanding apologies and jewels.

        There is an honesty about B that is refreshing. That we get to see her being upset with her wedding planner or frustrated with Jason or laughing with her assistants is a testiment to how she has opened the doors on her life. Comparing the fact that B has a need for more professionals in her life as her career grows, to Jill’s sorry ass behavior is irresponsible writing/blogging.

        Methinks the writer of this article is a wee bit jealous and one of those who deem themselves important enough to decide when someone has gotten ‘too big for one’s britches’ as Mom used to say. Of course, its not only her job, it’s her duty to put her big foot on the neck of anyone who climbs up just a little to far, even if they started in a hole.

        These kind of people never prosper – they wind up watching the more talented dance on by.

    • viki55 says:

      Mean article. Funny how the author barely says anything postive in the article (passive agressive style) but finishes on a totally different tone.

      • windycitywondering1 says:

        It had a mean overtone – because the stylist was doing her hair? Duh, it’s a tv show! B is trying to put together a one sided wedding, hormonal and pregnant and sharing her life (which has a lot of unpretty in it) and the snapshot moments a couple has – “Baby the game is on” are the total Bethenny package! I don’t get the comparison to Jill Zarin!

        • dumberries1 says:

          Good point, I didn’t get the comparisons to Zarin either, figured they were tossed in just to get more hits with “Frankel and Zarin” in the headline. Found the rest of the article fair though.

      • emt2 says:

        I didn’t find it mean. She said good and bad things. I do agree that sometimes Bethenny’s fans are quick to call someone a Jill Zarin if you criticize anything about Bethenny. It’s happened to me and I love Bethenny but I am not always charmed by her or think she can do no wrong.

        She and Jill are very similar but Jill is the total extreme case scenario. Bethenny is a “mediawhore” but she chooses wisely and she doesn’t harass people the way that Jill does.

        I’m very unclear about her family history, as well. While I believe the heart of the stories are true, I feel like there is a lot of embellishment for the sake of drama/character.

        She hardly ever talks about her first marriage and when she does, she kind of throws him under the bus in a very narcissistic tone that I didn’t care for (“Obviously he loved me more than I loved him and I just married him because I didn’t want to be lonely and he had been obsessed with me for so long.” I’m paraphrasing but that is the gist.). He isn’t in the public eye to defend himself and it’s not fair, in my opinion. Also, she’s not the runaway bride. She got married, divorced and had a few broken engagements. That is not a runaway bride.

        I do like Bethenny but there are things she does and things I see that bother me and I agree with the writer of the article that you will be attacked mercilessly if you say anything against Bethenny. It’s happened to me in this blog and this blog is filled with very rational and common-sense people.

        B has issues like everyone else and it’s refreshing when you can call her out on something and not have people explain away her issues as an excuse.

        That’s just my experience and opinion.

    • Yeah, I don’t agree with the writer at all, but it did end on the positive note.

    • dumberries1 says:

      I thought it was a good write-up. I can see how the writer sometimes likes Bethenny more than other times. Feel like we’re just now getting to know her, outside of brief glimpses of her interacting with the housewives. It’s one of the reasons I think she’s interesting and unique; IMO she’s not likable all the time – nobody is. The unique part is that she’s not trying to hide the less attractive sides of her personality; she wants to be 100% real. Seems like most reality personalities put on a show to be loved all the time, or know that they can’t pull that off, so they choose the villain route. I hate Zarin, and I usually like Bethenny. But, I always respect Bethenny for keeping it real. The comments below the article seemed a little too harsh to me. Just because the writer has mixed feelings about B, doesn’t mean she is related to Zarin.

    • katiecoo says:

      That just makes me sad. I wrote a comment and Ilana’s blog seems very very different than it has in the past. Honestly it’s the first time, other than viewing Jill herself, that I’ve felt someone’s contempt was 100% about jealousy.

      • LynnNChicago says:

        For the record, those comments on Ilana’s blog that have my name on them are clearly not me!

        I typically don’t write on other people’s blogs, I think my opinion here is enough for all to see if they care to know what I think. That said, I do occasionally but mostly to tell the writer I agree with them or tell them its a great blog.

        The writing style is not mine, the opinions are definitely not mine and I always use LynnNChicago, never Lynn Hudson and finally I never use lowercase letters for the first letters of my name.

        I have posted a comment clarifying that on the blog, we’ll see if she posts it.

        • katiecoo says:

          It’s so obviously not you…one of your many “fans”. ::rolleyes::: Hope she removes it…she should! xox

    • katiecoo says:

      Ilana compared Bethenny to Jill because she won’t allow cameras at her wedding? Um, Ilana, she signed a CONTRACT for this SHOW which had TERMS. You think she decided this herself? That this is her personal desire to not have cameras? It’s contractual. To not get that is just, well, dumb. Or bitter or something.

      • emt2 says:

        Why is it dumb or bitter? It’s a reasonable question. It is strange that Jason’s family can’t bring in their personal point and shoot to their son’s wedding. I found that strange even though I understand why it was happening.

        It’s frustrating. Just because the writer questioned things and made observations, she shouldn’t be called dumb, bitter or jealous. That’s just so bizarre to me. She’s a pretty fair and balanced writer and just because she goes back and forth at times with how much she loves Bethenny doesn’t make her bitter, dumb or jealous.

        Not all of B’s critics envy B.

  30. TLM says:

    I don’t see how this article was so horrible. The author gives B credit for accomplishing many things, and says she does like her, but she is also being honest about what she doesn’t like. I would hate to be someone who could only see black or white, good or bad. Some here have made Bethenny into an untouchable person who can do no wrong, and I think Bethenny would be the first to tell you that isn’t true. Why does it automatically make someone a bitch just for pointing out something about Bethenny they didn’t love 100%? If you are a fan of hers, you should appreciate the honesty — that is how Bethenny is, after all.

    I feel exactly the same was as the writer in that there are times I think I could be best friends with this woman and some times where she just grates on me and it could just be too much. There are some comments she makes that are hilarious, and others cross the line into really bad taste. I really hate when she is verbally bludgeoning Jason, particularly when she raises her voice, and sometimes I don’t know how he stands it or finds that attractive or tolerable. She told him he “looked like ass” when she happened to look like death herself at that moment, and I felt that was a really hurtful comment to Jason. Jason may have had bad breath the night after his party, but he still looked great. And he seems to always think she is both gorgeous and funny no matter what, and always compliments her. When I saw the first episode, I did not think their relationship would be long for this world. Bethenny has said she doesn’t know why he picked her, and to be honest I don’t either. They are such very different people. I happen to be one of those people who think true opposites should NOT be together, and I always get the sense he has a fuse that is going to blow at some point. On the other hand, I have seen many marriages where the guy just seems like such a nice guy and his wife is constantly critiquing everything and being demanding, and I don’t get how that is something they want to be around, but the marriages last. I hope that this lasts, but I am not sure I understand at all how it works, even having watched every episode so far.

    I like B very much and am in awe of what she has accomplished. Unlike Martha Stewart, she isn’t a cold person. But I have been surprised to see that she hates going out and doesn’t really like to socialize much. She gave an entirely different impression when she was on RHONYC, when it seemed she was showing up at every event possible.

    • Squirrels says:

      I can see the author’s POV. I can also understand the ‘hang on folks, I know I’m going to get creamed with this opinion’. Obviously she’s been reading or is aware of numerous blogs, including this one.

      All I can say is I’m never afraid to write what I write in this room. Sometimes it scores, sometimes it bites big time. C’est la vie.

      TLM gave me a viewpoint I did not posses myself. TY. I could nitpick ’cause I’m a wench, but no need. I am more impressed TLM put it out there. I’m also glad her voice can be heard here.

    • felony stupid says:

      TLM – I don’t think the article was totally horrible…really!! I agree that B is not perfect and for me, that is part of why I am drawn to her. She has flaws…we all do. I think the problem I have with this article is not the references to Bethenny’s imperfections, but the “Bethenny is becoming Jill Jr.” junk.

      Jill made some very poor choices and did some pretty awful things to her friend, both on and off camera. This writer is trying to make the case that because we see Bethenny arguing with Jason or yelling at the wedding coordinator we can surmise that she has become what she “accused” Jill of:

      “I go back and forth on this show. I watch it, like it, but am constantly surprised by her hypocrisy. She has become all the things that she accused Jill of at the reunion. She is not doing anything for this wedding without a camera on her, which she says is why she lost respect for Jill.”

      Um…of course she isn’t doing anything for this wedding without a camera on her, the show has ‘married’ in the title ffs. The writer seems to nitpick at minutiae trying to make something where there is nothing.

      In any event, from what we know, Bethenny lost respect for Jill because Jill spent an awful lot of time and energy trashing B, lying to B and trying to destroy her career – not because Jill wanted to have her life filmed per se. Bethenny made the point that Jill’s NEED to be on the show (and famous) may have eclipsed the need to be a good friend. Jill then tried to manipulate both the show and public opinion. IMO this is not where Bethenny is headed at all, in fact she is seemly doing the exact opposite by just letting the cameras roll and catch whatever comes.

      Point is the writer is comparing apples to oranges, so that’s where my ire is coming from.

      Dumberries1 – Good point! I think you may be right, it prob is just a ploy for more hits, which is why the argument the writer makes for this is so poor.

      • felony stupid says:

        Ohhhh two responses with the “nitpick” is. Its a sign!

        btw – I agree w/you Squirrels. TLM, thank you for your comments because it did make me think about my visceral reaction to this article and see that it was really just one or two points that bothered me! So yet another happy face 🙂

      • dumberries1 says:

        You said it better than my earlier 2 comments! Some of the writers points were valid (both positive and negative), but comparing B to Zarin was weak and probably just to attract readers by differentiating the write-up from just another review of BGM. The piece would have been higher quality without those apple to oranges comparisons.

        • error 404 says:

          I found it unnecessarily rude and insulting.

          For example, in my recap blog I too made the point that Frankel is all stressed out from doing too much at once and really, she brought it all upon herself.

          But I found the added insult here “I think she did it so she would have things to complain about.” just a stupid dig without insight or humor.

          All she did was complain about each and every scene. I just wanted to add “then don’t watch then!” at the end.

          I don’t blog about shows I hate, just because it comes off as petty and humorless, like this one did.

          • hldc says:

            @ TLM-I understand what you are saying. I am not always going to love everything that Bethanny does. That is really the truth of the situation. No one loves someone all the time. She will do (and has done) things that have gotten on my nerves. Such is life. Is the show over after she gets married or do we get to see more?

      • katiecoo says:

        One more thing…she’s comparing her to Zarin in terms of the hair and makeup stuff? She’s going to a hairdresser for her freaking WEDDING for God’s sake! Of course she’s gonna be meticulous about that! And we’ve seen many many scenes of her looking less than perfect, hair/makeup/fashion in this show. That argument blows imo.

      • TLM says:

        Point taken about the writer’s reference to Jill, which I guess I just ignored since she wasn’t at all persuasive on that point. I think she was trying to make a catchy headline and force a trend that wasn’t really there.

        Bethenny trying out hairstyles for her wedding isn’t the same as practically having a stylist on staff like Jill does. Even brides with very modest incomes do this before their wedding.

        The gossip which was present in almost every scene we saw with Jill this season just isn’t part of this show. It’s a completely different type of show that just looks primarily at the dynamic between B and Jason.

        Jill is basically a wealthy fabric store owner’s wife who tried to parlay the show into a career as an author and spokesperson for different products. This failed miserably not only because of the book’s content, but because Jill behaved so horribly throughout the season, in direct contradiction to what her book was supposed to be about. Bethenny already had a book and a career before she came to RHONYC, and she used the show to promote it.

        Bethenny’s life has started to get more complicated and busy as her business and her family grow. That she got a bigger place does not make her a diva. The apartment serves as her home office as well as her home, and she moved only after years of being cramped in a one-bedroom apartment. Considering all she does, the home office and her living space are very modest in size.

        Unlike Jill, Bethenny goes to events primarily for work and not just to be seen. And when she does go somewhere to be seen, she is up front about it, as she was at the Pamella Roland show. She has been very focused in doing things that will directly benefit her business, and especially now that she has a husband and baby, it sounds like she is that much more selective about where she will go, and will only do appearances that are essential. Everything else is about her family.

        It is a tough balance and as B said, she even worries that Jason sometimes thinks she is only about business. I agree B is focused on business, but unlike Jill, I get the sense B is focused on how well the business is doing rather than how famous she is. It can be difficult to parse those two things, but I think for B, she knows that how the business does affects not just her anymore, but her husband and daughter. And as her business grows, the fees to lawyers, accountants and everything else grows. That is quite a bit of pressure. I think many people dream of having a giant successful company, but they don’t think about the pressure that comes with it. B is juggling so many things and undoubtedly is always thinking about the next step, about what will be the next thing to keep income going after the buzz about her books die down. It looks like she has a steady stream of things in the pipeline: after A Place of Yes, she’ll have the skincare launch, and she has indicated she’ll do a book and maybe DVD on Fit Pregnancy and on doing Diet Cleansing. She’ll be launching several new Skinnygirl drinks. And she may be negotiating for another TV show. It makes me feel overwhelmed just writing that list; imagine living it, and having a husband and baby as well.

        What does Jill have? A book that has been entirely discredited, a persona that is now more infamous than famous, and a line of sheets with Zarin Fabrics’ label on it.

        Bethenny and Jill are both married moms living in New York. That’s about where the similarities end.

    • katiecoo says:

      Honestly I’m on just a high from this show after the low blow after low blow of RHONY that I’m exceptionally forgiving of any details that might be less than perfect or worthy of nitpicking. Overall, it makes me feel good, I wish them both the best, they are the kind of “against all odds” couple in many ways yet seem very happy together. And I’m that much of a Pollyanna to grasp that fairy tail hook line and sinker. Again, to me, it feels good to root them on so I’m stickin with that approach! 😀

    • emt2 says:

      Agree totally.

  31. desertgal66 says:

    Lynn, blog header possibility for next week’s BGM episode:

  32. danni22 says:

    desertgal66 I really like the new header for next weeks episode of BGM. Great job as always.

    former Dani now danni22

  33. Had to register and everything, so I got a blog space as well. I was mom2, but that was taken already … 😦

    My first blog was created because I was re-watching the Reunion shows today before I deleted them, and I realized in the 3rd part they used MY question from Facebook! He mispronounced my name, and I wasn’t paying full attention the first time. So cool to hear your name, even if it is mispronounced. LOL! My name is Terryle, rhymes with Cheryl.

    Bethenny does have her irritating moments, but I stop and think what all she has on her plate at that time. Her show is refreshing and what RHNY should have been in the first place.

    • dumberries1 says:

      mom2, which question was yours? Considering the flood of questions that they receive, it pretty cool that your’s was one they chose!

      • It’s on my blog, click on my name to go there …

        It was the one to Luanne about being the 4th wife, and are there 3 other countesses out there and when does it fade away?

        • dumberries1 says:

          Good question – now we know! They can all keep the “courtesy” title, but why would you want it if you’ve moved on (an up)? Thought it was funny that Luann figured a courtesy title is payoff for 16 years of marriage. She cracks me up sometimes.

  34. cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

    I also thought Max’s impression of Bethenny was spot on! I cannot imagine what it must have been like for him to be thrown into this hurricane of activity, with a pregnant woman, no less, but he seems to be rolling with it.

  35. danni22 says:

    I am sure that when Bethenny signed on with Bravo to do this show last summer she had no idea that she would be pregnant, getting married and writing another book. She does have a lot on her plate and I am sure that the added stress along with her hormones it had to be pretty overwhelming for her. I can remember when I was pregnant being tired all of the time. I think that Bethenny deals with it on the show very well. The great thing about Bethenny is she does not blame everyone else for her actions. I truly love her and her show, faults and all.

    • Squirrels says:

      Ah, but in this past episode with the art dealer, she mentioned they’d been talking about marriage for quite some time. Not everything happens in front of the cameras.

    • Need a Hobby says:

      When the show was initially conceived those factors weren’t done deals. But by last June there were articles in the media about the possibility that B & J were heading toward marriage. And in July B was spotted wearing a ring that I think her rep described in an article as a pre-engagement ring.

      Last summer B was promoting one book & working on a book that came out in December. It seems that B had ideas, plans for books lined up, striking while the iron is hot.

      The only surprise was the pregnancy happening so soon.

  36. dumberries1 says:

    Off topic:
    Watching HLN for the last hour. The news stories were about how endangered turtles are being burned alive by BP Oil as part of the clean-up effort, a couple just busted for trying to sell their 9 month old baby for $25 in a Walmart parking lot (to buy drugs), and more on the ever charming Joran VanderSloot. So happy we have this site to escape to!

    • quincyillinois says:

      I used to watch and read the news. I can’t stand it anymore.

      • dumberries1 says:

        quincy, I think I’ll follow your lead and take a break from the news for a the next few days. Sometimes I feel better being blissfully unaware than sadly in-the-know on these types of stories.

        • quincyillinois says:

          We were swimming and my husband was telling me his interpretation of the news. I say that because he’s a fan of Link TV and al Jazeera. I did google a few things because I could not believe that his take was correct.

          I survived the Iranian Revolution by doing a lot of laundry.

    • Squirrels says:

      Holy shit!

    • I haven’t watched the news in years. There are times that they will have a story I’m interested in, but other than that I don’t need all that negativity. I had a problem with depression, and when I realized it wasn’t healthy for me to watch, I dropped it.

      • dumberries1 says:

        It can definitely be depressing. There are also many humanitarian efforts in the news, but they typically get saved for the last 3 minutes of the program (so it’s 27 minutes of dread leading up to 3 minutes of hope).

      • I don’t watch the news either! I click on a few headlines in my email, but that’s about it. The news stations are all so biased and have engaged in yellow journalism for quite a few years now. My old journalism professors would cringe, if still alive, at the low-to-no-standards of professionalism being practiced today.

        Give me the facts when you’ve confirmed them as facts and not merely speculation, and I’ll interpret them for myself! Don’t get me started on this! Ugh! LOL!

        • windycitywondering1 says:

          same here, give me the facts and I will form my own opinion! now I breeze through the news online, do my e mail and then come here or go to games.

  37. quincyillinois says:

    I think Ramona has a screw loose. She said that the Zarin/Frankel fight was juvenile and criticized both Bethenny and Jill for not wanting to film with certain members of the cast.

    I wouldn’t go near someone who accused me of trying to kill them for all the money in China.

    • felony stupid says:

      Was that recently? This is the first I’m hearing this one.

      btw – it was Kelly who accused Bethenny of trying to kill her.

    • dumberries1 says:

      I didn’t hear about this coming from Ramona. It kind of surprises me that she would say that, but she’s always unpredictable. Where did you find the interview?

      • error 404 says:

        It doesn’t surprise me at all. This is a woman who claims to be a long time friend with Jill, even though we all see their relationship and know it’s what most people call enemies. lol

    • dumberries1 says:

      Thanks for the link quincy! Hadn’t seen this before. Leave it to Ramona…

      BTW: I agree with Ramona that Zarin is a twit for saying she won’t return if she has to film with Alex. But, I agree with you (quincy) about Bethenny being very smart for not wanting to film with an unbalanced woman who thinks Bethenny is trying to kill her. Kelly could really hurt B if she imagines she is defending her crazy self (she’s attacked before, after all).

      • error 404 says:

        this is the period where Bravo is deciding who to keep and who to drop, so it’s not surprising Ramona drops a line reminding us and Bravo that she’s a low maintenance “good girl” who doesn’t pull diva stunts like refusing to film with other cast members.

        Grain of salt needed when reading.

      • felony stupid says:

        This bothers me the same way as the article we were discussing earlier.

        Comparing two things that aren’t the same.


      • windycitywondering1 says:

        Ramona had to deal with alot of juvenile behavior this past season – which is ironic when you look at some of her antics in the first season. She has to know more than us so making that statement tells us how petty it really got!
        Kelly is unbalanced and has a very negative take on Bethenny – so B shouldn’t have to film with what could be a dangerous = unpredictable person. B knows nuts!
        Jill on the other hand 1) wanted to cut B out of filming because she was jealous and 2) now her hate is targeted on Alex. This is very juvenile.

  38. Squirrels says:

    Where is Quincy, Il?

    • quincyillinois says:

      Quincy is the most Western city in Il. It is 300 miles SW of Chicago and 120 miles NW of St. Louis, MO. We are 20 miles north of Hannibal, MO, the home of Mark Twain/Sam Clemens.

  39. error 404 says:

    this should be interesting


    and not just because Kiki won’t be in it! lol

  40. danni22 says:

    I don’t understand Ramona as nasty as Jill is to Ramona it seems like they continue to be friends. I have often wondered if Ramona is afraid of Jill in the sense that judging by what Jill did to Bethenny she is concerned that Jill would try to ruin her. I don’t understand their relationship. Do any of you?

    • Squirrels says:

      Could be Ramona sees the entire thing a biz deal. Yes, Zarin and she were friends (loose term) due to the Hampton’s summer scene.

      Now, notice also that Ramona isn’t afraid of Zarin and by extension any of her minions. No one is getting in this woman’s way.

      That’s my take anyway.

    • dumberries1 says:

      I don’t think they’re friends, the way that most of us define friendship. I think that Ramona (and Mario) has Zarin’s number, won’t let Zarin push her around, but remains on friendly terms with her. Ramona is smarter than she seems, IMO. She’s savvy about business and strategy. She’ll take Zarin on – one battle at a time and then let it go and move on. She won’t declare war and always says they’re friends so she doesn’t have to waste her time looking over her shoulder and dodging bullets if Zarin chooses to make Ramona her target. Also, they appear to have some “circles” in common, so Ramona might have to miss some social events to avoid Zarin. Don’t think Ramona would miss anything on Zarin’s account – better to keep the peace.

    • windycitywondering1 says:

      I never got the feeling that Ramona was afraid of Jill, she tries to get along with her but after SJVI Ramona isn’t going to let Jill’s BS slide. She tries to be nice but you can see she has no tolerance for Kelly and took Jill to task at the reunion for playing a victim and being snotty to Alex. The renewed Ramona is going to be interesting to watch.

    • Need a Hobby says:

      In an article after the first season, Ramona described Jill as a “social friend” someone she saw at social events and might socialize with but not a personal friend.

      I don’t think Ramona is at all “afraid” of Jill. Ramona may still be BSC but she’s secure in her situation: she has an established business that is not dependent on the show or “celebrity.” I think Ramona’s along for the ride and any benefits that might result. And she doesn’t mind taking a poke at Jill and pushing her buttons now and then when she’s in Ramonacoaster mode. Jill can huff and puff but she knows she ain’t gonna blow Ramona’s house down.

      Jill is a bully….she attacks those she thinks are vulnerable, first Bethenny now Alex. She miscalculated with Bethenny and her jihad against Alex isn’t exactly boosting Jill’s popularity….it just confirms that she’s a mean girl. She could try to take on Ramona but Jill herself isn’t exactly in a power position right now due to her behavior on and off the show. And if Jill did, I think Ramona would roll right over her.

  41. bjm90 says:

    No one has mentioned this–but I was wondering is Bryn named after Jason’s brother? I noticed when Jason was talking about his brother–he spelled his name Bryan. Just wondering. Love the series and when Jason called her his “kite” was so sweet. They were made for each other!!

  42. danni22 says:

    Yes, Bryn is named after Jason’s brother.

  43. hldc says:

    Oh….this is HD but I could not just use HD anymore since I had to register and needed my name to be at least 4 characters long…

    • windycitywondering1 says:

      Do you know why we all had reregister?

    • dumberries1 says:

      Yeah, hdlc – had to modify my name a little to register too. There was a troll infestation earlier today and Lynn did some serious housecleaning which affected the log-in.

  44. windycitywondering1 says:

    So if Kelly does come back can we have a blog dedicated to her behavior? As it is she is practically attached to Jill like a parasite. What do you call one parasite feeding off another parasite anyway?

    • Squirrels says:


    • mariareads says:

      Parasite Squared?

      She’s also scary about imitating Bethenny by blogging about cooking, making an exercise video, “inventing” a drink. Can we say “Single, White Female”? Spooky.

      • windycitywondering1 says:

        Very spooky…..next thing you know she will be making a Bethenny suit……..Kelly is creepy! And now that B has “MISTER RIGHT” and a “BABY” Kelly has to be really upset.

        • dumberries1 says:

          Something about Kelly saying, “I don’t see how Jason can kiss her” on the boat sent off alarm bells for me. Not sure why, but Kelly imagining them kissing and even just her calling him by his first name didn’t sit right with me at the time. Totally SWF.

        • Squirrels says:





      • Squirrels says:

        That woe-man is 1/8 inch from certifiable, and by that I mean her clinical file. A couple more pages and she’ll be Bellevue bound.

        Ok. I made all that up. Still, your post does hit home. Who in their correct mind would be so blatant with the peddling of their wares? Is she so delusional that she believes all ideas begin with Kwacko? Next will she take credit for the beginning of man?

        Oh, chit… she just might…. she loves men.

        • dumberries1 says:

          Squirrels, I was thinking about that. I actually think she hates men. She wants all men to love her, but she doesn’t doesn’t seem to like them (except her controlling modelizing ex – Satchels of Gold Bensimon). Remember that icky seen with her and the Playboy writer? She threw herself at him to get him to ask her out, accepted the date, and then cancelled. Once she had his interest, her mission was accomplished. She beat the shit out of her fiancee. She denies ever being into Max because she wasn’t his one and only (even though we watched her flirt like a 12 year old). She has men issues and women issues!

          • Squirrels says:

            Good points. Do you get that way by nature or nurture or both? The $64,000 question.

  45. Squirrels says:

    Hey… I placed well thought out comments to Bravo’s Bethenny show blogs, Julie and Max and Shawn. I mean Julie had 1 comment when I put in my bid. Now she has 4 and I’m not one of them? HOW DARE THEY?

    None got published. What am I , a pariah? Syphilis Sindy?

    • Squirrels says:

      …. anybody notice my insistence that my thoughts were well thought out? Of course I didn’t copy them, so you’ll just have to take my word for it….




  46. mariareads says:

    OK, I have to admit it. I really loved BGM last night! I laughed, I cried YEESH! This show is successful because it seems way more real and less contrived (so far). Sure the wedding adventure is a great storyline but I think what will keep this show together is the vast difference between B & J. It’s like Lucy and Desi. One is staid and steady, taking life as it comes and the other is on roller skates, pummeling her way through her day. I like that they show B as over the top when she is overwhelmed because I’m like that LOL! My husband is so calm and takes things in stride while I’m running around trying to catch the raindrops, dress the kids, wash the car, take my mother to the doctor and work on 5 or 100 creative projects I have going on. I cry, I laugh, I get in a dark mood and all the while my husband is gracefully gliding through everything. Yes, he is clueless when we are having people over and I’m going nuts-nuts! He’ll do one thing-like set up a bar in the kitchen-while I cook, set up, clean, anticipate everyone’s possible need. Once he sets up the bar he runs and hides LOL! This show seems pretty real so far. I don’t think living with someone w/ B’s personality is much different than what we have seen. But the sweetness of J in the face of enormous personal pain that B shows in this episode so reminded me of my husband I burst into tears. While I had a loving family it was a very volatile household and sometimes I still feel the anxiety and pain. I get this show and it’s not because I’m some wacked Bethenny stalker fan. She can be grating and inappropriate but that humor makes me laugh. I can be that way around my husband and kids (they are grown up so it’s all good) and feel that I can be as humorously inappropriate as I like. They get it. I get it. I hope that there are a few seasons of this show. It truly makes me laugh as well as consider the reality of life with all of it’s bittersweet moments and sometimes emotional packed memories. I wish them well and I do think B will be a really good mother. She knows what NOT to do and he doesn’t seem like the kind of man who would stand by and allow her to be less than any child needs her to be.

    OK, off the fan train now and back to reality. YEESH, I need to drop a fast 20 pounds! Back problems over the last 20 months have really taken a toll and I’m mad as hell about it. Great weekend to think about that! 4th of July barbecue time! Oh, well. 4 miles tomorrow on the treadmill. The sick thing is I actually like exercising. It’s obnoxious! Have a great holiday everyone. Thanks for being here. Hope some of the BB fans will hang out and chat about it. My husband HATES it and I can’t even mention it without getting that look down the nose face. As if watching the Military Channel night after night isn’t enough to make me go blind-eh?

    • Squirrels says:

      omg maria, your last line made me laugh soooo out loud.

      Meanwhile, don’t think this blog site is going anywhere soon. So many shows, so much to dissect, so little time to clean the danged house.

      • mariareads says:

        YAY! A place to play during the freaking, hot, humid summer months in Maryland!!

        • SusanS88 says:

          Hi Maria, not sure if you’ll see this but I loved your recap. Also wanted to tell you that I am in MD too and it’s damn hot this week! On top of that, I have a husband who also likes all things military, police, bikers, violence etc. on TV. And it can be too much. Good thing I like to read or will go watch the TV in the bdrm with the cats 🙂 Just wanted to give you a shout out from So. MD.

  47. error 404 says:

    our Work of Art vlog is finally up


    hope you enjoy it!

    • Squirrels says:

      Woo Hoo.. Thanks 404

    • cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

      That was great! I agree, the only shocking things about Episode 3 was how shockingly bad most of the work was and who went home. Hope next week’s is better!

  48. danni22 says:

    Mariareads, loved your comment because I am exactly like you as well. My husband is very layed back and just can’t understand why I get so upset over things. We can have 25 people coming for a BBQ and at the last minute he is finally triming the tree in the back yard. As people start arriving he goes in and takes a shower for 30 minutes. It drives me crazy. That is what I love about BGM I can see things in the show that are like my life. That is also why I loved the scene at Costco. I go crazy at Costco and my husband pushes the cart and constantly say’s do we really need that? Yes we need it look at the price lol.
    I truly love this show like you I laugh, I cry and I cheer Bethenny and Jason on. It is so much more fun to watch then HWONYC. My husband has watched with me the last 2 weeks and last night he said this is a really cute show. I might consider watching the Military channel with him a couple of times just to be fair.

    • mariareads says:

      LOL Danni! I never understand people who say they hate Costco. How? Why? I can buy a camera, laundry detergent, food, books,
      vitamins, deck furniture and mattresses all in 1 trip! I can haul home a months worth of cashews and fake UGG slippers in 4 different colors, purchase dozens of white washcloths, printer ink and on my way out I just might stop a pick up a small TV for the kitchen! I’m in heaven. What’s not to like? My husband has learned to enjoy it. When we shop there together our bill is MUCH higher! Kills me.

      Wow! Your husband watched BGM with you? That’s huge! Yeah..you will have to sit through some Military channel time. Just have some magazines with you so you can “pretend” watch. Works for me!

      So not cool w/ the husbands and the taking it too easy. I told mine I have had at least 10 silent heart attacks because of him and his “it’s all OK” attitude. We had 60 people here last spring for the 1st barbecue of the season for our newcomers group. I worked for freaking DAYS and when the Saturday afternoon arrived, he was going to the market for ice/beer/soda/water about 1 1/2 hours before people were supposed to arrive. I was throwing things around the kitchen like a mad woman (my family was in the restaurant business so I can multi task in the kitchen but I act like a crazy person) and running from one thing to the other. When he walked through the door and asked me where the big plastic buckets were for the ice and drinks I only remember a large sound like an explosion. My mother says that she had never heard anything like the words I used screaming at him. She’s no innocent as my father had a hell of a temper but I think I invented a few things by stringing naughty words together and creating a picture. It’s hell, I tell ya!

    • felony stupid says:

      danni22 – your husband and my husband should get together and go bowling! haha

  49. TLM says:

    Since Bethenny’s show will be winding up soon (does anyone know if the next episode is the last one, or are they doing the wedding in 2 parts?) I recommend The Fabulous Beekman Boys, on Planet Green. It is also a reality show covering a couple who also are somewhat mismatched, one a micromanager and the other not. Josh is an MD who used to work for Martha Stewart, and Brent is an advertising executive and author who used to be — wait for it — a drag queen. The show also involves getting a fledgling business off the ground: they bought a farm and are producing handmade soap, cheese and other items under the label Beekman 1802. The episodes so far are posted on Comcast’s On Demand TV shows. Although I frequently wonder why Brent doesn’t just strangle Josh, it still is a charming show that I want to continue to watch. http://planetgreen.discovery.com/tv/the-fabulous-beekman-boys/the-fabulous-beekman-boys.html

    • error 404 says:

      I haven’t seen it yet, but I think I will watch. I like the video about the haunting.

  50. boston02127 says:

    Part of Kelly’s “healthful” diet.

    • Squirrels says:

      At this point, I’m just completely lost for words. I just keep stuttering to myself.

    • error 404 says:


      watery frozen beer?!?

    • dumberries1 says:

      Thank god for the photo. No way to figure out that complex recipe without the visuals. She’s just so so sad…

    • TLM says:

      Without regard to the fact that it’s from KKB at all, that drink sounds absolutely nauseating.

      I hope Bethenny has already filed a restraining order against this nutcase. All of a sudden, she’s inventing summer drinks and posting them? She is clearly obsessed with B and sees this as some kind of creepy competition against the Skinnygirl drinks. The funny thing is that she keeps using Corona in her drinks, yet apparently never had the sense to try to strike a deal with them where she might actually get paid to represent the brand (not that I can imagine them saying yes anyway).

      Isn’t KKB supposed to have a new jewelry line? Can’t she stick to that instead of being Bethenny’s copycat stalker?

      • felony stupid says:

        That vitamin water must be her healthful secret.

        • cuckooforcocoapuffs says:

          That’s so funny – vitamin water isn’t good for you just because they say it is… and mixed with beer????

  51. char212 says:

    Testing to see if my gravatar loaded

  52. ches1 says:

    Kelly…..man or woman?
    You judge.
    Remember, changes were kept to an absolute minimum. Breasts, swimsuit, hair length, and some jewelry were the only things changed. Also, her hair was concealed on her shoulders, but her shoulders and arms were not changed.
    Her body, plus the fact that she was considered male on her arrest record, really make me wonder if there isn’t some truth to this “man thing”. I mean, if you turned yourself in, wouldn’t you need some sort of govt. id to prove who you really are?
    Let me know if these links don’t work.

    • Squirrels says:

      If it’s true she would have already been famous for birthing two daughters. Awwwnold would be proud.

      • ches1 says:

        But did she really birth them herself?
        I think it’s entirely possible she’s even more ripped than Awwwnold.

  53. TLM says:

    Does anyone care about Double Exposure? Whomever those two are, they remind me of the cast of Miami Social, and I have less than no desire to watch them, if that’s possible. Ditto for Work of Art (not about the Miami Social part… I just have no desire to watch the show).

    I read that Jackie Warner is going to be doing Jackie’s Gym Takeover for Bravo – same concept as Tabatha’s Salon Takeover, and I am really anxious to see that. I very much like the concept of “business turnaround” shows, and I hope they will bring Tabatha’s show back also. While Jackie and Tabatha can seem abrasive at times (I did not like T when she was a contestant on Shear Genius), I think they both are perfect in the role of business consultants. They tell people things they don’t always want to hear, but need to hear.

    On Workout, I was beyond sick of hearing about Jackie and her trainers’ personal problems and dating issues, Jackie’s own crazy dating life, and that whole incident with her psycho trainer who became fixated on the death of another trainer. That was just weird. Then there was the comment someone made about a client’s breast implants that the client overheard, and it turned out she had implants because she had lost her breasts to cancer. After that series ended, I was wondering if her gym lost business, but the publicity probably helped despite all that. I saw Jackie’s Core Workout on Comcast On Demand and was surprised that I really liked it, and I liked her on it. Recommend it!

  54. Squirrels says:

    Re: Carries additional site links.

    “She expects the show to be picked up for a second season, joking that now that she’s hitched, the title should be Bethenny Getting Arrested? But Jason, heard in the background during the conference call, says he prefers Bethenny Getting Pregnant?”

    Funny stuff, but it’s obvious Jason wants another bambina or more likely bambino.

  55. CRH216 says:

    Sorry. Not a great blog. Huge fan of Bethenny’s but I like your blog better Lynn. Your a fan, but you look at things with a more objectionable eye.

    Also this blogger got a major fact wrong. Kelly didn’t say she was rude to stylists. Teresa did in a very recent People article. If you are going to put something out there to criticize someone, a simple, basic fact check should be done. That’s what a good writer does.

    Not a fan of Kelly at all as she’s a whackadoo, but she shouldn’t blamed for that comment.

    Please don’t reference this blogger again.

    • LynnNChicago says:

      You are right, it was Teresa who said that. Kelly criticized the ladies for being rude to staff on the St. John trip. Being objective, I keep going back to that scene where Ramona accepts a glass of wine from a staff member and doesn’t even look at them. Yes, everyone mentioned how funny it was because her expression clearly said, “I need this wine because Kelly is a wackadoo”. But the way I took it was that Ramona was rude to not even acknowledge this staff member and how about saying, “thank you”? This was ongoing on the VI trip, I saw that behavior from many of the ladies during all the scenes. Sorry to harp on Ramona but she said, “where’s the wine?” Then she said, “Can Kelly have a dessert?” There was never a “please”.

      Some of the stylists that worked with both Teresa and Bethenny have come forward to say that Bethenny was always pleasant and that they have no idea where Teresa got this information.

      That is one difference I noticed between NY and NJ housewives. The Jersey girls almost always thank a server when they bring them a drink or their food. I’ve seen the NY ladies barely even acknowledge servers and wait staff. That bothers me.

  56. CRH216 says:

    Ah OK. I think that blogger might be confusing the two scenerios then. The way it was referenced sounded more like that people article then St Johns.

    In reference to that trip. I can’t speak of how they acted the entire time because I wasn’t there (though a trip to paradise would be nice!) From what they showed though, you always saw Bethenny, Alex and Kelly saying thank you. I never heard Sonja and Ramona do the same.

    That said, I agree that maybe Kelly was talking about that. It’s not fair to lump the one’s that did in with that statement, but Kelly doesn’t process things at face value, but by rather Kellyvison. Maybe she should stop wearing those bizarre glasses then!

    I appreciate you being objective. That’s why I read your blog. That other person just sounded like she kissing B’s you know what and that was a bit irritating. I dislike hater’s too that make comments that have no merit or facts behind it too. I may not always agree with what you say, but I also know you have done your homework and will base it on on facts. For that I respect you greatly.

Comments are closed.