I Hate Jill Zarin Weekend News July 24, 2010

I Hate Jill Zarin                   Weekend News                               July 24, 2010

Twitter has given us a lot of information about the activities of some of the Housewives for the weekend.

Caroline Manzo has taken her daughter Lauren to visit Jill Zarin and her daughter Ally out in the Hamptons for the weekend.  Jill Tweeted this: 

The girls are ready to rumble @carolinemanzo ! http://twitpic.com/2816l4

Jill being Jill also has to make sure that we know that she’s also on top of where all of the other housewives are this weekend, another tweet from Jill:

   Luann will be at Bridgehampton Library tomorrow at 11:30. “Tell ladies to bring their teens as I talk about manners”. Should be fun!

CountessLuAnn    I’m on the host committee of the MacDella Cooper Foundation’s 2010 “Champions of Education” Benefit this Saturday…

Yes, should be fun, I remember the last time that Luann taught a bunch of teenagers about etiquette, she was rude and condescending, particularly when one of the teens decided to dare ask a question.

Then Jill decides to give us the itinarary for Teresa Giudice:

Yay! @caroline_manzo @dinamanzo @jillzarin @countessluann @ teresa_giudice & @jaclaurita all hosting the MCF benefit in Hamptons 2morrow!

Teresa confirms what Jill has told us:

Come see me today in the Hamptons at Shoe Inn from 2-4pm. Shoe Inn is on 121 Main St in West Hampton….Cant wait to see you!

Then Cavewoman Teresa confirms her arrival:

I here West Hampton at Shoe Inn…

So at last count we have Jill, Luann, Teresa, Caroline along with Caroline and Jill’s daughters, Lauren and Ally all hanging out together in the Hamptons.  Then Teresa adds:

After my Skinny Italian book signing today, Im hosting the MacDella Cooper Foundation event with @jaqlaurita Special thanks to @nicolaparish

So add to the list of Housewives in The Hamptons, Jacqueline… One place I’m glad I’m not this weekend, The Hamptons!

Jacqueline confirms:

@JacLaurita  Having fun in the Hamptons meeting great people at Teresas book signing. http://yfrog.com/07y5smj

Even Bethenny is enjoying the Hamptons this weekend:

Ramona’s Tweets:

With@Bethenny at opening day polo we both have similar hats can u believe??!!?? http://twitpic.com/28bln6

Stopping by a dinner in Bridgehampton 4 the The MacDella Cooper Foundation. @jillzarin @dinamanzo @teresaguidice @carolinemanzo c u there!!

Mario and I now heading to the fabulous Watermill Benefit for cocktails. Its always such an amazing event.

So if I’m getting this right, all of the New Jersey Housewives, Jill and Luann will be at the MacDella Cooper Foundation dinner.  

Jill and the Jersey girls went to a polo match earlier in the day where Ramona and Bethenny were also watching the match. 

Kelly, yes she was in the Hamptons too, here are her tweets:

Just saved a duck in sag harbor

http://twitpic.com/28cgkq  – Aurielebidermann at urban zen. Soo cool

Kelly is having an exciting weekend.  Saving a duck and showing off jewelry made of string.

 Alex and Simon were in Ashbury Park, New Jersey while all the Jersey girls are in the Hamptons.  Alex and Simon had two book signings and talked about dinner with their family and drinks with friends! 

Alex and Simon are using a program called FourSquare which allows you to easily tweet the name and address of your location at any given time.  Maybe they don’t have any concerns about fans bothering them wherever they are because they are tending to tweet their location frequently:

   After an amazing signing at Bodega Shoppe, a quick drink before the next stop! (@ Watermark) http://4sq.com/cmAbHo

Checking in although we’ve been here for 2 hours 😉 (@ Bodega Shoppe w/ @simonvankempen) http://4sq.com/9vhq7I

Looking forward to a fabulous lunch! (@ Tim McLoones Supper Club) http://4sq.com/b3jfyO


NeNe Leakes of The Atlanta Housewives tends to tweet a lot of nonsense, but here are a few that may be of interest:

All these fake friendships b trippin me out! I’m women enough & strong enough 2 STAND ALONE! It’s called, knowing who u r! Take note

People kill me sayin they so happy & so blessed! Well if u r, u don’t have 2 keep sayin it! It will shine through but Only if u really r!

NeNe likes to tweet in riddles telling us that something has happened, yet not providing enough information to really know the details.  It is pretty frustrating.  She’s also too old to be using the phrase, “b trippin me out”.  Comeon NeNe, you want to be taken seriously, act like a grown woman. 

Yesterday NeNe tweeted this:

Hey tweeties follow my son @Bricebryant he needs new friends n his life

I don’t doubt the child needs new friends, isn’t this her son who has had drug / jail problems?

Gretchen Rossi tweeted today that filming for the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of Orange County began today.  The question is, who will return and who will not.  Congratulations to Bravo for keeping any negotiations and signings secret as no news has been spilled about the new season. 

I tweeted to Gretchen:

LynnNChicago:     @GretchenRossi give us good news and tell us Vicki left the show??

To which I received a Private DM from Gretchen:

GretchenRossi:    @LynnNChicago  Haha! Your cute!

Do you suppose that means no? 

Rumor has it that Jeanna is returning and of course Gretchen, Vicki and Tamra.  No confirmation on Lynne or Alexis.  There is even a rumor that Laurie wanted to return. 

The two additional Housewives franchises of DC and Beverly Hills have really affected the filming schedule for the other shows.  Atlanta is currently filming and Orange County typically would have been filming for a few months already by this time.  New York would normally begin filming in August but Andy Cohen told us to “sit tight until 2011” when asked about the New York cast. 

Obviously the more Housewife franchises, the less filming for the existing groups since there is only so much air time.  Flipping Out and Rachel Zoe are returning, Top Chef is still going strong and Bravo has introduced Top Chef Desserts coming soon.  Do you think that Bravo is trying to be like all of the “real” networks and have three all new one hour shows on each evening?  With just a few exceptions Bravo was giving us only one hour per day of new original programming.  Now Top Chef shares their evening with Double Exposure and I believe Kathy Griffin shares her night with Work of Art.  (something like that)

This year was the first year we’ve seen Bravo overlap two of their Housewives series and it will continue as The DC Housewives will begin in just a few weeks.  Unfortunately we’re not nearly done with New Jersey!  With a total of six different housewives shows running 14 weeks each…well you do the math. 

I’m looking forward to the Real Housewives of DC premier, it has to be an improvement over New Jersey, that show just makes you feel dirty!  New Jersey with their improper English, Mob-like scenes and dialogue, physical altercations, no one on that show is realistic just knowing that they’re all just playing at being rich!   I just hope that none of the DC Housewives have angry teenagers with bad attitudes.

Surprisingly Andy Cohen is missing the big Hamptons weekend, he seems to like to be in the middle of all the fun.  Instead he just returned from a few days at his old summer camp in Wisconsin. 

Last week’s Watch What Happens Live was so horrible that I didn’t even discuss it in my blogs.  I was just disgusted by the one year anniversary show being so extremely dull and difficult to watch.  When Danielle was asked about Kim G her answer of “who?” is getting pretty old although Andy should have seen it coming, I sure did!  Why would her answer change when she was just on a few weeks ago? 

Danielle is the worst talk show guest in the history of WWHL, Jeff Lewis can be a fairly entertaining guest but usually he has to be accompanied by his sidekick, Jenni and it helps if the season is actually in progress so that there is something to talk with him about. 

This week Andy will welcome Bethenny back onto Watch What Happens Live and he also promised a “surprise from New Jersey”.  Bethenny always makes for an excellent guest, she gives more than just one word answers and never holds anything back.  She will answer any question thrown at her! 

I have a feeling we’re not going to be too thrilled with the “New Jersey surprise” this week as the choices are, one of the housewives?  I don’t think so because Jacqueline, Teresa and Danielle have all appeared in just the past few weeks.  Caroline hasn’t been on lately but I doubt it is her.  I certainly hope it isn’t Dina because if she is gone, she needs to stay gone!  What if it is one or both of the Kim’s?  Or do you suppose little Ben (whatshisname) is back from summer camp?  Andy got Bethenny on the show again, why on earth would he sully the waters with another guest? 

I would actually love it if Andy brought Teresa on the show and let Bethenny go at her!  It’s no secret that these two women don’t get along and Teresa has openly attacked Bethenny on Twitter.  Bethenny is much more subtle and does it in People magazine online interviews!   Face to face would be amazing!

I’d still love to see Sonja confront Teresa on her horrible comments on her Bravo blog.  Teresa was brutal to Sonja for absolutely no reason.

I noticed that many of you saw the blog about Jill’s book and the Amazon fiasco.  If you haven’t seen it, good, I see no point in giving it any more hits than it deserves.  I agree with only one point that Maggie makes.  (Maggie is Jill’s internet watchdog who deletes all those mean comments from Jill’s blog and Facebook page).  The Alana Chandler review of Jill’s book comments are no longer comments about Jill’s book, but shouldn’t Maggie and Jill be happy about that?  They had STOPPED talking about what a horrible book it was, stopped talking about Jill’s review of her own book, stopped talking about Jill’s bad behavior.  Shouldn’t Maggie and Jill Zarin be thrilled that the heat is off?  Apparently not, she chose to bring it all up again so what the hell?  Let’s talk about it all again! 

This blog was glaringly short on facts including the fact that Jill Zarin aka Susan Saunders attacked Alana Chandler, Jill wrote a review of her own book and wrote horrible reviews of Bethenny and Alex’s books.  Maggie left out the fact that Jill Zarin also sent Alana Chandler an email that was never released to the public, she called Alana Anti-Semitic and talked about taking away this woman’s cat, (when in fact Alana has only a dog).  There are so many other things that Jill has done that negates all of the advice in the book. 

The most important thing that Maggie left out of her blog was that it was just a BAD BOOK!  There is no getting around that fact.  A letter writing campaign to Amazon won’t fix that, removing Alana Chandler’s review won’t fix that, nothing can fix that.  Maggie, why don’t you go back to your boss and tell her to write a better book, that’s the only thing that will fix that. 

Good job with the blog Maggie, I hadn’t brought up Jill’s bad behavior and Amazon-gate in weeks, probably months, but you gave me a great reason to bring it all up again! Let’s Discuss …

Until Next Time…….

About LynnNChicago

Reality TV Blogger
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528 Responses to I Hate Jill Zarin Weekend News July 24, 2010

  1. boston02127 says:

    Thanks Lynn. 🙂

  2. cusi 77 says:

    Good Evening Lynn! Thank you so much!

  3. LITsnitch says:

    Amazongate was so ridiculous. The whole thing started when Jill’s book people scoped out the #1 Amazon reviewer and solicited her for a book review. Had they looked at the types of books Alana Chandler reads and reviews, they would’ve used better judgment and requested a review from a more copacetic source. Next time, Jill should submit her book to Kirkus, Midwest Book Review, The Library Journal, etc. etc.

    I also want to throw this out there – having the majority of booksignings at outlets that aren’t traditional book retailers (think restaurants and tacky chinchilla shrug boutiques) seriously jeopardizes the literary integrity of the work.

    I could talk for days about this epic failure.

    • Need a Hobby says:

      Hey there, LITsnitch.

      I’d say the “literary integrity of the work” was compromised the minute Jill got involved with it. And remember Jill trying to pressure the Daily Beast writer to post a positive review of the book under an assumed name? The writer revealed that after the Amazon debacle.

    • Jill’s team was very shortsighted to have sent the book to Chandler for review. That Midwest Book Review just recently “reviewed” Jill’s book, and you’re right about their being a good choice to give Jill a glowing review. Can you say “credibility problem”? LOL! That was an easy 5-star for Jill.

      I looked at several of MBR’s reviews and saw what a joke they are and how easy it is to submit a review through their organization and also how easily manipulative their system could be regarding bias. The reviews I read sounded like info complied from teasers, excerpts, or even Amazon’s book descriptions. No real substance to them–just generalized statements and it made me suspect that many of these reviewers didn’t read the books they reviewed. I wouldn’t trust their reviews as a valid source for a book’s content or worth.

  4. dumberries says:

    Great update on the weekend activities Lynn – thanks!

    One of my favorite posted tweets was from LuAnn’s- indicating she was excited to be attending today’s Russel Simmons charity event. We all remember that Zarin was turned away at the door last week from one of his much-coveted events.

    Kelly wasn’t mentioned in conjunction with any of the HW gatherings. I think Zarin is starting to detach from Kelly – she no longer serves a purpose.

  5. error404 says:

    The girls are ready to rumble @carolinemanzo ! http://twitpic.com/2816l4

    1. is that the same hooker, erm… i mean “hostess” dress Jill wore to the reunions?
    2. am i the only one who thinks Jill looks tranny there?
    3. am i also the only one whom, when reading comments like “2 of my favorite women!” thinks “god, what’s wrong with you?”

    Now Top Chef shares their evening with Double Exposure and I believe Kathy Griffin shares her night with Work of Art. (something like that)

    it the other way around

    p.s. does Nene using “women” for woman negate Danielle’s use of “woman” for women? So the world is still in balance?

  6. Lynnrd says:

    You keep me up to date. Thanks!

  7. tuzentswurth says:

    I don’t think I can take another season of Gretchen Rossi. She seems to be a phony poser and I can’t stand her nasal whining any longer. Don’t get me started on Slade Slimey. Gretchen fills the same shoes for Slade by acting like a little child a la Jo, with the cutesy poses, baby talk, and general dumb bimbo demeanor. Oddly, in the first season, Slade came off as the “responsible parent” and wanted Jo to be a responsible stay-at-home wife and mother to his kids. He acted as though he detested the partying and drinking that Jo was so fond of and it was made to look like this was the cause of their troubles. Geez, now look at him…what a bum. RHOC has been going steadily downhill for the past 3 seasons, imo. Lynn Curtan…?… lose her! Alexis Bellino..?…lose her too. I think all these RH shows seem destined to crash and burn after a few, very few, seasons. All of a sudden these women are “designers”. Now Gretchen is “designing” her own line of handbags. What an insult to people who actually study design and produce quality products.

    • Trillian says:

      It is Alexis I cannot stand and now her new face, yuck.

      • vilzvet says:

        Wait, I thought Jeana quit the show last year? Maybe financially she has decided to come back? I wouldn’t mind, hoping we get to see if her snotty son has developed any manners towards his mom. And I did enjoy seeing her daughter…and definitely I would think that Vicki is coming back along with all the rest. Yes, Alexis could be given the boot and I would be very happy.

    • kats2 says:


    • Zoey says:

      I used to like/tolerate Gretchen, I liked her sense of style even though I’ve never thought she was sincere or honest; more sneaky than anything, BUT, now I think she’s pretty dirty and mean, and certainly doesn’t care about children.
      If you’ve read any of her or Slade Slimey’s posts on Twitter regarding him owing child support, man, they are evil!

      I was curious about him being a deadbeat dad, which I’ve read about in many different articles, so I read up on one source, Coach Jen’s Twitter page. She is someone who advocates for women who have been stiffed on child support. She has a separate website that lists deadbeat dads, and Slade is listed there. He owes a looooot!

      So from what I’ve read, she has not attacked him personally, but boy do they attack her big time. Slade denies he owes anything, has never been arrested for this, etc, etc, when there are all these facts out there saying the opposite.
      So, it seems to me Jen took the high road, and they Gretchen and Slade have launched a smear campaign.

      Whatever is the exact truth, they have acted like slimeballs.

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        Slade and Gretchen are big f-ing liars.

        He is a dead beat dad if there ever was one, worse still when he had a scheduled visitation with his youngest son, he and Gretchen paraded him around and called the press to take pictures in a sad attempt to make him look like an active and doting father.

        I mentioned this before (not sure what blog or when) but Slade does not have a valid drivers license because of non payment of child support- yet last year we all saw him driving to Palm Springs to visit Gretchen’s parents. I’m frustrated that the police never pursued this matter, I’m tired of jerks getting away with being jerks.

        Not to mention, when the went to repo his car which he tried to hide all over O.C., it had stolen tags and plates on it.

        Wretchen was already proven in court to be a liar and had to pay Jay P. damages.

        Liars and scum…

        And don’t get me started on Alexis and her pig husband- he actually makes Juicy Joe seem like a renaissance man.

        • Zoey says:

          Yeah, I don’t understand why he hasn’t been busted big time. Another thing I forgot, I read that he hides his income in Gretchen’s Bravo check. He gets paid through her.

          How can she even consider having children with someone like this???

          So give some scoop on the Jumbo Jim and Alexis!

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            Her husband is the same type of “entrepreneur” that Juicy Joe is…aka CROOK.

            He was investigated by the FBI and indited on mail fraud in relation to his business that sold bogus sports memorabilia.

            He is rumored to be a loan shark.

            On the 4th of July weekend, he and his dumb wife were at a Newport beach country club and left their two twins unattended in a stroller-which rolled into the pool and they needed to be rescued. They downplayed it on their website- but there are all kinds of eyewitness saying that Jim and Alexis were wasted and doing shots while this was going on. Also that Jim became abusive and started screaming and swearing at the life guards saying he was going to get them fired. He was so crazy that he was escorted off the property.

            There are tons of stories floating around about what jerks these two are.

            • tuzentswurth says:

              I would love to see the casting call that Bravo puts out…Does it say something like low-life liars, posers, scum at the end of your financial tether, please show up for auditions. You must not be actively in jail at present, otherwise…..cha-ching, here is another great opportunity for you to stay afloat a while longer for the amusement of millions of viewers who will watch your wretchedness leak out slowly till everyone thinks you are the most pathetic creatures imaginable. If you drag underage children though this, bonus points!

              • Rabble Rouser says:

                I really think they do. I actually think they do back ground checks just so they can find the people with the most to hide and place them on the show.

  8. tuzentswurth says:

    Kelly and her braided, feathered bracelets straggling around her wrists…..reminds me of the bracelets my daughter and her friends made from embroidery floss when they were in first grade except those kids’ bracelets looked nicer and were cute and age-appropriate.
    At least KKB is getting the message that she looks like a lonely moron, rather than JUST a moron by having random photos of herself taken. Looks like she is paying people to pose with her now. She is still dumb enough to identify the other person as her assistant.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      Ooops, sorry, this in reference to the twitpic posted above: http://twitpic.com/28cgkq
      Thanks for the blog, Lynn. Always entertaining!

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        Did Kelly go to the Hamptons or to summer camp?

        You know what would compliment that bracelet? A nice multicolored macaroni necklace.

        • kats2 says:


        • tuzentswurth says:

          A macaroni necklace would be amazing!

          • Ellabean says:

            what I want to know is:

            what happened to the duck….?

            (she tweeted they “rescued” one in the Hamptons)

            I am worried about it and it’s feathers. I hope it has a good attorney.

            • Zoey says:

              Haha, too funny!

            • debbie says:

              Have you read Real Old Housewife’s blog? She talks about Danielle the Prostitution Whore Duck?
              It was mucking up her flower beds and she ‘encouraged’ the duck to move on. 🙂 I think that might be the duck Kelly saved. Or saved for feathers for her earring line.

        • WindyCityWondering says:

          She could also use all those chicken wing bones to make earrings/necklaces that match….

          • dumberries says:

            Good thinking! Kelly does love the retro vibe. She can take it all the way with a new Wilma Flintstone-inspired earring collection. I can see a youtube video in our future – showing us how to properly secure the matching bone barrette to the top our heads.

            • Zoey says:

              Let’s see, she took Pocahontas out of the canoe and put her…I can’t remember where she said she put her! Now she can take Wilma out of the rubble, ha, and put her????

              • error404 says:

                Dance floor. Pocahantas went to a club because of the bad economy.

                I know, you can’t make this shit up. I swear, my best efforts to be nonsensical make more sense than Kiki being serious.

  9. anitabee says:

    Are we beginning to see signs of Jill Xarin desperation again?

    Last week, she somehow shoved herself onto Emeril’s show what a whole 48 hours after Bethanny?

    Now she’s hosting a New Jersey Housewives event at the Hamptons without Kray-Kray Kelly?

    And Maggie with her bizarro blog about how great Jill is and how unfair Amazon has been to poor little Jill. Maybe Amazon should pull the book from the site? It would be the only way Amazon would get rid of all those bad reviews.

    It’s the quiet before the storm people…Hurricane Jill is on the way.

    • CajunBelle says:

      Did y’all see Jill on Sean Hannity’s show recently? ROFLMBO She looked like a bobble head doll and had NOTHING of value to contribute to the conversation. The other two guests were involved in an “adult conversation” about politics and poor Jill was totally out of her element. It was pretty funny and kind of pathetic….just shows how desperate she is for attention…

  10. Rabble Rouser says:

    Re; Good job with the blog Maggie, I hadn’t brought up Jill’s bad behavior and Amazon-gate in weeks, probably months, but you gave me a great reason to bring it all up again! Let’s Discuss …

    Can we please not discuss it? It occurred to me that maybe this is a very calculated move on the part of JZ and her PR team to get everyone discussing her again-in the hopes of keeping her relevant. Bravo is probably fishing around blogs and what not to see who is being discussed and who isn’t.

    Let’s hope Bravo takes our lead and gives Jill Zarin a pass (as in passed over for the next season).

    • vilzvet says:

      I bet you’re right!! She’s not in the news, and she’s not relevant at this critical time of issuing new contracts!

    • I’m all for forgetting Jill and the NJ women, and OC and Atlanta, too, and instead talking about Work of Art, Top Chef, and the upcoming appearance of little Bryn Hoppy on Bethenny’s next show. 🙂

      • I got my new car battery last week (been out of commission for a few weeks as I was under the weather) so it’s now road worthy.

        Maybe that short road trip to buy some of Bethenny’s Skinnygirl Margarita Mix! 😉

        Well, that is if the weather lets up a bit. It’s no fun traveling with heat advisories and no air conditioning. 😮

        If not, I’ll wait ’til the fall. 😛

        • Can’t travel in hot, humid weather w/no air conditioning with asthma. But that’s just the way it is. We have too many cat related expenses coming up this summer and I have to wait to get the air fixed as we don’t use the car that much anyway.

          • I’ll have my booze by Christmas! LOL! 😛

            • i have to stop talking to myself! 😉

              • tuzentswurth says:

                Too funny! If you are having car issues, why not take a page from the Guidice’s new book…Fat Italian. Just go get a big loan and buy a fabulous new Mercedes, Maserati, Range Rover or whatever your little heart desires. You will have nice transportation for a few months at least. Meanwhile, spend those few months figuring out how to run your next scam, maybe pick one of your friends and forge their signature to get more money to pay off your car! Geez, like shooting fish in a barrel people. Get with it. Do your part to make the economy look like YOU are thriving.

  11. boston02127 says:

    Good morning.
    So much for enjoying each others company. Jill and the NJ Skanks have tweeted more this weekend than they have in the past month. If you figure in breakfest. lunch and dinner along with events, it seems that in all their spare time they were all tweeting.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      Tweeting or eating???? Seems a shame to go to a fabulous restaraunt, (or is it amazing?), order something and then spend your time tweeting instead of eating. That is why I’ll never be famous!

  12. boston02127 says:

    Caroline’s tweet: going 2 the Hamptons this weekend for charity event. Never been there. what’s better, Hamptons or Jersey shore?

    Is she serious? I havent traveled anywhere in life (yet) but my money would go on the Hamptons. I know a lot of people like Caroline but I think she’s a snake in the grass. I was always on the fence with her until I saw the video on YouTube of her shot over a year ago at a state fair. Somebody asked her if her son Albie was there. She answered, “no, he’s busy today at his firm working on a case”. Paa-leeze~
    She’s just like the rest of them. I think she’s just as dumb as Teresa and Jacqueline. She just has more experience on hiding it.

    • kats2 says:

      Good Morning Boston! Totally agree with you about the big C.

      • tuzentswurth says:

        Agree too!

        • Ellabean says:

          “no, he’s busy today at his firm working on a case”.

          Albie probably was interning (well he should have been as a law student – they all do that). But it’s sure was misleading.

  13. jakey's mimi says:

    Hey guys, where’s this infamous blog by Maggie? I want to read it!!! Thanks!

  14. boston02127 says:

    Albie’s tweet’s at 3 in the morning.

    You- are- so- beautifullllll- to meeeeeee- can’t you seeeee. You’re everything I hoped forrrr- you’re everything I neeeeeeed
    I’ll trade you mah pickle for a nickel….. -how bout 2 cents?

    Drink much Albie?

  15. debbie says:

    I wonder who’s taking care of Jaq’s little ones..Trashley?
    Twittered Saturday night:

    Yay! My husband surprised me and came here to the Hamptons! Xoxo! I’m going to kiss him now. XoXo!

    • kats2 says:

      I think Jac actually has it made when it comes to the set up she married. I don’t see her breaking a sweat over the house or kids. She won the lotto.

    • Scorpiosue1102 says:

      Though you do see Jacq taking Nicholas to various different places yet we have barely seen Audriana. I’m not defending Jacq, but at least we see her with her baby. I don’t think think we’ve seen Audriana because Teresa doesn’t want her on screen because Teresa will exploit anyone to get on camera. It just may be that it’s someone else taking care of the baby.

      • WindyCityWondering says:

        Ladies please – a baby carrier is not a flattering accessory for someone so fashion forward as Teresa!

      • Zoey says:

        Well I can’t stand Teresa or her hubby, so I hate even talking about them, but I’m curious to know this (maybe someone can ask her)-
        she said she doesn’t want more children, but Joe said he does. So either she’s taking precautions, which still could fail, or he won and she may get preggers.
        She wanted him to have a vasectomy, but I haven’t heard any more about it. Of course they can’t afford it now, or so a reasonable person would think.

        • debbie says:

          They can pay for the vasectomy the same way they paid for her fertility treatments.:0

  16. emt2 says:

    Well, the MacDella Cooper Foundation charity event in the Hamptons is a great cause. It seems strange that the Foundation would want Jacqueline, Teresa and Caroline, though. I imagine that Luann was the one involved and asked (or was asked by) Jill to attend and Jill suggested bringing in the 3 Jersey girls.

    I think it’s interesting that Ramona in a tweet said she was having dinner with/hanging out with Jill, Caroline, etc. but none of them mentioned hanging out with Ramona. Things that make you go Hmmm……..

    • tuzentswurth says:

      Hmmmm indeed. Ramona is old enough to know that you are judged by the company you keep. So is Alex.

  17. kats2 says:

    Lynn thanks for the new blog and recap of all the tweets. Love how Teresa tweets these events as if she’s hosting them solo. The ego on that ape is huge.

    I bet Ramona and Luann won’t spend any extra time with NJ HW’s they are not of the same social circle and I hope they make the NJ HW feel it. Jill on the other hand needs everyone and anyone she can get.

    I hope Bethenny stays far away from Jill, Luann, and the NJ HW’s

    If any of the same old OC cast is back I have no faith that we will see any real changes on the other franchises. That sucks! IF they area filming why can’t they tell people?

    • tuzentswurth says:

      Wanting to hock their wares, all the RH want to look chummy, best friends having a great time. They forget that they are on a reality show and we see plainly that they hate each others guts and are so jealous of each other in many instances. The longer the “reality” of the show goes on, the more we see. Can you imagine if the NY and NJ were filmed together for any length of time…..we’d see how chummy they are.
      Bethenny has no need to fake friend any of them, she is doing a happy dance while the rest of them try to figure out how to get there too.

  18. kats2 says:

    On the previous blog, someone linked a pic of Jill and Caroline. Jill actually looks good compared to Caroline.

  19. LOL! Excellent blog Lynn. I especially like the part where you bring up the fact that Jill via Maggie the starstruck fan/paid negative comment deleter has now again brought up the Amazongate affair. Can we say “just plain dumb”? LOL!

    From what I’ve noticed, Jill’s book sales ranking on Amazon dropped yesterday from the mid 10,000s (which isn’t a good ranking anyway) to almost 50K since this news broke. Perfect example of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.


  20. emt2 says:

    Someone tweeted to Jill:

    @jillzarin ur a loud mouth jealous bitch that needs to have ur ass kicked

    She replied:
    @KellyisPsycho that is so funny. Thank you for your support! Have great weekend!!

    Why does she and Kelly always respond back with statements that make it appear as though they are thanking their fans for compliments. They get insulted and they say: Thanks so much. I’m so glad that you support me.

    I know that it’s sarcasm but it annoys me.

    It’s only 8 in the morning and I’m already annoyed. lol Time to go for a jog.

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      While it’s one thing to tweet a zinger or disapproval, I have to scratch my head about tweeting to someone they should get their ass kicked. It seems very 7th grade and not very clever, especially using a specific twitter name like @Kellyispsycho…

      I just don’t understand anyone being that invested that they would create a twitter account solely for that purpose.

  21. kats2 says:

    Anyone else notice that Kelly and Jill don’t seem to be BBF’s this summer?

    • boston02127 says:

      @kats2—Yes and I love it, we all saw that coming. Jill has no friends. She goes thru friends. I’d love to hear the conversation about Jill from the NJ skanks on the ride home from the Hamptons.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      JZ and KKB each think that they are so high above the other one, they never really liked each other at all. What a couple of dummies.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      Kelly has her Hamptons on! It is where she longs to be- with horses, ducks, parties she can bop into and out of without anyone saying anything to her! Her idea of networking is saving ducks and surfing. Oh and her job at PlumTV (which she plays on a continuous loop when she is at home) – she is too busy being real to include other people! lol

    • PaganChick says:

      Well, lets be honest. The only reason Jill befriended Kelly was to try to get back at Bethenny. She knew there was bad blood between Kelly and Bethenny and when she went into the season trying to destroy B she also wanted to stick it to her by hanging out and being BFF’s with someone who she knew Bethenny had issues with. Once the tide began to turn, Jill couldn’t just out and out drop Kelly because she had already gone too far with it. But, now that there has been some time since the reunion, she will do what she can to distance herself from Kelly.

  22. boston02127 says:

    From Zap2it:
    That “Real Housewives of New Jersey” bad girl Danielle Staub was in Provincetown over the weekend with her rumored Sapphic paramour, singer-songwriter Lori Michaels. As part of the Cape tip’s “Girlsplash” week-long women’s celebration, Danielle joined Michaels for an intimate set Friday night at the Crown & Anchor.

  23. MickeyMouth says:

    Luann looks thrilled. – http://www.life.com/image/103075593

    • emt2 says:

      Luann seems kind of manly to me. I never found her to be as attractive as everyone else. She is a “handsome” woman but seems for like a drag queen to me. Maybe I’m just being snarky this morning. She is so boring looking. Her makeup, hair, skin, etc.

      • error404 says:

        I actually find Lulu to be the only pretty one.

        Sometimes, celebrity women get so involved in “improvements”, even if it’s just fake hair and nails like Jill, and hiding behind clothes and glasses, that they come off as female impersonators.
        Lulu has always been more “natural” in her look.

        • Rabble Rouser says:

          I think she is attractive abet in an androgynous sort of way.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            Agree. She would have been more attractive when very youthful, probably Kelly too, but when these large boned women age, they get more obviously man-like.

            • Quincy IL says:

              Oh no…. I am large boned… LOL…

              We all get old. I know some pretty frightening small boned women who are getting facial hair. Like Caroline, we have to do what we can do.

              I have to admit, that I miss those hormones, but not the cycle.

              • tuzentswurth says:

                It all works fine if you don’t keep trying to look 20 when you aren’t. I’m a tall “old lady” myself. I never skip down the road doing cartwheels wearing mini-dresses and feather boas. These women emphasize their age by trying to look an age they are not and the contrast shrieks out. I’m enjoying my age too, don’t miss the cycle either……
                I’m sorry Quincy, I didn’t mean to generalize about people I don’t know…..just looking at KKB and Lulu. They seem to think they are 20 years younger than they are and it just isn’t working. I see you’ve taken this with good humor though and no insult was intended. I haven’t found the facial hairs yet, but you can bet I’m looking everyday!

        • Ellabean says:

          I have to agree errror. I always thought LuAnn to be natural – less made up – and very pretty. Understated in her clothing – clean lines – doesn’t wear busy prints or over detailed clothing. The only negative is over doing it on the shaman – Native American jewelry.

          I always admired that she had short hair. It looked age appropriate – and actually ends up looking quite modern. It has always irritated me that most of these middle aged Housewives ‘push it’ in terms of trying to keep that long, girlish hair style going on way past their youth. And the quality of the hair diminishes, not thick, split ends etc. Certainly overprocessed. They don’t realize that long straight hair style often ends up ‘pulling’ your face down, something that age/gravity/time does naturally so you have to counter that – especially those OC wives . I know they think the long hair is sexy – but these wives should all take a cue from Ramona this season. Loved-loved her new short do – as she took a cue from LuAnn…

          Really Bad Hair:
          Lauri W. (the worst IMO) – Jeana( coupled with that weight gain, & puffy too- much- wine face – eeck!) – Tamra (how cute would a modern bob – sharply angled in the front at her jawline – and go darker!) – LynnC -Tammy – Quinn – Vikki – yes, even Jill.

          I am middle aged and I gave up my 1970’s Marsha Brady long straight style years ago.

        • Quincy IL says:

          I think Luann is beautiful. Bethenny is my second choice for NYC.

          I don’t think any of the OC, Atlanta, or NJ women are beautiful.

      • dumberries says:

        I actually think LuAnn is by far the best looking of all the housewives. She looks to me like she takes pride in her appearance, but doesn’t spend all of her time getting her make up done and having her hair blown out. She looks really toned, but not like she starves herself and exercises excessively. I think she probably has some work done, but started when she was young so it’s small touch ups that aren’t obvious and she never looks reworked. LuAnn irritates me at times, but I wouldn’t mind looking like her…

        • tuzentswurth says:

          I have to admit, Lulu is well-groomed and nicely maintained but I still don’t like the passive-aggressive, superior attitude she has. Her personality makes her unattractive. Another etiquette lesson for teens??? Hide your daughters!

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      I am hoping that LuAnn is inching away from Jill – she doesn’t look to be paying attention to whatever the shrew is shrewing at her! She looks like she wants to be somewhere else…..She does look natural and she has always had her own style.

  24. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/ukIxZYJfbe4/2010+Mercedes+Benz+Polo+Challenge+Opening/pxqdzcoRQyA/Caroline+Manzo

    Here’s some photos from the Housewives busy weekend. Now I get why Jill invited Lauren & Caroline. I’m not fat-prejudice, but Jill is really calculating. She obviously didn’t want her daughter photographed with anyone who would make her look large.

    • emt2 says:

      I actually think that Caroline has been looking better and better. She has lost a ton of weight and you can really tell the difference in photos. I’m not sure why she chose to wear that unflattering top but she looks good to me. I still don’t like her but she is much prettier than Jill.

      • error404 says:


        and Ally has terrible style, like her mom.

        • tuzentswurth says:

          Yes, seems JZ is going for that “mutton dressed as lamb” look too.

        • Quincy IL says:

          Ally owns and wears the same blue dress that Dina wore at the table flipping dinner. I didn’t think that dress was flattering to either Dina or Ally, but I loved the colorl.

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        I thought Caroline looked fantastic in the picture of her and Jill getting ready for a night out. She looks very happy and refreshed.

      • kats2 says:

        IMO Jill wins this one. Caroline has lost weight and she also looks aged, like what happens to an old apple. She’s getting one of those kinds of faces. But they both have no souls, so looks are the least of their problems.

    • dumberries says:

      What’s with Zarin taking off her shoes all the time? Maybe Kelly told her it makes her look footloose and fancy free.

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      I think Lauren is thinner than Allie- not by much. Although, I really don’t think are just more voluptuous than FAT, they both seem to have the body type that even if they didn’t carry an extra weight, they still wouldn’t look lean or petite.

      • tuzentswurth says:

        Allie may periodically need Prednisone for her juvenile RA., this will affect her weight and looks a lot. She has enough problems in addition to her fame whore mother, so I give her a pass. She didn’t ask for this attention and she seems like a polite, hard working young lady. She is cute and seems to have a genuinely nice personality in the few clips I’ve seen her in.

        • Snarkella says:

          I kind of agree with you. But with all that money weight should never be an issue.

        • Rabble Rouser says:

          I’m familiar with the drug, my DD1 was on something similar for the treatment of epilepsy. I know that typically when on it, cushingoid features develop especially in the face, which I have never seen in Allie.

          If you look at her ankles in the photo, maybe you can see where I am coming from with my suggestion that it’s genetic and simply comes down to body type.

          Either way, noticing the few extra pounds isn’t meant to be a criticism of either of those girls. I would much rather a child who looked and behaved like them than Ashley any day of the week.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            Periodic Pred-paks won’t necessarily result in the cushingoid facial features but will be detrimental to weight battle issues. The cushingoid facial features result from long-term sustained use of corticosteroids.

            • Rabble Rouser says:

              My daughter was on ATCH for 3 months and developed them within weeks. Fortunately, they gradually went away after the ween. Perhaps ACTH is more aggressive in that regard; although I am sure I have heard of it in infants/children who have had to use Prednisone.

              • tuzentswurth says:

                3 months is long-term use. Pre-packs are used for a shorter period of time for acute episodes of inflammation.

        • boston02127 says:

          @tuzentswurth–I think Ally will end up exactly like Jill. She’s already dropped the name Shapiro and uses Zarin.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            Oh quite possibly, we’ve seen that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree before (JAC).

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            I think Jill has set her up to be disappointed. I can’t see hordes of single and wealthy Jewish young men lining up around the corner to marry her daughter. While she seems like a nice enough girl, she isn’t a trophy wife or an intellectual.

            I am not sure what Allie would bring to the table, while she might use the name Zarin I don’t think she will find herself named in the Zarin Trust when Bobby shuffles of this mortal coil.

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        Sorry, I meant to say I think they are more voluptuous than fat.

        • error404 says:

          I think Ally and Lauren look “normal”.

          Jill OTOH reminds me of the expression “mutton dressed as lamb”

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            Dress as lamb you say? No wonder Ginger is always biting her.

          • kit9 says:

            Lauren and Alley are far too young to be so fat. And, they certainly are fat-not voluptuous, just fat. Look at their knees. They are both college aged. Imagine them in 10 years.

  25. Olivia says:

    It is difficult to believe that these adult women spend so much time “twittering” about themselves nonstop. Do any of them ever pick up a book, or are in tune with current events, or even have a life beyond texting total strangers about their every move? All they seem to do is “cyber fight” back and forth with other losers who “follow” them for no apparent reason other than none of the participants have something better to occupy their time.

    As for Jill, are we supposed to be “impressed” that she is hosting a group of women from NJ who are either being investigated for fraud or blessing the delinquent behavior of a kid who should be encouraged to get an education rather than doing battle with another skank with the morals of an alley cat? I would put so much distance between myself and these female hooligans who chased another woman through the hallways of a country club shouting obscenities along the way. This is Jill who is always “pissed” at somebody for the smallest offense yet she sees nothing wrong with associating with a clan whose dubious sources of income have been played out in public. I smell a whiff of desperation here and the fact that since these NJ idiots have seen fit to “defend” poor Jill from the blowback of public opinion due to her own outrageous behavior have now become best friends. Tacky does not begin to describe it.

    What would Gloria say????

    • kats2 says:

      Hi Olivia

      I agree

      Add taking pictures to the tweeting, OMG! They love having their pics taken. For them it’s all about being seen and heard. Not a fun way to spend the summer.

      • kats2 says:

        Oh I forgot to add, who gives a shit about what Gloria would have to say about this or anything else? That whole Gloria playing an Oracle on the show ended when her daughter showed her true colors.

        • Rabble Rouser says:

          Not to mention when Gloria showed HER true colors…
          “Mother’s NOT happy” through clenched teeth.

          • error404 says:

            wait, Gloria’s true colors weren’t always on show?

            s1: the dress fitting. I thought that designer was going to strangle her! lol

            s2: carrentalgate in the hamptons.

            Mother is NEVER happy.

            I swear, the whole idea of Gloria being even remotely likable at any point is testament to Bethenny’s ability to sell shit to a farmer. If B hadn’t said she liked her in s2, Gloria wouldn’t even have the 6 fans she has.

            • Snarkella says:


            • Ellabean says:

              Perfect summation of the Gloria.

            • Rabble Rouser says:

              Not only do I agree, it kind of makes me think about how contrived so much of this ‘reality’ tv really is.

              I’m sure that who ‘mothering’ and of Bethany advice was purposely crafted to try create a ‘Dear Abby’ role for Gloria- and was to be the foundation of their forsaken book “Secretes of a Jewish Mother” .

            • Need a Hobby says:

              “I swear, the whole idea of Gloria being even remotely likable at any point is testament to Bethenny’s ability to sell shit to a farmer.”

              LOL! Actually, Gloria’s “mothering” of B in that one episode seriously creeped me out.

      • Quincy IL says:

        Alex said as much when she said the Hamptons seemed like work.

    • Remember, Jill has been proven the ultimate hypocrite repeatedly. So, it’s no big stretch that she would embrace the NJ housewives.

      • kats2 says:

        True and it is the perfect situation for all of them. They both can spend the weekend selling their BS to each other. NJ HW’s I’m sure are non-stop Danielle bashing and Jill can play the Bethenny card and continue to whine about how badly she was treated by Bethenny and of course Alex. While Bethenny is above all of them and I’m sure spending time with her new baby (which I hope Jill still has not seen). Danielle, well she’s still trash but is happy spending her weekend with her new lesbian lover.

        • error404 says:

          true. Jill & Caro can spend the WE bonding over the toxic friends they had to cut out like cancer. lol

          no wait, Jill wants B to forgive her and she wants to meet Bryn. On no, what will Jill & Caro talk about now? Oh pfew… I forgot about toxic Alex, who hates Jill. The WE is saved!

    • tuzentswurth says:

      “Do any of them ever pick up a book,”
      All these women can read???

      • error404 says:

        well, some of them do respond to tweets, so I guess they can read. 😉

        and let’s not forget: Jill, Teressa and Kiki are collidge edjamacated!

        • WindyCityWondering says:

          Kids use their phones to social network, these women are trying to look like they are important -that their lives are active, full and fun. It’s sad but IMO they want to be liked and it’s that Paris Hilton thing – looking imporant is better than being important.

        • tuzentswurth says:

          Maybe they hire assistants to read the tweets to them and then tell them what to tweet back? I know they are kolige edjamacated but none of them has ever claimed to have majored in reading, so….I’m just sayin’

  26. emt2 says:

    Isn’t this the same event where Jill met Bethenny a few years ago? The polo event, right? I’m surprised that Kelly wasn’t there considering how much she loves riding and seems to know all of the South American polo players.

    I think the polo event used to be very classy but now it’s not so much anymore.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      It’s where Ramona met Kelly, ran into LuAnn who’s daughter was participating in an event, etc – Jill and Bobby were there too….it’s the social gathering place in the Hamptons.

  27. kats2 says:


    Perhaps I’m missing something but I thought dingbat Kelly referred to the PlumTV gig as her show? But based on the above link there is no mention of Kelly. There are many interviews and a lot of information all by what seems to be professional reporters that work for the show. The season is almost over so why is Kelly no where to be found on this site? Could Kelly be once again stretching the truth and perhaps her contribution to this show is a random interview?

    • dumberries says:

      Are you suggesting that Kelly is inauthentic? How can you say that? She is a healthful, shy non-drinker who spends all of her time doing charitable works and being a mother to Sea and Teddy. She was a child bride and young mom who graduated from Columbia University with a major in English literature. She accomplished all of this while balancing super modeling, being a respected fashion editor, designing jewelery, being trapped in a castle like Repunzel, carrying out her duties as the Ambassador for wool, supporting PETA, voluntarily helping domestic abuse victims, and being a well-respected NY Tastemaker. And, despite being the victim of systematic bullying, she showed great courage by saving a duck yesterday. I think her resume speaks for itself.

      • kats2 says:

        HA! I think we will be hearing about that poor featherless duck for a long time.

        • tuzentswurth says:

          Dumberries and Kats2, you have brightened my life today and made my load lighter. After literally laughing out loud, my endorphins are at an all time high! Your charitable work should be recognized.

      • Quincy IL says:


        Have you dipped into the Skinny Girl mix already?

  28. Olivia says:

    My “Housewives” viewing has been pretty much limited to the NYC and NJ franchises although I did once take a brief look at the OC cast and was not surprised at the same “group think” that was evident in the few episodes I watched. The under dressed, over bleached, heavy on the Botox and breast enhancements, that are typical for all these ego driven women. For me, they are equally interchangeable with the possible exception of NJ which presents violence as an acceptable form of entertainment for many. Each franchise comes equipped with the same talentless group as the other and the DC crowd appears to offer more of the same.

    Color me jaded as I am more and more convinced that most of this stuff is scripted to a large extent with the sole purpose of increasing ratings. What could be more fun for a misogynist network than watching a bunch of women attack one another for the benefit of ratings as they scratch, bite, and sully the reputations of castmates while spending an inordinate amount of time “fixing” their bodies and fighting for camera time at the expense of their own integrity?

    What could be more boring than watching a “housewife” prepare breakfast for her family if that scene could be spiced up a little more with some form of “drama” as the camera captures it all on film? A little nudge here, a little wink there, and we are off to the races with yet another headshot of one of them ridiculing another for the sake of the show?

    It is the camera itself that stands out for me since I question the overall availability required to film just those “right moments” that are assured of being replayed once the “star” agrees to perform according to script. The dialogue may not be scripted but the set up, IMHO, appears more likely. Case in point: Bethenny’s water breaking in the middle of the night that was captured on film. How did that happen unless there was someone close by capturing every moment even as they slept.

    Just suggesting that perhaps it is time for someone to come forward and call out Bravo’s bluff.

    • Blue Sky says:

      You are so right Olivia! It’s much more scripted than Bravo wants us to know. Every HW show has the drama drawn out, so that we will watch. Sometimes it gets out of control, like Kelly on Scary Island. The fascinating part is watching the evolution of what Bravo sets up, right? Who knew that Jill would go down in flames trying to do in Bethenny, or that Juicy Joe & T would capture the scrutiny of the IRS, FBI (I hope!) & other various government enforcement agencies. Since RHONJ is getting such high ratings, this show is not going away. I for one want to see how justice works out for the crooks on that show. As Danielle so prophetically said, “karma is a bigger bitch than I’ll ever be.”

    • Scorpiosue1102 says:

      I would not be surprised if Bravo had cameras stationed in Bethenny’s house 24/7 because there is no way they were going to miss one second of her giving birth. Whether those cameras were mounted to someone was in the house 24/7 I don’t know.

      • Olivia says:

        If anyone gives it a thought for one moment it sure appears to be rather phony. Another example would be when any of these women waltz into a doctor’s office for some form of “treatment”. You just don’t do that without permission from the doctor for when the filming takes place. Someone has to agree that other patients are either advised beforehand, or it is done after hours to ensure the privacy of those who may be awaiting treatment.

        So far we have been privy to Sonja, Danielle, Ramona, Theresa, Bethenny, Alex,and Jacqueline all visiting doctor’s offices with a full camera and sound crews in tow. The same applies to the restaurant scenes. These people are just not walking in unannounced; it has been cleared beforehand.

        Just chalk my rants up to the fact that I am sickened by the spectacle of these non talented fame seekers being praised for contributing nothing and getting paid for it. Theresa being my prime example of these “tributes” for this week.

        • Fabulous Earth says:

          Of course they get permission PRIOR to filming! I think an unborn mute would know that in order to film in a public or even a private place, there’s the “permission to release” form that must be filled out.

          I didn’t think there was a person alive watching “reality” tv that thinks they just waltz into places with cameras and start filming, lol.

        • emt2 says:

          They film it and its free advertising for the doctors. None of those women pay for the work they’ve had done while on the show, it’s free in exchange for exposure–Danielle’s breast revision, Tamara’s breast revision, Theresa’s breast job, Alexis’s mothers breast and facelift, Botox parties, etc.

          That’s why it’s weird that Teresa and Jacqueline go on and on about where did Danielle get money to get her breasts done when they know full well that it was free and that have also benefited from free services.

          I actually think that it was wise for Danielle to her breasts fixed for free because you know that she would have never been able to afford it otherwise and it seemed as though she really needed it done for health reasons. Weren’t they like rock hard and fossilized or gangrened? Whatever was the problem, it sounded painful and gross.

          Teresa didn’t need to get bigger breasts and Tamara from the OC got her reduced because her husband wanted them smaller. It’s funny that now she is divorced from him, she’ll probably get bigger boobs. lol

      • Fabulous Earth says:

        Of course, I would think so.

        With Bethenny, I believe it was ’round the clock’ filming because with her, any and every moment is footage for entertainment. That woman is hilarious!

        • WindyCityWondering says:

          Bethenny said there were cameras set up and some scenes are staged (water breaking) and that Jason and she decided what would be filmed (the proposal was not by Jason’s choice). All restaurant/shops, etc have to be set up first – it is sort of reality as the cast members fill in what happens in the scenes.

    • dumberries says:

      I agree that there is a lot of staging and re-enacting that needs to be done to put an episode together. So, some of the reality isn’t happening in real-time and some of the situations seem greatly “inspired” by the producer’s set-up. Imo, NJ is the most staged, by far. But, I do believe the words and actions of the housewives are not scripted – it’s all on the ladies themselves. I’m not sure a show could be produced logistically without the staging and re-enactments. Following 5 or 6 women around simultaneously 24/7 would make the production and editing costs astronomical and the shows would probably be non-profitable. I don’t recall Bravo claiming that everything shown was happening in real time and that some of the scenes weren’t arranged to occur when the cameras were present. They have claimed that there is no scripting and the ladies are free to do what they choose (in different interviews and reunion shows). It would be interesting to be a production assistant on one of the shows for a week and see first-hand just how real they are!

      • error404 says:


        EX: “bring the drama or lose the apple”

        Ramona picked a fight with every single costar. She called Lulu a whore, Kiki dumb, Bethenny a fame whore, Jill petty, etc…

        D_R_A_M_A! yet she finished the season friends again with everyone and popular with the public.

        Jill started WWIII with her bff, and Kiki went “coo-coo for camera-puffs” and both ended up on the public’s shit list.

        Just because Bravo pushes them to cause fights, doesn’t give them a get out jail free card.

        Bethenny made herself a star bringing “drama”, and I don’t think it’s misogyny that’s made her a millionaire household word.

        • Quincy IL says:

          In real life, no one has ever called me names to my face. I usually hear about those things through the grape vine from someone who really needs to share.

          “Flipping Out” is reality based and I don’t think Jeff creates the reality with the producers although the skytop commedian and his ex stripper wife suggested that Jeff threw them under the bus in interviews after the show. I think they were shocked when they saw how picky they were in their moments on screen.

          How can life in a suburb of Atlanta or New Jersery be all that exciting without some set up? Let’s do laundry and talk to each other about stains on baby bibs? That’s not going to play well with an audience. The producers must have knows that there was dirt under the rugs in the various cast members homes before they were chosen.

          • Zoey says:

            I agree that the scenarios are probably set up. You guys make some good points. However I think the part that makes me watch is that I don’t think they can totally plan how each person will react to the ‘set up’.

            The way Kelly might react vs. Caroline, or Teresa, might be very different. It exposes their personality traits, which is either very boring or entertaining!

      • emt2 says:


        I have to admit that I agree with Jill when she said that sometimes people get camera balls.

  29. Char212 says:

    Hi Lynn and all. I thought the same thing Lynn when I saw that Maggies blog about Jill vs. Amazon/A. Chandler. It had died down and then she decides to bring it back to life again. I too found it interesting that she didn’t mention the things Jill did to Alana, which caused all the problems in the first place. If Jill had just ignored Alana’s review instead of creating Susan Saunders and go on the attack it would have been over and done with. But no, she can’t stand to be criticized and take it with a grain of salt, she has to attack. Then to make it worse her nephew and other family and friends jumps in and starts attacking others who didn’t like the book and started writing fake reviews. Interesting how Maggie neglected to mention those things.

    Either her or someone else on her blog made a comment that Amazon should only allow verified reviews from people who bought the book FROM verified Amazon customers. Well, I have an Amazon account and have bought several books from them but, if I buy a book from my local bookstore and want to share my thoughts I should be able to go to Amazon and leave my review. It’s good business for Amazon. If someone reads my review they might just turn around and order it from Amazon. So I thought that comment was just plain silly.

    • error404 says:

      Ooh, a Alana vs Ilana ‘Celebrity Death Match’ might be fun!

    • NormaJean says:

      I’m not a Jill Zarin fan. I haven’t read her book, nor do I intend to. That being said, I think it’s wrong for anyone to rate a book ( any book) that they haven’t read. It’s not fair to the authors, publishers, retailers, and consumers.

      Jill’s actions sicken me, but two wrongs do not make a right, and people should not sacrifice their personal integrity in response. Just my opinion.

      • error404 says:

        I’m confused. I though A. Chandler did read the book, that’s why she was able to give a thorough review. Where did this rumor that she didn’t read it start? Or is it just one of those Jill fan come backs? “I can tell from her review she didn’t even read it!” etc..

      • Fabulous Earth says:

        I’m an Amazon-whore and do most of my online shopping there for YEARS…anything from books to household items, personal fitness stuff, electronics, etc. I choose Amazon as my go-to place for getting reviews for whatever I’m thinking of buying.

        Sometimes, I’ll find it cheaper elsewhere or actually go into a store/shop to purchase my item. Nevertheless, I rely on the customer reviews to help me decide on my purchase.

        I keep saying that I should start adding my own reviews on books and whatnot, but I never seem to get around it. I agree, whether you buy it from Amazon or not, you should be able to post a review on the product.

    • DesertGal says:

      I was baffled by Maggie’s comment that reviews should only be allowed if the book was purchased on Amazon. A. Chandler received the book from Jill Zarin-a verified Amazon author-herself, with the specific intent that A. Chandler would review the book on Amazon. This is not an uncommon practice for lead reviewers and authors. That makes Maggie’s comment doubly ludicrous.

      As well, Maggie makes a big deal at the beginning of her blog about “full disclosure”, but then purposely left out pertinent facts about Amazongate. That makes her blog hypocritical at best, and she ended up looking more foolish than righteous.

      I agree with you…Jill’s “fans” (and there is little doubt, given her “full disclosure” statement that Maggie is a fan who accepts the few sheckels that Jill tosses her way for cleaning off her Facebook) are doing Jill more harm than good.

      One of the comments on Maggie’s blog stated that A. Chandler and other Amazon reviewers and commenters are “depriving ALL Jewish people of their civil rights” by posting their thoughts on Amazon. That is such an absurd statement that it would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic. Considering that one can assume that Jill sides with her fans, it is not a comment that enhances her reputation, or the sellability of her book. And that is just one of many similar ignorant comments that affect Jill’s image in the long run.

      Jill would be better off prompting Maggie and her other fans that discretion is the better part of valor. Well, except Jill probably doesn’t know what valor is, but still…

      • Char212 says:

        Absolutely DesertGal! How is reviewing a book and posting your thoughts depriving anyone of their civil rights? Once more I don’t think those few are going to convince Amazon to change anything. Jill brought all of this on herself!

      • PaganChick says:

        What irritated me was when Maggie said that she checked on A. Chandler’s other reviews and this book wasn’t the type of book that she normally reviewed. But she didn’t mention that Jill solicited a review for A. Chandler in the first place. The entire post is full of half truths and misinformation.
        She is even going so far as to suggest legal action. Does she not realize the type of trouble Jill could in for the things she did to cause this? Jill can’t take legal action, she would be lucky if legal action hasn’t been taken against her for what she did to cause all of this.
        Think about it, because of Jill, the integrity of the review system at amazon is forever tainted. People will always ask – are you really reviewing the book or are you a friend of the author. She said Jill wasn’t aware of her writing this post. It seems to me should should have checked with Jill before publishing because all this is going to do is further destroy Jill’s already tattered credibility.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      Agreed – does Jill think bringing this silly affair up again will increase book sales? Her behavior far outweighs the curiousity to see what book caused this flap. The fact that she attacks a veteran reviewer would turn me off of that author! This gives everyone free reign to go after her horrible behavior yet again! How she thinks she can redeem herself is beyond my imagination.

  30. error404 says:

    OT, but i just love this site:
    I almost wet myself over the FLOTUS towels! lol

    • kats2 says:

      @error – thank you for sharing that site! I love the pictures (I’m a home decorating catalog freak) and the comments just add to the enjoyment of looking at the pictures. Where do people come up with stuff? I will never be able to browse through the Pottery Barn Catalog again without laughing.

      • Ellabean says:

        That catalogue site is hilarious. Me too – love my home decor catalogues.

        Well, I’ll never feel the same about Ballards*, WestElm, Frontgate, Grandinroad, PotBarn.

        *On season one of Real NY – before Jill redecorated that apartment in to LaCucaRacci on LSD – I noticed she had a Ballards painted metal serving tray propped up on the kitchen counter . I have the same one – propped up the same way in my kitchen – from Ballards. I used to love it. Now…..

    • tuzentswurth says:

      That is great! Thanks for sharing.

    • Snarkella says:

      Thanks error! Loved it!

    • twoile says:

      Thank you 4 the link….”pretty” amusing.

  31. Scorpiosue1102 says:

    Teresa tweeted:

    My honey is with our daughters can’t wait to get home..miss them…
    about 11 hours ago via mobile web

    Also here with @Laurenmanzo, Albi, Daniel my makeup artist, Robin my publicist, Chris and Cheryl at Philippe’s…
    about 11 hours ago via mobile web

    One, so I’m taking it that Joe and Teresa are still together or maybe it’s a ruse??

    Two, Teresa is BANKRUPT yet she takes her make-up artist to the Hamptons. Seriously?!?!?! Fire the make up artist, because it ain’t helpin’ HONEY and pay off an ATV or two.

    • kats2 says:

      Oh haven’t you heard bankruptcy to Teresa is a “fresh start”.
      Teresa is a piece of trash and a criminal but it looks like she’s getting away with it.

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        Is she?
        I hope that isn’t the case. Has anyone heard about a decisions being made in their bankruptcy application?

        • Zoey says:

          I bet they have tons of cash stashed. I read that they took out mortgage after mortgage, so maybe they hid and stockpiled the money, then just didn’t pay any bills. They thought they’d file bankruptcy and start over.

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            For some reason, I keep thinking of the scene in The Soprano’s when Carmella could see it coming to an end and started burying piles of cash in the back yard and picture Teresa digging holes in the back lot with her Christian Louboutin shoes- and stuffing them with piles of cash.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      I think she mistakenly hired an artist that specializes in oils on canvas. What? She didn’t know……an artist is an artist, right?

    • MickeyMouth says:

      If this is the same make-up artist, http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/08/real-housewife-new-jersey-steven-van-zandt/ someone should have been fired long ago.

      • Quincy IL says:

        Teresa is extremely sensitive about her forehead now. Andy said something about it on a WWHL and she caught it and was aghast. She’s ticked. Here she thought she was so beautiful and America is kinda obsessed with her hairline.

      • Jules says:

        She looks like she has the same make-up artist that Tammy Faye Baker had.

  32. BOSTON-I love you hon, but I have to call you out on Hamptons vs. Jersey Shore.
    Since Mega-bus just opened up some new routes direct to Atlantic City, I would LOVE to send you and your mom a round-trip ticket, and be your personal tour guide. (ok, the ticket only costs a dollar but the personal tour is pricele$$).
    You could even be right, but if you’ve never been, how would you really know?
    I don’t even know if You can compare Hamptons vs. Jersey shore?
    I think I’d compare The Hamptons more with Miami? Or even Nantucket?
    You could compare the Jersey Shore more to Coney Island or even Rockaway Beach if you’re comparing NY beaches.
    At least if we need a Dr. at the Jersey Shore, we have plenty of hospitals & offices, unlike that crazy trio of EMTs or whatever they have there 😉

  33. error404 says:

    “My honey is with our daughters can’t wait to get home..miss them…”

    Ut oh. I know someone who did that once. When hubby came home from work that day, both she and the kids were gone.

  34. kats2 says:

    OT – So excited the Mad Men new season starts tonight! Finally some TV drama that is worth watching.

  35. Olivia says:

    Anyone not surprised that Albie was also on hand in the Hamptons this weekend? Talk about a “famewhore”! Does he ever go anywhere without his mother? Does he have a girlfriend, a social life, anything apart from spending his time with his family for a chance at “fame”?

    These two seemed “joined at the hip” cameras or no cameras. Jaybus! And tax cheating Theresa traveling with her own “crew”? How does she afford their services when her entire household is going to be auctioned off in a matter of weeks? I hate these people!

    • kats2 says:

      Nope, not surprised at all. Albie lives up mommys ass.

    • error404 says:

      Caro is on “suicide watch” for her chronic empty-nest syndrome. This WE was probably Albie’s shift. lol

      Oh wait, Lauren was there. Hmm.. I can’t believe Albie was there and Jill didn’t tweet him as a potential match for Ally… I know, he’s goy, but not seriously, just as a shout out for his future stint on her bff Patty’s “Millionaire Pimp” show. They better get Albie on there quick before the Manzo’s get exposed as broke too.

  36. Capiche says:

    Ok. So I’ve been looking at the photos someone linked above. Is it me or does Caroline appear like she’s had some “work” done? I know she lost weight but her face looks different. I think she looks great though. Younger. A lot better than the wet dog look she was sporting on this season of RHONJ.

    • kats2 says:

      I think she looks a lot older, more saggy or something. Weight loss can do that but I wouldn’t be shocked if she had some botox.

    • error404 says:

      Why is everyone always scanning pictures for evidence of “work done”? No wonder these people feel the need to run to the doctor every 5 minutes.

      • Capiche says:

        I wasn’t scanning the photos for that. It is something I noticed when she was WWHL the last time but this is the first time I’ve actually seen close-up photos of her face. And she does look different from even this season. So either she’s had some work done or fired her daughter as her make-up artist. It is quite evident. And she looks good.

        • emt2 says:

          I think that she got a more flattering hairstyle, she grew in her eyebrows and colors them in, she lost a lot of weight and that will change the shape of your face and the way your features appear, she had her breasts reduced, she has updated her makeup and she is wearing more flattering clothing.

          I think her weight loss, breast reduction, makeup and style have really improved her looks. I don’t think she has had anything done to her face. Ashley yes, Caroline, no.

      • kats2 says:

        I don’t think we’re the reason for them running to doctors. Even before the show these women have been trying to keep up for different reasons. I don’t have an issue with anyone getting work done.

      • MickeyMouth says:

        As someone who has been looking at these women’s pictures fairly close up when doing photochops, I can tell you there are differences in all of them. I will now compliment Jill. I gave a warning for those with weak stomachs. Whatever Jill has done she has done it well. The differences are subtle and are improvements.

  37. Fabulous Earth says:

    Wow, it seems I haven’t posted here for decades, lol. I’ve managed to check in from time to time though. So much to say but I’m starting to get bored easily. Or maybe it’s not so much “getting bored” but understanding or assessing things differently as time goes on.

    I finally got to view BGM – every episode thus far. That woman is HILARIOUS! I swear she’s like the Lucille Ball of 2010, lol! I met her in person at a book signing some weeks ago and I taped the whole thing. It’s 23 minutes long and I couldn’t upload to youtube (only 20 minutes allowed) so I figure out a way to get that done. I sat in the front row and managed to ask a question. Let me first say that she looks magnificent in person. I thought she would look thin and frail but she really looks “fit and healthy”! Beautiful! Also, her fans (it was PACKED) are such a respectful group of folk from all walks of life. I spoke with several folks while on line and had such a great time! B is definitely “what you see is what you get”…her personality is the same. The experience was really like catching up with your homegirl cuz she’s been away for a minute, lol. She’s a doll.

    Anyhoo, I also watched some Jersey episodes. LMAO! Danielle is looking a lil’ less insane compared with the Kim’s, Jacq and Theresa. I have to say that I was rooting for Danielle towards the end of the last episode. She definitely plays the villain well.

    I’ve been reading some comments pertaining to the show being “boring” but that seems to come from people who KEEP WATCHING IT! I don’t know, but when I personally watch a show that I deem boring, I usually don’t watch anymore. But that’s just me.

    At the same time folks complain about the “trashy drama” and in the same breath complain how boring it is to watch Caroline being a mom and talking with her kids, etc…hmmm. I find Caroline to be refreshing interacting with her kids and husband and preparing for empty nest syndrome. Like it or not, some women go through it and some of her fans are encouraged by it. To each his own I guess.

    I used to wonder why some of these folks or “characters” still exist on the show or in tv land but then I started to realize that these folks have FANS. I find some of the tweets annoying but I guess their true FANS enjoy it and expect it. Again, to each his own.

    DAMMIT! I have soooooo much more to write about but I should stop here and get some breakfast already. I would like to write more about how I feel about the whole Housewives franchise but that’s a lengthy one. I will say that I’ve learned a lot and gained some good recommendations and insight from some of the ladies. From B, not only is she encouraging to women who are working on a career, etc, but her book SkinnyGirl Dish is amazing and I feel very important for those looking to adopt healthy lifestyles. She signed my copy and I bought a copy for my daughter as well).

    I’ve also been encouraged by Ramona who looks fabulous for her age and without surgery! I’ve been training with her personal trainer, Gaby, going on 3 weeks now. He is absolutely AMAZING! I made a good choice in choosing someone as knowledgeable as Gaby. I’m glad Ramona shared the info.

    Well, I’ll write more later.

    • kats2 says:

      @Fab Earth – welcome back. I would love to hear more about your book signing experience with Bethenny and can you share what Gaby has you do, what’s the routine that you follow? Thanks!!!

      • Fabulous Earth says:

        I wish I could upload the video of the book signing somewhere but even on Facebook they have a limit. I would have to try to cut out 3 minutes in order for it to upload somewhere.

        I had the Skinnygirl Dish already and I when I saw a tweet from B that she was going to be at B&N in the city, I decided to bring my book to be signed since I was going to be in the area anyway.

        It was POURING down rain that day and since I was close by I ducked in the B&N earlier than I expected and it was only 2 folks on line so I joined them and we started talking. It was really early and I didn’t think anyone would be there at that time but the place was all set up so I stayed to secure my spot.

        Before you know it, time flew and the line was nearly out the damn door (funny cuz the signing was near the back of the store, lol). I was sooooo glad that I was gonna get a seat. Because I didn’t get my book from B&N (I got it from Amazon weeks before) I didn’t have a bracelet to be seated. A young lady who had arrived later, offered me one of hers since she had two – wasn’t that nice?!!

        The conversation on line was funny! There was an older gentleman (probably late 40’s or early 50’s) who was really into the HW shows and his take on the cast kept us laughing! I also told the ladies about this site to get some background and other info on the shows, lol.

        Anyhoo, B came out and was just as funny and down to earth as can be. If I come across a site where I can upload the video, I can post it here so you can just see for yourself.

        FYI, did you know that her baby nurse used to be Kelly’s baby nurse? She talked about that and had us in stitches! lmao!

        Gaby is no-nonsense and thorough and training is intense. I have fitness goals that I’m working on and I’m up for the challenge – even when I’m thinking, “IS HE SERIOUS????” lol. It’s different everyday and we train in Central Park. Last Friday I did a lot of kickboxing and I FELT INCREDIBLE!

        He texts me throughout the week to find out how I’m feeling, if I have any questions and am I sticking to our eating plan for the week. He’s totally supportive and matches my commitment level to getting fit.

        I keep saying that he’s a cross between Harvey from Celebrity Fit Club (but not loud like that) and Morpheus from The Matrix, lol. In other words, he’s serious about pushing you and makes you believe that you can accomplish the task. AMAZINGLY that combo works! Just when I think I can’t make that last push-up or run that last lap, I do so and the feeling I get afterward, well, I just can’t put into words.

  38. Fabulous Earth says:

    Oh and this Maggie person is an idiot. A well-meaning idiot (to Jill), but an idiot nonetheless. Oy!

  39. OK I think I’m officially sick of the Housewives!
    So I may as well join the Mad Men bandwagon. To get in the mood I’ll be dressed as Laura Petri from The Dick Van Dyke Show.
    What finally convinced me was this post in B-side Blog, where he found a goldmine of user-submitted photos called, “Does Your Home Have The Mad Men Look.”

    • Zipit Zarin says:

      When I was in high school in the 7o’s my parents bought a house with turquoise metal kitchen cupboards. I loved them! When married my husband and my first home was a 50’s house with a floating staircase and pink metal kitchen cupboards. At the other end of the kitchen was an elbow shaped breakfast booth. The booth was pink fake leather and the table (fastened to the floor) was pink and gray. The original light fixtures were still there and it also had intercom speakers still in the walls. Didn’t work tho 😦 Anyway, it was way modern for the 50’s. This was in the late 80’s that we got it for a song. I’m sure *normal* people thought it should be gutted and redone but we loved it.

    • Zipit Zarin says:

      Everything you need to know to get ready for season 4 of Mad Men:


  40. dumberries says:

    Props to Bethenny (top) from DC housewives and a picture of a new Atlanta housewife below. I wonder if she is a replacement or addition to the Altanta cast.


    • HD says:

      There are two women that are additions although I read somewhere that Lisa will be leaving the show mid season. (Thank goodness. She was such a snake, always gossiping and pretending she didn’t gossip! She got on my nerves.)

      Both the new women are very attractive and seem to have REAL money unlike the other pretenders (minus Kandi) which means NeNe will hate them both and be loud, rude, obnoxious and make everything about her.

      I used to really like NeNe but last season she worked my last nerve.

    • Fabulous Earth says:

      yeah, I read that yesterday. I said before that I wanted no parts of another HW show, especially the DC one but these women seem to have something to offer. But seeing the previews makes me believe that these women could have a lot to offer to the franchise. (Granted they don’t make the Salahis and their disrespectful fiasco the focus of the whole damn show). I like that they have careers (or a social standing in their own right) and seem to be real classy women. It may be interesting and I’m gonna check them out.

      Atlanta? Now is it just me or does anyone else roll their eyes when the HW is a “model” or someone who marries someone else of stature and that’s who their identity is linked with?

      Really, I think we (the audience and everyday women or housewives) are looking to benefit or be entertained by women who have SOMETHING TO OFFER aside from their “looks” or “modeling” career????

      Message to Bravo: The everyday woman faces career challenges or goals in the mix of being a mom, wife, girlfriend or even single with hopes of getting married one day. We would very much like to see a display of women who fit that description and at the same time be entertaining. IT CAN BE DONE! There are many more ‘Bethenny’s’ out there – trust me – there are many more! Find them and recruit them please. Ugh!

      • Zipit Zarin says:

        And those DC wives aren’t jealous of Bethenny! How refreshing is THAT that women can be proud of another instead of threatened by another. *cough* JILL ZARIN *cough*

      • I always say I am done……DONE with Bravo shows, yet there I am tivoing every season premiere! I can’t even pretend that I’m not going to watch DC and I’m already eager for the start of Flipping Out and Rachel Zoe…..sigh

  41. boston02127 says:

    @housewifehater/anutha hata– I’m sorry if my post about the Hampston vs the Jersey shore seem insulting to Jersey. I picture the Jersey shore as a busy boardwalk with arcades and rides and the Hamptons as more of a laid back place which I would like better. I really can’t judge thou, I’ve been to neither. Maybe someday thou.

    • Quincy IL says:

      Boston is beautiful. If you wanted me to chose between the Jersey Shore, the Hamptons, or Boston… I will go to Boston.

      • Squirrels says:

        Boston proper is one of the great walking cities. Easily accessible on foot and if you get tired? The “T” is always right around the corner. My fav museum? The Isabella Stewart Gardner. I lived not far (Park Drive) and used to go on Tues or Sun, taking my time, always seeing something I’d missed, as the chamber music floated from the immense banquet hall and art students sketched quietly in the Gardens. I knew the guards by name (most were over 65yrs old and spoke of Gardner as an old friend). They gave me the lowdown on her life and even her will as she left it to the “People of Boston” under strict conditions. Of course this was before Rembrandt’s Self Portrait (@ age 23) and “The Storm on the Sea Of Galilee” were stolen in one hell of a heist. After that time, the security became so tight, it lost its charm.

    • Housewife Hater says:

      OK-but the invite still stands. I’ve been to Boston a few times & I love it there-I love any old US city, Philly, Baltimore, Princeton….
      I think you have the right idea about the Jersey Shore, not at all like the Hamptons, (ha ha-even though I’ve never been there either).

      • Buffywood says:

        Not all of the Jersey Shore is like that (and don’t worry I am not offended in any way). I grew up on a barrier isalnd in South Jersey, 13 miles from the Southern Most tip. We only had around 500 year yound residents, there are no buildings allowed over 3 stories, there is no fast food, our grocery store is about 30 yards deep with 5 isles, and it closes in the winter so you have to go “off shore”. In the winter we have 2 working stop lights on the whole island. We do have a boardwalk, that’s all it is… boards to walk on… no rides or anything. Our house is on the bay with about 50 yards of protected land and marsh behind us. It does get a little too crowded in the summer but the rest of the year it is fantastic. I’ve been to the Hamptons and it is nice. There are so many wonderful waterfront places along the east coast from Virginia Beach to CT. BTW… there are some northern NJ beaches I definately would NOT go to.

  42. MickeyMouth says:

    FYI. For those who were concerned that Sonja didn’t acknowledge my Pearl pic on Facebook, I received a DM (not from Sonja) that she left this under the comments section – Sonja Morgan found on http://mickeymouth1.wordpress.com/
    Someone named @oh4foksake tweeted her that she didn’t acknowledge me.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      OMG, your pictures are priceless enough, now you caption, “cleansiness is next to gaudiness”? I actually SNORTED because I didn’t get time to open my mouth for the laugh!

    • Fabulous Earth says:


      Boy do you have talent! Love all the paintings, lol. I took Art history a few semesters ago and it’s even funnier knowing about some of art pieces you’ve characterized with HW folks! Too funny, love, love, love them!

    • twoile says:

      Fantastic photoshop……& subtitles……esp cleansiness etc a motto used repeatedly towards me @ home & boarding school.

  43. emt2 says:

    Error404 and kats2:

    This is a video of Dina talking about her tacky house and how you can decorate your home just like hers. I laughed so hard when I saw this. You guys might enjoy it.


    • tuzentswurth says:

      HAHAHAAA, those two anchors look entertained, don’t they?….or is that a “will you stfu already look?” Nicely overdone mausoleum Dina. One could lose their lips in that place if you didn’t plump them up. Is this “I can’t decorate enough” look indigenous to Franklin Park, NJ?

    • Fabulous Earth says:

      What video were you watching cuz I didn’t get how she was trying to tell folks how they can decorate their homes “just like hers”. What I DID get was that she was relaying how ONE can find their OWN personal style as well as do things on the cheap (flea markets, bargains, etc).

      I like the video and thanks for posting!

    • kats2 says:

      Error Thanks! Must have been a very slow news day 🙂

      I think Dina is pretty but is very tacky, I dont’ care for her taste (home decor or fashion). I always thought her home was decorated like a prop room or store.

      I still think it’s odd she left the show and her husband was never on the show. There’s a story there. . . .

      • Fabulous Earth says:

        You think it’s “odd” that she left the show? Have you watched the show? lol. She said she didn’t like the drama – her actions therefore reflected what she said (and what she’s been saying about achieving a certain level of peace in her life).

        Why is that “odd”?

        I can understand your thinking it’s odd for her husband not to be a part but I don’t think it was. I think it was a smart move. He’s experienced the reality tv machine from the wedding show. I guess he realized he came off as a jerk and that was just for one lil’ episode. I’m sure he knew he wouldn’t come off any better for a longer running show so he deemed it wise to stay off camera. Makes sense to me. But that’s just my thinking.

        • emt2 says:

          I think Dina is a big phony. Her public reasons for leaving the show don’t add up and she is trying to pin everything on Danielle. Her marriage seems very arranged and troubled (based on the wedding show episode I saw where her husband laughed in her face about cheating on her throughout their entire relationship and she retaliated by spending his money very lavishly). She claims that she left the show to get away from Danielle but she continues to give interviews, tweet, etc. about Danielle.

          She left the show for her own personal reasons and she and the rest of the Manzo camp are trying to get Danielle kicked off the show so that it will just be about them and their friends. That’s the truth.

          Caroline is phony and she uses twisted logic to justify anything she and her family do, good or bad. I used to really admire her but not anymore. She is a liar, a bully and likes to have other people do her dirty work while she sits back and watches everything unfold.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            Call me jaded too, I agree with you!

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            To me, Danielle’s account of the situation with Lexi’s father and him not wanting Lexi on the show seems more truthful than the one the Manzo’s are telling.

            Although I do believe that Danielle help to stir the shit pot, the HAD to be an issue already there with Lexi being on the show- or there wouldn’t have been any point to Danielle’s involvement.

            Not to mention, that Lexi would still be on the show. I don’t believe for one second that this was Dina’s call.

            • I do not trust anything that comes out of Danielle’s mouth. She can’t help but lie even when she’s winning. (Telling police Ashley was screaming “I’ll kill you” and something else (?), when all she did say was “Who do you think you are?”
              Danielle was already the winner, no need to make up words that were never said.
              Dina was fed up with Danielle drama, so she tried to remove herself from Danielle’s orbit. If there was a bonus to it, cool.
              I believe that she and Lexi’s dad felt it would be a lighthearted show, and when it became obvious that it was not appropriate for kids, her parents came to the agreement to keep her off. It doesn’t matter whose idea it was to begin with, what matters is she was protected by her parents.
              As far as what happened, I would believe Dina over Danielle every time, as Danielle cannot recount a shopping list without adding dramatic soliloquies (sp).

  44. You guys….
    I don’t think I hate Jacqueline anymore.
    What do you think? Is she nice or did she just suck me in with her master manipulation?

    • MickeyMouth says:

      She seems to like you. Come for a visit and hang out so we can get the real deets 😉

      • Hey your site is great. U r way better at photoshop than me!
        LuAnn looked good with her hair like that. Maybe you should photoshop her some different hair styles and send them to her to give her some ideas. She needs a change BADLY.

    • dumberries says:

      If nothing else, you gotta giver her credit for rolling with ya and having a good sense of humor. I thought the interaction between the 2 of you was cool.

    • Fabulous Earth says:

      I couldn’t read anymore CUZ I LAUGHED SO HARD I HAD A COUGHING FIT! Your blog is so funny!!!

      I’m disliking Jacq less and less…I guess I see her funny side. She may be serious with her offer to you, who knows.

      The episode where she was talking to D’s spiritual adviser on the phone in the car had me dying! Yeah, I kinda like her too…a lil’. (lol)

    • Capiche says:

      Since you seem to have a rapport with her, could you ask her to get rid of her Danielle obsession and focus more on her daughter? And to stop making excuses for her delinquent and idiotic daughter? Her latest blog rant reads like someone bitter, unhinged and a tad delusional wrote it. Ok. Thanks. Bye.

      • Ok I’ll ask her. Lol.

        • Capiche says:

          Haha! Be prepared for her to block you! Just read your blog and the twitter convo. Sorry, but I don’t buy that Teresa didn’t know about Joe’s financial situation. Teresa’s a proven liar so I’m not believing anything she says. And I’m glad you put her straight re: 12K bracelet. Damn woman is in bankruptcy and her friend is bragging that she’s wearing a 12K bracelet!! These women should not utter a single word that is not approved by thier pr person or attorney. Seriously. What if someone reading mentions that to the bankrupcty trustee? They’re so smart, they’re stupid.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            I still think she is as dumb as a bag of rocks like most of them. Tweeting “we’re funny” while trying to ignore pictures where she is a baboon? She’s acting like it doesn’t bother her so maybe she can anger you. It bothers her! They are mostly learning that just rolling with it or clamming up is better than trying to engage in a discourse where they will surely lose.
            Real City Housewife, Your blog and pictures are great. The NJ gals next marketing move should be a line of jewelry with monkeys, chimps, baboons, gibbons, etc. That ain’t been done done yet, huh?

    • She is funny. Different from how she appears on the show.
      Weather it was for real or just a clever manipulation, she is smart.
      She really changed my opinion of her yesterday

      • Those pics you made are hilarious! I love the name tag on the countess- the only thing missing is a Marlboro dangling out of the side of her mouth;)

      • kats2 says:

        Be careful, I wouldn’t trust her. Didn’t change my opinion of her at all.

        • emt2 says:

          I’m with you. She is a snake just like everyone else on that show.

          • WindyCityWondering says:

            She is still a bad parent, she still has no backbone and she still makes excuses for bad behavior. – I never liked her because she is empty headed – and everyone’s opinion counts more to her than her own!

          • ShyAsrai says:

            i second that. i think jac is in full damage-control mode.

        • Rabble Rouser says:

          Me either. I think she was drinking and tweeting…and pooping- because she is full of crap.

    • Scorpiosue1102 says:

      I don’t hate Jacqueline. I think she is paying the price for giving Ashley everything she’s wanted (Chris included). If you are given everything and have no consequences for your actions you do stupid crap.

      Teresa can say that there is no auction until she’s blue in the face. Unless a judge or the person handling their bankruptcy says otherwise, hate to tell you Teresa, but you’re crap is being auctioned.

      Lastly, the body builder picture of Kelly made me literally spit out my soda. Funny in a disturbing way :).

      • Rabble Rouser says:

        Re; T not thinking the auction will happen.

        I don’t get it either.
        Does she think the bankruptcy will go through without them having to do ANYTHING to try and settle some of this debt?

    • emt2 says:

      I just went to your site. Hilarious!

      And yes, Big J is manipulating you. Don’t fall for it.

      Teresa was kept in the dark about their financial life? Not really. During the reunion last year, T admitted that they weren’t doing well financially. And she knew what was going on because her own father’s signature is on a lot of documents.

      Nice try, J. You are a liar just like your friend.

      • Thanks guys. The pic of Kelly isn’t too far off from reality, no? Can’t understand why she got so upset. Lol.

        emt2 – either way, it was smart of her.
        Much better tactic than blocking imo.
        And at least she was a good sport, ya know? I give her respect for that. Fake or not, it was fun yesterday.

        So you guys think I’m gonna win the bet on Aug 22? I hope so. I hate to lose. And I hate being wrong. And that auction is going to make for some good blog posts. Lol.

        • Rabble Rouser says:

          Jac doesn’t seem to bloc anyone- I left her some unfavorable comments and she messaged me back. I think she is just like her daughter and gets off on e-fights.

  45. emt2 says:

    Bethenny hung out with Kourtney Kardashian and her douchebag baby-daddy Scott Discik at the Polo event. hmm…..


    • Quincy IL says:

      Bethenny hit the jackpot then, because Jill hung out with Teresa.

    • Fabulous Earth says:

      I think you should consider the use of your words “hung out” carefully here.

      This isn’t an example of “hanging out” with someone. This is merely, “they were at an event and chatted and a pic was taken”.

      When you “hang out” with someone, you either make plans to meet up and do something (lunch, brunch, shop, spend the night at each other’s home, attend an event together, etc.). They are just not the same.

      • LoveBeth says:

        I thought Teresa and the rest of the NJ HWs were Zarin”s guests? I think they went together as friends plus JZ tweeted this:

        @becandgus I am lucky and grateful for so many new and wonderful friends.
        about 14 hours ago via Twittelator in reply to becandgus

        it looks like they were hanging out together.

        • Fabulous Earth says:

          Yes, that’s my point. Zarin was “hanging out” with the cast of NJ. The photo with B and Kourtney was not “hanging out”.

      • emt2 says:

        “hang out” to me in terms of the celebrity world is when you chit chat at an event and agree to take pictures with people that you want to be associated with.

        “hang out” to regular people means that you like each other and spend a lot of time together and make plans to do something (lunch, brunch, shop, etc.), as you said.

        “hang out” in celebrity speak and regular people speak are too different things for me.

        So, I stick by my choice of words, thank you.

        • Fabulous Earth says:

          Oh I see and I understand.

          However, I tend to “keep it real” as they say. If I see someone spit on the ground, they just spat on the ground, whether they’re a celeb or not. They can call it something else in the “celeb world” but if I’m relaying what happened or what is happening (to “regular people”) – I’m calling it AS IT IS – NOT how a “celeb” would call it.

          So I stand by my definition but understand yours. Thank you.

          • emt2 says:

            No worries. 🙂

            We all have different opinions about the show and what happens on and off screen. I like that we can discuss things on this blog in a way that is simply impossible to do in other forums.

            • Fabulous Earth says:

              How can we NOT agree to disagree when everyone offers laughter on the regular (a lil’ ray of sunshine I like to call it)? lol :bighug:

          • tuzentswurth says:

            I just see B passing by those two, exchanging niceties and having a candid photo snapped by someone. I don’t see her actually posing with them.

      • emt2 says:

        “hang out” to me in terms of the celebrity world is when you chit chat at an event and agree to take pictures with people that you want to be associated with.

        “hang out” to me in terms of regular people means that you like each other and spend a lot of time together and make plans to do something (lunch, brunch, shop, etc.), as you said.

        “hang out” in celebrity speak and regular people speak are two different things for me.

        So, I’ll stick by my choice of words, thanks.

        • emt2 says:

          Sorry. I double posted, Lynn.

        • kats2 says:

          This is true.

          I wonder if they did the fake kiss kiss crap, of course they did!

          Well B loses a couple points with me for hanging with that Scott guy.

      • kats2 says:

        Is that the official definition of Hang Out? 🙂 I agree

        All this stuff is photo-ops and there are people like Jill and Teresa who would love for anyone who sees the pictures to make the assumption that they were hanging out together.

        Close proximity to fame is considered quasi-fame to these delusional women. There are famous people who live in my building or on my block so I guess I can claim that we live together.

        • Fabulous Earth says:


        • emt2 says:

          That’s what I mean. You think Jill is really friends with these people because she spent a few hours together “hanging out” and tweeted that she has new friends in Teresa and co.?

          Of course not. They all “hang out” whether it’s for a brief photo op (pics on a red carpet) or a longer photo op (pics taken throughout an evening at an event/dinner/etc.) and for the most part, with this group of ladies it seems staged and insincere and hard to tell what relationships are genuine and which are just for the cameras.

          I just can’t imagine why B would take a photo with Scott? He is like, exactly, the kind of guy that she would make fun of, right?

        • emt2 says:


          Yeah, I lived next door to Richard Gere in NYC at one point and stood next to him at a crosswalk and we chit chatted.

          In the Housewives world, that means that we are married.

          And now I live in Chicago down the street from Oprah’s condo, so according to Jill, Oprah and I are practically like sisters!

          • Fabulous Earth says:

            LMAO!!! You just made me spit out my water!!!!

          • Quincy IL says:

            Ha… Oprah and I are so close. I went to a MacDonalds off Michigan Ave with eight small children years ago. Oprah and her two girl friends watched them at the table so I could get in line and carry over the happy meals. Oh my god, I was hanging out with Oprah!

            • emt2 says:


              Omigod, I totally forgot. I was on vacation in Aruba 2 years ago and Bethenny was in the same elevator as I was. We were staying at the same resort. Anyway, I spoke to her and said how much I liked her on the show and she was so nice and lovely. It was so refreshing, actually.

              I totally forgot that story. She is very petite in person. And very nice.

              • Quincy IL says:

                In a way, we are proving each others’ arguments. Jill said with a smile that she was with Kelly after her daughter’s photo shoot for 17 Magazine. Jill was latching on to Kelly’s fame at that moment. There’s no way that Kelly is best buddies with Gwenneth Paltrow or Rachel Zoe, but they are famous and Kelly said, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiii,” once to them at a party so she latches onto their fame and exploits it.

            • Rabble Rouser says:

              Oprah was in McDonalds?

              I could see her have her limo go through the drive-through but I just can’t picture her sitting in the dining room. That’s too funny.

              That was a nice gesture for her to watch the kids; even better would have been if you came back from the bathroom and all the kids had college funds as the result of her famous gift giving. 🙂

          • twoile says:

            Excellent analogy!

  46. emt2 says:

    Eww… and Jill hung out with Kourtney K., as well.


    I wonder if Jill and Bethenny spoke to each other.

    • LoveBeth says:

      Jill might have taken a pic with Kourtney as well but the magazine did not mention Jill lol. That must be killing her.

      “Kourtney and Scott Polo Challenge with Bethenny Frankel” or something like that and the tags mentioned Kourtney and Bethenny. I guess they know Jill is a nobody. I think she just wanted to tell people “yeah I can have my pictures taken with Kourtney” grr

      • icantstandthetoxicity says:

        I think Kourtney and Jill have the same Publicist, Jonathan Cheban(spelling?). They may have met before but Kourtney probably doesn’t even know who Jill is. lol

        • emt2 says:

          I think they do have the same publicist. Kim K. is producing a show about Jonathan Cheban and his PR business. I think it will start showing on E! soon.

        • kats2 says:

          Yes they are connected through those awful Gastinaw (sp?) mother/daughter team. And that gross Jonathan freak.

    • Holy crap, Kourtney must be 4ft tall if Jill is taller….

      • Maxine49 says:

        I think the ground is slightly higher where Jill is standing, plus Jill has on heels and Khourtney may have in flats—we can’t see her feet. I think that explains it.

        • Quincy IL says:

          Star Jones went to the Polo match too. Do these people really care about polo?

          If I went, I would spend my time near the stable looking at the horses.

    • Holy crap, Kourtney must be 4ft tall if Jill is taller….

    • Char212 says:

      I don’t know but Jill doesn’t coordinate well. She was wearing a white dress with gold shoes, black purse and a green watch or bracelet. The only thing that went well with the dress was her earrings.

      • Tootsie says:

        The dress itself is one of her nicer ones. Her usual schmatas are not attractive at all. This white one is good looking, then she messes it up with the accessories.

  47. Ack, Lynn please delete double post….. My iPad is so touchy!!!

  48. emt2 says:

    @Fabulous Earth,

    Can you tell us the story about Bethenny’s baby nurse? I find it odd that Kelly and Bethenny would have the same baby nurse out of the thousands that are available in NYC.

    Also, what is the difference between a baby nurse and a babysitter? Is it like the difference between a babysitter, an au pair and a nanny? (Which is negligible in my opinion. Just fancy and fancier synonyms for babysitter.)


    • Quincy IL says:

      Wow.. she’s baby nurse to the stars.

      My granddaughter’s nanny worked in Mahattan before taking care of our baby in CT. I wonder if she knows the nannies of any famous people. She loves going home at night to her husband, BTW. She’s a wonderful person and we trust her with our most precious baby.

      • emt2 says:

        What is the difference between nanny and babysitter and baby nurse? I wasn’t trying to be facetious. I really don’t know. While in college, I babysat kids and sometimes I was referred to as the nanny and other times as the babysitter. I never understood the difference, really because I did the exact thing each time. lol

        • BambiBaby22 says:

          It’s the same as the difference between chef and cook!

        • Quincy IL says:

          The nanny gets 32,000 a year with six weeks of vacation. She’s there at 6 AM and if my daughter has a long surgery schedule (she’s an anesthesiologist,) the nanny doesn’t get upset about her being late. There’s a contract with benefits.

          I bet the babysitter gets minimum wage and no benefits.

          The nanny has a marketing degree from Panama. She speaks three languages, has CPR training and certification, and she had a daily learning plan.

          It’s worth it. We think.

    • Scorpiosue1102 says:

      Ok, this is long LOL, but I found this on the “Gentle Hands” website.


      “Many New York couples survive this time and enjoy their child’s first few weeks with the help of a Baby Nurse. ”

      “The term Baby Nurse is used by an RN or LPN that specializes in working with newborns. However, newborn care specialists are also called Baby Nurses in some states. She is an experienced nanny with very extensive training in newborn care skills; she has knowledge of how and when to put the babies on a schedule – usually by 6 to 8 weeks babies start sleeping better and your Baby Nurse will know when to start baby(ies) on a bedtime routine so he/she can sleep 10-12 hours a night. Your Baby Nurse will organize the nursery; she is familiar with an apnea monitor, feeding systems and other medical equipment. She can discern problems in like jaundice and reflux and bring them to your attention. If the baby has problems with colic and has fussy periods, she knows the techniques for reducing baby discomfort and getting her/him calm; she supports breastfeeding and bottle feeding. She will get up for nighttime feedings while the new mother gets her much needed rest. If the baby is breast feeding, the nurse will get up with the new mother, help position the baby and carry him back and forth. A Baby Nurse will do the baby’s laundry every day and help with light housekeeping and snacks. She will teach you to change diapers, bathe and feed the baby, or she will do it all for you. She will hold the baby throughout the day, providing security and affection when you need a break. She will keep you company or disappear when you want to be alone with your new family. “

  49. Kokuanani says:

    GretchenRossi: @LynnNChicago Haha! Your cute!

    Do you suppose that means no?

    No, it just means she never learned the grammar rules in 8th grade about the use of apostrophes and contractions. [“you’re” not “your]

  50. dumberries says:

    Re: Speculation about the depth of Teresa’s knowledge about the the family finances

    Imo, Teresa was well aware that the finances were not on the up and up, and she kept spending anyway. When there is an economic downturn, you see the affects on your income and you adjust your spending accordingly. So, how can both T & J blame the economy when their purchases increased while the economy spiraled downward? I think it’s possible she believed that her book sales, new scams and/or “family contributions” would pay off enough to cover some of the debt, but there is no way she was in the dark to the tune of $11 million.

    Teresa may claim that there will not be an auction on August 22nd, but I believe the Wall Street Journal and the IRS Analyst over Teresa Giudice. Unless a magic money fairy appears out of nowhere (which would need explaining), that house is getting cleared out. I think she’s denying everything now so she can adopt the Lynne Curtain defense, “OMG, I can’t believe my husband didn’t tell me!”.

    From the official published sources and the research by posters on Lynn’s site, it smells like this is their way of life to me. This is just my opinion and I could, of course, be wrong. I hope so. The best case scenario would be for them to pay off everyone they owe and maintain their lifestyle honestly. I think she’s hoping for “fresh start bankruptcy” instead. Neither are likely to happen.

    • Housewife Hater says:

      I was lurking in the Bravo message boards yesterday & picked-up on a rumor that Teresa may have possibly moved-out of the mansion on July 14.
      The rumour was mostly disputed. (that MB is a mess, so it’s very hard to find facts).
      What I don’t get is how could Teresa NOT know about those auction photos?
      Actually, there are little bits & pieces of rumors all over the www-one recurring theme is that T & J have seperated and that Joe has a blond GF named, “Tara”, who is known as “Paris Hilton Jr.”, who he has introduced to workers at his construction sites.
      In New Jersey, you are not allowed to complete bankrupcy unless you complete a class in understanding and managing your credit, so is Teresa saying that someone forged her signature, or impersonated her?

      • OH-and just so I won’t be accused of no linky u stinky, http://homesoftherich.net/2009/06/inside-teresa-giudices-new-jersey-mansion.html#comment-24433 is where I found some of more those tidbits scattered about the alleged GF.

      • dumberries says:

        Thanks Housewife Hater!
        I’m sure Teresa saw the auction photos, she’s just saying there won’t be an auction (at least that’s what Jac communicated to RealCityHousewife). So, she’s in denial, she knows something we don’t, or she’s lying. Regarding Joe’s mistress, I don’t put much stalk in those rumors. I mean we’ve heard Mario has a waitress girlfriend, Jason is gay, Simon is gay… none of it substantiated. Yet, we never heard a word about LuAnn dating during her marriage, and that was true!

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      I don’t buy that she was unaware either.
      Prior to filing, they have been served subpoenas, had collection agencies call and mail them. It reeks of bullshit.

      • tuzentswurth says:

        Do these women really want to look that stupid? Lynn Curtan and TG in particular….I just run around buying dumb shit I don’t need and don’t have a clue if I can afford it. What are they? 3 years old?

        • dumberries says:

          I agree! I would feel like more of dolt for knowing nothing about my family’s finances than choosing to disregard my financial limits. These two are either morons or greedy and irresponsible. I guess “moron” is a more believable defense for both of them – lol.

          • Rabble Rouser says:

            The whole thing with Lynn that made me so angry was how AFTER it all came out-and they were served eviction notices on FILM (she ain’t ever going to convince me she was unaware before tho) she blew 2K on a leather jacket when she went on the girls weekend. Really?

    • Jules says:

      Last year I thought it was really odd that Teresa paid for all that funiture with cash, but my guess now is that she had to. She had probably spent so much on her credit cards that they were frozen, and she knew it. So she goes to Joe, and he gives her cash taken from his business. Yeah, screw the partner, and give Teresa whatever she wants, because otherwise you might not get that blow job tonight. So when she said that she knew there was a recession, so she was paying cash, that part she left off was she was using someone elses cash.

  51. Ann Smith says:

    Jill definitely has had work done..nose job if I were to guess. It wasn’t drastic and was a tad shortened with the slight hump taken out. It is in much better proportion to her face and has made her far more attractive outside..but changes nothing inside.

    • tuzentswurth says:

      The doc tried to implant a soul but the operation was unsuccessful.

      • dumberries says:

        You just sparked a light bulb above my head. Earlier there was a tweet pic posted of Zarin with Caroline, Ally and Lauren. She was barefoot (again). I wondered why Zarin always takes her shoes off at inappropriate events. Now I think when she asked for the “soul implant” the doctor thought she meant “sole implant” and added an extra layer to the bottom of her hooves. No wonder she can’t keep her shoes on!

  52. Maxine49 says:

    Hi, Lynn…loving all the blogs, as usual. Does anyone recall that when Luanne was giving the teens etiquette lessons at the luncheon out in the Hamptons—Luanne WAS TALKING WITH HER MOUTH FULL OF FOOD!!!!! I could not believe my eyes. And I’ve seen her do that another time as well. So much for class. I think that was the first thing I learned as a child. My father was such a stickler for proper manners—especially at the dinner table. I had a middle class upbringing on the North Shore of Long Island. I guess Luanne didn’t learn her manners growing up in little ol’ Berlin, Connecticut—Fairfield County it is not!

    • Quincy IL says:

      My grandmother and great grandmother would set the table for we grandchildren at lunch so they could teach us.

      I think that Luann embarrassed the young lady who asked if she should cut everything right off the bat or do it over time.

      I think it’s worse to hurt someone’s feelings like that girl or the limo driver than it is to not have all manners in place.

      • ShyAsrai says:

        That “etiquette” lesson was a disaster. Compared to the way I was taught table manners, Luann ate like a savage.

        ex: With mouth full of food, Luann tells them not to talk with a mouth full of food.

        ex: People with real class DO NOT correct or mock others. It just isn’t done. A breach of etiquette is not acknowledged, rather, the mark of true ‘ class’ is that he/she can be gracious at all times, no matter the circumstances, and never lose their composure.
        (Notice the way Queen Elizabeth behaves when speaking with the hoi-polloi. There is never the slightest indication that anyone from a prince to the local char-woman is anything but a highly regarded invited guest.)

        True class doesn’t require claims to have ‘class’.

        • WindyCityWondering says:

          Amen! You nailed it….that is what has always bothered me about LuAnn – she confuses class with manners! She is a poor teacher of the later and lacks the former.

          • ShyAsrai says:

            too true.

            money CAN’T buy you class; but it can buy you lessons in manners.

            unfortunately, Luann has none of the former and didn’t pay attention to the latter. meh.

            • Quincy IL says:

              I’ve known some uneducated people who radiated a warmth from their soul. You don’t notice their knowledge of manners when they are smiling.

              You can not be unkind and have class or good manners.

  53. emt2 says:

    This is what I found about Bethenny and her baby nurse:

    CBS: Do you have a nanny?

    BF: “No not a nanny, we have a baby nurse. She’s here the whole entire time which is really great because I had never really changed a diaper, I had never really held a baby, so it’s been a real learning curve. Jason and I change her and feed her and bathe her. But it’s nice to have a baby nurse to tell you that you ‘have’ to get the burp out every time, or that you don’t put alcohol on the bellybutton thing. It’s comforting to have someone explain to you what’s going on.”

    So, a baby nurse lives with them and teaches them how to take care of the baby? And a babysitter just comes for a few hours to babysit the kids while the parents are alone?

    I don’t buy this Polly-Anna shtick of Bethenny’s never holding a baby and not knowing how to change a diaper. That is just exaggeration for effect.

    • Tootsie says:

      emt2, not necessarily a fib. B had no sibblings and was out and about trying to get a career started. She did not live close to her good friends so she could have easily not held a baby or baby sat for anyone. Until I had my first child I had not held a baby, changed a diaper or fed a wee one. Why? Because I was out and about and having too much fun. Had my first at 25.

      • emt2 says:

        I thought that Bethenny loved kids and loved to be around children. And Jason 1.0 had children and I’m sure they spent time with other families, that included babies that B held.

        I get what she is trying to say but she is exaggerating for effect. Just like when she said she was “fighting for her life” and was “broke” while meanwhile she was living on the Upper East of New York in a doorman building. Homeless people fight for their lives and are broke. Not women who live in nice buildings and wear Cartier watches.

        She just exaggerates things because that’s her personality. No biggie.

        But the whole “I’ve hardly held a baby” and “you don’t put alcohol on the belly-button thing” (aka the Pacifier) is kind of cutesy and Polly-Anna-ish and a bit annoying/not really true.

        • Quincy IL says:

          I think Bethenny uses hyperbole and is aware of her use of language. When explaining to Luann the reason that she used “Drage queen,” Bethenny mentioned alliteration. She’s a word smith.

          I would love to know what Bethenny’s IQ is. I bet she’s in the 150’s. You don’t get a great education at the betting area of the horse races or in the roller rink. She didn’t finish college because she wanted to start her life.

          Bethenny’s father was a genius with horses. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

          • emt2 says:

            Thank you! I’ve been trying to figure out the word I wanted to use. Hyperbole. Yes, and she is aware that she uses it.

            I think that she is really smart. I thought that she did finish college at NYU, not that going to college means that you are smart. Even Teresa went to college. lol

            • Quincy IL says:

              She said on the BGM show that she didn’t finish college because she wanted to start her life. I think it was said while she was crying after the windsurfing class. Remember, she was upset that she left everything to the last moment of her life… There was a string of nonsequitors at that time. People who are truly upset do that. I may be wrong, but that’s when I think she said it.

        • tuzentswurth says:

          @emt2…….the belly-button thing would be the umbilical cord, I don’t think she meant the pacifier.
          Some girls and young women have no interest in babies till they have one of their own, and they really know little about newborn infant care. I am an RN and was very surprised at how little some new mothers know. A little help from someone with experience works wonders till the new parents get a bit more confidence.
          That also is in line with whole ‘breast-feeding is hard” statement. It can be difficult with a first baby!

          • emt2 says:

            I’m sure that it is difficult to have a new baby, especially a premie. I never said it wasn’t and didn’t mean to suggest so. I was up with my sister-in-law 24/7 when my niece was born and it’s so hard. She gave up breast feeding pretty quickly because she said it was too much for her and I supported her decision because that was right for her. And my sister-in-law had myself, my mother and her mother helping out!

            Having a baby nurse or a person to show you the ropes/help out is wonderful. I’m planning on having my mother help me with my children because that is what we do in our family. But if she couldn’t do it and I could afford to have a baby nurse, I would have one in a heartbeat.

    • vilzvet says:

      Well, think about it. She had no siblings, and she was an admitted partier in her teens and most likely never babysat. No cousins that she hung around with. It’s definitely possible she was never around babies. I actually babysat ALOT in my teens but it was always for older kids, 3+. And I never changed my little sis’s diaper, we’re only 2 years apart. So she’s definitely a baby virgin if that’s what she says! This crash course must be an eye opener, lol.

      • emt2 says:

        But she has girlfriends with babies, no? And Bethenny partied like 20 years ago. When she visited her best friend in Miami, weren’t they talking about her children? I’m sure that Bethenny has held a baby at a christening, birthday party, etc. Even once. She admitted in her first interview season 1 that she really wanted a baby. Most people who want babies find a way to hold one at one point in their lives, right?

        My fiance had never really been around babies and didn’t have cousins because of the way he grew up but as a an adult he has held a baby before. Even if it was our professor’s newborn or my brother’s daughter.

        It’s also kind of like the whole “I don’t know how to plan a wedding.” I know that she was just too busy to plan it but she has been married before and she has had a wedding before, complete with a big poufy white dress.

        I just think that it’s more interesting to say that she is experiencing everything for the first time when that’s not really true. She’s in her late 30s, she’s not a teenager.

      • emt2 says:

        Wasn’t Bethenny an au pair when she lived in LA during her 20s and trying to be an actress?

        She babysat for Nicky and Paris Hilton and a couple of other celebrities.

        She has definitely babysat before and held babies.


        • icantstandthetoxicity says:

          I don’t think they were babies when she was their nanny. Before I had my first child, I babysat for little kids but I didn’t have ANY experience with babies. I never held a baby, changed a diaper, or fed a baby before I had my daughter.

          • kats2 says:

            Yes this is the big difference, grown children vs. new born babies. Plus a premie to boot.

          • emt2 says:

            Someone earlier said that B had never babysat before when in fact she was a professional. And I am sure that she has held one baby before. The Hiltons have a pretty large brood of kids ranging in age and they have a lot of cousins/playmmates (including Nicole Ritchie and her much younger siblings that Bethenny has admitted to spending time with while in LA)

            I don’t mean to belabor the point that B over exaggerates some her experinces/inexperiences for effect. She might not know 100 percent how to take care of a baby but I know that she has held a baby before and she knows the name for a pacifier.

            And the whole deer in headlights in the face of a wedding, marriage, baby rings untrue because she of her past marriage, wedding and job as an au pair.

            I still like the show because it’s entertaining but I don’t feel like it is as “authentic” as I once did.

    • HD says:

      I believe she probably has not done these things because of how she was raised but what I find funny is most mothers in this world don’t have baby nurses, they just figure it out. They are educated people, you can figure out how to put on a diaper (they do have directions on the package). I don’t buy the I am hopelessly lost with what to do with baby because in this day and age you can find out anything. Part of being a new parent is the learning part.

      • Having gotten pregnant at 19, I agree with you. I had NO experience with babies……the nurses in the hospital gave me a crash course, trial and error taught me the rest. I would have loved to have been able to afford the luxury of a baby nurse.

        • kats2 says:

          You must look back and wonder how you did it. Good for you!!!

        • tuzentswurth says:

          For the average person, the hospital nurses teach a basic set of skills to new mothers. This is part of the basic care plan and there are goals that need to be met, demonstrations and return demos. Sometimes there can be follow-up home care visits when necessary from professionals. This depends on the health care a person has and state and local assistance programs that are available.

      • Quincy IL says:

        I had forgotten how to do diapers and the new kind are wonderful. For new borns there was a line that changed color if the baby was wet. Wow… I was so disappointed the next visit when the large diaper didn’t have that magic line.

      • kats2 says:

        True but I think most new Mom’s have at least the Grandma’s help out at the beginning. Plus bringing home a premature baby is scary when it’s the first one just adds to all the fears.

      • I don’t see why it’s so hard for people to believe that Bethanny never held a baby.
        I used to babysit as a teenager (for children not babies) and I have a few girlfriends who have children but I’ve never held a baby. Maybe at some point in my life I held one for a minute or two, but I don’t think holding a friends child for a minute while they go grab something really counts as having experience holding babies.
        Also, most women have their mothers in their lives. Like B, my mother is also not in my life. I would love to have a mom there to teach me and help me when I have my first child, but unfortunately that isn’t going to happen. If we decide to live near my husbands mother, she will be there. If we don’t, I will have a baby nurse. Every single one of my girlfriends had their mothers or grandmothers or cousins or sisters there to help when their babies were born. To teach them things, to give them a break when they needed to sleep, to help with housework. Don’t u guys feel bad that she has to pay a stranger to do what most peoples mothers/family members do?

        • kats2 says:

          Yes I do. Thank goodness for Jason’s Parents, but in that situation there is nothing like having your own Mommy there with you.

          I can’t wait to see how they are with Bryn as she gets older and the real fun begins.

          • Kokuanani says:

            I can’t wait to see how they are with Bryn as she gets older and the real fun begins.

            Like when she’s 14.

            Look out.

    • Scorpiosue1102 says:

      You can love babies and want babies yet not know a thing on how to care for them. She even could have held them, but unless you actually babysit or spend lots of time with friends kids it is very possible to not know a thing about babies.

      Like others have said, Bethenny has been on her own since she was 15 yrs. old and from what we’ve heard about her parents there wasn’t much nurturing. For me, it is understandable that neither Bethenny nor Jason know much if anything about babies. We put the onus on Bethenny and we cannot understand why she doesn’t know about babies then we have to question Jason just as hard. Sex should not predetermine who knows about babies. My sister-in-law had post-partum and my step brother was the nurturing parent for the first 3 months of his life. If he could breast feed he would have :).

      As to Bethenny claiming she was broke. I believe her. Was she broke when RHONY started filming? No. She says she was broke and she’s been pretty honest about what she’s lived through. She admitted on the reunion special that she did not want to film with Kelly. I admire that a lot more than Jill going back and forth until she admitted that she didn’t want to film with B.

      • emt2 says:

        But was she really fighting for life and broke while still living on the Upper East Side? No.

        Yes, she was struggling to make ends meet but that is very different from being homeless and living on the street and being broke. She didn’t have money like Jill or Ramona but she wasn’t begging on the street corner, either.

        She was broke only in comparison to her millionaire rich friends.

        B is honest but she is a TV personality, as well. TV personalities aren’t always going to always tell the truth exactly as it happens. And I don’t expect her to. I just think that the whole deer-in-headlights routine is kinda false. Everyone exaggerates on TV. It makes for better TV.

        She was married before. For awhile. She didn’t get married and divorce the same day. Her marriage to Jason isn’t her first and her wedding to Jason wasn’t her first. So why does she pretend not to know basic things about a wedding?

        And I do agree that she has a premie baby and that requires much more work and she and Jason definitely need help and it’s great they have a baby nurse. But, Brynn isn’t the first baby she has ever held. Sorry. I don’t buy that.

        And her behavior, imo, has nothing to do with Jill. I don’t even think of two together anymore. Jill is in her lane and B is in her own lane. So, I’m not comparing whether or not B is the same kind of liar as Jill is. Beth seems to have exaggerated some things for her storyline, to me. Jill just flat out lies to cover herself and make others feel bad.

        • kats2 says:

          I hear what you’re saying, but IMO I don’t think she is exaggerating. As much as we like B there people who don’t and would love to prove her wrong. I think Bethenny knows this and is very careful about what she says and these bold statements that she makes. YMMV

          • Zipit Zarin says:

            Thanx boston and others for giving links to internet acronyms. I bookmarked them and found out for myself what YMMV is. Way kewl 😀

            • kats2 says:


            • Wendy says:

              Ok, what does it mean? I can’t figure it out.

              • Need a Hobby says:

                Your mileage may vary.

                This phrase started to be used after car commercials making fuel efficiency claims (miles per gallon) had the disclaimer “your mileage may vary.”

                So YMMV in conversations became a way of saying your experience/view may not be the same as mine.

        • Need a Hobby says:

          “But, Brynn isn’t the first baby she has ever held.” Obviously not…since we saw her hold her friend’s baby on the show.

          But then did Bethenny ever actually claim that Bryn was the first baby she ever held? Or are you exaggerating for effect?

          • emt2 says:

            No, I’m not exaggerating for effect. She said “She’s here the whole entire time which is really great because I had never really changed a diaper, I had never really held a baby, so it’s been a real learning curve.”

            She is saying that she doesn’t know how to hold a baby, correct, because she has never held a baby before. The point of saying that is to show her complete and total ignorance on the subject of babies. That is the desired effect, right? That is what I got out of reading it. But, as you said, she has obviously held a baby before.

            My point is that some things are exaggerated to make it seem like Bethenny has no kind of experience when that isn’t true. Someone said earlier that she had never babysat before, when in fact she was a professional babysitter (whether the kids were older or not doesn’t negate the fact that she was a babysitter.) And B pretending like she didn’t know the name of a pacifer? Really, B? And the whole wedding/marriage thing is is so new even though she has been married before and had a wedding already.

            If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine but I don’t appreciate what I perceive to be your obnoxious and condescending tone.

            This is why it is difficult to say anything that may be construed as critical of B. If you don’t agree with me that is fine but I’m not exaggerating by saying that B’s storyline is about how she is supposedly experiencing all of these new things so late in life when in fact, that’s not really true. It’s true to the extent that every situation is different, relationship, the birth of her baby who was a premature, etc. but she is 39 and has had a lot of experiences and I don’t buy the wholly Polly Anna approach. I am still a B fan, and I can still call out BS when I see it.

            If you don’t agree, fine. Tell me why and try to a little less condescending me. If I’ve been condescending to you, I apologize but that wasn’t my intention. It is just so annoying that as soon as you say one “negative” thing about B, everyone jumps down your throat as if you are best friends with Jill.

            It’s not that serious. B is a TV personality, is she not?

            • sweet pea says:


              I think this was already adressed in a prior thread, but Bethanny never mentioned pacifiers. The “belly button thingy” was in reference to the little leftover button of the umbilical cord that is attached to a babies navel. When I had my twins, it was recommended to swab around the site with alcohol. This would cause the button to dry and drop off. Guess, according to her baby nurse, you aren’t to do this anymore. I am now an old fashioned Mom! The alcohol worked great for my babies.

            • Rabble Rouser says:

              I agree with you and chalk it all up to the nature of the beast- reality television.

              I don’t know if anyone here caught the last episode of The Hills but the last ‘scene’ was Brody saying goodbye to Kristine outside her house just as she was about to leave to go to Europe. The Hollywood sign hangs behind them as they say their tearful goodbyes, she gets inside the limo and it pulls away. Brody is left standing there looking heartbroken……

              And then the camera pulls away…

              It shows them on a production lot- with a back drop of the Hollywood sign being roll out from behind Brody. The limo is still there, just a few feet away.

              They told us their not so well hidden secrete. Just because something isn’t scripted, it doesn’t mean it’s not contrived.

              Kate Gosselin’s sister-in-law recently came out and spoke about somethings that went on behind the scenes. I don’t know if anyone remembers an OLD episode where they went door to door Christmas caroling, delivering cookies to all the people who helped them in the past; but it was all the idea of a PRODUCER. Not only that, but Kate HATED it and only agree-ed to go to a couple of houses (because she is an ingrate and a shrew- but I digress).

              But if you just watched the show, you would think that it was something that Jon and Kate thought of- as a real measure of gratitude but the reality is, it was all a lie.

              As it’s been mentioned, Bethany obviously has held a baby prior to Bryn’s arrival, although IMO when people say they have ‘never really held a baby’ I think they mean they have never really cared for and nurtured a baby. Those of us who are mothers know the difference of picking up and holding a child (even one that you love) to that of those moments when you pick up your own child and hold them close to you.

              I’m willing to give B the benefit of the doubt on this issue and believe she was actually alluding to ‘connecting’ to a baby not just merely holding one.

          • Wendy says:

            Thanks for the transalation Need. 🙂

        • Quincy IL says:

          It costs so much to live in Manhattan that I would think almost everyone had trouble making it.

          A friend of my daughter from Quincy was one of Neil Kavuoto’s producers for 8 years. He mentions her in his book. She came back here to work on our local tv and radio stations. She had a good income and shared an apartment with two other women, but couldn’t get ahead financially in NYC. Here, she is saving money on a fraction of that salary.

    • ShyAsrai says:

      to defend B: she actually said she never “really” changed, held etc… not that she never had.

      My first grandchild was born in January. My daughter, though she had babysat, held, changed and fed other peoples’ babies, was initially confident but turned out terrified. It didn’t help that her husband works double shifts and was basically unavailable (and equally fearful).

      She had an AWFUL time trying to breastfeed; I had difficulty nursing two out of my four children, so she had always felt aware that sometimes nursing a baby wasn’t an automatic feat. She wasn’t initially upset while she and the hospital nurses worked with her and Baby (who couldn’t seem to figure it out) – but weeks, many consults with a lactation specialist and various nipple-shields and creams later, my daughter was weeping in exhaustion and frustration right along with Poor Baby!

      She was in awful pain from a c-section; due to breastfeeding she was limited in her painkilling medication. (yeah, tell some man he only gets tylenol for a lil’ ol appendectomy and that he ALSO must immediately perform all care for an infant including providing nourishment from his own body!)

      She absolutely couldn’t sleep a wink; between the pain and being afraid to close her eyes for a moment lest she miss Baby’s cry or altered breathing.

      On top of everything else, she had a very large pus/blood pocket that had to be drained from the incision.

      After having been casually confident, she began to spiral into depression and despair with Baby just not ‘getting’ the breastfeeding. I believe the cause of her nervous exhaustion was the difficulties of her breastfeeding experience which shocked her to the core (besides preventing her from getting any rest or pain relief, and fear that Baby wasn’t getting proper nourishment.)

      Yes, breast milk and nursing may be optimal for Baby, but ye gods, so is a healthy, sane mother optimal for Baby. I heartily wished my daughter would give up. OHHH my tongue is still in shreds from me biting it and promise soothingly that all would soon be well!

      Though she had an available mother, I could nothing to help her rest properly since she had to nurse every 2 or 3 hours. Finally, against the strict orders of the breastfeeding nazislactation consultants, I had my daughter pump so that my son-in-law and I could feed Baby during the night.

      After a few nights of sleep, confident Baby would be fed, my daughter quickly regained her strength and sanity. Baby also fared better, able to be fully nourished without a one or two-hour ordeal draining her tiny store of energy and instead to sleep and grow strong. Nearly three months before the breastfeeding succeeded.

      So many new mothers do not have anyone besides perhaps an equally clueless new father.

      Some new mothers never turn a hair; others find they are frightened or have real difficulties.

      I absolutely will not diminish B’s need for, and ability to have, a baby nurse. And i really, really wanted to rip Joy Behar’s breasts from her chest.

      And to any mother who feels better using formula and a bottle? I say GO YOU! Do what works best and to hell with anything else.

      • Tootsie says:

        Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have said it all. Some of these lactation mothers are truly Nazi like, including Joy Behar. My children took bottles since I was didn’t want to nurse. I had three children in 30 months, all in diapers at the same time, and I just could not do the breast feeding thing. By the time number 4 came along I was too exhausted to even think of nursing. All four children (43, 47, 48 and 50) are fine and have not suffered from my choices. I’ll hold Joy down while you rip off her breasts.

        • Quincy IL says:

          My mother has some younger children that age now also. That was the time when women thought the bottle was modern. There were years when formula was said to be better than mother’s milk on tv advertisements. If you think back, I bet you remember those ads.

      • BamaBelle says:

        I totally agree, Shy…

        It’s better for a mother to bottle fed if breast-feeding isn’t possible for the sake of baby and mother. I bottle fed all of my children and they were completely HEALTHY and HAPPY. I didn’t let anyone pressure me, or make me feel bad about NOT breast-feeding. I think it’s each mother’s right to decide what’s best for them and their baby.

        I can understand why Bethenny needs/wants a baby nurse. My mother had one (my grandmother), and I had one (my mother) and my kids had one (ME).

        My grandmother taught my mother how to bathe and care for me (I’m the oldest), and I taught my daughter’s and daughter-in-law how to bathe and take care of their babys… each one of my children have one child each. And, when the time comes, they will teach their children what to do…

        Bethenny doesn’t have a mother she’s close to or can depend on. I’m sure Jason’s mother will be alot of help, I hope Bethenny lets Carol help out some-like baby sitting when the time comes. It’s sad Bethenny hasn’t had a close relationship to her mother and how lucky is she to have Jason and his parents!

        • Quincy IL says:

          My sister in law and cousin in law came to America from Iran with babies and neither one could change a diaper or give a bath. They had servants. The cousin in laws baby came in a diaper so dirty the baby had a rash. When I changed him, we immediate went to Walgreens for medicine. My sister in law’s baby was changed by her husband on the trip, but I taught her how to give a bath in my home. Both of these women had college degrees and are intelligent. Changing and washing a baby is below their station in life.

          My friend, a nurse, did not know how to wash dishes when she came to America. Her American sister in law taught her the basics of running a home.

          I’m sure it’s the same with educated women in India. At least, that is what I have heard from Indian Doctors’ wives here.

          • ShyAsrai says:

            even if ‘mothering skills’ have not yet been learned, how is it that the general knowledge of ‘clean’ doesn’t kick in? that really puzzles me.

            i just don’t get that disconnect – it’s not rocket science that dirt is washed or wiped – be it from feet or a dish or a baby’s butt.

            or that if a servant isn’t around, one’s child will just have to be left dirty or unfed?

            is there NO initiative? no powers of observation?

            when does necessity jump-start the process of developing solutions?

            • Tootsie says:

              Damned if I know. I got everything from watching my mother. Children hear everything and see everything. We are always being observed.

            • ShyAsrai says:

              just a few thoughts:

              *it’s not for NO reason that ‘wet nurses’ have been around since man walked upright.

              *i remember when there was a scare that breastmilk was contaminated with modern environmental poisons.

              *i remember when the new ice-age was predicted and people started stockpiling food and heating oil against the coming famine.

              *in my opinion, ‘natural’ doesn’t automatically mean better. cancer happens ‘naturally’; maternal death from childbirth happens ‘naturally’; poisonous plants grow ‘naturally’; deadly germs occur ‘naturally’; floods, eruptions, earthquakes and stampedes occur ‘naturally’.

              *maybe burning fossil fuels for heat is bad; but we either do that collectively and efficiently through power plants, or billions of individuals go out and cut down the remaining forests of wood ourselves. pick one.

            • Quincy IL says:

              I have no idea what was passing through their minds. They tried to turn the babies over to me and would go to visit other relatives leaving the babies with me for weeks sometimes. I remember the cousin in law not calling to see how her child was doing for weeks.

              I know that my husband was raised from the time he was tiny by a adult male servant who slept on a carpet in a closet like room next to my husband’s nursery. The man had a family, but he was with my husband day and night. I know it seems odd to us, but many of his friends say this was their experience too. They lived in Birjand, Iran, miles from the borders with Afghanistan and Pakistan. Sometimes, I wonder if their way of raising children has caused some of the problems that we have in the world.

      • emt2 says:

        I think it’s great that she can afford to have someone help her and I agree that breastfeeding is hard and Joy Behar was being a major hater. I don’t think anyone was saying that B shouldn’t have a baby nurse. I just didn’t know what a baby nurse was and someone explained it to me.

        • boston02127 says:

          I think a baby nurse is a good thing. I’ll probably need one. I’ve never taken care of a baby.

        • Capiche says:

          emt2, I hope by now you’re realizing you won’t win this argument. I have had cousins with babies and seen babies all my life, but I’m not sure that I know how to hold a baby correctly. The more I think of it, I’m not sure I even held a newborn. So, while I understand your point of exaggeration, in this case I think Bethenny is being honest. And when it comes to your own baby, you want someone there really telling you what to do. Those babies are tiny!

      • luloobelle says:

        as a mother who nursed for 12 years(4 children), i want to comment on the lovely post you wrote. 🙂 thank you.

        • ShyAsrai says:

          are you replying to my story? i’m not sure if i’ve upset you or articulated some issues you’ve had.

          please know that while rigid “must do it only this way no matter what” pronouncements are what make me crazy furious, i have absolutely nothing against breastfeeding a child and completely breastfeeding mothers. the neighborhood biddies giving my daughter the evil eye when she nurses our darling Baby in public can attest to my martial glares at their sniffing disapproval!

          my point is that a mother should not be made to feel inadequate when she finds motherhood a less-than-spectacular-romp-in-the-park. ESPECIALLY when what works for her and her baby goes against popular trends.

          i send out love and kudos to ALL mothers who do their very best for their kids, especially those without extremely supportive family and friends.

      • tuzentswurth says:

        Shy, thanks for sharing this experience in such a realistic way. Sometimes, this new parent experience is overwhelming. Saying you’ve never really held a baby, I think, means you have never been exclusively responsible for a newborn infant for any length of time. Bringing home a tiny preemie that you are responsible for is daunting for new parents inexperienced with child care. Having a friend’s infant laid in your arms for 10 minutes really does mean you’ve never “really” held an infant; i.e. been responsible to quiet and comfort the baby in the long term.
        This seems to be a case of YMMV, what B said and how it was taken literally. The understanding of what she said is off. THE BELLY BUTTON THING IS NOT AKA A PACIFIER. It is the UMBILICAL CORD that you don’t put alcohol on. Some things she said were just not understood.
        I’m going to have to believe, at face value, that she felt scared, inadequate and daunted with this new responsibility. She is also dealing with that cascade of changing hormones after giving birth. She is prone to panicking you may have noticed.

        Again to you Shy, I understand how your daughter felt and I hope it wasn’t long till she got her feet back under herself and commenced enjoying her new bundle of joy. Thankfully, she had a supportive mother to help…..isn’t it wrenching to see your child struggle so? Bless your family.

  54. kats2 says:

    Where are the pics of Jill where everyone is saying it looks like she had work done?
    I looked at everything linked here I see the same old, same old. What am I missing?

    Oh – something is bugging me but it’s kind of funny (at least I think so). Each time I make a comment and submit it here the page does this refresh/reload thing and there is a flash to Kelly’s ugly mug giving me a wink and then it goes to that horrid picture of Jill in the banner (that look on her face that each time I see it I can hear that obnoxious throat, coughing up a hair ball sound she makes). It’s like I’m getting instant feedback from them with each comment I submit and quite frankly I feel like they’re dissing me.

    (time to submit this comment so here we go again)

    • dumberries says:

      Could be that she’s had no work done. Instead, she has less need to lie lately, so her nose has stopped growing and has returned to normal size. She is thinner because she’s using her innovative “throw water on the food” technique for portion control. If you buy her book, these nifty beauty “secrets” and many more life-changing tidbits will be at your fingertips! Each purchase comes with a free Zarin Fabrics fridge magnet and “Team Jill” t-shirt.

  55. DesertGal says:

    Where did Bethenny say that she had never held a baby or never changed a diaper? She said she had hardly held a baby, hardly changed a diaper. That isn’t the same thing. I think she was simply trying to say that, while she may have done both those things in the past, she wasn’t experienced in baby care, especially with a newborn.

    • error404 says:

      Bless you for trying.

      I just found the whole discussion ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz wait, what? 6 pages later and we’re still debating if Bethenny held a bald baby on a Tuesday in the rain back in 1979, or if she’s in reality a Russian spy using her Bryn as a cover so she can steal state secrets.

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  57. kats2 says:

    Unless there is a gun pointing at this man according to Kelly’s tweet she has a man friend that she swims with. Do you think he’s on the payroll?

    • kats2 says:

      Oops here is the link

      http://twitpic.com/28oo5c – Best Swimming Friend

    • error404 says:

      ugh… this is so typical of one of Kik’s teenage antics… he’s a friend who likes to swim too, I’m sure of it, but Kiki does this… she says something suggestive and then when people ask the pointed question, like is he your bf, she’ll act all shocked like “No! How could you even think that?!” she really is one of the most annoying people ever to visit this planet.

      • boston02127 says:

        error–I hate her.

        • tuzentswurth says:

          Maybe she is just randomly jumping into people when she sees they are about to have a pic taken, then she quickly uploads the pic to her twitter and makes up a caption? She really looks like she just slammed into that guy.

        • Ellabean says:

          Kelly absolutely pushes my buttons more than any other housewife.

      • anitabee says:

        Chances are that this poor guy was sitting on the beach when Cray-Cray Kelly just plopped down next to him and said, “Ummm…like..you wanna…like…be my…like boyfriend?”

        It looks like he is saying “EWWWWW” as he trys to get away from her.

  58. What did Teressa say about Bethanny ?

    • Quincy IL says:

      Teresa had comments on her blog at Bravo at NYC site. She also commented that women should not think that Bethenny was normal when Bethenny showed up in a size 4 swimming suit just 3 weeks after the delivery.

      To be fair, Bethenny used her own whit when guest blogging last year at the NJ site and Teresa felt stung by the criticism.

      The problem with reality shows is the producers want those cleaver and cutting remarks because it makes great theater. Those on the receiving end harbor animosity and they release that anger in the second and third seasons.

    • Need a Hobby says:

      Teresa was obviously pro Jill and anti Bethenny when she blogged on Bravo about RHONY Season 3. (Also took some gratuitous ugly shots at Sonja…calling her an old whore or something to that effect as I recall.)

      On Twitter after Bryn was born, Teresa jumped on the “isn’t B horrible and unnatural for losing the baby weight so fast” and said some unpleasant things. Also accused B of dissing Dina and her charity. To which Dina replied basically, what are you talking about? I have no problem with B.

      B had blogged Season 1 of the NJHW show on E online and didn’t pull any punches when it came to Teresa. Teresa obviously still holds that against her because when some fans objected to T’s tweets about B, T posted excerpts of B’s old blog on Twitter to show what a horrible person B is.

      In the end, Teresa wound up deleting most of her tweets about Bethenny.

  59. kats2 says:

    This is another example of NJ HW showing no class and just asking for trouble. The Danielle obsession continues. And Caroline you big bitch, it’s not Danielle pulling the kids into this it’s the parents letting the kids like Ashely and now Lexi is getting involved. Another Ashely in the making.

    Lexi is now on twitter and of course is taking shots at Danielle and even gave a jab to Danielle’s daughter Christine. You dont’ see Danielle’s kids on twitter, say what you will about Danielle she seems to have more control over her kids and knows better to keep them out of this.

    • error404 says:

      What’s so sad about the whole thing, is that I actually think it’s about nothing. Danielle is an attention whore who makes sure all eyes are on her, and seriously, I actually think this whole thing is just about the sisters being mad that all eyes in Franklin Lakes aren’t on them. End of. One only has to spend 5 TV minutes with “Saint Dina” to know she’s an attention whore who thinks the world should revolve around her. Why is evil Danielle stealing Dina’s limelight and taking over Dina’s show?!?! Dina’s followers, sorry, I mean family will make sure evil nasty Danielle pays for it!

    • dumberries says:

      Wow, Lexi has changed – looks a lot like her mom.

      At the top right it says that “this isn’t really Lexi, it’s her fans… (para)” I take that to mean she didn’t establish the page, but they are indeed Lexi’s tweets and messages that her fans have posted on this page so they are more accessible. Right? If these are legitimately Lexi’s communications, I agree with you Kats – this looks worse for the Manzo/Laurita gang. Why is Lexi involved? Why has she not been parentally advised (commanded) not to get involved? Good thing she was prevented from actually being on the show…

  60. Fabulous Earth says:

    THIS IS NOT LEXI’S TWITTER PAGE: http://twitter.com/leximanzo

    If you read the Bio section, it says that it is not the real Lexi but a fan page for folks who like her and the housewives.

    Let’s kind of read things just a lil’ more closely before we start jumping to conclusions.

    • Fabulous Earth says:

      It reads: #Bio THIS IS NOT REALLY LEXI MANZO. this is a fan page for people who love lexi and the manzos : ) Lexi is Dina’s daughter for the housewives of New Jersey!”

      *smdh* When are people going to realize that things like this does more harm than good? Or maybe that was the point? Disgusting, smh.

      • Quincy IL says:

        Dina is not going to be happy that someone (fans or not) is using her daughter’s name at that twitter site. She took her daughter and herself out of that show for a reason.

        • Fabulous Earth says:


        • kats2 says:

          It’s actually scary that someone is acting or pretending to be someone in the family and tweeting like it’s Lexi. REGARDLESS OF THE BIG DISCLAIMER. And I was not looking for Lexi one of the HW’s were tweeting stuff back to her so I made the assumption it was her.

        • twoile says:

          Lexi’s last name is not Manzo.

    • kats2 says:

      So it’s a stranger tweeting things to Dina as her daughter and the whole family? Seems like a stalker, I hope it’s not Lexi.

      . @dinamanzo hey mom! ahahah ;] lmao love you! ❤

      "Let’s kind of read things just a lil’ more closely before we start jumping to conclusions."

      thanks for the advice

      • Quincy IL says:

        There are some scary people out there. Stalkers on the net. Stalkers in real life. They really don’t get paid enough for these threats.

    • dumberries says:

      Fab, you’ve been doing a whole lot of chastising today.

      The question was asked up-thread if these are indeed Lexi’s tweets simply posted on a page set up by her fans. If not, so be it – it’s been addressed and qualified in reply to the original post, per blog protocol.

      • Fabulous Earth says:

        Sorry dumberries. I apologize for sounding so bitchy today. I’m pms’ing like a biyatch but still that’s no excuse. Love you all even when we agree to disagree. :bighugs:

      • kats2 says:

        Thanks Dumberries! I felt bad I missed that bio note, but it was not intentional at all. Someday I hope to be perfect. Dare to Dream 🙂

        • Fabulous Earth says:

          lol! Oh stop it already! I’m just in a funky mood today that’s all. I apologize for coming off like that. Seriously.

          • kats2 says:

            You smacked me how could I resist? At least I didn’t pull your hair 🙂 No harm no foul let’s move on.

            • Fabulous Earth says:

              lmao! you all make me feel a lil’ better 🙂 thanks

              • vilzvet says:

                Lexi “Manzo”? Geez, I’m sure her father would be so thrilled to see that, all the non-bio kids want to be Manzos??

              • error404 says:

                LOL vilzvet!

                like Ally “Zarin”, maybe she tweets under Manzo “so we know who she is and don’t get confused”

  61. boston02127 says:

    Jill’s tweets: @allyzarin helped set the table. What a view. Hungry after jet skiing on mecox bay all day with friends. How was (cont) http://tl.gd/2o956s

    Jill jet skiing? Bwhahaha

    • kats2 says:

      I’d like to see a picture of that. Did you also see her tweet about all her fabu friends she was hanging with? If she wants me to believe she is not missing Bethenny, I’m not buying it.

      • boston02127 says:

        It would be a pic of her in a moo moo that she wears in EVERY bathing suit picture that is taken of her.

        • kats2 says:

          I have a feeling Jill and the moo moo would be under water. If they can jet ski, I’m impressed. But I thought this was the family that didn’t know how to bowl or ride a bike.

  62. BamaBelle says:

    I just watched the re-run of Monday’s NJ, and Caroline said to the camera… Quote “I wasn’t there when Ashley was growing up, but-she calls me Aunt Caroline” end quote.

    Okay, I thought Jacqueline married Chris when Ashley was “5 years old”, is that right? If so, then Caroline was THERE when Ashley was growing up. Having Ashley as a family member from the age of 5-19 is watching her grow up! What am I missing here?

    Last year Caroline chewed Jacqueline out for getting Ashley a car after she snuck out to the Shore, and failed her senior year having to attend Summer School. Caroline said, and I quote again… “Iron-Hand, Jacqueline… Iron-Hand” end quote! Now, Caroline is acting like Ashley is a good kid and it’s Danielle who’s out to get her.

    I don’t know what Danielle had to do with all the problems Jacqueline had with Ashley over her grades and attitude in season ~1? Ashley called her mother a bitch, too… I’m sick of this whole freaking clan who thinks it’s everybody else’s fault for their failures.

    Albie’s using his disability as a reason for NOT studying hard enough, and bullied his way to apply at another school instead of waiting 2 years like everybody else has to shows me he thinks he’s entitled. If this has been his dream for so long, and he managed the great opportunity to attend Seton Hall-why didn’t he do a better job of studying-why?

    Ashley is blaming Danielle for her being arrested even though she wasn’t even handcuffed and taken to jail that night like any of us would of been? Nevermind that Ashley pulled a clump of hair out… I saw that episode again, too. Ashley admitted she pulled Danielle’s hair out-she said those words-I pulled her hair out of her head. Then in her blog, says Danielle pulled that hair out herself while in Kim G.’s car.

    The two Kim’s are like a freak show at the Fair… a two-headed snake! They got on the show via Danielle, then back-stabbed her right away. One lured Danielle to the fashion show, and the other lured her to have a conversation with Teresa like “go ahead Danielle, I have your back”!

    Caroline is an empty-nester with 3 GROWN adult children living at home. Oh, boo-hoo, they use to come eat breakfast with me and now they’re like “bye-mom”! But, when they all sit with her for breakfast giving Caroline (who lives for doing for her kids) their egg order, Caroline complains… Do I look like a diner?

    Teresa… Oh, Teresa! Nothing but a FRAUD, THUG & LIAR! Among her dirty deeds that we’ve already discussed, when taking us through JOE’S Pizzeria… she did say it was Joe’s-not his brother’s, but Joe’s. She acted like she was way too good to work there. Why? If I was in their financial shape-I would be happy to help out. She lied to us when she said she has no help. Her parents LIVE with them, and could take care of the kids for Teresa to help Joe with his business, right? She didn’t bring the baby to the Pizzeria with the other girls, her parents must have had her. She doesn’t want us to see her parents there because she wants the viewer’s to believe she does everything herself… LIAR!

    Whoever said that Teresa was justified in having that birthday party, no way. When you’re 11 million in debt, filing for bankruptcy protection, you don’t throw your kid an expensive birthday party and I don’t care if it was only 500.00 dollars… Teresa could have baked a cake-thrown some decorations up and invited kids for not much money. She has to live within her means and it’s WRONG for her to stiff people and keep spending on extravagant things-WRONG!

    • kats2 says:

      That comment Caroline made about Ashley was cold.
      and as far as Teresa I agree, they could have had a pizza party!

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      Jac and Chris had been dating off and on since Ash was 5- they also didn’t live in the same state. It wasn’t until Ash was 10 that they moved to NJ and Jac and Chris got married.

      So I agree with Caroline’s remark that she wasn’t there when Ash was growing up. At 10 years old, the foundation of what type of person a kid will grow up to be has typically been set.

  63. boston02127 says:

    Proof that Jill hasn’t and will never change.
    Her tweets: Who wants to see the inside of the new rolls ghost? 300k and up. @Carolinemanzo looks real good in it! http://twitpic.com/28cac7 Some more interior of new rolls ghost. http://twitpic.com/28c9z6

    She’s so impressed with a Rolls Royce. No doubt rented. She makes herself look like an idiot. Walk around New York on a Sunday morning Jill, there outside of every other church that’s having a wedding.

    • Fabulous Earth says:


    • DesertGal says:

      For 300k, I would buy a Lamborghini Gallardo that would kick her Rolls’ ass.

      C’mon, Jill. A Rolls? Seriously? Given the current state of the economy, and the efforts of many to pay attention to revitalizing the planet we live in, it absolutely fits that Jill would buy a pretentious, snobby, gas guzzling, only for show car in order to shove her wealth in everyone’s face.

      Tell us again how you’ve “changed”, Jill. Keep singing that line, baby. We all need a good laugh now and then.

      • boston02127 says:

        DesertGal–When ever I look at your cat pic it makes me smile.

      • kats2 says:

        Did she buy it? I thought she tweeted that she was just taking pics with it or something.

        • error404 says:

          she probably asked them to give it to her since she tweeted their name and is “advertising” RR

          • dumberries says:

            A tanning spray, cupcakes, Trump Skating Rink, a Rolls Royce – it’s all the same to Zarin. If she mentions it – it’s an advertiser’s wet dream, right?. She’ll get it comp’d just to get the nag off their backs..

      • Quincy IL says:

        I need a new a pick up for the farm. The 1989 GMC quarter ton pick up has rust on it’s sides and he’s not starting up like he used to. I can’t throw him away though. I love him.

        Jill and I feel the same way about vehicles.

  64. Tootsie says:


    • kats2 says:

      Mad Men but please watch and report back. She was asking for corporate sayings on twitter this evening, I wonder if it’s related.

    • boston02127 says:

      Thx Tootsie–I’m clicking back and forth between that and Design Star.

    • dumberries says:


  65. MickeyMouth says:

    OMG, I have been dying here. Big storms came through knocking out power and cable since 3:00 pm this afternoon. I had to fire up the generator about an hour ago. Of course after I did the power came back on. Should have fired that sucker up earlier 😉 100 comments since I’ve been gone. I better get to reading.

    • emt2 says:

      According to some there are about 6 pages worth of boring banter about Bethenny and hyperbole and baby nurses and whether it’s okay to say something critical about Bethenny. You should probably ignore that part if you want to stay in good with this crowd.

      Have fun and good night.

      • MickeyMouth says:

        I read it. I understand your point.
        As Scarlett O’Hara said … tomorrow is another day.
        Have a good night 🙂

      • tuzentswurth says:

        No anger intended emt2, I love your humor and posts. All the mom’s got defensive for B b/c it is so life-altering and overwhelming for a few weeks to months after that first child. Plus, your body is pummeled!

    • error404 says:


      we had our’s last night. power only went out for a minute though, TG

      • dumberries says:

        error, Boston clued me in on how to access the Fab Beekman Boys. I watched one today and loved it. I’ve got 3 more in queue for tomorrow night. Looking forward to following your blog. Finally, a believable couple in an interesting, completely new setting.

        • kats2 says:

          I watched the first episode and couldn’t get into it. Is it one of those shows where you have to give it time and more than the first episode? With all of you saying how much you like it maybe I’m missing something.

          • error404 says:

            I do like it better the more I watch it. Unlike the housewives, they grow on you.

          • dumberries says:

            I have couple friends like them. And, I’m a business person that gives it a 150 percent so I can afford my SF mortgage and can stay in this diverse cultural (and expensive) city. But, every single day I fantasize about living in Yosemite or being a cross-country truck driver. This show is an immediate natural joy for my small and weird demographic! But, I think with time, it could be enjoyable for a lot of people.

            • kats2 says:

              I will give it another shot. I too have the city life like you describe, but I really want a get away in the country. Need to keep working!!!

              • Quincy IL says:

                I have the country life and love watching the reality shows placed in cities. LOL.

        • sweet pea says:

          I have seen the first episode and a few clips. Love these guys. However, I can’t afford Comcast ($39.99 a month). Is there anywhere else to watch for free? I am a member of MegaVideo but don’t see the Beekman’s anywhere on their lists. Sorry to be lame but I’m laid off.

          • tuzentswurth says:

            Pay attention puhleez, just because you are laid off doesn’t mean you have to act responsibly…..just buy and charge everything you want, have ever wanted, or may want in the future. Move into a mega-million $ home. Then, declare bankruptcy and get a fresh start after hiding everything you want to keep. Simple, ain’t it??

  66. LoveBeth says:

    Bethenny did good on Geraldo and she gave lots of air time. The host, Judge Pirro was extremely nice to her. She looked great. I hope she gets that cooking show or host.

    • dumberries says:

      She did great! THANKS FOR THE HEADS-UP TOOTSIE!!!

      The host filling in for Geraldo was informed, friendly and unbiased. B’s panel purpose was to give input on how Chelsea Clinton can have an intimate wedding with paparazzi outside. Later, B was the only one being interviewed and she was given congratulations for having the highest rated debut for Bravo, being a successful entrepreneur, and a role model for women balancing family and career. She indicated that returning to RHNYC would be a step backwards. She said that bot RHNYC and BGM have been about her personal ife (though they’ve allowed her to brand her businesses). Her next goal is a food or talk show where the focus will be on business. Great exposure and props to Fox (never thought I’d say that!)

      Good night all…

  67. LoveBeth says:

    “got” not “gave”

  68. Jenni says:

    Wow, finally caught up! Y’all are so funny and great comments, just love it here.

    THANKS LYNN!!!!!

    Okay, another one of those weird thoughts that I just can’t get out of my head, so I am hoping for healing by sharing it here. Maybe y’all can help me get it out of my mind?

    Doesn’t it seem like the Jersey folks have an obsession with pigs? The ham game, Danielle the pig at the farm, the pig with the big privates, DIna at the baby pigs racing at the fair, Teresa the pig…

    (Oops, maybe that last one was us and not the Jersey HWs 😉 )

    • twoile says:

      The Soprano’s “business” office often pictured as patio seating outside was at a pig/hog/ham store. Do U think it has something to do with the State? Culture? Ethnicity?…..

  69. LoveBeth says:

    i wonder if people get paid to appear on talk shows or it just for publicity?

  70. cusi 77 says:

    Hello everybody!

    Somebody knows when Project Runway is going to start in Lifetime TV?

    By the way I pay better attention in RHONJ in that scene with TG in Poshe with the two Kims… She said “Believe me I am not stupid, I have four healthy daughters…”
    * Intellect equals reproduction system?
    * Does that mean her brain size can be compared with the size of her ovaries?
    I can not fin the correlation… perhaps Teresa can!

    • error404 says:

      PR starts this Thursday 7/29 at 9:00

      • cusi 77 says:

        Thank you! I read the article as well… sounds like the location is picturesque, what a nice place to live!

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      I wasn’t too sure what Teresa was getting at either.

      I almost suspected she was suggesting since her daughters have no obvious sign of intellectual impairment, that it must mean she does not have one. It could have come across as some sort of Darwinism philosophy but then I remember T is neither that deep or smart.

      • jakey's mimi says:

        Call me crazy but I think she means, ‘I’m not stupid; you see, I have two healthy (ie., living) children who I haven’t accidently injured or killed.’

        • viki55 says:

          What happened to the other 2 kids?;)

          • jakey's mimi says:

            Oops, I meant 4 healthy kids. LOL!

            • Rabble Rouser says:


              That’s pretty funny…I actually pictured T starting off by saying she has 4 health kids and by the time she finished the sentence she was down to 2. She probably had to use the other 2 as collateral for all the tabs she has run up at clothing boutiques across NJ .

  71. cusi 77 says:

    Design Star in HGTV is sooooooo disapointing this year! I do not see talent like in another seasons.

    • Quincy IL says:

      David Bronsted, first season winner, is on tv. Season two winner, Kim, was on, but I didn’t like her gradeschool project designs. Season three was on tv for two show and she was awful. Now season four and the judges and the challenges are so controlled that no one can shine. Very disappointing indeed.

    • Quincy IL says:

      I just watched the recording. I can’t believe that designers would make those horrible rooms. Even the winning room has molding that was awful. I wouldn’t make drapes out of drop cloth and I am not a NYC designer.

      I never liked the work of Vern and Genevieve. When they were on “Trading Rooms,” I would skip that episode. Vern is cookie cutter and Genevieve wasn’t a trained designer at the time she started at HGTV. She knew a guy and they set up shop together in NYC. He got a gig with “Trading Spaces” and she followed him onto the show. I have a interior designer friend and the reason Candide does so well is that she has an unlimited budget. Her rooms are usually incredible, but I’ve seen a couple that she would not put in my house. I would retire “Design Star.” It’s just not working anymore.

      • boston02127 says:

        @cusi & Quincy—I agree. Last night was a disaster. The “taxi room” with the taxi under the dome and the horrible window treatments and the awful bed! What a mess. It looked like a small child decorated.

        • Quincy IL says:

          I just can’t believe that the designers are out ther in the real world designing homes for real people.

    • Stop doing Group Challenges … !! More white rooms with a direction and see what each individual designer can do by themselves.

  72. cusi 77 says:


  73. viki55 says:

    Rats, just an ad:(

  74. MickeyMouth says:

    So I just read Andy’s tweet and Kim G. is going to be on WWHL tonight. This should be interesting.

    • WindyCityWondering says:

      At the very least, she doesn’t speak like the morons! Like her or not – she probably has some interesting dirt to spill. I was afraid it was going to be one of the kids….

      • Quincy IL says:

        Kim G doesn’t seem to understand that she comes off as the carrier of the jealosy plague. I thought she was in a fancy hotel in Italy twittering about her fancy friends’ fancy jet.

    • Capiche says:

      Maybe they’re adding her as the new housewife tonight?

    • MickeyMouth says:

      I wonder if she is on via skype since the have Bethenny and he also announced Rachel Dratch (SNL).

      Her Teresa comments alone should be more enjoyable than watching Jeff Lewis get a lap dance from Danielle.

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      Wasn’t she in Rome? Who only goes to Italy for a few days?

      Me thinks the lady doth protest too much-on twitter about Teresa. I’m again smelling manure.

  75. Quincy IL says:

    In honor of the twitters about the events that the Bravo Stars attended this weekend, I’d like to make believe twitter an event that I will attend this week as a member of Lynn’s posters. I will be at the Adams County Fair Grounds in the animal washing buiding makng sure the 4 H kids don’t use too much power in the power washer when hosing down their prize cows, pigs, goats and sheep. We don’t power wash rabbits, but I think a few could use it. Eat your heart out Jill Zarin.

    • Tootsie says:

      Quincy, bet you had more fun than Jillzey. You are with wonderful animals while she spent her weekend with stinky, lying zombies,

    • error404 says:

      you forgot to give your shout out to framer brown and old mcdonal, two “good friends” of yours

  76. Laura aka Just done says:

    A little OT but I have to say this: I have the best BF in the world. Not only did he take me on a shopping spree this weekend (at the outlets! LOL) but he drove all over central/north Jersey looking for Skinnygirl Margerita’s and wouldn’t stop until he found them. And low and behold, we found them! One case of Skinnygirl’s sitting in my house right now! I’m a happy camper! 🙂

    And…he still wants to go to Teresa’s auction. He signed up with the auction company to be on their mailing list. Oh I can’t wait!

    • Quincy IL says:

      This BF is a keeper. Treat him as well as he treated you and you will find happiness.

      • vilzvet says:

        Cool, let this board know if for any reason the auction is called off, which would happen supposedly if the bankruptcy is tossed(?).

  77. StreetHackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: (201)487-9390 Fax: (201)487-9393. Call fax let Trustee Sywilok know u won’t stand by quietly to be ripped off as an honest hard working tax payer by Juicy & Tacky. He can be influenced if you make it personal not just hear say from bloggers maybe just letting off steam. Me, I already called & left a message. (I suggested they live in one of the smaller homes) Turn your anger into action ! Or maybe you were just blowing off steam
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

  78. Trustee for Trashy & Juicy’s thieft of the good merchants & & Dr.s of NJ :



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